Carbohydrates, Lipids, and Proteins in Aerobic Respiration

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Usman Majeed AP Bio 2nd Hour 11/1/09 Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Lipids in Aerobic Respiration The carbohydrate molecules

found in strawberries vary but they do contain glucose. Carbohydrates can be broken down in the mouth by salivary amylase, in the stomach by pepsin and if the acidity is too strong to the small intestine where enzymes such as carbohydrases, pancreatic amylase, and other enzymes such as lactase and sucrase or maltase depending on the food source. After the small intestine the glucose is absorbed into the blood stream where it is broken down by glycolysis to be converted to pyruvate used in aerobic respiration while giving free energy to make ATP and NADH. The ATP given from aerobic respiration is 36-38 ATP molecules where in Glycolysis the net yield is 2 ATP and 2 NADH. Peanut butter is an essential source of protein varying from 6-8 grams per serving. Proteins consist of units called amino acids, strung together in complex formations. Because proteins are complex molecules, the body takes longer to break them down. Thus they are a much slower and longer-lasting source of energy than carbohydrates. There are 20 amino acids. The body synthesizes some of them from components within the body, but it cannot synthesize 9 of the amino acids called essential amino acids. Proteins are broken down in the stomach by pepsin and in the small intestine by chymtrypsin, trypsin, and carboxypeptidase among others. Proteases are enzymes that degrade proteins. Pepsin is a protease that breaks down large proteins into smaller polypeptides. Other proteases take these polypeptides and break them down further. Proteases break the peptide bonds of proteins back down to amino acids. Deaminases break the amino group off the amino acids, releasing ammonia. This toxic ammonia is converted to urea, and is excreted in urine. The broken down amino acids contain C, H, and O and can be rearranged in cells to enter cellular respiration either as pyruvate, as acetyl CoA, or directly into the Krebs cycle. The yield of energy from this reaction is 32-38 ATPs. Finally lipids are another source of energy, in this case Oatmeal Cream Pies, which contain triglycerides or glycerols esterfied with three fatty acids. Esters are chemical compounds that are formed by the reaction of an oxoacid and a hydroxyl. During digestion, we cant break down these lipids easily because they are not polar so an emulsifier is needed. In our system we have bile that breaks down the large fat globules into smaller fat globules that our enzymes can digest, then the enzyme lipase breaks down the triglycerides of the smaller fat globules into the monomers: glycerol and fatty acids. Lipases break the glycerol head away from the fatty acids. Glycerol is converted to an intermediate in glycolysis called PGAL, and enters cellular respiration. The fatty acid tails are converted to Acetyl CoA and enter the Krebs cycle in the mitochondria. Beta oxidation of fatty acids releases carbons in twos and these are in the form of Acetyl Co A which feeds into the Krebs Cycle by adding the two carbons to the oxaloacetate 4 carbon acceptor to produce the 6 carbon citrate. Each turn of the cycle produces 1 FADH2 and 3 NADH/H+ which then feed into the electron transport chain and result in ATP synthesis by chemiosmosis on the inner mitochondrial membrane. The result is about 32-38 ATPs of energy.

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