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War2xEd Readme Version 5.

51 October 4th 1996 -----------Installation -----------War2xEd is a 32 bit windows program written for Windows 95. To use War2xEd, you need Windows 3.11, Windows 95, or Windows NT. If you are using Windows 3.11, be sure to install Win32s 1.3. To install War2xEd, copy "" into your WarCraft II directory, and decompress it with subdirectories. You can do this with pkunzip by typing "pkunzip -d", or with WinZip 6.0 or above by clicking on "" and then the "extract" button. To run War2xEd, click on War2xEd.exe in your WarCraft II directory using Windows 95 or the Windows 3.11 program manager. -----------On-line Help -----------Click on the icon with that looks like a question mark for on-line help, or alternately, open "war2xed.rtf" with any word processor. Still having difficulty? Post your problem on or e-mail me at ----------------Technical Support ----------------Here are some of the common problems with War2xEd and how to correct them. * The editor crashes on me, or says something about a missing DLL You are probably using Windows 3.11, and probably don't have the most recent version of Win32s (1.3) installed. It is on the CD along with War2xEd. After downloading it, run it in a temporary directory. A lot of files will be created, one of them called "setup.exe". Go into Windows 3.11 and run this, it will walk you through the rest. * I get a "File not found" or "Access Violation" message This happens if War2xEd can't find its data files. When you uncompress, make sure that your decompression utility creates the directory "data" and puts everything but war2xed.exe and the PUD files in there. If you are using pkunzip, the command to do this is "pkunzip -d". When setting up a short cut to War2xEd, be sure to set the working directory correctly. If War2xEd is in "c:\war2\war2xed", then the working directory should be "c:\war2\war2xed". If you wrote a batch file to load up War2xEd, CD into War2xEd's directory rather than just typing in the path. Make sure you don't delete or move any of the files that come with War2xEd, except for the demo PUDs. If you follow these guidelines, you shouldn't have any problems. * The map looks really, really weird Switch your display to high or true color mode.

* WarCraft II crashes when I load the PUD You don't have WarCraft II version 1.3, and are using either the swamp terrain, the expansion pack heroes, or the expansion pack AIs in your PUD. Either buy and install the WarCraft II Expansion CD, or avoid using any of the new features. * Some of my units don't appear when I play the PUD Right now I have very rudimentary error checking. I only check for invalid unit coordinates and faulty unit data, i.e. game crashing stuff. Buildings will not appear if you put them on the wrong terrain, such as a Blacksmith in the ocean. Also if units are overlapping, only one will show up, so be careful not to drop a Castle on poor Alleria. ------History ------If you don't know it, you are doomed to repeat it. Version 5.5 (October 3rd, 1996) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Added the volatile flag Added the magic flag Added the organic flag Split the flags into general and specific Added human reaction range Added a save as function Added the ability to disable upgrades Cleaned and sped up the map by a lot Improved terrain editing dialog Added the edit terrain mode Added the show movement mode Fixed a bug with the unit points Fixed a bug with the default data being used Fixed a bug with displaying the footman's name

Version 5.4 (August 25th, 1996) Made it compatible with the newer PUD format used by Blizzard to create the expansion set scenarios. Works well with Peace now. Version 5.3 (August 23rd, 1996) Now only replaces the expansion heroes when loading PUDs created by Blizzard's map editor. Fixed the length of the point field, you can create 32k point units again. Moved the coward flag over to a behavior field, which now includes sapper behavior. Changed the side of the evil heroes in "herowar.pud" to Orc. Changed "default.unt" so that all the expansion set heroes are worth 120 points, as Blizzard's tip of the week said they should be. Version 5.2 (August 19th, 1996) Added a sapper flag. Kaboom! Added lots of menu hot keys. Function key your way to happiness! Added a coward flag.

Added the Blizzard and Flame shield missile types. Thanks to Scorpions for finding them out! Changed the error display at load time so that all errors are displayed at once. Also, default.unt is automatically loaded as opposed to displaying a n open file dialog when unit errors are detected. Made it so you could access the armor values for buildings and critters. Fixed a bug that generated the wrong "action" info for walls, forest, and mountains. Fixed a bug that prevented you from having units worth more than 255. Got rid of "unitdata", that info is stored in War2xEd.exe instead. Revamped the manual some, especially the Search and Replace section. Made it so if you click on a unit on the map, the Edit Units dialog changes to that unit type. Also added a button to jump to the Edit Units dialog on the mini-map next to the unit information. Made it so if you can click and drag on the map to set the range of the Search and Replace dialog. Changed the way that the tiles are stored, now each terrain's tiles are stored as a single file. Should speed up loading time on slow machines. All data files were moved into a directory cleverly named "data". Changed the way the mega-map updates when you click on the mini-map. Made the right click on the map function more powerful; the unit created will be identical to the one described next to the mini-map. The report generator died in 5.0 because I had deleted some list boxes that it was stealing text from. Fixed this, it works now. Version 5.1 (July 27th, 1996) Made the mini-map's initial position controlled by Windows; I had it over on the upper right corner of a 1024 by 768 display, so some people weren't seeing it. Changed the way that the Tools menu is enabled. For some really weird reason, Win32s didn't like it, and left it disabled. Version 5.0 (July 25th, 1996) Added in the mega and mini maps! Moved the Units dialog over to the mini-map. Error checking now handles the "disappearing unit" bug introduced by loading expansion heroes into Blizzard's map editor and then saving the PUD. Fixed a bug with the search and replace that prevented it from replacing neutral units. Fixed a bug which generated the wrong replacements for some of the Black Plague tiles. Fixed a bug which prevented you from opening the help file if the current PUD wasn't in War2xEd's directory. Made the export function report the controller as opposed to the AI for Rescue Active and Rescue Passive players. Version 4.0 (July 14th, 1996) Added the Replace and Edit Upgrades dialogs. Expanded the Unit file format to include upgrades also. Added in the 51 expansion CD AI types. Added an AI table as an RTF file; it is accessible online. Added a "Is submarine" flag to the Edit Units dialog. Added some range checking to all text fields. Fixed a couple more "Black Plague" tiles. Changed the spelling of Demon to Daemon. Improved the mini-map.

Fixed a bug which prevented the "Can target" buttons on the Edit Units dialog from enabling themselves when you switched unit types. Fixed a bug that caused the Export PUD function to lock up when writing the text file if player White was in the game. Also made it report the AI of each side. Redid the tab order of all the components so that it actually makes sense. Stuck in some nice graphics. Version 3.3 (June 19th, 1996) Added in 28 new AI types. Thanks to Archmage Xander who pointed them out in Dragon.pud! I think I've figured out the tiles that cause the "Black Plague". These are detected during PUD checks and fixed automatically. Fixed a bug with the Load Unit File button. Although it displayed the stats of the first unit (Alleria), the name in the box was still listed as the last unit edited. Fixed a bug with the missile types: Demon Fire was added, and demons have been changed in the default.unt file to use it. Version 3.21 (June 10th, 1996) I accidentally had overwritten the unit data of the demo PUD files with the defa ult.unt file. This was especially bad for grush.pud. Anyway I fixed it. Btw, some of my brothers have come up for a week or so, for computer games and sailin g, then I have to go to 2 weddings and a birthday, so don't expect any updates f or a while! Version 3.2 (June 6th, 1996) Rearranged the Edit Unit dialog, and added better error checking. I now blank out or disable buttons and sections that don't make sense for that unit or missile type. Added a Points box and a Can Target section to the Edit Units dialog. Updated the default.unt file so that the points for the new heroes are now 3x their "type" as opposed to the same (i.e. Alleria is now worth three times more than a Ranger). Version 3.1 (June 4th, 1996) You can now click on the unit map to switch between units. I no longer display the blank unit slots. The Edit Units dialog now uses a drop down list instead of the two arrow buttons. Version 3.0 (May 31st, 1996) Added in the Edit Units and Players dialogs. Edit units will gradually be expanded as I release minor upgrades, but will be backwards compatible. Added in rudimentary error checking. Added in an export function. Also include 3 new demo PUDs. Version 2.2 (May 26th, 1996) The tabbed dialog box I was using to switch between the map section and the units section was not compatible with Win32s. I added some buttons that people could use to manually flip through the tabbed sections. Version 2.1 (May 25th, 1996)

Changed the palettes around to better match the game, and added forest and mountain dithering. Version 2.0 (May 25th, 1996) Fixed two minor bugs, one that caused an "io error" message to appear when you canceled the open dialog box during the first open, and one that set the unit pointer wrong when you deleted the first unit. Added in the mini-maps. I am not quite happy with the palettes yet, playing will occur. Added in a file name and version label. Also display the map's X by Y. Added in a description edit box. Added a description (with a 2x in it) to the herowar.pud demo PUD. Version 1.0 (May 21st, 1996) First release. Also know as the Day of Never Ending E-mail.

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