Why Is/did Thailand Flood?: Y07 - Humanities Water Assessment - Step 1 2011

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Why is/did Thailand Flood?

Y07 - Humanities Water Assessment Step 1 2011

It all started up in a few cities in the north. After urgent attempts of trying to block the floodwaters, it couldnt be stopped. The water overflowed the bank of the Yom and Nan river, which are 2 of the many tributaries for the Chao Praya. The water also overflowed the Bhumibol and Sirikit dams, which eventually had to be let out. After that one action, the water was able to fight through barriers, creating a huge crisis for Thailandthe 2011 Floods.

All of this happened because

Reason 1:
INCREASED AMOUNT ON MONSOONS AND PRECIPITATION/ RAINFALL IN 2011. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAUSE FOR THE REASON: CLIMATE This is considered a reason CHANGE because it increases the amount of water in Thailand, which is why Amount of Rainfall Comparison floods happen. chart between 2010 and 2011:

The problem with the rain is that it is too much, and has no where to go. The more precipitation there is, the more evaporation, condensation and accumulation there is.

Reason 2:
THERE WAS AN OVERFLOWING AMOUNT OF WATER IN DAMS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAUSE FOR THE REASON: INCREASED PRECIPITATION (REASON 1)
This is considered a reason because it causes flooding in the flood plain, cities and homes near the rivers. The Bhumibol and Sirikit dams (which are located in the north) are a major cause to why it is/was flooding. When dams are let out, they flood areas which are not meant to flood. Rivers start to overflow in this situation, because of the massive amount of water let out from dams.

The more water there is let out from the dam, the more water there is that needs to travel through the tributaries, meanders, mouth, delta and to the sea. This also causes the water level for the sea to rise.

Reason 3:
NOT ENOUGH/UNAVAILIBLE DRAINAGE FOR THE OVERFLOWING WATER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is considered a reason CAUSE FOR THE REASON: INCREASED because it prevents the water PRECIPITATION (REASON 1) and RUBBISH CLOGS DRAINS from flowing into somewhere else. The water should be flowing Rubbish clogs up the drain, and into drains, but since there is water is overflowing: too much water, more than how much the drains can afford, the water overflows onto the roads. Rubbish that has been floating around also goes through the drains, using up more drainage space.

Reason 4:
US HUMANS HAVE BUILT ROADS, DAMS, BUILDINGS, AND CANALS/ KHLONGS/BODIES OF WATER PREVENT THE WATER FROM FLOWING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is considered a reason CAUSE FOR THE REASON: SUPPORTS because it blocks natural flood THE ECONOMY and FUFILLS OUR paths, and the natural flow. WANTS/NEEDS
Since we build roads, dams, buildings and bodies of water, which is basically creating a city, we do as much as we can to protect it. This obviously prevents the water from directly flowing through cities, to the gulf of Thailand, were it is supposed to go. Building all these things supports the economy very well, makes our lives complete, but makes it harder to create a path for the water to flow to.

Reason 5:
US HUMANS HAVE CUT DOWN MOST OF OUR NATURE, NOT ENOUGH TO SOAK UP THE PRECIPITATED WATER, AND WE USE DAMS INSTEAD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Past CAUSE FOR THE REASON: SUPPORTS THE ECONOMY and FUFILLS OUR WANTS/NEEDS Present This is considered a reason because it
doesnt help the amount of water decrease. When there is a flood, the main goal is to get rid of it. Our actions in the past have proved that impossible. If this situation was set many years ago in the past, the flooding wouldve easily decreased because of the amount of nature at that time. Sadly, this is the present and that means that most of our nature is gone.

Our old natural dams are not there anymore, thats why we have built our own dams. Dams only control the water flow, create energy, and control where the water goes to. But dams dont decrease water.

Reason 6:
THE SAVARNABHUMI AIRPORT IS BUILT ON A FLOOD PLAIN, PREVENTING WATER TO GO THERE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAUSE FOR THE REASON: SUPPORTS THE ECONOMY
This is considered a reason because it prevents the water from going where it is supposed to. Of course, we want the airport to be safe, because if it shuts down, the economy drops massively. Although Thailand is flooding, tourists and businessmen are still entering the flooded country.

If the airport closes, our economy will be massively effected because of the huge loss. Since the airport needs to stay dry, this results to extremeprotection.

Reason 7:
HUMANS HAVE PILED UP SANDBAGS TO PROTECT BORDERS OR PREVENT WATER FROM FLOODING OUT OF BORDERS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAUSE FOR THE REASON: TOO MUCH WATER!
This is considered a reason because it is preventing water to flood in a certain area. This slows water down, but in the end causes water to come rushing unintentionally. This is done because of urgent need to prevent an area from flooding. Eventually, the barrier breaks because of the strong water pressure, and the unstoppable amount. This results to flooding other places. Piling up sandbags does help certain places very strongly such as Bangkok, but

mostly makes the situation even worse. This reason is basically the whole big wrap-up thing to do to preventing Thailand from flooding. Yes, if we hadnt built all these barriers and let the water naturally flow into the gulf of Thailand and flood cities, it wouldnt have been this bad.

So, in conclusion, Why was Thailand flooding

in 2011?
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.

Increased amount of monsoons and precipitation/rainfall Overflowing amount of water in Dams Not enough/unavailable amount of drainage for the overflowing water Roads, Dams, Buildings, and bodies of water prevent the water from naturally flowing Us humans have cut down most of our nature, not enough to soak up the precipitated water, and we use dams instead. The Savarnbhumi airport is built on a flood plain, preventing water to go there. Humans have piled up sandbags to protect borders or prevent water from flooding out of borders.

Thailand was flooded because of our actions, as well as the natures actions.

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