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Fundamental Definitions and Background Dynamic Meteorology: Study of motions of the atmosphere (or oceans) Air is a continuous medium

(neglect molecular character)

Density Temperature Pressure

Fluid (in a general sense) Properties may vary from one point to another

Since we are dealing with a continuous medium, we may use techniques from calculus that determine changes through the medium Physical principles (conservation laws) govern the changes

Physical principles are Newtons Laws of motion F=ma -> force = change in momentum Continuity (mass is neither created or destroyed) Laws of Thermodynamics (heat = change in internal energy) Physical laws may be used in a predictive sense

Derive a set of governing equations Specified initial state + time rate of change Change due to a variety of factors Basis of models Understanding the physical laws aids in interpreting data and model output Models are based on approximate forms of the equations (our focus is on large scales) = final state

Dimensions and Units

All physical quantities have dimensions Fundamental (Base) Dimensions

Length (L) Mass (m) Time (t) Temperature (T)

meters kilograms seconds


m kg s

Dimensions are measured in terms of units SI (Standard International)

Derived dimensions (units) are combinations of the fundamental ones Examples Volume = L3 (m3) Density = mass/volume (kg/m3) Velocity = L/t (m/s) Acceleration = velocity/time (L/t/t) (m/s2)

Some derived units have special names

Frequency Force Pressure Energy Power

Hertz Newton pascal Joule Watt

HZ (s-1) N (kg-m/s2) Pa (N/m2) J (N-m) W (J s-1)

dimensional homogeniety Terms on either side of an equation will have the same dimensions (units) F=ma (N = kg m/s2 and N has units of kg m/s2) Dimensional analysis can be used as a check on solutions

Typically we use SI for meteorological examples Exceptions Time is measured in minutes, hours or days
(Holton uses Hectopascals hPa 1hPa = 1 mb)

Temperature in oC (Celsius) T(oC) = T(oK) - 273.15oK

Pressure in millibars (mb) 100 Pa = 1 mb 105 Pa = 103 mb =1000 mb = 1 bar = 1 atmosphere

Prefixes for decimal multiples

106 103 102 10 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9

mega kilo hecto deka deci centi milli micro nano

M k h da d c m (micron) n

Scales of Motion
Molecular mean free path (mfp) Turbulent eddies Dust devils Gusts (?) tornadoes Cb Clouds Fronts Hurricanes Mid Latitude Cyclones Planetary waves Mean earth radius 10-7 m 10 m 10-2 - 1 m 1 -10 m 10 - 102 m 102 m 103 m 104 - 105 m 105 m 106 m 107 m 6.37 x 106 m

Scale Analysis: Estimate sizes of terms in equations using these characteristic scales

Dust devil




Mid-latitude cyclone

Planetary waves

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