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Illustrated Story Book And



Group 5 Joshua Sualog Melissa Ungco Abraham Tabing Leslie Ulmido Kasi Czarina

Illustrations I. Use/function a. To illustrate the story b. To attract children readers c. To enhance the listening skill of the children Advantages a. To help the children visualize the story with the use of pictures b. To understand the story better c. It attracts the attention of the children d. Simple, colorful, and highlights the important part Disadvantages a. Appear less than the real object b. Not realistic.



Training Design: BOLTRA B-ackground The audiences were going to consider are the grade school students. And what do we expect from them? Well, we can expect that unlike high school students, the grade school students have shorter attention span so in order to get their attention; we use our illustrated story book. Also, the grade school students are a class of mixed boys and girls so we chose a story for our illustrated story book that does not offend in anyway neither genders (for example: The boy who cried wolf is the story particularly about the boy who lied which gives the boy a bad image and can make any boy feel bad). O-bjective Our objectives are to stimulate the grade school students imagination and creativity, to help children develop language, enhance their listening skills and improve their critical thinking and comprehension as they listen or tell a story using the illustrated storybook. L-earning points The children can surely relate to our groups illustrated storybook because we made the book to be in a comic or cartooned style so that students can easily understand the illustrations. The children should be able to relate to the story of the Hare and the Turtle it should teach them the value of humility. T-raining method By the use of an illustrated storybook, we wish to tell the children a good story in the most easy and fun way. R-esources To tell the story with illustrations or the illustrated storybook, we need first, we need the book and time. We can also have food or water just in case the student feels the need to eat or drink when the story is being told and lastly, we need a comfortable space to hold the activity. A-ppeal In order to make our illustrated book attractive, we used different colors of paper as pages and different colors for the drawings. We also made the drawings look simple so that children can easily identify which is which (for example: A green turtle) simple and easy in a sense that it is in a comic or cartooned style or format because according to Coronado, 1985 humanized illustrations are least preferred and understood and lastly, we used more illustrations than words so that we wont by any chance lose the childrens attention, by building up their excitement for the next illustration (page) and because children understand pictures more than they understand words.


ADIDS Activity a. Let us play Whats that Animal? b. Give the instructions. i. Name the following animals and. ii. Identify if they or fast or slow. c. After the game start the story telling of The Hare And The Turtle.


Discussion a. Ask them why the hare lost and why does the turtle won the race despite of their difference. b. Ask them what moral lesson they learned or observed. III. Input a. Relate some stories, which have the same ending. b. Share some general insights related to the story Deepening a. Analyze more. b. Specify why hare should not be tolerated. c. Specify the insights that they should apply to their daily living. Synthesis a. Summary the whole lesson b. And ask for the last time what lesson does the children learned from the session



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