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Formulae and Relationships for C&G2330 Level 2 & 3

Motion and Forces Newtons 2nd law Work done Gravitational potential energy Kinetic energy Heat energy Moments Law of moments Efficiency F=mxa E=Fxd GPE = m x g x h KE = m x v2 E = m x Cs x T Moment = F x


F is force in newtons m is mass in Kg a is acceleration in m/s2 E is work (energy) in joules d is distance moved in metres g is the gravitational constant = 9.81 N/Kg ( 10N/Kg) on Earth v is velocity Cs is specific heat capacity in J/Kg oC T is the change in temperature in K or oC is the distance from the pivot in metres

F1 x 1 = F2 x 2
eff. = (useful Pout / Pin) x 100 % = (useful Eout / Ein) x 100 %

P is power in watts E is energy in joules


v=d/t a = (v u) /t v = u + at v2 = u2 + 2ad d = ut + at2

d is distance moved in metres t is time in seconds a is acceleration in m/s2 v is final velocity in m/s u is initial velocity in m/s

Electrical Current and charge flow Ohms law Electrical power

I = Q/t
(1 amp = 1 coulomb / sec) R=V/I P=VI P=I2R P= E / t (1 watt = 1 joule/sec)

I is current in amps
Q is charge in coulombs t is time in seconds R is resistance in ohms ( ) V is potential difference in volts P is power in watts E is energy in joules

Resistance and resistivity Resistors in series Resistors in parallel Frequency Capacitance

= /csa

is resistivity in m
csa is the cross-sectional area of the wire is the length of the wire f is frequency in Hz T is time period in seconds C is capacitance in farads

RT = R1 +R2 + R3 + etc 1 1 1 1 +etc. RT = R1 +R2 + R3 f = 1/T C=


is permittivity of free space = 8.85 x 10 -12 F/m

is the relative permittivity of the dielectric


Ic = C dV/dt
Xc = 1/ (2 f C) Capacitors in parallel Capacitors in series CT = C1+C2+C3+ etc. 1 1 1 1 CT = C1+C2+C3+ etc.

material in the capacitor A is the area of the capacitor plates d is the separation of the capacitor plates Ic is current flowing through the capacitor dV/dt is the rate of change of pd across the capacitor in volts / second Xc is the reactance of capacitor in = 3.14


VL = L dI/dt XL = 2 f L

Current leading or lagging Power factor Impedance Resistance in series with capacitance Resistance in series with inductance Resistance in series with inductance and capacitance Transformers

CIVIL p.f. = W VA _______ ZT = R2 + Xc2 _______ ZT = R2 + XL2 ____________ ZT = R2 + (XL - Xc)2 Np = Vp = Is Ns Vs Ip _ Vpeak = 2 x Vrms _ Ipeak = 2 x Irms _ VL = 3 x VP

VL is the pd across inductor L is inductance in henries dI/dt is the rate of change of current through the inductor XL is the reactance of the inductor in p.f. is power factor of equipment ( 1 is good, 0 is bad) VA is apparent power W is true power in watts ZT is total impedance in Np is the number of primary turns Ns is the number of secondary turns Vp is the primary voltage Vs is the secondary voltage Is is the secondary current Ip is the primary current




delta VL = VP _ IL = 3 x IP

Magnetism B = /A F=BI emf = B (motor)

v (generator)

B is magnetic flux density in teslas (T) or Wb / m2 is magnetic flux in webers (Wb) A is cross-sectional area of magnetic field in m2 F is force in newtons I is current through wire of length m emf is the pd induced in the wire v is the velocity that the wire cuts the magnetic field in m/s

Maths Order of calculations Circumference of circle Areas

BODMAS Circumference = D area of rectangle = b x h area of circle = r2 (r = D/2) area of triangle = x b x h

h b w h b a b c D h b

Volume Pythagoras Trigonometry

vol. of block = b x h x w ______ a = b2 + c2 sin = opp / hypot cos = adj / hypot tan = opp / adj SOHCAHTOA

hypot adj


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