Bible Quizz

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Bible Quiz

Genesis 1-5
21 February 2009

Bible Quiz
Genesis 6-10
28 February 2009


What did God create on the 6th day? Gen 1:26 2,3 Man/animals

2. By the 7th day God finished the work He had

Been doing, so on the Seventh-day He rested from His work; Verse 3, And God _____the seventh-day and ______. blessed/sanctified. 3. In the middle of the garden of Eden, there were 2 kinds of trees Gen 2:9 What are those: a. Tree of Life b. Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. 4. Who performed the first operation? Gen 2:21 God 5. After the operation, what was made? Woman

6. God did not want Adam to be alone, so He created

a helpmate for him. What is the name of Adam s 7. Helpmate? Gen. 2:18 Eve 8. In Gen 2:17, God said to Adam you must not eat from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, for when you eat of it YOU WILL SURELY DIE.

1. Who was that righteous man who found favour in the eyes of the Lord? Noah Gen 6:8 2. What is the name of the big boat mentioned in Gen. Chapter 6? 3. How many feet long: 450 Wide: 75 High: 45 4. For clean animals how many were preserved inside the big boat. 7 for every kind - a male and its mate. 5. How many unclean animals preserved for every kind male and its mate? 6. How old was Noah when flood came on the earth? 600 7. How many days and nights the rain fell on the earth ? 40 days and 40 nights 8. How many days the earth was flooded with water? 150 days 9. How long did Noah build the ark.? 120 yrs 10. The name of the mountain which the ark came to rest? Ararat 11. What is the sign of the covenant between God and the earth that never again will the water s become flood to destroy the earth? Rainbow 12. In chapter 10, who was known as the mighty hunter before the Lord? - Nimrod?

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen. 11-15 14 March 2009

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen. 16-20 21 March 2009


After the flood, the people built a what is the name of the tower? Babel


1. 2. 3.

2. Who was the father of Abram? Terah 3. What was the original place of Abram, 4. their place of birth. Ur 4. God called Abram to leave from his country and go to what place. Canaan 5. What is the name of Abram s wife. Sarai 6. What was Abram s lie? That Sarai was his sister. 7. The place where Abram had first built an altar. Bethel 8. The nephew of Abram who was moving with him but later separated because their herdsmen were quarreling. Lot 9. Abram moved his tent and lived near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron 10. Name the place where Lot, lived. Sodom 11. King of Salem, Priest of the God Most High who blessed Abram. Melchizedek 12. Abram believed the LORD and he credited it to him as righteousness

5. 6.


8. 9. 10.



Who was the Egyptian maidservant of Sarai? Hagar What is the meaning of Abram? Father The name Abram was changed to Abraham when God made him the father of many nations. The name of the spring or well in the dessert beside the road to Shur, where the angel found Hagar. Beer Lahai Roi. because she said. I have now seen the One who sees me. What was the name of Abraham s first born son not from Sarah. Ishmael What is the sign of God s covenant with Abraham and his descendants? Every male shall be circumcised. The name Sarai was changed to Sarah when God said she will be the mother of many nations. Name the two wicked cities God destroyed. Sodom and Gomorrah Lot and his family fled from the wicked cities being destroyed, what happened to Lot s wife when she looked back? she became a pillar of salt. Lot s older daughter became pregnant, and she named her son, : Moab, the father of the Moabites. The king of Gerar who took Sarah to be his wife, but God came to him in a dream. Abimelech

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen. 21-25 4 April 2009

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen 26 30 11 April 2009


Who was the son of Abraham in his old age? Isaac

2. How old was Abraham when his son was born? 100 yrs old 3. The place where Abraham and Abimelech swore an oath, they made a treaty. Beersheba

4. The name of the place where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac? Moriah 5. God provided a ram instead of Isaac to be offered, so Abraham called that place, The Lord Will Provide 6. 7. Who was the brother of Abraham? Nahor Sarah died at the age of ? 127 yrs old

8. Sarah was buried in the of cave of Machpelah 9. Who was Isaac s wife? Rebeccah 10. Abraham got married again after Sarah died, what is the name of Abraham s second wife? Ketura 11. Abraham died at the age of 175. 12. The twin sons of Isaac. Esau and Jacob

1. What is the name of the well the servants of Isaac have dug and to this time the name of the town is Beershiba. Shibah 2. The two wives of Esau: Judith and Basemath, they Hittites. 3. Who cheated Isaac, Jacob or Esau? Jacob 4. Jacob took a wife in Paddan Aram , the place of Laban, the brother Rebeccah. 5. Jacob took the stone he made as a pillow and set up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it and called the place: Bethel 6. Then Jacob made a vow that if God will be with him and prospers his journey and bless him, then all that God give him, he will give one tenth: tithe. 7. Brother of Rebecca, Jacob s mother. Laban 8. The Shepherdess, Rachel who took care of his father sheep, the daughter of Laban. 9. Who were the two wives of Jacob: Leah & Rachel 10. Laban cheated Jacob, and so he ended up working 14 years for his bride. 11. What were the wages of Jacob while working under Laban. 1. Speckled or spotted sheep 2. Every dark coloured lamb and spotted goats. 12. Rachel give birth to a son and said, God has taken away my disgrace. What is the name of her son: Joseph, and also said May the Lord add to me another son.

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen 31- 35 18 April 2009 1. 2. 3. What was stolen by Rachel? Her father s household gods. Jacob fled and Laban pursued him and overtook him, in what place? Gilead. God came to Laban in a dream at night, then what did God say to him? not to say anything to Jacob either good or bad. Mizpa May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are absent from each other. Jacob continue on his journey and the angels of God met him and he said, This is the camp of God and so he name the place: Mahanaim Jacob s name was changed to Israel because he struggled with God and with men and have overcome. Jacob said, because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared: So he named the place: Peniel How many hundreds of men Esau brought to fight against his brother Jacob? 400 men. From Paddan Aram Jacob arrived safely in the city of_Shechem instead of going to Seir with Easu. How much did he pay for the plot where he put up his tent in Shechem? 100 pieces of silver. How many children Jacob had? 13 12 sons/a daughter How old was Isaac when he died? 180 yrs old.

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen 36-40 25 April 2009 1. The hill country where Esau settled. Seir 2. First born son of Esau. Eliphaz 3. Give a reason why Jacob loved Joseph m ore than any of his son. Because Joseph had been to him in his old age. 4. What was the second dream of Joseph. Sun moon and 11 stars were bowing down to him. 5. How much was Joseph sold and to whom: a. 20 shekels of silver b. Ishmaelites 6. Who wanted to rescue Joseph from his brothers and take him back to his father. Reuben 7. When Joseph arrived in Egypt, he was sold to: Potiphar. 8. Judah s wicked son that God put him to death. Er 9. The twin boys of Judah, sons of Tamar: Perez Zerah. 10. When Potiphar s wife tempted Joseph, what was his answer: for 2 points. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God.

4. 5.



8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

11. The two officials of the king of Egypt who were put to prison because they offended their master. a. Chief Cupbearer b. Chief Baker

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen 36-40 25 pril 2009 1. The hill country where Esau settled. Seir 2. First born son of Esau. Eliphaz 3. Give a reason why Jacob loved Joseph m ore than any of his son. Because Joseph had been born to him in his old age. 4. What was the second dream of Joseph. Sun moon and 11 stars were bowing down to him. 5. How much was Joseph sold and to whom: a. 20 shekels of silver b. Ishmaelites 6. Who wanted to rescue Joseph from his brothers and thought of taking him back to his father. Reuben 7. When Joseph arrived in Egypt, he was sold to: Potiphar. Judah s wicked son that God put him to death. Er 9. The twin boys of Judah, sons of Tamar: a. Perez b. Zerah. 10. When Potiphar s wife tempted Joseph, what was his answer: for 2 points. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God. 11. The two officials of the king of Egypt who were put to prison because they offended their master, the king. a. Chief Cupbearer b. Chief Baker 8.

BIBLE QUIZZ Gen 41-45 2 May 2009 1. What was Pharaoh s first dream? 7 cows sleek and fat, eaten up by 7 ugly and gaunt cows. Who remembered Joseph in prison? Chief cupbearer. What was the interpretation of the dream? 7 yrs of abundance in Egypt and 7 yrs of famine will follow. Who interpreted Pharaoh s dream? Joseph How old was Joseph when he became governor of Egypt? 30 yrs Name the two sons of Egypt? Manasseh and Ephraim For 7 yrs of abundance in Egypt what portion of the harvest were stored up in the cities reserve for the famine . A fifth 41:34 When Joseph saw his brothers bowing to him, he then remembered his dream about them. What did Joseph say to them for 3 x repeated? You are spies. Who was taken from them and bound before their eyes? Simeon Joseph s youngest brother? Benjamin What was found in Benjamin s sack? Silver cup of Joseph After Joseph revealed himself to his brothers, he sent them away loaded with goods; before leaving what did Joseph say to them? Don t quarrel on the way

2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.


9. 10. 11. 12.

BIBLE QUIZZ Exodus 1-10 16 May 2009


2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.


Because the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly, and became exceedingly numerous, what was the instruction of the king, to the 2 Hebrew midwives during delivery of Hebrew women: If it is a boy, kill him, if it is a girl let her live. Who were the 2 Hebrew midwives: Shiphrah and Puah The name of the Hebrew who was rescued as a baby and raised by an Egyptian princess. Moses The priest of Median, who became the father in law of Moses. Jethro Who said this: Take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground. a. Moses, b. Pharaoh c. God The mountain of God, where Moses saw a burning bush. Horeb Moses was returning to Egypt and at a lodging place on the way, the Lord met him and was about to kill him, why? Moses failed to circumcise his son. 12 Give five of the 10 plagues in Egypt : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Water turn to blood Plague of Frogs Plague of Gnats Plague of Flies Darkness Plague of boils Plague on livestock Plague of Hail

BIBLE QUIZZ Exodus 11-20 23 May 2009 1. What is the name given to the night that God killed the first-born sons of the Egyptians. Passover 2. What was put on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the Israelite houses where they ate the Passover meal. Blood 3. How many years the Israelite people lived in Egypt. 430 yrs 4. The Lord guided the Israelites on the way through ______ during the day, and _______ during the night so that they could travel day and night? 13:21 5. Explain what happened to the Red Sea and the Egyptians who pursued the Israelites. The sea turned into dry land. The waters were divided. The Israelites went through dry ground. The water flowed back, and covered the entire army of Pharaoh 6. The place where the water was bitter. Marah. 7. The bread from heaven. Manna 8- 12 Enumerate the 10 commandments : 2 for 1 point. 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 5. Honour you father and your mother. 6. Thou shalt not kill. 7. Thou shalt commit adultery 8. Thou shalt no steal. 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour. 10. Thou shalt not covet. Lesson: That the mighty hand of God is able to deliver the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt. And He is the same God who is able to save us from the Bondage of sin in this present generation. We need only to stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord after we cry unto Him for help.

BIBLE QUIZZ Exodus 21-30 30 May 2009 1. How long will a Hebrew servant serve for his master ? 6 yrs 2. The fine for those who steal an ox or sheep and kill or sell it: For 1 ox stolen, the fine/payment is 5 heads of cattle. For 1 sheep the fine is 4 sheeps Name the 3 annual festivals the Lord commanded the Israelites to celebrate. Feast of unleavened bread Feast of Harvest Feast of Ingathering 4. What is the name of the book Moses read to the people while they worship the Lord at the foot of the mountain. Book of the Covenant 5. Who was with Moses, (his aid,) when he went up to the mountain of God. Joshua 6. Who were the 2 people left in-charge of the Israelites when Moses went up on the mountain. a. Aaron and b. Hur 7. How long did Moses stay on Mount Sinai when the 10 Commandments in two tablets stone was handed to him? 40 days and 40 nights 8. Describe the Ark : a. Made of Acacia wood b. 3 ft long - c. 2 ft wide - d. 2 ft high 9. What was the most important object in the tabernacle. Ark of the Covenant 10. The 2 objects with wings spread upward and facing each other. Cherubim 11. Who was the first high priest? Aaron 12. What is it that smells like a perfume that the high priest must burn on the altar every morning when he tends the lamps and again when he lights the lumps at twilight. Incense 3.

BIBLE QUIZZ Exodus 31-40 6 June 2009 1. Who wrote the book Exodus? Mosses 2. Who was chosen by the Lord to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze? Bezalel 3. What is the sign between God and the Israelites even unto this generation. Sabbath 4. What was given to Moses on Mount Sinai. 2 tablets of the Testimony. 5. What was made by Aaron which the Israelites worshipped and danced around it? Golden Calf 6. The land promised to the Israelites is a land flowing with_milk and 7. honey 8. The place where Israel worshipped God and there Moses would talk to God face to face. Tent of Meeting 9. Name the two rooms in the tabernacle? Holy Place 10. Most Holy Place 11. What is that thing in the tabernacle with six branches? Lampstand 12. What do you call the square thing on the breast of Aaron Breast piece

BIBLE QUIZZ Women s Ministry 13 June 2009

BIBLE QUIZZ 20 June 2009


The Egyptian woman who became the wife of Joseph? Asenath

A much love wife who died at the birth of her second son. Rachel 3. The woman who caused Samson s downfall. Delilah 4. Children obey your parents in the Lord is an admonition found in what book? a. Exodus b. John c. Ephesians (6:1) 5. Who was David s most beautiful wife? Abigail 6. The woman who wiped Jesus feet with her long hair. Mary Luke 7:44 7. The mother of Samuel? Hannah 8. The woman, who was a prophetess, held the longest record of widowhood 84 yrs. Luke 2:36 Annah 9. What kind of woman could a priest not marry? Exkiel 44:22 A widow or a divorcee 10. The name Esther means: a. Sun, b. gold,


1. Who wrote Leviticus? Moses 2. True or false -If the offering is a burnt offering from the heard, he is to offer a female without defect. 3. True or False Burnt offerings were offered every morning only. 4. When someone brings a grain offering to the Lord, his offering is to be of ___________. Fine flour 5. Nadab -Two sons of Aaron who died before the Lord because they offered unauthorized fire? 6. Abihu 7. What was their sin? 8. Eleazar - Two sons of Aaron to replace those who died. 9. Ithamar 10. What is it in an animal or bird, that God said you must not eat and if anyone eats, that person must be cut off from his people.

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