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I am Abhishek Thakur, pursuing my MBA at Centre for Management Training & Research (CMTR) Kharar.

As a part of my curriculum I am doing a Research on Effectiveness of Grievance Handling System. Please help me by filling up this questionnaire and providing me with the required information. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and used only for the academic purpose. 1. Did you know what is grievance? Yes No 2. Is the grievance handling procedure explained to you? Yes No 3. Are you aware of the grievance redressal committee of your organization? Yes No 4. Do you know about the members of the grievance redressal committee? Yes No 5. Do you get bonus? Yes



6. Are you satisfied with the promotion policy of you organization? Yes No 7. Are the wages & salary given on equitable basis? Yes No 8. Is your relations with your supervisor are good? Yes No 9. Is your job is stressful? Yes Sometimes Never

10.Are you satisfied with the canteen facility? Yes No 11. Do you keep your grievances to yourself? Yes Sometimes No

12. To what extent you are satisfied with the grievance handling system of you organization? Fully Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied 13. From how long are you facing the grievance? 3 days week More than 1 month

14. Have you registered your grievance to the immediate superior? Yes No

15. Does your immediate superior respond to your grievance in specify time limit?



16. How much time management has taken to redress your grievance? 1 week Pending More than 01 month

17. Should management nominate any authority to solve grievances? Yes No

18. Are the grievances solved in proper time? Yes NO

19.Is there any type of favouritism, nepotism or biases in dealing with people in your organization? Always Sometimes Never

20.The following set of statements relate to your feelings about Investment. Tick SD if you Strongly Disagree, D if you Disagree, CS if you Cant say, A if you Agree & SA if you Strongly Agree with the statements. 1 2 3 Statement Satisfied with the management decision regarding your grievance Present grievance handling policy of your organization is effective Grievance redressal is one of the major components of job satisfaction. SA A CS SD D

Personal Details

Name: ___________________________________





Below 25




above 65

Marital status: Single


Qualification: Undergraduate



Any other_______________________

Department: __________________________________

Job Duration: __________________________________

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