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M e m o r i al Un i t e d M e t h o d i s t Ch u r ch

The Messenger
January 2012

Pastors Pen Keep your words Happy New Year to All May the good Lord who walked with Sweet & Soft and sustained all of us throughout last year be with us on our new journey in in case you 2012! This new year is going to be a spehave to eat cial one in the life of our Church. them. Memorial will be celebrating 175 years
of ministry in the Lake County area this coming year. We are going to have a yearlong celebration with programs and activities that highlight how God has used our church in the community and beyond. The event planning is still in the works, but here are some of the ideas that the Anniversary committee has discussed. March 4, 2012: There will be an historical reenactment of the formation of Memorial Church. There will be a program and documents available for your perusal also. The committee hopes to have interviews with the long time members and hear their take on the history of their church. Other activities being planned are: Home Coming Weekend (date to be announced) Spring or summer. A celebration for all those who were members or somehow connected with the church. This will include an invitation to all of the pastors and families who have served at this great church.

Summer Picnic: A community wide ice cream social, show casing Memorials programs, ministries and community outreach effort. Finale.Special worship service in September 2012. The Bishop has been invited to officiate at the service. The community will be invited to attend. What is the purpose of all these activities, the reader might wonder? According to a recent study, doctrine and church beliefs were found to be the most important reasons why adults switch churches. For those who have regularly attended more than one church as an adult, 89 percent indicated they would select a new church on the basis of what the church says it believes. Next in line of importance is the preaching (87 percent), with the authenticity of the church members and the pastors coming in as a close third (86 percent). The following factors are also considered when looking for a new church: Worship style (80 percent) Care for community (76 percent) Evidence of God's work and changed lives (74 percent) Church members with whom to build relationships (73 percent)

Inside this issue:
Pastors Pen Birthdays & Anniversaries 175 Anniversary YG Submarines Youth Group Poinsettias Calendar Gifts Worship Comm. 1 2 3 3 4 5 7 5 6

~Continued on page 6

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January Birthdays
01 Lelia Johnson 01 Jane Littlefield 02 Ronald Matson 05 Benjamin Lamm 07 Harold Skoglund 08 Nancy Kiefer 09 Saundra Diliberti 10 Kathryn Paul 12 Justin Fanning 13 Lynn Noren 14 Cheryl Esbrook 18 Genevieve Vernier 23 Lucianna Hoffman 26 Arlie Klebe 30 Brian Boivin 31 Thomas Pell

The church office is open:
MonFri 8:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. Telephone: 847-872-5757 For Hospitalizations, Surgery, or other Emergencies 847-872-4293

Worship Service At 10 am
Dont forget to call the office with your special announcements.
Our Military Service People
Sgt. Curtis Winston

January Anniversaries
02 John & Sharron Thorn 19 William Means & Connie Carr 28 Jean & Leone Scheve

Mark Your Calendars

January 22, Spaghetti Dinner (Carry out available) February 11, Prime Rib Dinner (Reservations Required) March 17, Corned Beef Dinner (Carry Out Available)

Captain Jaclyn Deutsch

To all our service people past and present, we thank you.




Super Bowl
Looking for a way to get a great tasting sandwich and support the Youth group at the same time? You get your chance during the last couple of weeks of January. The Youth will be collecting orders for Submarine Sandwiches during that time, and they will be making them fresh for pick up on the morning of Sunday, February 5, in time for the Super Bowl. The money raised helps to keep the cost of their retreats lower and more affordable to encourage more Youth to attend. Thank you for supporting them in the past!

Snow Crew Needed

A three person crew is needed for snow blowing and a little shoveling at the Church. Those interested may call John Thorn at 847-917-3992.

Celebrating Our 175th Anniversary

Memorial United Methodist Church Roots Go Back to 1837 Memorial Church has discovered its roots in the 1837-1838 diary of the Rev. Salmon Stebbins. On October 5, 1837, Bishop Joshua Soule appointed Rev. Stebbins presiding elder (district Superintendent) to the Milwaukee District of the eastern Wisconsin territory. There were seven circuits in the district: Racine, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Green Bay, Oneida Indian, Aztalan and Madison. On his way to the district, Rev. Stebbins stopped at a Mr. Porters farm near the IL-WI border arriving on Thursday, October 19, 1837. Stebbins laid claim to a section and a half of excellent prairie and timber land at 21st and Green Bay Road. That same day he preached in the morning and evening and formed a Methodist society of 10 members. The next year Stebbins built a cabin that was home for his wife, two sons, and five daughters. Stebbins cabin was not only the family home but served as the areas first school with daughter Emily as the first teacher. Until 1843 the cabin was also a house of worship for the Methodist society and a growing number of neighbors numbering up to 100 people. The congregation was the nucleus of the future United Methodist Churches now known as Memorial, North Prairie, and York House. ~Conti. pg 5

Love INC Needs Our Help...

In their ministry, Love INC often runs out of items with which to help needy families. There will be a box in the hallway with a list of what the need of the month is. If you can donate new or gently used items it will be greatly appreciated. Needed items for January will be: Bath Towels, Wooden Spoons, and Manual Can openers. Thank you for your support ~ Mission Committee

Angel Tree
Thank you to those that adopted a needy person from our Angel Tree. Each gift is truly a blessing from your heart. All the gifts were greatly appreciated.

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To activate the Prayer Chain contact the office or Betty Bown at 847-872-4443.

Thank You Moments

To all that helped decorate our church for the holidays!

Please keep these people in your prayers:

Jennifer Long, Bobbie Blackwell, Curt Winston, Dacia Winston, Henry Sahler, Mary Beth Nelson, Charles Whitehead, Glenn Haynes, Paul Richardson, Phyllis Richardson, Lillian Brain, Mary Ryan, Mary Krell, Howard Farra, Mike Mihaljevic, Lance Bolton, Dudley Cooprider, Kristi Gilbert, Larry McShane, Hal Skoglund, and the Schleter family.

In Honor of Our Children and Grandchildren from Dick & Judy Robards.

In Memory of Our Parents from Dick & Judy Robards

Youth Group
Jan. 8 Game Night 6-8 pm Jan. 15 PADS 5-8 pm Jan. 22 YG worship Service 6-8 pm Jan. 29 Ice Skating Chicago, TBA

Marshall & Thea Inman from Connie Carr Bill & Helen Scot, Donald Pompeo from Pamela Campbell My husband Erv Christensen from Joyce Christensen John Walters from Jessica Davis Anzonetta Solberg from Evelyn Matson Bill Riggs from Louise Riggs Our Mothers, Carol Leech and Gertrude Cox from Doug & Colleen Congdon Percy & Virginia Lyons, Jim & Rose Russell from Fred & Jean Russell EE Jack Drake, Sue Anne Drake, Mr. & Mrs. Geo Mosey, Rev. & Mrs. O.D. Drake from the Drake family Parents Robert & Patricia Voss from Cathy Alfaro

If you would like more information, contact the church office at 847-872-5757 or Ryan Friederichs

Saving labels is an easy way to help support the Henderson Settlement



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Henderson Spaghetti Dinner

Following church service on January 22, the Henderson Team will serve an all you can eat, Free Will Offering Spaghetti Dinner in Fellowship Hall of Memorial United Methodist Church. The dinner will include homemade spaghetti and sauce, salad, Italian bread, and dessert. The Henderson Mission Team says thank you for helping with our fundraisers. Carry out dinners are available!

January 22 at 11:00 am

Celebrating Our 175th Anniversary continued

A new school house at 33rd Street and Sheridan Road became the worship home for some of the congregation meeting at Stebbins cabin. This congregation called themselves the East Benton Methodist Episcopal Church and continued to worship at the school until they built a frame church near the school in 1868. In September 1908, a fire completely destroyed the building, but not the spirit of the church. The congregation bought 11 lots on Sheridan Road and 30th Street and dedicated a new church building on Sunday, June 26, 1910. The Name of the church was changed to Memorial to give thanks to God for the gift of faithfulness of the pioneers of northeastern Illinois. Our forbearers were sustained by faith through several wars, financial panics, epidemics, fire, and dissentions (within and without) in good times and bad. We give thanks to God for the gifts we have received from those who have gone on before us and pray that we maybe faithful disciples of Jesus Christ so that future generations may be blessed.

Gifts for which we give Thanks!

From the Shared Thanksgiving Eve service a total of $394.25 was received to be divided between two local charities. We have now forwarded $197.00 and 197.50 respectively to Love INC. of Lake County and C.O.O.L. Food Pantry located in Waukegan. Additionally there were checks made out directly to each charity and they have also been forwarded. It was valuable to hear about the work of each of these groups and we wish them well in their caring endeavors for those less fortunate in our midst. It is also a joy to share that the Thanksgiving Offering for our own church was $301. These funds will assist us to meet the ongoing expenses here in our local congregation as we seek to be faithful stewards of your gifts, to the glory of God.

Newsletter articles due to office by the 15th of each month. All types of articles are welcome!

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Worship Committee
The Greens will come down during the Thursday, January 5 meeting at 7 pm. You need not be a member of the Worship Committee to help! We would like to thank all those that have purchased flowers throughout the year along with those wonderful individuals that assist in decorating our church for special holidays. Special thanks to all for your service as: Communions Server, Greeter, Host, Liturgist, Nursery Attendant, Projection/ sound Technician, Special Music Performer, Treat/Snack Donor, and Usher.

Keeping Your Poinsettia Alive

New large print Upper Room

For the January/February edition of Upper Room we have a trial subscription for large print. Upper Room devotionals are available from the office or the rear of the sanctuary. If you would prefer a Large print and would like to continue using the large print, please let the office know . There is no extra charge for the Large Print Upper Rooms.

Place poinsettia near a south, west or east facing window. Six hours of indirect light is ideal. Light may cause bracts (colored leaves) to fade. Indoor temperatures between 65-70 degrees are ideal for long plant life. Placing in a room a few degrees cooler at night will extent the color. Keep plant away from drafts. Water the poinsettia when soil is dry to the touch. After watering thoroughly empty the saucer. Be sure to punch holes in the foil to allow drainage. Do not fertilize when plant is in bloom. Apply a houseplant fertilizer a month after it blooms.

Pastors Pen continued

A recent survey we conducted supported that research. There are many souls out there looking for a home church. Our church has all the qualities described in the above. We are going to showcase our gifts in ways that enhance our presence as one of the first mainline churches, a church that proclaims the Gospel in a non-threatening, but loving way. We dont condemn, we accept all, and preach Gods grace. The yearlong celebration is our way of reintroducing ourselves and our message to the community. It is way of rebuilding our church for the future. Help us celebrate by spreading and the word. We ask that all of you find a way to participate in these activities and serve on a committee that interests you. More to come on this project in the coming weeks.. See you in church, Kwadwo

Memorial United Methodist Church 2935 Sheridan Rd. Zion, IL. 60099-3241

Sunday Worship Services 10:00 am

Kwadwo Ntim, Pastor 847-872-5757 Office 847-872-4293 Home

E-Mail: Web Page:

Zion, IL. 60099-3241

2935 Sheridan Rd.

Memorial United Methodist Church

Permit No. 60
Non Profit Org.

U.S. Postage

Zion, IL


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