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1. What is the difference between sqldirect and other jdbc activities?

Ans: Other jdbc activities can only do a specific DML operation (insert, update, modify), where as sql direct can executes all the DML operations including table creation and deletion too. SQL direct is mainly used for dynamic db operations 2. What is the difference between shared variable, jobshared variable, process variables and global variables? Ans: Shared variables can be accessible by multiple process definitions, and can Changeable by any process definition. Job Shared variables can be accessible within the execution jobs, and it will maintain a copy of variable for every job (execution). Process Variables can only be access for a particular process where it gets defined. Global variable can be accessible by across the project. Global variable can be edit at runtime too in Tibco administrator. 3. What are the archive files in .ear? Ans: Enterprise Archive file (.ear) file contains combination .par, .sar and .aar files i.e process archive file, shared archive files and adapter archive files. 4. Where we will go for ADB adapter and JDBC Activities? Ans: We can go for ADB adapter where the data flow is synchronous and data integration is required between multiple data bases. Whereas JDBC Activities can be used for asynchronous operations and where the data integration is not required. 5. What is the difference between Filepoller and file adapter? Ans: File poller is a process starter activity which polls the given file for every polling interval time. It simply read the file and processes the text or binary output. File adapter poll the set of files for every change event and make them sync as per the requirement. 6. What is persistant, nonpersistant queue in EMS? Ans: Persistent in EMS (Enterprise Messaging Service) is to store the messages on disk or database, so that we can get the data from disk or database at later point of time when consumer is available. Non Persistent: Non persistent in EMS that the messages were not store at disk or database. They will remains in EMS server and expire after reaching the expiration limit. 7. What are the transactions in tibco? Ans: In tibco every transaction is a business related message. We have JNDI, XA transactions available in tibco.

8. What is the difference between parsed xml and render xml? Ans: Parse XML will parse the xml content as per the XML Schema or DTD or XSD that we defined. Render XML will render the data from the output and provide a xml string as per the Shema or XSD we defined.

9. Explain some errors in while deployment the .ear? Ans: tibrv failed exception, tibhawk failed exception. No such memory found exception. Connection issues. Port availability exceptions. 10. Explain error handling mechanism? Ans: We can handle the errors using generate error, catch, and Re throw. 11. What is static queue, dynamic queue and temporary queue? Ans: Static queues are those created through tibco ems admin tool. Dynamic queues are created on top of EMS server. They can be created at designer level or at client level. Temporary queues will exist until the application and client connection exists. 12. What is the difference between RV (rendezvous) and jms? Ans: RV and JMS both are tibco messaging transports. a) Architecture wise RV follows BUS architecture and JMS follows client server architecture. b) Protocol wise RV using UDP and JMS using TCP. c) RV follows subject based messaging where as JMS using queues and topics. d) RV is less secure and reliable in message transportation when we compare with EMS as EMS stores the messages on disk. e) RV sending data in asynchronously, EMS sends synchronously. f) RV majorly used in Telecom sectors where as EMS used in Banking and Financial sectors. g) RV is a proprietary production of Tibco software inc where as EMS is wrapper over JMS 1.1version 13. How to install tibco software components (sequence to install the components)? Ans: We can install tibco software in 3 ways. a) GUI mode b) Silent mode c) Console mode. And we can install tibco software in the following sequence. TRA, BW, Admin, EMS, RV, Adapters, Hawk.

14. What is the role of tra? Ans: TRA (tibco runtime agent) will setup the tibco environment. Which includes tibco designer, tibco rv, jvm and jre, hawk. 15. What is the difference between parse data and render data? Ans: Parse data will parse the text content as per the Data format defined. Render data will render the data from the output and provide a string as per the Data format defined. 16. What is the use of spawn option in called process? Ans: If spawn is checked, then that process will be executes externally with main process. And we are not support to make this spawn when we are using job shared variables 17. What is the use of transaction? Ans: Transaction is used to perform All or nothing .If everything is successful then all will be commited ot else will be roll back . It supports two types of Transactions 1.JDBC 2.XA. The JDBC Transaction type provides transaction support only for the JDBC activities, and it does not provide transaction support for JMS or Checkpoint resources. The JDBC Transaction group allows you to perform multiple database operations within the group as a single unit of work. All database operations performed within the transaction group are either committed or rolled back. The XA Transaction type allows you to perform JDBC and JMS operations within the group as a single unit of work. All JDBC and JMS operations performed within the transaction group are either committed or rolled back.

18. Explain critical section group? Ans: A critical section group controls the shared variables modification by other processes while the job is running at critical section group. We select lock object along with critical section group 20. What is the difference between queues and topics? Ans: Queues and Topics both are used in message store and transportation in EMS. Queues are used in point to point communication mode where as Topics are used in Publish Subscribe communications.

Queues can assure the message deliver even if the reader/receiver is not active. Topics case messages cannot be sent if consumer is not active. but we can assurance by making them as durable Queues are more secure than Topics

21. What is the use of bridges in ems? Ans: Using bridge concept in EMS we can send messages between applications to applications without changing the application code. We can simply using the same application logic with defined topics and queues. Here we simply bridge the desired topics to queues or queue to queue or topic to topic vice versa. If u wants to send message between different messaging destinations within the EMS serve then go for bridge and its unidirectional

22. What is the difference between reliable, certified, distributed queues in RV? Ans: Reliable: Delivery guarantee in the reliable mode, subscriber can send the retransmission request for the lost packets. Certified: Certified messaging assures that both pub/subs are in certified mode of message delivery. And packets/messages will be stored on a ledger file. So that lost messages or packets can be delivered as per the re-transmission request. Distributed: Distribute Queue is to share load between the workers; this will handled by Load balancing concept. Whoever is having highest work will be acting as scheduler and also we can decide worker capacity as well DQ-Load balancing!

23. What Abstract wsdl and concrete wsdl? Ans: Abstract wsdl contains the message, port and port type information which can be used by web service provider. Concrete wsdl contains abstract wsdl and transport details, and which is used by web service client.

24. What is the use of ESB BUS? Ans:An enterprise service bus (ESB) is a distributed, message-based integration solution based on open standards. The role of an ESB is to facilitate reliable communications between IT resources such as applications, platforms and services that are distributed in multiple systems throughout an enterprise.

25. What is difference between publish by value, publishby reference modes in ADB adapter?

Ans: publish by value: in this type the changes in the source table are reflected in the p_ table and the data is taken from there. its used when high speed is required. It dose not support datatypeslikeoraclelong. publish by reference: in this type the data is directly taken from the source table where only the primary key will come from p_ table. it allows data types like oracle long. loss of changes in the source table can be lost bcos of the waiting time.(this can be avoided usingalerter). 26. What is the use of confirm activity, checkpoint and how to use? Ans: Confirm - is used to give client acknowledgements and also in RVCM Concept. Checkpoint is to saves the state of the process, avoids duplications, and BW Engine failures 27. What is the difference between SOAP Event Source and Service Activity? Ans: Using the SOAP Event Source, you can run only one operation at a time. While using the Service Palette you can run multiple operations simultaneously The SOAP Event Source process starter creates a process instance for incoming SOAP requests. SOAP is a standard protocol for invoking web services. This allows you to create a web service using process definitions. Upon retrieval of the WSDL, the client can perform a SOAP request to invoke the web service. 28. What is the purpose of Retrieve Resource activity? Ans: The Retrieve Resources activity generates a WSDL file containing a concrete service (Conrete WSDL) description of any process definition that has a SOAP Event Source process starter. This allows clients to access the WSDL for a web service. The client can then use the WSDL file to invoke the web service. The Retrieve Resources activity can also be used to retrieve any other resources, including XSDs and WSIL. 29. What is use of HAWK and what are the components present in HAWK? Ans: HAWK is the tibco monitoring tool which can monitor the health of system, applications and can be manage the applications too. Hawk contains 3 major components, hawk display, hawk agents, and hawk micro-agents. 30. What is the use of Query Builder in JDBC query Activity? No idea!! I never heard this query builder in JDBC 31. What is the use of Override Transaction behavior option in JDBC Activities? Overrides the default behavior of a transaction group. If this activity is in a transaction group, the activity is normally committed or rolled back with the other transactional activities. If this checkbox is checked, this activity is not part of the transaction group and is committed when it completes. Checking this option uses a separate database connection to perform the activity and commit the SQL statement.

32. What are the properties that we can set to a queue or topic? Ans: Secure, failsafe, global, prefetch, maxmsgs, maxbytes, export, import, flowcontrol, sender_name, trace, expiration, overflowpolicy, store and channel. 33. What are the protocols that RV and EMS use? Ans: EMS uses TCP protocol where as RV uses TRDP over UDP which will provide TRDP for secure communication. 34. What is fault tolerance and Load Balancing in tibco EMS and where to configure? Ans: Fault Tolerance: The arrangement of failover recovery in EMS to assist client communications to EMS is called Fault Tolerance. Setting up primary and secondary EMS servers in an environment. Load Balance: 35. What are the configuration files present in EMS/?. Ans: tibemsd.conf EMS server config file which reads other config files queues.conf, topics.conf, durables.conf, acl.conf, user.conf, group.conf, bridges.conf, route.conf etc. 36. What is force redeployment? Ans: Selecting Force redeployment of all services to redeploy all services even if a service is in a synchronized state. This is useful if you have manually changed deployment files, or if you need to define NT Services to multiple hosts in a Microsoft Cluster. 37. Where we define error schema for generate error activity? Ans: Will have to define in END activity error schema tab so that it will get deflect on generate error tab. 38. What is Generate Error, Catch, and Rethrow activities? Ans:Generate error is for error handling and catch and rethrow is for exception handling mechanism. Rethrown will throw error to the next level. 39. What are the other tibco components that automatically come along with tibco tra installation? Ans:TRA installs the following components: 1. TIBCO Rendezvous 8.1.1 2. Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 3. Third party core libraries 5.6.0 4. TIBCO Hawk 4.8.1 5. TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0 6. TIBCO Designer 5.6.0

40. What are the acknowledgement modes available in tibco EMS? Ans: These are the following acknowledgement modes in EMS and JMS JMS: The JMS specification defines three levels of acknowledgement for non-transacted Sessions. a). Auto b) Client Acknowledgement. c) Dups-Ok Acknowledgement. EMS: EMS extends the JMS acknowledge modes to include: d) NO_ACKNOWLEDGE e) EXPLICIT_CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE f) EXPLICIT_CLIENT_DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE 41. What are file based and process based ledgers in TIBCO RVCM? Ans: Ledger will maintain all the data about publisher and as well subscriber. File based will be stored in memory whereas process based with have saved in file system 42. What is the role of domain utility? Ans: Domain utility: is used to create, delete, and modify tibco domains. To add machines to the specific domain. To add EMS server plug-in to the tibco domains. To modify server settings and http ports. 43. What is webservice and what protocol it uses? Ans: SOAP , JMS and HTTP. 44. What is the difference between SOAP Over JMS/HTTP? The advantage of using SOAP over JMS over SOAP over HTTP is reliability as you may use the persistence and acknowledgment features built in the standard. The same applies if you need to establish asynchronous communication or need to use the load balancing features provided by JMS servers. You can achieve this using http but the implementation would be much more complicated. 45. What is the use of durable subscribers? Ans: Durable subscribers are those who can subscribe messages at later point of time whenever they are active. 48. How to define security to EMS sever Or use of SSL in tibco EMS? By using this SSL we can provide security to the EMS messages for this will have configure the SSL certification file,

46. What is file based storage and database storage in TIBCO EMS and where we will configure it? Ans: In file based store all messages will be saved on disk. Where as in database storage all messages will write on db. If we check in stores.conf we can find file storage and database storage. By default any message will be stored in the file. Note: In EMS 6.0 there is no concept of server or data base storage. By default all the messages gets stored on the disc itself. 47.What is difference between GUI Mode, Console Mode and Silent mode of installation? Ans: GUI mode: In this mode we can install in graphical mode, and well instructed steps guide us to install. No need of change any folder permissions in this mode. Console mode: In this mode we can install through from command line. We have to run the command to install any tibco product with help of below command. In this mode we have to modify the permissions for the root folders of every product of tibco. Silent mode: This mode is similar like Console mode, but here we are saving the installation in a store file. We have to run the below command in Silent mode. Here also we have to change the ownership as root for the tibco root paths. 49. List the X-path functions that you recently used? Ans: String, Date, Numbers,logical 50. What is difference between Render XML activity and tib: renderxml X-path function? Render xml will take inoput as string and generate to xml. Parse xml will be sued to generate the Xml file by giving text string as input 51. What is the use of SSL and HTTPS? Both will be used for to provide the security to TIBCO products. 52. What is flow limit, max jobs and activation limit? Ans: Flow Limit: Maximum number of concurrently running process instances to start before suspending the process starter. Max Jobs: Maximum number of process instances that can concurrently be loaded into memory. Activation Limit: Once a process instance is loaded it must remain in memory until it completes.

53. What is lock object and where it is used? It will allow only one process instance to access the data at a point of time.It will used along with critical section group in shared variables. 54. What is the use of pick first and critical section? Already covered in prev questions 55. What protocol RV uses and explain about UDP and TRDB protocol? Ans: TRDP (TIBCO Reliable Datagram Protocol) is a proprietary protocol running on top of UDP. (Trusted Router Discovery Protocol) It brings mechanisms to manage reliable message deliveryinabroadcast/multicastparadigm,thisincludes: -messagenumbering - negative acknowledgement 56. What is TIBCO? Ans. It is a middleware tool. It is a completely pictorial view of programming. 1. It has no server. 2. It is simply an in and out process. 3. Runs on any platform i.e. Platform independent. 4. Supports all the languages. 5. It supports SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) i.e. it is a loosely coupled and a distributed architecture. Hence each system is not completely and tightly dependent on other system. 57. What is the difference between Get JMS queue and Wait for JMS queue message activity? The Get JMS Queue Message activity retrieves a message from the specified queue. This activity allows you to perform a receive operation on the queue as opposed to waiting for a queue message to be delivered to the Wait for JMS Queue Message activity or the JMS Queue Receiver process starter. The Wait for JMS Queue Message activity uses event key which is the JMSCorrelationID to filter the right response with the right job. The key is the JMSMessageID sent by the Queue Sender activity 58. Why do we use alias file name in File palette? No idea! 59. Why do we use JMS? Ans. For BW to touch the EMS server we use JMS. Using this JMS we build a connection between them and once the connection is successful we use this connection in the JMS queue sender.

60. When do you get the error "Array Index out of Bounds Exception?" Ans: When the formats are not specified correctly. If we give Fixed format instead of delimiter we get this type of error. If we give fixed format then we need to specify the length in offset as equal to the number of characters as (0, 4, 7) and so on.

61. How can we transfer the data between multiple EMS servers? Ans. By using Routing concept.

62. What is the caption of TIBCO? Ans. The information Bus Company . Since it transfers the messages in the form of a bus from one end to the other.

63. What is a domain? Ans: Domain is a computer term for a network based group of computers. These computers, in a domain, share a common database on that network.

64. What is the need of monitoring? Ans: To handle network health checks even when the administrator is not before the system we write some rule bases in HAWK and this HAWK will do the monitoring.

65. What is a subject based messaging? Ans: RV follows Subject based messaging where all publishers publish the message on subject name and interested subscribers are listening on this subject. It s pure bus architecture.

66. What is queue and topic based messaging? Ans: queue follows point to point mode of messaging where as topics follows pub/hub or client server messaging modes. Both are server based messaging in EMS.

67. Explain fail safe and non fail safe properties of a message. Also the flow of these messages in the synchronous and asynchronous data bases. Ans: Failsafe: Ensures that no message loss when the connection gets failed over queues. Non failsafe means message loss when an unconditional network glitz s occurs.


68. What is the difference between RVD and RVRD? Ans: RVD (Rendezvous Daemon): RVD is used to connect only within the network. RVRD (Rendezvous Routing Daemon): RVRD is used to connect outside the network and also within the network. If we have RVRD then there is no need of RVD.

69. What is RVA? Ans: To receive packets coming through internet i.e. web pages we use RVA (Rendezvous Agent)

70. How do we do performance testing for TIBCO BW? Not remembering by now but will share later.

71. Explain peak utilization of a process.

72. Explain commands prstat, pmap, vmstat Vmstat is to find the utilization its same like top command.

73. How do we do JVM heap size utilization monitoring during the peak load?


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