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1. Custormer wants the report to refresh automatically,whenever be opens the reports is it possible & how? 2.

How do u elimate dublicate rows being retuned by BO? 3. what level of security BO supports 4. Is it possible to create reports form different universe in one document ? 5. How to link one universe to other universe? 6. Can a universe be linked to more than one data source? 7. what all different options present in webi? 8. Report Bursting? 9. Difference b/w sort and ranking? 10. Difference b/w the section & break? 11. what are the different ways to resolve the loops? 12. what are the different b/w a formula and a variable? 13. Designer has set up all the join in the Tables without catrdinality will designer be able to detect the loop. If yes how? If no, why ? 14. what is the multidimensional hierarchy? 15. what are the @funtion in BO? 16. what is array fetch size? 17. define a derived universe? 18. How do u select multivalue in a prompt? 19. state the migratation process from development to proceduction? 20. what are the different groups available in CMC? 21. what are types of errors in BO? 22. diffence b/w rank and ranking ? 23. #mulivalue error? 24. #computaion error?

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

How you are going to test the Universe. How you are going to test the reports. What are the complex reports you have prepared Tell me the statistics of the universe What is fantrap and chasmtrap? How you are going to resolve these? What is optimization way to run a report fast? What are the problems you have faced in designing part. How many classes and objects created? What are the object qualifications we are having? How you are going to restrict the data in report for a particular user. How you are going to restrict a object for a particular user. What are the problems you have faced at the time of designing? How many types of connections are in BO? What is the purpose of each What is @prompt? Syntax of @prompt. What is a prompt? How many @functions are available in BO. How to create cascade prompt?

42. Explain about the project? 43. How many dimension tables and fact tables? How do you join fact tables? 44. Difference b/n BO XI R2 and R3 45. Where, group by, and having clause? 46. Functionality of drill filter 47. Drill up, drill down, drill by 48. About hierarchies 49. What function has to be used in Webi for clubbing multiple data sources? 50. Multi value error 51. Inner join and outer join 52. Sub string and instring oracle 53. What is slowly changing dimension 54. Difference b/n union and union all in oracle 55. Dimension table and fact table difference in data warehouse? 56. Difference between the CMS and earlier versions repository 57. Break on some report, he wants sort on measure? 58. LOVs 59. He has three tables like daily, weekly, and monthly. When he running the report using prompt, in prompts he wants to select which table it has to execute on which table. 60. Two data providers how you can merge based on common dimension (how can you set that) 61. Open document based on selection object it has to display the report. $prompts 62. In $prompts I didnt specify the fifth parameter, what will happen? 63. Earlier versions security, universe, document domains is covered by cms? 64. Doc domain belongs to file repository. 65. How to improve Universe performance (indexing, where you specify key indexing) 66. What about ANSI 92 (In Universe parameters ANSI 92 default sets by selecting low to high row weight criterion) 67. What is a loop? 68. How to Resolve a loop? 69. What is context & Alias?how to create alias manually? 70. How to refresh a report? 71. What Happens to the report if the loops are not solved? 72. What is aggergate awarnees ? 73. Did aggergate awarnees table appeared in ur universe? 74. Did ur aggergate table was joined in ur universe? 75. on what circumstances will u use a context? 76. what are prompts for what purpose it is used and how it is used in designerlevel and query level? 77. what are customized list of values? 78. Have you used multiple data provider ? 79. How to use the Excel sheet as a data provider ? 80. How can you use Aggreegate awreness ? 81. Did you found any difficulties while creating charts ? 82. How to move your report to production side ?

83. How you do the version control ? 84. will you Prefer context or alias in designer... why? 85. what formulas you used while creating reports. 86. who will check your reports? 87. what are tips you take for performance issues.? 88. What kind of reports you designed...On what basis you will design it? 89. How you will scheduled reports...? 90. What is Datawarehouse? 91. For what purpose we will use Datawarehouse? 92. What is Datamart? 93. What is FactTable? 94. What is Star Schema? 95. When will you get this message "No data to fetch" after running the report? 96. Some questions on our projects? 97. What are Hierarchies? 98. How can you set the Hierarchies? 99. To what extent you can set the Hierarchies? 100. What is Drill down? 101. what is Context? 102. What are the ways to solve loops? 103. Do you prefer Context or Allias in solving the loops? 104. What are Allias? 105. If you want to send the report to some particular users then How can you 106. send the report? 107. What is Datawarehousing? why the companies need to go for that? 108. What is fact table and factless fact table? 109. what is the difference between OLTP and DW? 110. Can you say something about the dimension modelling? 111. How you will design the schema? What are the possible ways to design it? 112. How you will design schema without any specific tool? 113. what plays key role in designing the schema? 114. which is the best schema suited for the reporting? 115. How will you import your factless fact table in your universe and under what circumstances? 116. Can you explain about your project and your roles and responsibilities? 117. How will you validate your reports? 118. How will you set categories and Hierarchies? 119. How will you go from higher level immediately to lower level excluding intermediate levels while you generate reports? 120. what is scope of analysis? What is the maximum level you can set there? 121. Imagine that your source is textfiles, if it has duplicate records, How will you eliminate those? 122. If you have three data provider, how will you create report by combining all the three? 123. What is meant by linking universes?

124. Can you explain the process of creating universes in the designer? 125. How you filter duplicate records in your universe design without using Distinct condition and rowid? 126. What is repository? 127. Give the notes and functionalities of cascading prompt? 128. When to use Local filter and when to use Global filter? 129. What are the user requirements in a universe? 130. I have three predefined prompts. In a report it will come randomly? how will they come out in a specified form? 131. The Prompts will appear in the alphabetical order. To make them appear in the order of ourrequirement, need to prefix a numerical with the prompt. 132. Can we apply Rank and Sort at a time on a single report? 133. what is difference between custom hierarchy and report based hierarchy? 134. what is the multi value error ? Is there any types of Error in BO? 135. what is the difference between tabular report& cross tab report? 136. What is the difference between condition and filter? 137. Difference Between Break and Section 138. What is Master and detail report 139. What is Track and option of track 140. What is crystal report 141. Difference between BO and Crystal 142. Advantages of Crystal reports 143. What is infoview 144. What is the use of publishing wizard 145. How many servers get installed if you install BO S/W. 146. How to use Company logos in the report 147. What are report export options. 148. What is custom sql 149. Can we create a report using custom sql 150. How to set the sort priority 151. How to set Break priority 152. How to set Default contexts to run. 153. How to refresh the Universe 154. What are various prompt options 155. What is @ Prompt function and its syntax 156. What is the difference between where and @where functions. 157. What is the syntax of @aggregate-aware function. 158. What is the difference between Save and export and Import and open 159. What is CCM 160. How to set the user security for the report or universes. 161. How many alerts we can apply in single report 162. Can we apply alerts in to charts 163. What are the chart options. 164. What is the extension of universe 165. What is the extension of webi report 166. What is the extension of deski report

167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.

What is the extension of crystal reports What is the extension of lov file What are the sources for deski report What is online and offline webi report What is web rich client tool Can we create a webi report using flat file as a source? What is merged dimension What are formatting options What is custom sort How to set the default values in the prompt window What are the optional prompts and how to set What is Index awareness key and how to set Can we save webi report as a local copy Can we save Deski report as alocal copy

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