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Global Equities ... Service Delivery - IT

SPgroup Testing Service

T3 Training Guide
Quick-Start Guide to Test Director
Designing Test Steps

Date: 30th June 2003

Issue: 1.1

This document is the property of Deutsche Bank AG. Its contents are Proprietary
And Confidential and must be used solely for the purpose of a response between the Global
Service Delivery SPgroup and the intended client.

Table of Contents

1 QUICK-START GUIDE TO TEST DIRECTOR......................................................................4

1.1 Planning the Test case creation process:............................................. ...................4

2 DEVELOPING THE TEST PLAN TREE:............................................................................4

2.1 Steps for Creating a Test Plan Tree:................................................................... ....4
2.2 To add new tests:............................................................................. ......................5

3 CREATING MANUAL TESTS: .......................................................................................5

4 CREATING AUTOMATED TESTS:...................................................................................6

5 DESIGNING TEST STEPS............................................................................................8

5.1 Adding Tests to the Test Plan Tree.................................................. .......................8
5.2 Associating Defects with a Test........................................................... ...................8
5.3 Adding Requirements Coverage.............................................. ..............................8
5.4 Adding Tests Coverage:............................................................... ..........................9
5.5 Creating Test Sets........................................................................................ ..........9
5.6 Adding Tests to the Test set:.............................................................................. ......9
5.7 Setting Execution Dependency....................................................... .......................9
5.8 Changing the order of execution.................................................. ........................10
5.9 Scheduling Test Cases:................................................................................ ........10
5.10 Running Test Sets.............................................................................. .................10

Revision History

Revision Date Author Comments

1.0 04.30.02 Jose Noriega Document First Preparation
1.1 05.30.03 Shaun Abrahams Modified contents

Designing Test Steps

Designing Test Steps

1 Quick-Start Guide to Test Director

1.1 Planning the Test case creation process:

• Begin the software test case creation process by specifying testing requirements.
• Gather all available documentation on the application under test, such as marketing and
business documents, system requirements specifications and design documents
• Describe in detail what needs to be tested in your application to provide the test team with a
strong foundation.
• Define requirements that focus on specific business needs.
• After Requirements are established they can be linked to tests and defects to provide
complete trace-ability.
• It is a good idea to ask the following questions when establishing the test requirements of a
1. What is the main purpose and direction of the application?
2. What are the major features of the application?
3. What is the relative importance of each element in the software functionality?
4. What are the critical or high-risk functions of the application?
5. What are your testing priorioties?
6. Do your end-users agree with your testing priorities?
7. What are your overall quality goals?

2 Developing the Test Plan Tree:

• The test plan tree organizes and displays tests hierarchically and according to functionality.
• Divide the sections of the application that will be tested into subjects
• Create a test plan tree according to the subjects and it will display your tests according to the
hierarchical relationship of their functions.
• After defining subjects in the tree, decide which tests to create for each subject and add them
to the tree.
• Designing Tests
• Test Director allows the user to create both Manual and Automated Test Cases
• Determine the tests you want to create and then decide whether to automate a test or
perform it manually:
• Add the manual/automated test to the test plan tree
• Fill in the system and user defined fields
• Add descriptions to test cases
• Define test steps (if applicable)
• Attach the test case document(s)
• Associate Test to a Requirement that was built

2.1 Steps for Creating a Test Plan Tree:

1. Click the New Folder button or choose Planning > New Folder. The New Folder dialog box
2. In the New Folder box type a name for the subject. Click OK. The new subject folder appears
under the Subject entry in the test plan tree.
3. In the Description tab type a description of the subject.
4. Click the Attachments tab to add an attachment to the new folder if necessary.
5. Create as many additional subjects at the main level as you want.

Designing Test Steps

6. Choose a main subject folder from the test plan tree to create a subfolder underneath it.
7. Click New Folder and repeat steps 2 to 6

2.2 To add new tests:

1. Choose a subject folder in the test plan tree.
2. Click the New Test button, or choose Planning > New Test. The Create New Test dialog
3. Select a test type from the Test Type list.
4. In the Test Name box, type a name for the test. Click OK.
5. Click the Attachments tab to add an attachment to the new test if necessary.
6. Click the Reqs Coverage tab to define requirements coverage.
7. Click the Design Steps tab to define steps for the test.

3 Creating Manual Tests:

• The following is a description on how to create a new manual test in Test Director:
No. Step Description
1 Invoke Internet Explorer 5.5 and enter the following URL:
Invoke Test Director this will open the
project selection page. Select from the drop down menu the
project required, enter the username and password and click on
the Login button. The selected project will then open.

2 Select the Project Folder • Click on TEST PLAN tab

• Select the Project folder pertaining to the Application
• Select the Sub Folder or create a new folder where the test
case should be created in. To create a new folder simply click
on the main folder and then click the ‘Add folder’ icon or
from the menu select, select ‘Planning > New Folder’. Enter
the new folder name and press ‘OK’

3 Create new Manual Test • Click on the ‘New Test’ icon or from the menu select, select
Case ‘Plan > New Test’.
• The ‘Create New Test’ window appears
• Select the Test Type as Manual
• Type in the “Test Name” and click OK
• The new Test should be created and you should notice that
the test case has a blue “M” on the left side of it in the Test
Tree Plan

4 • Select the Details tab for the new test

Input Test Case
Information • Input data into the Test Information, Other Information, and
User defined description fields

5 • Select the Design Steps tab for the new test

Input Test Steps
• Create Test Steps in the “Design Steps” tab. This is done by
simply clicking on the ‘New Step’ icon, this will open the
‘Design Step Editor’. Update The ‘Description’ and
‘Expected Result’ fields and click on the ‘Close’ icon. The
Design Step Editor will close and the new step will now be

Designing Test Steps

shown in the ‘Design Steps’ tab.

• Select the “Attach” tab for the test case under Plan Test
6 Attach Document(s) to
Test Case • Click on the File button on the right hand side of the Attach
• When the Attach File window appears, go to the specific path
and select the spreadsheet name and click on Open (e.g.
Q:\QA\mercury\case_data\MFC SPREADSHEETS\Ibldneq-
Micro Focus\
• The spreadsheet icon should appear in the Attach
window and now the data spreadsheet is attached to the
test case in Test Director

7 • Click on the Reqs Coverage Tab

Associate Test to a
Requirement OR Defectt • Click the Select Requirement coverage button
• Requirements will appear on the right
• Click the Add coverage button pointing towards left
• Requirement will be added
For Defect
• Right Click the test from the Test Tree Plan
• Click on Associated Defects
• The associated Defects will appear.
• Click associate and find Defect number if this is a test
associated to a Defect and click associate button
• The defect has now been associated successfully

4 Creating Automated Tests:

• The following is a step by step description on how to create a new automated test case in
Test Director:
No. Step Description
1 Invoke Test Director Invoke Internet Explorer 5.5 and enter the following URL: this will open the project
selection page. Select from the drop down menu the project
required, enter the username and password and click on the Login
button. The selected project will then open.

2 Select the Project Folder • Click on TEST PLAN tab

• Select the Project folder pertaining to the Application
• Select the Sub Folder or create a new folder where the test
case should be created in. To create a new folder simply click
on the main folder and then click the ‘Add folder’ icon or
from the menu select, select ‘Planning > New Folder’. Enter
the new folder name and press ‘OK’

3 Create New Test Case • Click on the “New” Test button on the lower left part of the
screen or select the PlanNew Test from the Main Menu
• Select Test Type window appears
• Select the Test Type as WR-Automated

Designing Test Steps

• Type in the “Test Name” and click OK

• The New Test should be created and you should notice that
the test case has a Winrunner automated icon next to it in the
Test Tree structure

4 • Select the Details tab for the new test

Input Test Case
Information • Input data into the Test Information, Other Information, and
Description fields
• Select the Design Steps tab for the new test and create Test
Steps (if applicable)

5 • Develop the automated test spreadsheet using the selected

Develop Data
Spreadsheet ‘dbTest’ utility “stepping through” the test to be automated
and populating the data input, navigation, functions, and
• Save the spreadsheet on the network drive in the designated
directory/folder using the correct standard naming
conventions and saving it as File Type “Microsoft Excel 97 &
5.0/95 Workbook”
• Close the spreadsheet and exit Excel

6 • The Excel/data spreadsheet has to be linked with the test case

Attach Document to Test
Case for automated test execution
• Select the “Attachments” tab for the test case under TEST
PLAN tab in Test Director
• Click on the ‘File’ icon
• When the Attach File window appears, go to the specific path
and select the spreadsheet name and click on Open.
• The spreadsheet icon should appear in the Attach window
and now the data spreadsheet is attached to the test case

7 Set Up Script for • Select the “Test Script” tab for the test case under Plan Test.
Automated Test Director • Click the Launch button, this will then invoke the WinRunner
runs application following which you will have to update the
current script will the following six lines below:

#Get the Test ID from the data base.

ID = tddb_get_test_value("TS_TEST_ID","");

#Get the test case name from the database.

test_case = GET_TESTCASE_NAME(ID);

#Call the harness.

call_close "harness" (test_case);

Hit save and then close WinRunner. Return to Test Director and
perform a “Refresh” by clicking on the Refresh button at the top of
the Test Director screen the script should now be updated.

8 • Click on the Reqs Coverage Tab

Associate Test to a
Requirement OR Defectt • Click the Select Requirement coverage button
• Requirements will appear on the right
• Click the Add coverage button pointing towards left
• Requirement will be added
For Defect

Designing Test Steps

• Right Click the test from the Test Tree Plan

• Click on Associated Defects
• The associated Defects will appear.
• Click associate and find Defect number if this is a test
associated to a Defect and click associate button
• The defect has now been associated successfully

5 Designing Test Steps

1. Choose a test in the test plan tree and click the Design Steps tab.
2. Click the New Step button or right click in the Design Step tab and choose New Step. The
Design Step Editor opens.
3. Type a description and Expected Result for the test step.
4. To add additional steps, click the New Step button The next sequential number appears in
the Step Name box.
5. Click Close to close the Design Editor and add the step.

5.1 Adding Tests to the Test Plan Tree

1. Choose a subject folder in the test plan tree.
2. Click the New Test button, or choose Planning > New Test. The Create New Test dialog box
3. Select a test type from the Test Type list.
4. In the Test Name box type a name for the test. Click OK.
5. Enter the test details in the Details tab (e.g. Test name, Status, Created, Designer,
6. Click the attachment tab to add an attachment to the new test if necessary.
7. Click the Reqs Coverage tab to define steps for the test.

5.2 Associating Defects with a Test

1. To associate a test with a defect right click a test in the test plan tree and choose Associate
Defects. The associated Defects dialog box opens.
2. To add an associated defect click the Associate button. The Associate Defects dialog box
3. Type a Defect ID or click the Select button to select from a list of available defects.
4. Click OK. The defect is added to the list.
5. Click Refresh to update the associated defects list.
6. To remove an associated defect from the list select the defect and click Remove. Click Yes to
7. Click Close.

5.3 Adding Requirements Coverage

1. In the test plan tree select a test.
2. Click the Reqs Coverage tab
3. Click the Select Requirements button to show the requirements tree on the right.
4. To search for a specific requirement in the tree type the name of the requirement in the Find
box and click the Find button. (The magnifying glass)

Designing Test Steps

5. To refresh a requirement in the tree select the requirement and click the Refresh Selected
button. To refresh all requirements in the tree right click the requirements tree and choose
Refresh > Refresh All.

6. Select a requirement or requirement topic to add to the coverage. Click the Add to Coverage
button. The requirement is added to the coverage grid.

7. Click the Close button to hide the requirements tree.

5.4 Adding Tests Coverage:

1. In the Requirements Manager, select the Coverage View of the requirements tree. The
Tests Coverage tab is displayed.
2. In the requirements tree select a requirement. The Tests Coverage tab displays the coverage
grid for the selected requirement.
3. In the Tests Coverage tab, click the Select Tests button to show the test plan tree on the
4. To refresh a test in the tree, select the test and click the Refresh Selected button.
5. Select a test or test folder to add to the requirement’s test coverage. Click the Add to
Coverage button. The tests are added to the coverage grid.
6. Click the Close button to the hide the test plan tree.

5.5 Creating Test Sets

1. Select the Test Lab tab in Test Director
2. Click New Test Set button to create a new test set.
3. Type in the name and the description of the test set and click OK.
Note: The test set should appear on the left side in the test set list.

5.6 Adding Tests to the Test set:

1. Click the Select Tests button. Test plan tree will appear on the right window panel.
2. In the test plan tree select the test you wish to add to the test set.
(Note: If you select a folder, Test Director will select all the test cases in that folder)
3. Click the Add Test(s) to Test Set button.
(Note: You cannot add the same test case twice to a test set)
4. Click Yes to confirm adding of the test cases to the test set.
5. Test cases will appear in the Execution Grid and in the Execution Flow tab.
(Note: Manual tests cannot be added to the Execution Flow tab and therefore do not run
even if they are added to the test set.)

5.7 Setting Execution Dependency

1. Double click on the Test case in ‘Execution flow’ tab in the ‘Test lab’ tab.
Run Schedule of Test <test_name> window appears.
2. To set up dependency for this test case click on the New button on the same window.

3. New Execution Condition window appears. Select the desired condition by choosing the
test case name from the Test down arrow and selecting the finished or passed condition.

Designing Test Steps

The dependency condition will now appear in the Execution Flow Tab.

5.8 Changing the order of execution

1. Under the ‘Test lab’ tab , in the ‘execution grid’, right click on the ‘plan test name’ and
select ‘order tests’.
2. Highlight the test case and use the arrows to move the test to its required position.
(Note: Only one test can be highlighted at one time).

5.9 Scheduling Test Cases:

1. Double click on the Test case in ‘Execution flow’ tab under the ‘test lab’ tab.
2. Specify the time and the date you want to run the test on.

5.10 Running Test Sets

1. Click Run or Run All button in the ‘Test Lab’ tab.
2. Enter the host name and click Run button.
3. If you need to run the test remotely, uncheck ‘run all tests locally’ and fill in the host

SPgroupT3 Overview:
The Global Service Delivery SPG T3 Group is a software testing solutions team working with Deutsche Bank
IT teams around the world offering testing tools, test processes and testing resources. Providing quality soft-
ware is a major objective for Deutsche Bank and its IT divisions worldwide. Testing to make sure that the
software meets the user expectations and is delivered in a timely manner within budget constraints is our

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Designing Test Steps

For additional information on any of the products and services offered by the Service
Partnership Group, please visit us on the Deutsche Bank Intranet at or
the SPgroup website at or by contacting Brooks Betz, Global
Testing Component Manager via e-mail or 212-469-6446.

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