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A MATTER OF TASTE Chapter Three: Lemon-Cardamom Shortbread You should eat something, mate.

Youre looking more than a little peaked at the mo. Max looked up and saw that Matt was handing him a sandwich wrapped in waxed paper. He sighed and took the food from his friend. The guys had gone over to Maxs flat after hours, ostensibly to fill him in on what was going on at LEtoile. However, what they didnt tell him was that Chef Valeriano asked them to look in on him. While he himself said nothing to her about his condition, Matt felt honor-bound to advise their former superior on the situation. Things are still going like clockwork, Matt informed Max as he took his place on the living room couch. Deliveries right on schedule, lunch and dinner service on the dot,

charcuterie still up and running. But Vincent still isnt around, Kevin added sourly. Well, yeah Matts lips twisted in a wry grimace. Max said nothing and just sat there, idly stroking the tiny kitten resting on his knee. Little Anglia for that was what he named the kitten purred happily and sleepily nuzzled her masters hand. So, how are you, Max? Kevin asked. Im good, Max assured his friend. Just got packed this morning. This was news to the guys. Over Maxs head, they stared at each other in disbelieve. Then, at once, they barraged him with questions. Whats this? Kevin demanded, for nothing had been said to him about Max traveling. Where are you off to? Matt exclaimed, for, while he and Max had spoken about the latter leaving, no destination was ever mentioned. My cousins invited me to spend the year with his family abroad, Max replied with a faint smile. Abroad?! Kevin exclaimed. Yeah, Max agreed. He figures I need a change of scenery as well as a change of pace. He got up, put Anglia on his shoulder, and went to the bookcase in the corner to get the antique globe he got from his maternal grandfather when he first moved to London. He put the

globe on the coffee table and returned to the couch. I just want to make sure Im doing the right thing. Both Matt and Kevin raised their eyebrows at this. Turning to each other, their eyes asked the same question, What the hells gotten into Max? What are you doing? Matt asked as Max spun the globe around. I saw this in The Last King of Scotland, Max replied, spinning the globe intently. Grinning, he spoke in his little-used Scots burr: The first place ye land, ye go. He closed his eyes and deliberately stopped the spinning globe with a forefinger. Both his friends leaned forward to see where his finger landed. To everyones surprise, Max stopped the globe on the Philippine Islands. Looks like youre Manila-bound, mate, Matt remarked. Hmph. Deliberately, Max spun the globe a second time. Well see. Again, he landed on the Philippines. He spun the globe a third time, a fourth time: and it was the same destination both times. What the hell Max declared, staring at the globe in bewilderment. Better book that ticket, mate, Matt chuckled. Hand me the phone, Kev, Max told Kevin, still staring at the globe. Here you go, mate, Kevin said as he handed Max the wireless. Time? Kevin checked his watch. Eleven-ish, he replied. Max frowned and counted his fingers. Its about seven there, he sighed. I hope hes still home. Covering the receiver, he added, Matt, the laptops on. Could you please book me a ticket to Manila? British Airways? Matt asked as he made his way to the desk where the laptop was. British Air, Philippine Airlines Max shrugged. I dont care. Just put me on the earliest possible flight out. As an afterthought, he added, And get me a one-way ticket. One way? Matt asked, his voice somehow choked by the thought that his best friend seemed hell-bent on leaving everything that was familiar for completely uncharted territory. Aye, Max replied, dialing the wireless. One way. He fell silent for a bit. Then perked up. Hi, Puck! Yeah, about your invite from last week


She found them all busy as bees: the parents cleaning up and ticking things off on a checklist, the older kids carrying stuff from one room to another, the little ones watching from their spot on the sofa, and the dog keeping a watchful eye on the little ones. Ninang! Pepper exclaimed delightedly as she let the newcomer in and was immediately swept up in a hug. Hello! the newcomer greeted her. And why are you dressed up like a little kitchenmaid, piglet? Pepper grinned toothily up at her. The little girls hair was pulled back in a ponytail and covered by a huge blue kerchief. She wore a matching apron over her old-fashioned frock and carried a fluffy duster in one hand. Were cleaning up, she said. I can see that. Where are your parents? Puck leaned out of one doorway and waved hello. Hi, Melaine! he greeted her. Come on in. Pep, be a dear an get your Ninang a ginger beer from the kitchen. Okay. Pepper scurried off to the kitchen while Melaine Valeriano entered the living room and was greeted by the happy squeals of little Alf and Alec who promptly got off the couch when they saw her. Tita Laine come play? Alf asked as he hugged one leg. Bake cookies? Alec chimed in as he hugged the other. Yes, we are going to bake cookies today, she assured the little ones, smoothing their soft brown hair out of their chubby faces. Wheres kuya? Here I am! Mack came scurrying out of the linen closet with what appeared to be a bale of sheets in his arms. Affectionately, he kissed Melaines cheek and trotted off to one of the guest rooms. With the babies in her arms, Melaine followed Mack into the room and found Ginger putting new linens on the bed in there. Whats up? she asked the woman of the house as she deposited the babies in a nearby armchair. Oh, hi, Laine, Ginger greeted her with a huge grin. One of the cousins is staying with us for a spell. Hes coming in this afternoon from London.

Melaine raised an eyebrow at that. She grew up with Puck and Ginger and knew that the former had a whole passel of cousins back in the British Isles. Heck, one of them had even been a colleague, wee bastard that he was. Max Balfour, I suppose? she asked. Yep. Cant blame him for leaving, she remarked in a neutral tone. Our boss was a regular bastard. She went on as she and Ginger made the bed. He resented us taking time off, but was never around at the restaurant. Balfour and I were practically running his show for him! Good thing you got out, Ginger remarked in agreement. I remember how you looked when you got home from London you looked like a zombie. Walking corpse, Melaine murmured, an ironic smirk on her face. Rather appropriate, seeing how pale I was when I got back dark circles under my eyes and all. She caught sight of her reflection in a nearby mirror and smiled to herself. The pallor was gone, along with the tremor that spoke of severe stress and the bruise-like smudges under her eyes that screamed of nights spent wide awake in bed. Melaine was, today, restored to her full glory: creamy skin with rosy cheeks that called to mind peaches or apple-mangoes at the peak of ripeness; masses of soft, wavy, naturally chestnut-colored hair currently piled on top of her head; womanly curves that would not have been out of place on a Greek statue; and the sort of posture that made her look taller than her actual height of five feet and six inches. Balfour says Ville-Valmont didnt want him to leave, said he was trying to ruin him. Melaine shook her head in dismay. Well, he asked for it: he worked the man too hard and, worse, called his mother a She paused when she saw Mack listening intently. Mack, my little piggy, why dont you go to the kitchen and see if Pepper has that ginger beer ready? Mack dimpled. Sure, Ninang, he said and promptly left the room. Going back to what I was saying, Melaine continued in a softer voice as soon as the boy left the room, Ville-Valmont went so far as to call La Marquise a whore. Ginger dropped the pillow shed been plumping up at that. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! she cried in righteous indignation. Why, that ungrateful bastard! Whos an ungrateful bastard? Puck asked as he entered the room. Their former boss over at LEtoile, Ginger declared angrily. He called Aunt Lyd a whore, damn it!

Pucks blue eyes narrowed dangerously at that. No wonder the lad threw knives at the gobshite! he exclaimed. Id have done the exact same thing if it had been me. So, your cousins arriving later? Melaine asked him. Aye, Puck agreed as he checked the closets in the room. Were pickin him up, which is why we invited ye oer to keep an eye on the wee ones. Cant we go with you and Mam, Da? Pepper asked as she entered the room, cold bottles of ginger beer in her hands. She handed one each to her mother and godmother. Dont ye want to stay home wi Ninang Melaine, lass? Puck asked her. I heard her say somethin about bakin cookies. Pepper grinned hugely at that. Cookies? she asked her godmother. Like the kind Mam lets me help her make at the shop? Yep. Affectionately, Melaine tugged the little girls ponytail. I was thinking we could bake shortbread today. What kind? Lemon-cardamom, I think. Melaine smiled. Your Ninang Ditas is coming over, too. She wants to see how. Knowing Deetz, however, itll be Argie baking those cookies! Ginger laughed as she covered up the bed with a soft blue quilt. Mack returned, blue eyes widening. Did someone say shortbread? he asked. Youre raising a real Scotsman here, Henstridge, Melaine remarked to Puck. Aye, Puck chuckled in reply. Shortbread, kilts, bagpipes, an all. Has he ever had haggis? Aye, likes it, as a matter of fact. Plus, hes as mad about footie as all the rest of us. Hes only four, Puck; tastes change. Not wi football, though. Tis a once-in, neer out sort o thing. Celtic? Puck grinned hugely at that. Is there any better Scots football club? he asked. Chef Ramsey roots for the Rangers, you know. Puck sneered at that. Och, what do they know about football? he exclaimed

contemptuously. He picked up the extension phone in the room. Custard-cake, shall I order in lunch? Tis pushin twelve now.

Sure, Sugar-cookie, Ginger replied, wearily sitting on the edge of the bed. Pizza would be nice. Anchovies and olives please! Pepper piped up as her mother put her on her lap. Melaine chuckled at that. Foodies raising foodie kids, she thought, delighted. Thank God, theyre not fussy about food! Shrimp and garlic, Da! Mack chimed in. What do ye lads want? Puck asked the younger twins who both perked up at the mention of pizza. Cheese! they babbled in chorus. Mushies! Anchovy-lovers, shrimp and roasted garlic, and a double cheese with extra mushrooms, then? Puck asked his wife. Sounds good to me, Ginger nodded in agreement. The doorbell rang and the older twins scampered off to see who it was. While they were out, Melaine sat next to Ginger and regarded Puck seriously. Puck, hows your cousin? she asked. Puck turned, an eyebrow raised in puzzlement. Why do you ask? he inquired warily. Melaine could not blame him for putting his guard up. Most of her friends knew that she and Balfour were always snapping and snarling at each other when they worked together in London. Is it wrong to ask how an old colleagues doing? she asked archly. Nae, but Ill not have ye badgerin the lad, Puck warned her. Hes in a bad way. How bad? Pucks blue eyes seemed to flicker from pale, almost icy sky blue to a deeper sapphire. Then, he sighed. Quite, he replied, leaning against the closet door. He collapsed just before his birthday. Melaines eyes widened in horror at that. What happened? she demanded of Puck, half-rising from her seat. Both Puck and Ginger stared at her, startled by this display. She could not blame them. Like Ginger, she was always as cool and as calm as a cucumber in public. Burnout, Puck advised her. An anemia factored in, as well. Well, all that an the fact that ol Ville-Valmont ran the lad into the earth when ye left.

Poor Balfour! Melaine exclaimed, remembering how intensely her colleague had worked, remembering how she felt confident about him taking over for her when she left two years before. So now the doctor wants him off-duty for a year? Aye, Puck nodded in agreement. Melaine pursed her lips at that, then sighed. Well, let me know if you need anything, she said. Ill be glad to help. Really? Ginger remarked dubiously. Well, let me put it this way: Balfour and I dont like each other, but we do understand each other. Melaine smiled faintly at that. Its probably the reason why, for all the sniping we did, we never really got around to killing each other.


Puck and Ginger just left? Ditas Spencer asked as she, her husband, youngest child, and Yorkshire terrier entered the Henstridges home. Yup, Melaine replied as she let them in. Where are your twins? Swimming lessons in the atrium, so Mimis the only one home. She smiled down at her pretty, bright-eyed daughter who smiled hugely as Melaine hugged her. What are you doing? Argie Spencer asked, lips quirking into a mischievous grin. Baking shortbread! Pepper shouted from the kitchen. I see youve a new assistant, chef, Argie remarked to Melaine. She has the mad skills for it, chef, she assured him. Im aware of that, Laine. She helps out at La Reinette from time to time whenever Ginger brings her along. Shes keen at cutting out rolled cookies and is learning how to whip up frostings. Ill bet shell be a top-notch baker by the time shes six or seven. I wouldnt be surprised, Melaine agreed as they followed her into the kitchen. There, with the babies securely strapped into their high chairs and watching intently, the older twins were dropping leveled half-tablespoons of lemony dough onto a plate filled with cardamom sugar and rolling them into balls which they placed onto a nearby cookie sheet. cheerfully barked a greeting while Magnus, the Spencers dog, barked a reply. Were almost done, Ninang, Mack informed Melaine even as he scrambled to hug Argie and Ditas. Hi, Ninong Argie. Hi, Ninang Ditas. Angus

Hi, Mack. Argie looked critically at the older twins handiwork. Nice and even, he declared in satisfaction. Good job, you two! Youre done already? a piping voice declared in protest. Mimi Spencer, Argie and Ditass youngest and the Henstridges closest friend, pouted at this. I thought you were going to wait for me! Were still making choc-chunkies, Mack assured her in a soothing tone, handing her a bit of the lemony dough to assuage her initial disappointment. You havent missed anything, Mims. The three grownups in the room as well as young Pepper all rolled their eyes at the little exchange. Certain sentiments between tiny blond Mimi and rosy-cheeked Mack were alltoo familiar. Puck and Ginger all over again, Ditas murmured. Coffee? Melaine offered, heading for the Nespresso in the corner. Id love a cup, thanks, Ditas replied, plunking onto one of the stools at the kitchen island. Were ready to bake, chef, Pepper informed Melaine. Roger that, chef, Melaine replied as she poured a cup of coffee for Ditas. Then, she opened the oven and slid in the tray Pepper handed her. She patted the little girls head as she closed the oven door. Do you still do this, Ninang Laine? Pepper asked as she hopped onto the little stool that helped her reach the kitchen sink. Do what, piglet? Bake for a restaurant, Pepper replied. Not anymore, unfortunately, Melaine confessed truthfully as she began chopping up chocolate bars. I stop by my moms restaurants to see how things are going. I place orders for ingredients, do quality control, but I only cook at home now. And you write, Ditas chimed in. Yeah, I write cookbooks for people who are too busy to cook, Melaine said. That sort of thing. Mam says Uncle Max wont be cooking at a restaurant anymore, either, Mack chimed in as he took Peppers place at the sink. What? Argie exclaimed in surprise.

I just found out why this morning, Melaine confessed. I knew Balfour was going on vacation only, I didnt know his doctor wanted him to rest for a year! What happened? Argie demanded. Melaine couldnt blame him for worrying. Balfour worked part-time at Maison ReineClaude and La Reinette whenever he was on vacation from school. Argie played a key role in training him, had been the recommendation that landed the boy the job at LEtoile. He was like a kid brother to Argie. Hes burned-out and anemic, Melaine sighed. Puck says he fainted a few weeks ago. What, at work? Yeah. Youve heard that Ville-Valmonts gunning for a third star? Yeah, but Argies eyebrows furrowed at this. From experience, when you want those stars, you throw yourself into the effort you dont just leave your staff to take the heat while youre out swanking about! Vincent was never there when LEtoile gunned for the two-stars rank, Melaine admitted wryly. Balfour and I screamed ourselves hoarse and worked ourselves cross-eyed when Vincent announced that we were going for two. And you got nothing out of all that effort? Ditas exclaimed, horrified. Yeah, fraid so. Argie sputtered angrily at that. Ginger, Cerise, and I worked our fingers to the bone when we were due for the two stars! he exclaimed. When it was over, we bundled the staff off to Singapore with hefty bonuses and raises. Didnt Ville-Valmont give you anything? Melaine sighed at that. We had to strong-arm the man into giving an across-the-board salary raise, she confessed. In her minds eye, she could see the crestfallen look on Balfours pale face, the disappointment in his teal eyes. After everything weve done, she remembered him saying, this is all we get? She remembered how those expressive teal eyes filled with tears, how he fled the main kitchen so that she wouldnt see those tears fall. She remembered the terrible fight he had with his girlfriend over the phone when she told him to quit. But I cant quit, he said. I cant quit; this is what I was born to do. I love cooking; its what I do best

Youre bloody brilliant at what you do, kid, she thought as she showed the kids how to cream butter and sugar for chocolate-chunk cookies. Ill never say it to your face, but I wish I didnt have to leave you to take all that crap from Vincent. Cookie, pease? Alf demanded plaintively from his perch. No, sorry, Argie apologized, lifting the little boy from his high chair. None yet, little buddy. Hungee, Alec whimpered, fussing in his high chair. Ditas smiled and took some sliced cheese from the fridge and fed the hungry little boy bits of it. Alec cooed happily as he was fed. Do you want cheese, too, Alfie? she asked the baby in Argies arms. No-no, Alf replied, firmly shaking his head. Want cookie! Presently, the timer went off and Melaine carefully took the tray of shortbread bites out of the oven. When Alf saw these, he squealed and pointed excitedly at the cookies. Argie had to laugh at his enthusiasm. Let them cool for a bit, buddy! he chided the eager little boy. Nobody likes a burnt baby! What time is Uncle Max coming? Mack asked as he held the bowl for the little girls. His planes probably here now, Mack, Ditas replied, checking her watch. She grinned at the boy. Is he really sick, Ninang Ditas? Pepper asked worriedly. We dont know yet, sweetheart, Ditas admitted, carefully picking up a cookie from the cooling tray. She blew on it to cool it, then broke it in half. All your parents will tell us is hes really tired. I hope hes too tired to play kickball with me, Gabe, and Raffy, Mack said wistfully. Uncle Max is fun. Melaine raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. Da said he was bringing a kitty along, Pepper added. A kitty? Melaine spun around, surprised. Your uncle has a cat? The older twins nodded simultaneously. Her names Anglia, Mack said. Shes a baby kitty, Pepper chimed in. Uncle found her behind the restaurant. Good ol Balfour! Melaine thought, smiling slightly, remembering how the youth had fed the cats in the alley behind LEtoile.


Thats good, she said. If nothing else, itll keep him from getting too lonely. Ditas handed half a cookie each to the babies even as the doorbell rang. Thats probably them, she said. Shouting happily, the older twins ran out of the kitchen to answer the door. Melaine said nothing and, instead, busied herself in putting the tray of finished chocolate-chunk cookies in the oven. Uncle Max! the older twins yelled, throwing themselves at their uncle. Hey, piglets, he greeted them in his soft baritone. Melaine saw he went down on one knee to hug the kids. Look how big you are! Cmon, kids, Ginger lightly chided Mack and Pepper. Let your uncle catch his breath first. She waved hello to those in the kitchen. Hola, Argie! Think you can help Puck drag everything up? No prob, Argie assured her, handing Alf to her. Mam, lookie! Alf told his mother, showing her the half-cookie in his little hand. Cookie! Oh, you have a cookie! Ginger exclaimed. Did Tita Melaine bake it for you, cupcake? Yesh! Alf pointed towards the kitchen. Tita make plenty! Dyou want a cookie, Uncle Max? Pepper asked the newcomer. Yeah, Uncle Max! Mack declared enthusiastically. Ninang taught us how to make them. Did she? Max Balfour rose and followed the kids to the kitchen. He stopped right in the doorway, surprised. Valeriano?! What? Melaine asked, spinning around to face him. Im their godmother, Balfour. Im supposed to teach them things. She threw him a curious look, and sighed. Picking a cookie from the tray, she came forward and shoved it in his open mouth. Close your mouth, chef, she chided him. Youll let the flies in.

+++ Lemon-Cardamom Shortbread 200 grams all-purpose flour 50 grams cornstarch 1/4 cup salted butter, softened


1/4 cup salted margarine 1 egg 3/4 teaspoon baking powder 100 grams + additional 2 tablespoons granulated white sugar 1/2 teaspoon + 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 teaspoon lemon extract

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees / Gas Mark 4. In a shallow dish, combine 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon cardamom; set aside.

Cream together the butter, margarine, and 100 grams sugar till light and fluffy. Whisk in the egg and the lemon extract and mix till well-combined. Add the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and cardamom and mix till the mixture is about the texture of mashed potatoes. Roll level halftablespoons of the dough into balls and roll in the cardamom sugar. Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for fifteen minutes.

Makes 45 shortbread bites.


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