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SYWEST 9/17/07 11:59 AM Page 178


ny’s status as a privately held firm sets it ting noticeably more sophisticated in “The more ambitious ‘bigger and bet-
apart, Vierra says. terms of trying to influence not only the ter’ approach will often affect a project
“Our assets are held and operated in a underlying land use, but the design ele- through increased costs related to sup-
long-term format; we don’t typically sell ments of retail centers, as well. They look porting infrastructure, for which some-
any of our real estate,” he says. “That is to play a greater role in the conceptual one must be financially responsible,”
still a little unique given the current state planning and design processes, he says. Vierra says. “In some municipalities, a
of the industry. We are a full-service “If not managed properly, this can add to genuine conflict begins to emerge when
development company that will conceive, the construction costs and even impact we look to commence redevelop plan-
implement, and then continue with the the longer-term operational side of our ning of our existing infill locations.
day-to-day asset management. business,” he says. “Rarely do they ever “Every situation can be so unique that
“Everything is done internally,” he con- propose a less expensive option and usu- it must be evaluated on a case-by-case
tinues. “We can be extremely creative ally it is a subtle push towards the ‘bigger basis,” he explains.
and are even capable of self-financing all and better’ alternative. This education, he notes, takes time,
our activities, which is unique in this “I have noticed since SyWest is work- and time translates to more money.
marketplace.” ing in numerous geographic regions, that Luckily, he says, SyWest’s staff is up to
The company’s experience has also at times it can even appear as though they the challenge. With 15 employees, the
made it a leader, he says. “We know how all attended the same planning classes company maintains a tight-knit group of
to develop quality retail product and how and want to emulate something seen seasoned professionals, Vierra says.
to effectively operate them,” he explains. elsewhere, even if it may not be market “As a company, we have tremendous
“We have a good understanding of ten- appropriate. We believe it is important to breadth of experience,” he adds. “When
ant issues and a high level of comfort with consistently communicate the overall we look to hire new staff members, it
creating retail environments where our vision and potential parameters of a proj- takes a long time to find people who
tenants will be successful. ect.” He says this communication leads to have a solid reputation, the necessary
“We can look at projects from a retail- effective collaboration when certain mar- experience, and still enjoy the business
er’s perspective, and then come up with ket nuances are considered in proper of real estate development. You have to
creative and effective solutions.” context to the property attributes and a really believe in what we are creating,
SyWest also recognizes market trends. retailer’s ability to sustain its business and genuinely enjoy the business and all
Today, Vierra says, municipalities are get- over the long term. its daily challenges.” ■


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