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1. Fill each of the numbered blanks with a suitable word or phrase. In the spring of 1778, the French revolutionary Talleyrand went to pay his respects to Voltaire. Even in a society (1) the worldliness of the clergy was notorious, (2) was a little unseemly. The ink (3) hardly dried on his theology degree from the Sorbonne before the young priest, by (4) a delegate to the Assembly of the Clergy, hastened to do homage to the most notorious scourge of the Church. The vise (5) was undertaking had a flavour of filial impiety to it; Talleyrand (6) undoubtedly in search of a father figure (7) satisfactory than his natural parents. It was (8) who (9) placed him in the hands of a nurse and she (10) let him drop from a cabinet, (11) a bone in his foot (12) would never mend. Disgraced as a cripple, the young Talleyrand was, (13) effect, also disinherited. For a boy (14) could neither fence nor dance could never hope to succeed either at court or in the army, (15) only two callings (16) for someone of his background. Only one possible course (17): a career in the Church, (18) he might rise in wealth and eminence, but (19) which, (20) was plain early on, he had the deepest aversion. 2. Fill each blank with one suitable word or phrase. a. I dont know who first thought of the solution, but whoever brilliant. b. This painting, anonymous benefactor, had been in the possession of the museum for over a decade. c. Will all asked for theatre tickets please collect them from the box office. d. I often used to travel to Manchester, which I first met George. e. George, to as the fat controller, is a model railway enthusiast.

3. Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase. 1. Im sorry to say that it seems youve been your responsibilities. a. shouldering b. dispelling c. experiencing d. shirking 2. Plans to build a new airport suffered a major when the Government refused to fund the project. a. challenge b. withdrawal c. setback d. deflation 3. The committees ideas were deemed to be imaginative but in practical terms a. incompatible b. unavoidable c. unworkable d. insurmountable 4. Let me your fears by saying I envisage no further hitches. a. avert b. restore c. allay d. hit 5. The judge found himself in a when he realized he was related to the accused. a. dilemma b. puzzle c. loss d. problem 6. I find the prose style of many American writers virtually a. illegible b. impenetrable c. impermeable d. incorrigible 7. Her incredible energy and determination simply aside any problem placed in her path. a. pulled b. cleaned c. moved d. swept 8. The problem of finding transport to the outback was by the recent torrential rains. a. exacerbated b. deepened c. sharpened d. fulfilled 9. Meanwhile, as payment, we will send you an invoice before the end of the month. a. regard b. regarded c . regards d. regarding 10. Our deliberations on staffing reached no clear conclusion. a. reference to b. the question of c. regard to d. the interest of 11. The three winners were picked from a pile of entries entirely at a. order b. random c. chance d. sequence 12. Because I was there, I feel responsible, which by the same means you should, too. a. matters b. case c. instance d. token 13. The course seems to lay particular on learning the theory behind the practice. a. mention b. point c. highlight d. stress 14. We were greeted in reception to being shown round the factory. a. prior b. earlier c. preliminary d. preceding 15. This afternoon, we are to on the relationship between literature and philosophy. a. emphasise b. pinpoint c. focus d. spotlight

4. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with one suitable word. It was just before midnight, not the (1) of times for thinking clearly, (2) there was a knock on the front door. (3) the doorstep was a man in his late thirties, deeply apologetic and in clear distress. He had noticed that my light was on and hoped I would forgive him bothering me. (4) had happened was that his daughter had been in an accident and was in hospital. The (5) was he had no money for a taxi to get there and desperately needed the 9 fare. He would be back the following morning to repay it. I (6) it a bit strange because, not long before (7) had been a virtually (8) story reported in the paper. On (9) of that, and incredible (10) it may seem, a colleague had recently been telling me that a man had knocked on his door with a story about youve guessed it: accident, hospital, no money, back tomorrow. (11) it was the same man was obvious: the same thing happening three times had to be more than purely (12). Like all con men (they usually are men), (13) he relies (14) is the victims compassion: (15) pay up is a natural thing to do because you feel sorry for him, even if it is sometimes against your better (16). You may have more than a sneaking (17) that his story is false, but (18) is the nagging doubt in your head that he may actually be in genuine trouble, plus the fact that to refuse would appear downright (19), (20) is enough to make you hand over the cash. 5. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. a. I fully intend to pay you before the end of the month. I have every .. b. I explained what had happened but they totally refused to accept what I said. They found. c. I dislike journalists because I distrust their motives. My ... d. We would be extremely grateful if you could reply as soon as possible. A prompt e. People are constantly threatened by violence in some large cities. There is .. f. She recovered from her illness quite rapidly. She made .. g. The stadium capacity has been considerably expanded following the rise in the number of spectators. The rise in the number of spectators has led to... h. You can find out more about the programme schedules by writing to the BBC. To obtain

i. What persuaded me to resign was that I was not being given credit for my achievements. It .. j. Im enormously relieved youre safe. It .. 6. Circle the corresponding letter of the right word that best completes each sentence. 1. The whole holiday turned out to be an disaster. a. unmatched b. unmitigated c. undiluted d. unmindful 2. Any involvement in the accident was denied by all the children. a. seriously b. blatantly c. conspicuously d. strenuously 3. Her outgoing character contrasts with that of her sisters. a. sharply b. thoroughly c. fully d. coolly 4. It was clear to me what they meant by their cold manner. a. blatantlyb. fully c. abundantly d. acutely 5. Mozarts mature compositions are better than his juvenilia. a. strenuously b. utterly c. flatly d. significantly 6. The racing driver handled the corner with skill. a. consummate b. comprehensive c. confirmed d. compulsive 7. Although the conditions werent ideal for the walk, we decided to a go of it. a. make b. do c. run d. carry 8. The -and-file supporters of the party were cheered by the election result. a. ordinary b. rank c. division d. lowly 9. My father is forever finding with the way that I dress. a. error b. mistake c. blemish d. fault 10. I thought the bill for just two people was simply a. exhaustive b. exorbitant c. execrable d. exalted 11. There you are: the person I was looking for. a. utter b. correct c. ever d. very 12. In time-honoured , the chairman offered a toast to the shop-floor workers. a. protocol b. way c. fashion d. procedure

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