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AP LLC Marketing Agreement This agreement defines agreement between AP LLC, XXXXXX Street, and XXXXXXXXXXS Inc located

at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (hereinafter: Marketing Company) and Client. Services Provided: Start-Up: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan Creating USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Fix Profit Leaks within existing business entity Write copy for any phone book advertising Create Customer List Building campaign Optimizing Customer Database (managing a database for email marketing campaigns) Formatting professional email auto responders for email blasting Update Clients existing website Create a new Web Blog for customer interaction Record Radio talk show interview and place on clients website Implement Video Marketing Press Release Syndication to Local and National media SEO (Perform Search Engine Optimization for On page and Off page traffic) List company in Major Vertical Directories (SuperPages, Yelp, OnStar, Yahoo, etc) Manage Google LBC (Local Business Center) position Create a direct mail campaign (Client bears cost for vendors, postage, printing, etc) Negotiate JVs (Joint Ventures) (Marketing Company will be compensated outside this agreement on a case by case basis) Continuing: Personal One on One coaching Monthly Mastermind Coaching Call(s) with group delivery All new/revised/upgraded lead generation marketing materials Maintain Search Engine Rankings/Manage Google LBC (Local Business Center) position Manage list building campaigns and sending email auto responders Monthly faxes from Marketing Company with new marketing ideas and information Free tuition to seminars provided by Marketing Company Use Rights: As long as Client is maintaining paid-as-agreed status and operating his/her business in a legal and ethical manner, Client shall have the right to use all materials and methods received from Marketing Company. Client understands Marketing Company requires use of Marketing Companys approved vendors to ensure non-disclosure of trade secrets. Client Initials: ____________

Fees and Paid as Agreed status: Initial Set-Up fee is $20,000 (twenty thousand dollars). Client agrees to an Initial Deposit of $3,000 (three thousand dollars) upon signing of this agreement. $1,500 (fifteen hundred dollars) per week starting the following week from the signing of this agreement thereafter for a period of five consecutive weeks. $475 (four hundred seventy five dollars) per week for 20 consecutive weeks until the Initial set-up fee is paid in full. Initial set-up fees cover the first six months only. Agreement is self-renewing, in perpetuity, in monthly installments after the initial six month agreement, unless terminated by either party. After six months from the signing of this agreement Client will be required to pay a monthly management fee (up to a 50% discount from initial set-up fees) to continue to receive marketing services from Marketing Company. Client may cancel this agreement at any time after the Initial set-up fee has been paid in full. Performance Guarantee: Client may cancel this agreement if Marketing Company fails to perform. Client must implement the advice of Marketing Company during the first six months of this agreement. Marketing Company will be allowed to review audited financial statements from Client to measure performance. Client will make themselves available to Marketing Company on a weekly/monthly basis to discuss and implement any marketing strategies. Termination: Failure by Client to maintain paid-as-agreed status may result in immediate termination of Clients use rights, without any advance notice or time to remedy. Marketing Company also reserves the right to terminate a Client at its option, with thirty days written notice. Client specifically understands that Marketing Company may terminate this agreement without liability. Client acknowledges that upon termination, Marketing Company may establish another Client within the same defined market area. Confidentiality, Trade Secrets, and Non-Disclosure: Client recognizes that he is receiving training in specific invented, proprietary marketing, sales and business methods, as well as use of certain tools and intellectual properties, and warrants non-disclosure or dissemination of same to others, while party to this agreement or even subsequent to its termination. Warranties: Guarantees: Client acknowledges Marketing Company has made no guarantees or warranties of the actual income or results it or any individual Client may achieve, and acknowledges it has not relied on any such examples as representations of Clients income or results. Marketing Company warrants it will deliver all listed services, as described, in a timely manner. Indemnification: Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Marketing Company and its directors, officers, owners, employees, vendors, and associates for any loss or liability incurred by Client in operation of Clients business including use of services, tools, advice, intellectual properties, etcprovided by Marketing Company. Client Initials: ____________ 2

Miscellaneous: Marketing Company reserves the right to alter, remove, and/or replace services provided and/or vendors of same, marketing materials provided to and authorized for use by Clients as law, legal issue, marketplace circumstances, or other factors warrant. Client is prohibited from use of Marketing Companys proprietary intellectual properties in ways, media, copy, etcother than furnished by Marketing Company, without express advance written permission of Marketing Company. Clients use rights and services as defined in this agreement are not transferrable or saleable properties. Agreement governed by the laws of the State of XXX. Any action or proceeding in connection with this agreement shall be brought in any court of record in the State of XXX, County of XXXX or in the United States District Court. This agreement may not be changed or modified except in writing, signed by both parties. Client Initials: ____________

Entire Agreement: This agreement is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement or understanding pertaining to the subject matter herein. This agreement may be amended only by a written instrument executed by both parties. If any part of this agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the balance of this agreement. Agreement constitutes permission for Marketing Company to communicate with Client via mail, overnight mail, overnight delivery, telephone, voice broadcast, facsimile, email, and/or any and all other methods deemed appropriate by Marketing Company. In Agreement: Client: Date: __________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Printed Name: ___________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________

Marketing Company: Date: __________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ AP LLC

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