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rasta shop, jamaican culture, rasta flag Rastafarian God: Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia DO RASTAFARIANS HAVE THEIR OWN GOD? Yes, Rastafarians have their own black God, his name is Emperor Haile Selassie. He was born in Ethiopia in 1892, and was crowned emperor, of Ethiopia in 1930. The story of Selassie is an interesting one. There are DVDs that you can watch to learn more. I will give a brief explanation here. Many Rastafarians say it is outlined in the bible, the birth of Emperor Haile Selassie and the fact that he is God. In the bible it says, he will be calledThe king of kings, lord or lords, conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, apparently Selassie is of the tribe of Judah because of the time he was born, which is under the sign of leo, the lion, (the tribe of Judah). There is a lot more cool facts that line up to Selassie being a reincarnation of our lord. Do I believe it myself? Yes, I do. When I found out he could pet lions without being mauled, (even though they were his person pets) I was convinced. I believe you need t have something special inside of you to be able to do this. DO RASTAFARIANS BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST? Yes, there are some Rastas who do believe in Jesus Christ. They call him by the name Yesus Christos. I my self am not a facts rasta so I cant really tell you much else about this. what I can tell you is that a lot of Jamaican Rastafarians are raised christian before embracing themselves as Rasta. Therefore, many Rastas read the Christian bible, including my self. In fact I consider the Christian bible to be a spring board into my accepting my self as Rasta. Rastas dont have anything against Christianity or any other religion. We are just different in the sense that we know what we know, and what we know is the truth, there for we cannot deny, our rasta spiritual knowing. RASTA COLORS AND THE ETHIOPIAN (RASTA) FLAG We rasta get our rasta colors from the real true rasta flag, which is the original flag of Ethiopia, and had the lion on it. I believe somebody changed it, from the lion to a yellow star on a blue background, because just like they smashed off the nose of the sphinx, this is an attempt to try to hide the truth. The lion is a clear symbol of strength, and just to see that flag, no matter who you are, you know there is something very strong, and very special about it. You can buy one at my rasta flag shop. here at WHAT DO THE HISTORY BOOKS SAY ABOUT THE WAR ON ETHIOPIA? Many books say that Mussolini declared war on Ethiopia, in order to colonize it, like the rest of Africa had been successfully colonized by outsiders at that time, and that Mussolini won the war. This is not true. Selassie and his army won the fight. Let me bring you up to speed in case you dont know, like I didnt at one point.

THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING! There was a time when all of Africa was called Ethiopia. Africa kept on being colonized by outsiders, over and over again until there was only a small piece of land left, which is where Emperor Haile Selassie lived. When Mussolini declared war on Ethiopia in order to colonize it. Selassie being a king, had the resources (army) to go to war in order to defend the part of Africa where he resided. When the war was over, it was still called Ethiopia, because Mussolini was unsuccessful in his attempt to colonize this remainder of Africa. Just by the sheer fact that Ethiopia has its original name, and not a name given to it by its colonizers tells you that, Selassie and his troops won the war. A friend of mine forced me to watch the DVD, which I will try to make available to you as well. On my website. For now please read more about the the war between the Italy and Ethiopia here. FOR SOME RASTA GOD HAS NO FACE AND NO NAME For some Rasta, God has no face and no name God is a spirit. That makes sense too. But maybe it was all true at some point. Maybe there is God, then he sent Selassie to defend the African Land. God was in Selassie so to speak, so at that time God was black. Then when Selassie was no more Selassie. (some say he is still alive) then he became a spirit, without a face. Personally, I believe Selassie is God or a reincarnation so to speak, but this is a Rasta woman, with all her rasta thoughts and feelings perspective. I LOVE H.I.M AND I LOVE MY SELF. I AM AFRICAN I love the story of Emperor Haile Selassie, His Imperial Majesty. I love my self too. I am african and I am proud. IS GOD BLACK? I dont know if God is black, I have never met him. In the bible jesus is described as being someone of color. With his hair like lambs wool, and his feet the color of brass (sorry guys I dont remember exactly) but it sounds to me like someone from egypt, and this type of Egyptian have hair like black folks, and tanned to dark-colored skin. Sizzla, (a popular reggae music artist) has a song called no white god here it is for you to listen to. Watch this next video and learn why Rastafarians pay respect to Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia as God. This is an interview with popular reggae artist Sizzla, discussing Rastafari. ff BOB MARLEY SAID WE ARE ALL ONE Bob Marley sang in one of his songs One love, one heart, lets get together and feel alright..! We are all one whether we want to be or not, we are. We may be different in color, different by birth country, but the rest is all the same. We, should be more focused on our similarities than our differences, I think we would all be happier if we did that.

P.S. As long as your God teaches love, unity, and respect I dont care what color you think of him to be, I am on board. The East indians have Gandhi, he was about peace, The Asians have the Dalai Lama, he also represents a peaceful spirituality, The Christians have jesus, he believed in loving your enemies and leaving oppressors to God. We Rasta have Emperor Haile Selassie and he called for unity among all nations, regardless of skin color or class. Looking to buy an Emperor Haile Selassie Flag click here! Jah Rastafari Lives, and he lives forever. Want to know if the rasta way of life is right for this article on 10 questions to ask your self.

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