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Case study: Launching of the IFIM B-School Management journal Answer 1: The work done by Dr. M.R.

Gopalan is not enough to go ahead with implementationof the journal Launch. The following Gaps should be fill to implement the plan. Gap1: Priceing Mechanism The priceing process of the articals and journal is not researched by the Dr. he should mechanise the priceing process and the mode as well Gap 2: Advertisement One of the most important factor is the advertisement of the journal. Dr. have to research for this questions that. Where to advertise? How to advertise? Where to advertise? to whome advertise? Gap 3: collaboration with excess management Dr. has to determine how to collaborate with excess management like HEC and Loginids Gap 4: Crietaria for publication Which impact level of the articals are to be published in the journal. Gap 5: Printing policy has to be determine Gap:6 Collaboration with other journals Gap 7: Regional publication policy has to be determine

Answer 2: The WBS of journal launch is as follow

Launching of management Journal

Content of Journal Publications formate of Journal Budget Resources construction of editorial board supporting staff registration of the publication

title of journal

No. of Articals

No. of Issues per year

cost of development of jurnal cost of publication of journal Pricing of the journal

identification of resources

determing the No. of editors

hiring supporting staff

focus of journal

Types of articals

Framework of journal decision regarding the size of journal book size A4 or between

allocation of resources

Qualification requirement

assigning duties

Book Reviews

audit and control

selection of canidates

finalizing their duties

Answer 3: To develop the Network diagram we have to first identify the major activities from WBS the estimate their time required and construct PERT chart.
Code Activities Estimated time(days) optimistic most Likely A B C D E F G H Content of Journal format of Journal Publications Budget Resources Editorial Board Supporting staff Registration of journal 15 25 90 20 45 25 25 10 20 35 100 25 50 30 30 15 Time Required Pessimistic (O+4M+P)/6 25 45 120 30 60 40 40 20 20 35 101.6666667 25 50.83333333 30.83333333 30.83333333 15



Time duration



Content of Journal format of Journal Publications Budget Resources Editorial Board Supporting staff Registration of journal

20 35 101.6666667 = 102 25 50.83333333 = 51 30.83333333 = 31 30.83333333 = 31 15

None A A B,C D E E F,G

Developing Network diagram using activities on node pert chart

Es ES= Early start LS Slack EF Activity LF

EF= Early Finish LS = Late start LF = Late finish Slack = the difference between EF and EF Activity path Critical Path

198 20 67 55 B 229 122 87 0 F



0 0 0 A


122 0 D


147 0 E


229 0 H









20 0 122 C

20 198 0 122 229 229 G 198

Critical path is A, C, D, E, G, H. as after drawing the project network diagram we came to conclusion that the estimated time to complete the project will be 244 days from day of start which means it will take eight months to complete the time given by the EC is from June to December which is 7 months so the project will be delayed by a month.

Answer 4: The link between the WBS and Network Activities is established in table below






Content of Journal format of Journal Publications Budget Resources Editorial Board Supporting staff Registration of journal

None A A B,C D E E F,G

Start to finish Finish to finish Combination Finish to finish Combination Start to finish Finish to finish Finish to finish

Answer 5: No the current organization system is hierarchy based and the board of EC has no sufficient knowledge or expertise to carry out such project. So IFIM B-School should adopt matrix form of structure. In which the expertise of different persons from different department are temporarily hired or out sourced for particularly this project. Some reasons are given as under to illustrate why this setup is not fit for this project      Central decision making creating slag or delay in implementing project Too many persons involved in decision making Authorities are not delegated Not have enough expertise in making such project Unavailability of staff for this project as mentioned by Dr. M. R. Gopalan

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