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Progress Test 1

NAME: Year/Field of study: (1) Fill the gaps with either DO or MAKE in correct form. [5 pts.] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



The campaign may have .. more harm than good. Hes hoping to .. a bit of skiing while hes visiting Bernard in Austria. That old table would a good place to put the television. He has an appointment to see the dentist on Thursday. The doctor told me I have to . exercise regularly. Vincent: English football fans arrived to Valencia last week. Marcus: Did they .. any damage? Everyone . a big effort to help yesterday. She .. an offer for my car that I accepted. Its not easy to .. business with people of different nationalities. If you had trained harder, you would have . excellent speech yesterday.

(2) In the following pair of sentences decide if one or both are acceptable. Write OK to correct sentences and put a cross (X) by those that are not correct. If both sentences are acceptable, briefly comment on the use, situation or the difference in meaning! [3 pts.] 1. a) He is an idiot. b) Hes being an idiot. 2. a) Ive been thinking about you for some time. b) I think about you all the time. 3. a) He is believing that aliens kidnapped his daughter. b) He believes that aliens kidnapped his daughter.

Progress Test 1

(3) For each of the following sentences write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence by using the word given. You must not alter this word in any way. [4 pts.] 1. I may go to work overseas. thinking .. 2. I cant possibly finish this work without your help. depending .. 3. The new receptionist certainly has plenty of confidence. lack . 4. My young niece was always tired because she was found to be without enough iron. lacking (4) Read the following article taken from The Slovak Spectator (2011, vol. 17, No. 34, p. 10) and think of the underlined verb phrases. Comment on the use of each verb phrase within the context given. Is it possible to supply other verb phrases instead of those used in the text? If so, comment on the difference in meaning. [8 pts.]
US Major General gets citizenship SLOVAKIA appreciates its cooperation with the USA in military matters as well as cooperation based on values such as freedom and democracy, said Bratislava Mayor Milan Ftnik when granting honorary citizenship to Major General R. Martin Umbarger, Commander of the US National Guard in Indiana on September 26, the TASR newswire reported. Umbarger and the National Guard in Indiana have been cooperating with the Slovak Armed Forces since 1994 as part of the United States Partnership Program. This coordination contributed significantly to Slovakias accession to NATO in 2004 and to the professionalization and modernization of its armed forces. Umbarger was part of this bilateral cooperation for over seven years. Umbarger, referred to by Ftnik as a man of great vision, big plans and persistence, said in his acceptance speech that he had received many awards throughout his career but that he values his honorary Bratislava citizenship the most. The major general is the first foreigner from outside the EU to receive this honorary citizenship from Bratislava.

Progress Test 1

(5) Choose the right tenses (present perfect, past of past perfect; simple or progressive. [5 pts.] 1. Reports are coming in that a train .. (crash) near Birmingham. According to eyewitness, it . (hit) a concrete block which somebody . (put) on the line. 2. I . (do) housework all day today. I (clean) every room in the house. 3. 4. When I . (get) home everybody .. (watch) TV. London . (change) a lot since we first .. (come) to live here. 5. He used to talk to us for hours about all the interesting things he . (do) in his life.

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