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Located about 140km to the north of Johor Bahru, approximately 2 hours' drive, and 190km to the south of Kuantan, Mersing is a bustling fishing town on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Just outside the town at are some of the country's most beautiful beaches such as Sri Pantai, Ayer Papan and Penyabong.

The town is also the main departure point for islands on the South China Sea, particularly Pulau Tioman, which was immortalised in the legendary Hollywood movie Bali Hai. Other destinations include Pulau Sibu and Pulau Rawa. All these idyllic islands have comfortable accommodation, facilities and amenities.

Dataran Bandaraya or City Square Beautifully landscaped, Dataran Bandaraya's well-groomed persona is completed by its mosque, fountain and clock tower. With numerous hawker and craft stalls, it is a popular

'hang-out' for locals and visitors.

Rawa Island / Pulau Rawa

Visited by many inernational tourists, Rawa Island is the perfect vacation spot for those who just wants to relax from the hussles and buzzes of the city life. The trip to the island will take approximately 1.5 hours by boat from Mersing. It is worth it though, a visitors will get to enjoy the scenery of the sea untainted by pollution.

Upon arrival, visitor will enjoy the beautiful scenery of the white sandy beach, tall palm trees with fluttering leaves, beautiful variety of corals and colourful creatures of the sea.

Relaxing under the palm groves while letting the gentle wind blow your face is the best thing anyone could ever ask for. Other thing to take notice is the beautiful formation on the island.

Other than relaxing on the beach, some prefer to relax in a different method with activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving and spear fishing. Utilities and equipment for such activities are available at certain booths on the island. There are chalets here for accomodation, each with their own unique services. So just lay back, relax, and enjoy the beauty that is Rawa Island.

Besar Island / Pulau Besar

| Getting to Besar Island | Location Map | Introduction |

The name, Besar Island (formerly known as Pulau Babi Besar) is strange to many despite its idyllic beaches and stunning natural beauty. The island which is surrounded by Rawa Island, Sibu Island & Tinggi Island is characterized by quiet, clean beaches of powdery white sand that promises an amazingly spectacular view. Besar Island is fringed by crystal-clear azure waters that people can actually catch sight of the abundant reefs. To preserve the unspoiled marine life, the Government has gazetted it as a marine park to protect around 60 species of marine life from any activities that can harm their natural habitats within 2 nautical miles around the island.

Rich hues of wild vegetations are dappled throughout with the lush greens of the coconut palms and tropical jungles. There are about 7 - 8 small villages that are still populated by around 100 friendly dwellers who are mostly fishermen.

Another myth was about a fisherman couple who transformed into mermaids. This legend is so popular among the local folks that they believed at one time, a pregnant fishermans wife was craving for a kind of seaweed, that is plentiful in the Mersing waters. After eating, she turned into a mermaid and the heartbroken husband became one too after

eating the same seaweed. Until today, it is claimed that mermaids floating in couples can sometimes be spotted eating seaweed around the island. During low tide, tourists can see nibbling marks on the island rocks that proves the existence of the mammals.

Rising some 2,000 feet above the sea level. One of the largest islands off the coast of Mersing. Surrounded by 15 scattered islands. Several long streches of finest beaches with fine, soft white sand fringe the island carefully hidden from the outside world. A place irresistable to those who seek tranquility admidst charm of a village setting. The area houses most exotic coral reefs and underwater flora as well as numerous chalet and restaurant. Besar island is accesible by boat from Mersing town (approximately 30 minutes).

In the Mersing waters, there are at least 15 small and scattered islands and each is unique in its own way. All the while, tourists have only been accustomed to the popularity of Tioman Island in Pahang and Pemanggil Island in Johor which actually are situated within the same area.

This island got its former name, Pulau Babi Besar, (directly translated as Big Boars Island) from the numerous wild boars that roamed the island before man inhabited the place. Surprisingly, there is not a single boar on the island at present and thus, the reason for the change of name to Besar Island.

Sibu Island / Pulau Sibu

| Getting to Sibu Island | Location Map | Introduction |

Sibu is one of Malaysia's unspoilt islands off the Peninsula's East Coast, facing the South China Sea. It is made up of several islands namely Sibu Besar Island, Sibu Tengah Island,

Sibu Kukus Island and Sibu Hujung Island. Approximately 6 km long and 1 km wide, the island abounds with lush tropical vegetation, and is noted for its beaches, hills, cliffs and exotic bird population.

Sibu has retained much of its natural beauty and tranquility. Almost untouched by progress, Sibu Island is the perfect hideaway from the rat-race of city life. On the Southern end there is a small fishing village with a population of less than a hundred people. The local village continues to take out a living off the seas and a few of the younger generation option to work at the nearby resorts for a steadier income and a change of lifestyle.

The main activities on the island are snorkelling and diving. However one can take walks in the jungle to the fishing village or to the other resorts. There are pathways to most of these places. Fishing trips are regularly organized for the avid fishermen. Boat trips to the

other islands can be arranged at the resort. There are four main beaches on the Eastern side of Sibu where most of the beach resorts are located. Sibu Island Cabanas is situated on a beautiful long stretch of beach, facing Tinggi Island. The coral reefs are only a few minutes walk from the resort.

Tengah Island / Pulau Tengah

| Getting to Tengah Island | Location Map | Introduction |

Tengah Island is an uninhabited island. It lies nine nautical miles off the coast of Mersing on the South China Sea. It is an hour away by boat from Mersing town. Near Besar Island, Tengah Island is 16km off the coast and is an easy 90-minute boat ride. During the 70's, the island became famous as a Vietnamese refugee transit camp which was subsequently closed in the early 80's. In 1985, Tengah Island was one of the few islands gazetted by the Malaysian government as a Marine Park due to its abundant marine life and rare specials of fish and coral. Besides that, Tengah Island also a great place to watch the giant leatherback turtles come ashore to lay eggs yearly especially during the month of July. There is a members only golf

course and resort on the island. Spacious and comfortable cottages are available for booking.

Tinggi Island / Pulau Tinggi

| Getting to Tinggi Island | Location Map | Introduction |

Nicknamed the "General's Hat Island" by Chinese seamen hundreds of years ago, Tinggi Island is a large uninhabited island, which rises 2000ft. above the sea level. This delightful island is located about

20 nautical miles southeast of Mersing, on the east coast of Johor. Tinggi Island is known for its mystical quality as much as its sheer physical beauty. It comprises the principal Tinggi Island, and eight smaller islets, namely Mentinggi Island, April Island, Nanga Kecil Island, Nanga Besar Island, Simbang Island, Lanting Island and Iboi Island and Peyembang Island. Only the first two islands Tinggi Island and Mentinggi Island - have been declared marine park. Crystal-clear turquoise waters surround the cone-shaped island of Tinggi Island. The interior of this oval-shaped island is mostly covered with secondary lowland Dipterocarp rainforest. It is andowed with fresh waters, a sheltered harbour and coral reefs which abound with prolific marine life. It has a long coastline and while sandy beaches dotted with caves. The seas around it are teeming with coral, fish and reff making it a photographic haven.

This island has the highest residential population among the east coast Johor islands, with the latest tally estimated at 448 people, from three village settlements: Kampung Tanjung Balang, Kampung Pasir Panjang and Kampung Sebirah Besar. Accommodation for these visitors is available with the setting up of

rustic resorts, inns and chalets on the main island. Some good beaches, particularly those at Tanjung Balang and Sebirah Besar, offer pleasant sand, sun and fun. Snorkelling, and scuba diving are some of the more popular pursuits here. Mersing is a pleasant town know for its large bustling fishing fleet. Its is also the setting-off point for a large number of islands in the South China Sea, including the well- know Pulau Tioman in the state of Pahang. The Mersing Boat Hire Association provides boats for interislands travel or fishing.

We drove to Mersing, Malaysia yesterday for a day trip. I guess Malaysians will know where is Mersing, but many non-Malaysians have a common reply, Mersing? What is it? Some thought it was some hangout for singing! Later I will introduce more about Mersing We were at the border in the morning at seven. Apparently, the most challenging part of the journey to Mersing started at the Singapore-Malaysia border, where hundreds of vehicles, as usual, have to queue up patiently to pass through the Singapore Checkpoint. The heightened security at the checkpoint has given to lengthy and slow queues, since the escapade of Singapores most wanted man Mas Selamat!

Now, where is Mersing? Breakfast next! Let me recommend you this famous Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh ( ) at Kota Tinggi. Traditionally cooked, with thick herbal soup and tasty pork

ribs! This open air restaurant is located at the right side of the road along Kota Tinggi to Mersing. (Opening Hours: 7am 1pm, Tel: 07-8821290)

Mersing here I come! Mersing is a small town located on the east coast of Johor in West Malaysia. Its well-known for its jetty that serves as a gateway to Pulau Tioman, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Tinggi (my favourite island isPulau Redang in Terengganu) and many other islands off the east coast. The once laid back little town is now giving way to urban modernization.

These river scenes with boats remind me of the photos taken from the Mekong Delta Cruise in Vietnam.

The wet market in Mersing, with fresh meats and vegetables everyday. I didnt step in as the floor was really wet and slippery.

So, what does Mersing got to do with me, since I am Singaporean? Well well, my mum grew up in Mersing, though she is Singaporean too! My late grandparents lived in Mersing, so did my aunts, uncles and many other relatives! So, since I was a baby, I have been to Mersing umpteen times! Now, our car needs a good rest after hours of driving along some bumpy roads, poor car.

The scene of this village has never changed much, except a newly constructed concrete road. It used to be a sandy path.

Feeling nostalgic in search of my childhood playmates

Gone were the days when children were playing around the area.

The bicycle that has been through three generations. It was my late grannys mode of transport around the once populated village.

Bizarre Foods host Andrew Zimmern of Discovery Travel Channel just hates durians and doesnt even want to eat it! But I have been eating durians for two weeks now, and still craving for more! This is one of the reasons why I am back to Mersing for home-grown DURIANS!

Read Gateway to Tioman Mersing [Part 2/2]

Related Posts About Mersing

The charming town of Mersing on the East coast of Malaysia is an ideal place for peaceful relaxation and adventure. Mersing has great food, friendly people, and the tropical islands of Tioman, Sibu, and Rawa are a hop away.

Mersing town is the main port for ferries to Pulau Tioman and the more than 40 other beautiful islands in the Seribuat Archipelago (see Cool things to do). In the town of Mersing, you'll find a wide assortment of stores, restaurants, traditional coffee shops, banks, and internet services. The town is located near beaches and other mainland scenic attractions rivalling those found on the islands.

At heart, Mersing is a fishing town. From the bridge over Mersing river, one can see rows of brightly coloured boats and a forest of stilts on which rest fishing docks. Although Mersing is a modern town with internet cafs and nine banks, the leisurely pace of life remains.

Mersing can easily be accessed from Singapore, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur and the major northern Malaysian town of Kuantan by car, bus, taxi or coaches.

Mersing has expanded in recent years into a busy coastal town, gaining reputation as gateway to some of the most beautiful islands in Peninsular Malaysia. Droplets of islands dimple the waters just off Johores coastlin. Ranging from mere rocky outcrops - home to hundreds of nesting sea birds to legend steeped islands - now home to basking tourists and eager divers. Many travellers head straight off to the islands but those who stopover may encounter some pleasant surprises. Mersing is still a fishing village at heart. Sungai Mersing(Mersing River) and a few other tributaries flow gently into the estuary, just a stones throw away from the main roundabout in town. From the bridge over Sungai Mersing, one can see rows of brightly painted blue/green fishing boats parked neatly along the banks. The local fishermen and families live in villages here where mangrove trees once thrived. In their spare time, a few families make do with growing crops to sustain their living. The slow pace of village life is very much intact, fusing well into the recent economic developments, and yet retaining a few quiet, tranquil places to stay. This shophouse was built by Poh Keh, an immigrant from China who was awarded the contract to build the first road connecting Mersing with Johor Bahru. Poh Keh, took his money back to China but lost it all when the communist took over the country. He returned to Mersing and started over again. Poh Keh moved his sundry shop to the ground floor of this beautiful shophouse on the 2nd roundabout in Mersing. more on pulau tioman, pulau rawa, pulau aur, pulau pemanggil...

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