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Reproductive Health Bill Reproductive Health Bill is a highly controversial bill that becomes a decisive issue among Filipinos.

There is CBCP, some experts, academic, the politicians, and the masses that aired their sides too. I think this is the time to give my side about this issue. First and Foremost, lets talk about its nature, the Reproductive Health bills, popularly known as the RH Bill , are Philippine bills aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care. The bills have become the center of a contentious national debate. There are presently two bills with the same goals: House Bill No. 4244 or An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and For Other Purposes introduced by Albay 1st district Representative Edcel Lagman, and Senate Bill No. 2378 or An Act Providing For a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development introduced by Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago. The advantage of Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines is that hopes to provide midwives for skilled attendance to childbirth and emergency obstetric care, even in geographically isolated and depressed areas. Thus, the one of the causes of maternal mortality, that arising from unattended births, will be addressed. The disadvantage of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines is the undue focus being given to reproductive health and population and development, when many more urgent and important health problems need to be addressed in the country, those that cause a significant number of deaths across the country such as cardiovascular diseases and infections. Financial resources allotted by foreign donors to assist the Philippine government programs could actually be better spent towards pursuing health programs targeting communicable diseases than purchasing artificial contraceptives.

CORRUPTION Next issue that we must give importance is the burgeoning corruption in our country. Corruption is defined in Merriam Webster Dictionary as impairment of integrity, virtue and moral principle. The impact of corruption on developing countries cannot be overemphasized. The results are often disastrous. he occurrence of corruption in large scale reflects in many areas of development and is intrinsically linked with under development. Poor conditions of service as is the case in many developing countries open the door to bribery. Corrupt officials often accept substandard quality of service because of kickbacks thus depriving the country of value added service from contractors and consequently resulting to the implementation of water washed roads or schools. Health care facilities remain inadequate and inaccessible because most times, drugs meant for especially children and women particularly in provincial clinics and hospitals could be easily seen on the shelves of private pharmacies. One of the greatest impacts of corruption normally arises out of the choices and priorities of governments. This occurs when the real development priorities of a country are often neglected in favour of those that generate the greatest personal gains for the decision makers. Here, it is clearly evident that many projects have become white elephants and easy route for personal enrichment. When loans taken by governments on the pretext of undertaking some projects are diverted to private accounts and coffers, the attendant effect is that such loans would have to be paid with interest and at the same time increasing the debt burden of the country.

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