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Rashid Ahammed Shohan


Course Code: MGT 3225 Course Title: E-business Fall 2011

Submission Date: December 2011

1. Outline the ways through which refined its sales approach with DART Adapt. [Marks: 1.25] refined its sales approach by using DART Adapt : Drive client retention, satisfaction and share of wallet By using DART Adapt Allrecipes Increased average click-through across its site and delivered increased client satisfaction and retention. Enhance Advertisers Sales Packages- DART Adapt leveraged Allrecipes sales by gaining premium Offering on different sales packages for Allrecipes sales team. Add Value While Reducing Operational Complexity By implementing DART Adapt the need for Micro targeting was reduced and the sophisticated automatic system ensured that advertisers adds were shown to the right user at the right time and thus delivering greater overall value with more effective and efficient campaign setup, management and optimization.

2. How DoubleClick Ad Exchange enabled to increase the revenue and operational efficiency? [Marks: 1.25] DoubleClick Ad exchange enabled to increase revenue and operational efficiency by meting three important criteria- maximizing yield, increasing user protection and operational efficiency. DoubleClick meet these criterions by doing the followings y Increase CPM s by delivering high demand from networks and trading desks and as well as Google adwords and ultimately providing the best price for unsold inventory. y Implementing dynamic allocation to maximize revenue opportunities.

y By using extensive user protection measure DoubleClick Ad exchange protects user Against malware and keep site secure from other threats y By preventing and controlling activites like daisy chaining, passbacks and add call time DoubleClick maintains minimum latency. y By integrating ad exchange with existing DFP ad-serving platform and simplifying Inventory management with single integrated platform DoubleClick improved operational Efficiency and ad-network management.

3. Outline the benefits that Ogilvy RedWorks received via using the DoubleClick Studio. [Marks: 1.25] The benefits that Ogilvy RedWorks received via using DoubleClick studio are below  Customization opportunity on usability  Not having to compile .MTF files.  Easy workflow that makes it easier for even non-techy person to have an idea of the campaigns  Simplified ActionScript coding and easier syntax makes work easy for developers  Customizing one s own control and group work is easier with the simplified flash components  The cross platform technology of DoubleClick Studio ensures maximum ease of use and efficiency and gives the freedom of choice to work with the program one is comfortable using

4. State the process through which DoubleClick maximized the ad revenue of [Marks: 1.25] DoubleClick maximized the ad revenue of by using the Dynamic Allocation approach.  Because at first was using manual solution to find the perfect mix of ad Network it result in sub optimal allocation of inventory across add networks.  Then followed the Dynamic Allocation approach which is a feature of the DFP small Business ad serving platform that helps publishers display the best paying ad available for any given non-guranteed ad impression.In dynamic allocation an AdWords auction is held in real time estimates the CPM for the add space and compares that CPM with all other cometing ad networks amd give the space to the best paying ad network .

5. How electronic information integration reduces the bullwhip effect? [Marks: 2] By doing following actions electronic information integration reduces the bullwhip effect  Make demand information transparent. As demand at the retailer often fluctuates with the price attached to a particular product, a unvarying price such as everyday low price should reduce demand uncertainty. By eliminating price fluctuations a retailer can eliminate much of the demand variability associated with the product.  Increase information sharing across the supply chain as this will reduce the bullwhip effect. Practices that support an effort to reduce uncertainty involve the implementation of systems such as electronic data interchange (EDI) and extensible markup language (XML). Both these technologies allow companies to share information (such as consumer sales) with partner companies in the supply chain.

6. Briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of the new supply chain monitoring and measurement. [Marks: 3] Advantages :  performance measurement provides the means by which a company can assess whether its supply chain has improved or degraded  Measurements are important to directly controlling behavior and indirectly to performance  To assure mutual trust and optimum performance at every point in the supply chain.  Tight monitoring enables companies to detect problems early so corrective actions can be taken promptly.  Enhance customer security. Disadvantage :  If information is not correct it will create a lot of misconception.  Takes a lot time and effort to tightly monitor and maintain the whole supply chain .

7. Among the different new business models which one according to you has the highest potentiality? Justify your answer by criticizing individually each of the business models. [Marks: 5] In my opinion among the different new business models Multi-channel click-and mortar Fulfillment have the highest potential. The reason for choosing this model are  The mix of digital channed with traditional brink and mortar infrastructure creats opportunity to enter a bigger market then only digital or only internet base market. 

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