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Activated Sludge Calculations with Excel - Quiz

Quiz Activated Sludge Calculations with Excel, Course #509 1. Which of the following is the main problem caused by dissolved organic matter going into a receiving stream in wastewater effluent? a. toxicity to the fish in the receiving stream b. depletion of dissolved oxygen c. toxicity to people drinking the water d. interference with photosynthesis 2. The primary end products of biological oxidation of organic matter are which of the following? a. carbon monoxide and water b. oxygen and biological energy c. carbon dioxide and water d. carbon dioxide and oxygen 3. A completely mixed activated sludge aeration tank is typically designed with a long narrow configuration. a. True b. False 4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the extended aeration process that makes it different than the conventional activated sludge process? a. It doesnt require disinfection of the final effluent b. The hydraulic retention time is much longer. c. It doesnt use a primary clarifier. d. It produces very little excess sludge for disposal. 5. Which of the following is a typical hydraulic residence time for the contact portion of a contact stabilization activated sludge process? a. 6 to 8 hours b. 20 to 24 hours c. 3 to 8 hours d. 0.5 to 2 hours 6. A completely mixed activated sludge process is more resistant to the effects of slug loads of high concentration or hard to oxidize influent than a conventional activated sludge process. a. True b. False 7. Which of the following is a typical volumetric loading for an extended aeration activated sludge plant in lb BOD/day/1000 ft3? a. 20 - 100 b. 20 - 40 c. 5 - 15 d. 0.1 0.3 8. Calculate the aeration tank volume needed (in ft3) for an extended aeration plant treating a daily average flow of 0.8 MGD with estimated primary effluent BOD of 140 mg/L, based on a volumetric loading of 6 lb BOD/day/1000 ft3. a. 130,000 b. 148,000 c. 156,000 d. 178,000 9. What is the volume of a 217,000 ft3 aeration tank in millions of gallons? a. 1.3 b. 1.4 c. 1.5 d. 1.6 10. Calculate the aeration tank hydraulic residence time in hours for a conventional activated sludge plant with influent flow rate of 6.5 MGD and aeration tank volume of 217,000 ft3. a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 11. What is the F:M ratio for a flow of 2.8 MGD with 160 mg/L BOD into a 0.8 million gallon aeration tank with 2100 mg/L MLSS having 70% volatile suspended solids? a. 0.24 b. 0.28 c. 0.32 d. 0.38 12. Calculate the aeration tank volume needed (in m3) for a complete mix activated sludge plant treating a daily average flow of 20,000 m3/d with estimated primary effluent BOD of 160 g/m3, based on a volumetric loading of 0.85 kg BOD/day/m3. a. 3800 b. 4200 c. 4800 d. 5300 13. Calculate the waste activated sludge flow rate needed to give a sludge retention time of 10 days for a conventional activated sludge plant with aeration tank MLSS of 2000 mg/L, waste activated sludge suspended solids conc. of 6800 mg/L, and aeration tank volume of 0.97 MG. a. 0.018 MGD b. 0.023 MGD c. 0.029 MGD d. 0.035 MGD

Copyright 2011 Harlan H. Bengtson, PhD, P.E.

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Activated Sludge Calculations with Excel - Quiz

14. Calculate the recycle activated sludge flow rate needed for a conventional activated sludge plant with aeration tank MLSS of 2000 mg/L, waste activated sludge suspended solids conc. of 6800 mg/L, primary effluent suspended solids conc. of 180 mg/L, and average daily flow rate of 4.2 MGD. a. 1.3 MGD b. 1.6 MGD c. 1.9 MGD d. 2.2 MGD 15. The equation for calculating F:M ratio is the same for either U.S. units or S.I. units. a. True b. False

Copyright 2011 Harlan H. Bengtson, PhD, P.E.

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