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Introduction to CFD-GEOM

Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Dr. Christoph Ziegler, Dr. Peter Koltay, Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle

IMTEK Institut fr Mikrosystemtechnik; Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg; Georges-Khler-Allee 106; D-79110 Freiburg; Germany E-Mail:

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 1

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09


h The CFD-ACE+ Package

h Starting the Tool

h Tutorials
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Tutorial 1: Circles & Pipes

Tutorial 2: Compliant Orifice

Tutorial 3: Tesla Valve

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 2

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09


Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Generate or import geometry from CAD data Create mesh (structured, unstructured, automatic)

h CFD-GUI (Graphical User Interface):

Select modules (Which PDE are solved?) Set BC and numerical parameters (time-step, CFL, relax, etc.) Start and control solver CFD-ACE


Visualisation and Evaluation

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 3

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Model Generation

Determination of the system boundaries (Where does the system

start and end? What belongs to it?) -> GEOM

Identification of the relevant effects (What physical processes need to be considered? Fluid flow? Heat transfer? Chemical reactions? etc.) -> GUI

Determination of the model parameters (shape, size, material, actuation etc.) -> GEOM, GUI
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Mathematical formulation of the model (in commercial tools this is usually done by the solver, the user only has to set the parameters and boundary conditions)

Taking interactions of effects into account => multi physics modeling

Reducing the complexity => model reduction

The process of model generation is an essential part of the simulation!

A simulation is only as good as the underlying model! -> Think about it!

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 4

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

CFD Software Tools


Grid Generator:


h Data evaluation h Data visualization

Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el


Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 5

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09


Geometry & Grid Generation:


h Simple CAD-Tool h Non-scaled drawing (scaling is done in GUI) h Import of CAD data h (Automated) mesh generation h Parametric meshes h Geometrical boundary conditions (e.g. wall, inlet, outlet, symmetry, fluid, solid) h Journaling with Python (
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 6

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Starting the tool

h The CFD-ACE+ Package

h Starting the Tool

h Tutorials
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Tutorial 1: Circles & Pipes

Tutorial 2: Compliant Orifice

Tutorial 3: Tesla Valve

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 7

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Setup & Starting CFD-GEOM

Use the following environment: h KDE h Open a shell h Type in shell: setup cfdrc
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

h Starting the tools:


Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 8

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09


h The CFD-ACE+ Package

h Starting the Tool

h Tutorials
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Tutorial 1: Circles & Pipes

Tutorial 2: Compliant Orifice

Tutorial 3: Tesla Valve

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 9

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09


Where to find the tutorials on the local machine: h Move up to root directory h Change to: user/local/CFDRC h There are all tutorials for
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el


Note: Some tutorials are from former software-versions. Thus some button/functions are different.

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 10

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Mouse and Keyboard functions

h Mouse-buttons Click / Hold

Left h KesSelect / Rotate screen Middle Apply / Zoom screen Right Menu / Move screen Shift + Left Select objects in area
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

h Keyboard

Q / Esc

Strg + G Strg + A Strg + S ...

Quits the function you are using / deselects the marked object Zooms to total view Select all Save Some others are also available but usually not needed

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 11

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Circles & Pipes

h Tutorial 3: Circles and Pipes h Goals:

Create circles and pipes Use the revolve and rotate geometry tools Create blocks by translation and rotation Orient blocks Create composite blocks
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 12

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Compliant Orifice

h Tutorial 7: Grid Generation for Compliant Orifice FSI Problem h Goals:

Create basic geometry (points/lines/arcs) Create and use parameters to control geometry. Modify basic geometry for gridding purposes. Create 2D structured grid entities (edges/faces/blocks) Create 2D unstructured grid entities (loops / 2D unstructured domains). Generate 2D unstructured grid. Modify the grid system to improve grid quality. Setup boundary conditions. Setup volume conditions. Save grid system to a DTF file.
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 13

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

Tesla Valve

h Tutorial 18: Tesla Valve h Goals:

Create 2D and 3D geometry using extrusion Setup edge link groups Modify grid spacing for grid quality Set up boundary conditions Save GGD and DTF files
Praxis beisp l:Ausa rbeitu ngspha A usarbe tiungd erStan dar-Z el

Christoph Ziegler/Peter Koltay / 27.10.2008 / slide 14

Introduction to CFD WS 08/09

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