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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter January 3, 2012

Pastors Notes HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Its hard to believe but another year has come and gone. We cant do anything to change the past..all we can do is be faithful with our present. 2012 has great potential if all of Gods children will pull together and do what God has called us to do. The future of our church is BRIGHT!!!!! Im so excited about what 2012 can bring to us. I believe this will be the year of FULFILLED PROMISES!!!! Can somebody shout with me?!?!?!?!?!? I just want to remind you of what the Lord gave me to share with you Sunday. We must HOLD ON. 1).We must hold on and be faithful to Gods Call & Purpose for our life. That also applies to our church. We MUST be faithful to what God has called this church to do and be. We must not deviate from His purpose for us. It may mandate that we shift approaches or change the way we do it, but the MISSION, CALL & PURPOSE must NEVER change. 2) We must hold on and be careful for ourselves. That means WATCH OUT AND BE ON GUARD! The devil would love to cause you or me to stumble and fall. He would love to hurt our testimony and would love to tarnish our witness. WE MUST BE ON GUARD. 3) We must hold on and care for others. Not only should we be careful for ourselves, but there are others that are watching and others that are depending on us to stay faithful. There are lost people depending on us to share the good news. There are backsliders that are depending on us to live the life of Christ in front of them so that they can find their way home. Sometimes the best way to hold on is to lighten the load. There are times at our house when we must simply have a cleaning out. We get rid of stuff we dont need that has created a clutter. Thats the same thing we must do in our Christian life. We need to take close inventory of our lives and determine the things that are bringing clutter to our lives and making it hard to walk. Lets rid ourselves of the things we dont need and lighten the load so that we can be the best witness for Christ that we can be. Sunday night, I was prepared to begin a series on Fasting. However the Holy Ghost had a different idea. We ended up starting this New Year out with a full blown WORSHIP SERVICE. We simply sang and flowed with the Spirit. WHAT A GREAT TIME WE HAD. Our plan is to try

again Sunday night with some messages on FASTING to inform us of what FASTING is and what it can do. We will declare the fast on Sunday night, January 29 and the 40 day fasting period will begin at midnight, January 30. The fast will end on March 9th at midnight. Jesus told the disciples in Matt. 17, this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. Sometimes we have to do certain things to activate or set in motion our faith. I hope you already have begun to seek the Lord as to what He would have you do during this time of fasting. WEEKEND PRAYER SUMMIT - A preliminary meeting was held Sunday night after the service. This prayer weekend will be held February 3&4 at the Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC. We will meet at the conference center by 7:00 PM to check in and begin our meeting together at 7:30. There will be periodic times of prayer, both corporately & privately. There will also be times of sharing, reflecting, reading and worship. Those who attended the meeting need to have a $25 deposit turned in by January 15th. Make checks payable to Woodruff Church of God and give them to Pastor Terry. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the hall. Please sign up to make sure we dont forget anyone.

There is also a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for those that have read the Bible through in 2011. Please sign your name so it can be turned in to the State Office. Revival services are scheduled for March 10&11th, 17&18th and 24&25th. Right now, our Evangelist for the 17, 18, 24 & 25th will be Rev. Joel Talley from Georgia. Ill be providing more information in the coming days, but we need to begin our praying now.

One final plug. If you have not picked up your tithing envelopes, please pick them up in the lobby of the church. If you did not have any envelopes and you would like to have some, please call the church office and give your name & address and well make sure you receive some. THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITHULNESS & OBEDIENCE!

We only have about 6 more weeks left on our Missions Bags project. We are trying to have enough money turned in to build a Church in Honduras. Please join us in doing your part in helping us raise these funds. If you dont have a missions bag, stop by the Ladies Ministries office and get one.

We will be having Communion Sunday Morning, January 15th. Please mark your calendar and be present for this sacrament.

BIBLE READING MARATHON - Monday, January 23. Please join us at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary for our annual Bible Reading Marathon. If you did not get any of our new logo promotional products, PLEASE GET SOME!!!!! We gave out ink pens, scratch pads, and license plates. We want you to use them and give them to others. Ive already got my license plate on my truck. LET PEOPLE KNOW WHERE YOU ATTEND CHURCH. Be proud of your Church..I AM!!!!!!!!!!!

McKenzie Beth Berryhill was born December 30th to Tyler and Amanda Berryhill. She weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz., and measured 21 inches in length. Proud grandparents are Leslie and Rhonda Kay Arnold.

Prayer List

Heath Richards, Lucy Polson, James Wesley Owens, Johnny Waldon, Heidi King, John & Mandy Mitchell, Etta & Ray Mitchell, Lisa Culbertson, Joann Hardee, Darrell & Cindy Cooper, Roger & Shirley Cartee, Kathleen Phillips, Walter Mitchell, Phillip Morgan, Mark Fortner, Sheila Walker, Jim Mason, Jackson Bailey, Candace Jackson, Joseph Young, Alvin Bayne, Craig Thompson, Heather Phillips, Mary Sherbert, Janice Bayne, Derrick Cooper, Todd, Jack Callicott, Joe Grahn, Jim Dooley, Tish York, Chris Greene, Josh Cline, Ken Freeman, Leon Freeman, Deb Allen, Ann Marie Roberts, Tiffany Cartee, Derreck Cooper, Diane Firebaugh, Dave Sayre, Todd Smith, Sherry Smith, Brainna Smith, Those needing jobs, Shut Ins & in Nursing Homes Christian Sympathy's to Jeff Mahaffey in the loss of his mother Christian Sympathy to the family of Dot Raines

The Ladies Munch Bunch will be meeting at Turtle Parfiet January 11 at 9:00 AM. This is open to all ladies, so come and have a good time of fellowship!

Want to get healthier start this new year? Fast, safe, and effective, Lose 2 to 5 lbs per week and Up to 20 lbs per month, no drugs and no surgery. Informational meetings will be held in the youth building January 10 & 24 at 6:30 PM. You can find out how you can do the same. Please contact Steve Collins at 494-0749.

The F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Addiction Supports Groups will hold their OPEN MEETING on Tues, 1/3/12. We will eat at 6:00 and the meeting will begin at 6:30. If you have been addicted or someone close to you is an addict, we invite you to attend this meeting. You will find friends and fellowship in this group. If you want to know more about this program, please contact John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.

The choir will be accepting new members in January! If you have been considering joining the choir, now is a great time! See Todd or Vickie for details. Sign ups will begin soon for the music ministry weekend at the Cove in Ashville, NC Feb. 17-18, 2012. Jonathan Sawyer will be our special guest speaker that weekend! Make your plans now to go! .

Throw pillows have been reduced to $2.00 each. Also, we will have our Valentine Bulletin again this year. For $1.00 you can recognize a BFF or a loved one. $5.00 buys 1/2 a page and your own message. Sign up in the church lobby at the Information Table

Band of Brothers continues to sell comforters, curtains, and shams. If you are interested, please see Jason Hayes, Danny Knight, or Bobby Brown. Prices are listed below. You can also see a sample of each item on the table in the lobby. Half of the proceeds will go to the building fund and the other half will go to the Band of Brothers. Comforter *Set King $25 $35 Queen $20 $30 Full $20 $30 Twin $18 $28 *Set includes comforter, curtains, and shams. -January 5 is the date for our next monthly Band of Brothers meeting. Saturday Jan 21 - We will be showing the movie Courageous at the church at 3:00. This movie is not just for men, we encourage every family to attend. Following the movie and in the months leading up to Father's Day, we will go through the book The Resolution for Men. We will be studying what the Bible says about being a father. Then on Father's Day, we will have a special service where we men resolve to be the fathers that the Bible calls us to be. This is going to be awesome! Satan is waging war against our families and it's time that men make a stand for our families. Where are you men of courage?

Ice Skating is scheduled for this Friday, January 6. Please be at the church by 4:45pm so we can leave by 5pm. Cost is $10 to skate and we will stop for food after skating. So bring enough money for supper. Youth Prayer is Monday, January 9 at 7pm

Sunday January 8 - A very important meeting for Children's Board, Children' s Worker or Children's helper at 4:15

Sunday January 8 - Drama Practice at 5:15 The Extreme Kidz would like to thank you for all the can food donation from December 18. We have filled 38 box of food and have had the opportunity to minister to a lot of these families. From the donation you gave, the food pantry is now well stocked. Thank you for all your support. January 28 Extreme Kidz will deliver lunch to needy families. We would like to deliver a can of soup and a sandwich to each person. If you would like to donate cans of soup please drop them off in the CLC. We will try to give out 300 lunches. This is the Extreme Kidz way of showing God's love to our community. Help stock the Extreme Kidz Clothez Closet by donating "like new" children's and teen's clothing and shoes. The Clothez Closet will also accept new and packaged children's sock and underwear. We really need plastic hangers too! See Donna Burdette or Alysia Hayes to make your donation. Thanks for helping to stock the closet! Up coming Events in February: Princess Party & Skating

Spotlight: Thanks to all who contributed to the Toy Closet. You were a blessing to 34 kids this Christmas Season.

Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters John & Jeanne Nemitz Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles OShields and Bobby Brown Finance Committee -- Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown Usher Team # 3 Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe, Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons, Houston Cobb, and Freddie Bright Wednesday Bus Ministry: Garren Burdette and Thomas Pebbles Van 1: Deanna Burgess and Craig Blackwell Van 2: Tim and June Vassey Kiddie Church ages 2-5: Ramona and Clint Letoureau Kiddie Church ages 6-12: Donna and Garren Burdette Nursery-- Wednesday Amy Arnold Sunday AM - Ann Knight and Stephanie Fowler Sunday PM- Betty Ball Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano Sunday AM Chris Roberson Sunday PM - Amy Arnold Praise Team White **Additional copies of the printed weekly bulletin are available in the church

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