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9/13/07 3:39 PM Page 184


ority. “We have a very comprehensive ‘Experienced People’ “We have experienced people who have
safety plan,” Trevathan says. “We have a Key Constructors is used to weathering been working on bridges for several years
safety consultant and we conduct quar- natural challenges, Trevathan states. It – they know what they’re doing,” Treva-
terly and weekly meetings. reconstructed the Woodrow Wilson than states. Every project is similar in
“Safety is stressed, especially on jobs Bridge, the bridge that connects Flowood some way, he adds.
like this. One misstep of an employee and Jackson, Miss. It was completed in
can cause big problems.” 2003, but not without any delays. The Working for MDOT
The Mississippi River was at a high redevelopment of the $4.5 million proj- Key Constructors’ repeat clients include
tide from December last year until the ect faced some setbacks due to the heavy the Mississippi Department of Trans-
first part of June, Trevathan says. “Be- rainfall at the time. portation (MDOT), the Natural Resources
cause of our proximity to the Mississippi The rain kept water levels high on the Conservation Service and the U.S. Army
River, we had to revamp our schedule,” Pearl River, which made it impossible to Corps of Engineers.
he recalls. “We had to work away from operate equipment, Trevathan explains. Trevathan says the company’s relation-
the river floodwater instead of the other The crew, he says, had to perform ship with MDOT is excellent. “The key to
way, so we could still be on schedule even work on other areas of the project until the success of our projects is being able
though it’s not the right progression.” the flood subsided. to deal with [MDOT] in a successful man-
ner,” he states.
Established in the 1990s, MDOT was
created “in a move to enhance the effi-
ciency and coordination of state trans-
portation agencies,” the organization
MDOT brought together the state’s
transportation services, which includes
the Mississippi State Highway
Department, Public Transit, Weight
Enforcement, Rail Planning and Safety,
Aeronautics and the Office of State Aid.
MDOT says its No. 1 goal is to improve
accessibility and mobility.
The state’s highway system is accessible
through the four-lane highway program.
Established in the late 1980s, the $1.6 bil-
lion program was designed to recon-
struct 1,077 miles of four-lane highways.
MDOT also says this goal is not only
for passenger travel, but also for freight
movement to help meet the state’s indus-
trial and commercial needs.
Other MDOT goals include:
■ Ensuring the highest safety standard

■ Maintaining and preserving the state’s

transportation system
■ Ensuring the transportation system

does not interfere with the environment

■ Providing a transportation system that

supports the state’s economic development

■ Providing a sound financial budget

In the future, Trevathan says, he hopes

to continue to work in central Mississ-
ippi. “Our long-term [goal], of course, is to
keep busy and make money,” he states.
“But we just want to hopefully stay with-
in our area.”
Key Constructors has also completed
projects in Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas,
Tennessee, Alabama and Florida. ■


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