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Case study 4.1 Power, Politics and Influence 1. What kind of power did John Lester have? 2.

What do you think of the way that Henry McCallum played company politics? What should he have done to help him get the job? 3. What should Henry do now?

Answer: 1. The power of John Lester have are personal power. Its based on the expert power. Expert power is a ability to influence others behavior related to skills and knowledge. People with expert power can influence other in two ways, directly through their knowledge and talents, which respected that people respond to change their attitude, the other way through excising control over knowledge and put pressure on other to follow their wishes. John used his power to spoke with Henry about his decision to make Henry put off the idea to become lead company s first foreign venture. But Henry not convinced, so John use his power to spoke in board meeting and John had convinced the board.

2. Henry wants to get a power in company. So, he uses a politics to make his desire become true. He can use a power tactic like rational persuasion to help him get the job. He can present the logical argument and factual evidence to demonstrate that a request is reasonable. So, he can do a homework and carefully thinking the best way to make sure the presenting about his work success and make board proud and getting a convinced from board about his ability.

3. He must think positive, and don t take any risk while will make his ability down. He also, should make sure his work still continue like always. He must improve his talent and knowledge in company to increase the profit and make board convinced with him.

Case study 6.1 Group and conflict management 1. What does the case indicate about Japanese methods of decision making compare with that of the traditional Scottish manager? Is this why Donald Gray was so frustrated? 2. How would you characteristic Donald Gray style of decision making? 3. Do you detect any groupthink in the case?

Answer: 1. Donald has a conflict with the new bosses of decision making compare of the traditional Scottish. So it s make Donald was so frustrated. Donald like to work follow his way and use his concept. He need require his staff as full member of his team; his believe workers should given as much autonomy as was reasonable. But his bosses not convinced with the idea have to discuss of the distillery supervisor and manager, and after six week the decision had been turn down the proposal. So, Donald was frustrated because failure to attempt to influence his bosses although his proved to be very successful in his work.

2. The characteristic Donald Gray style of decision making is risky shift. He tends to take riskier decision as a member of a group. For instance, about the idea to work with his staff as full member of his team and he believe his worker has given as much autonomy as was reasonable and indeed when had the suggestion a minor change to the method used of bottles whisky.

3. In this case, we can see a groupthink when Donald requires working with his staff as full members of his team. He believe his workers should give more commitment as was rational and reasonable and can look while one of them suggested the minor change to the methods used to bottles whisky.

Case study 7.1 Organizational Culture 1. John McCann face clearly decided that the organizational culture of the Parker Company is detective. What is wrong with it? What will have to be done to change it? 2. What problems might John McCann face in trying to change the culture of the Parker Company? 3. Outline the steps which John McCann should take to implement the changes he wishes to see.

Answer: 1. Organizational culture of the Parker Company detective because the company expands the size of the plant by more than 100% and installed two further lines to keep up with customer demand. So, John must change the culture in that organizational to make sure the company still way and increase profit.

2. John will face problems might with the other employee. It s a barrier to diversity. John is a new CEO, so company must accept the organization core culture value. But maybe it problem to old employee if he changes the organization culture. Because his way is different with old CEO. In addition, he want to change more to strategic marketing in company. So the problem is how to make the other employee agree with his ideas.

3. John must take the step to make he wishes to become true and successful. The first step is determining the core culture, about the strategy marketing. The second step are capture culture strengths, the strengths of using strategic marketing in company. The third step is determining core culture level of integration. The forth step are determining core culture degree of wholeness and the last step is determining core culture degree of balance.

University Malaysia Sabah

BT 21303

Name: SUHAILA BINTI ISMAIL Matrix num: BB09110083 Tutorial class: Tuesday, 2-3 pm.

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