Chapter 12 I The Straight Line ENRICH

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GRADIENT Example m=
y2 y1 x2 x1


1) (1,2) and (3,4) 1.) ( 2,1) and (4,3) 4 2 2 m= = =1 3 1 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTERCEPT y-intercept (x = 0)

X-intercept (y = 0)

X-intercept Example 1) y = 2 x + 4

y=0 Exercise 1) y = 3 x + 6

y = 0 0 = 2x + 4 4 = 2x

x- intercept = -2

2 x = 4 4 x= = 2 2

y intercept Example

x=0 Exercise 1) y = 3 x + 8

1) y = 2 x + 6 x = 0 , y = 2(0) + 6 y=6 y- intercept = 6 PAST YEARS SPM QUESTIONS

The Straight Line

SPM 2003 The gradient of the straight line 2x-7y =14 is


B 6

3 2

3 2

A B C D 2

2 7 7 2

SPM 2004 y Q R(1,8) 0 x P The gradient of QR is -4 and the distance of PQ is 15 units, Find the x-intercept of PQ A -9 B -12 C 9

-2 7

2004J Diagram below shows a straight line MN on a Cartesian plane. y 0 M(-2, -1) The gradient of MN is A 5 B C D
12 6 11 2 9 3 8


4 15 4

SPM 2004 Diagram below shows a straight line LM on a Cartesian plane.

2004 J The graph in the diagram below shows 1 a straight line JK with gradient 2 y J(0,3) x K Calculate the x-intercept of JK 0

The gradient of LM A -1 B 1 C D
2 1 2

The Straight Line

The gradient of the straight line

2 4 y x = 8 is 3 A 1 6 B 8 3

SPM 2005 In the diagram below, PQ is a straight line.


2 6

Diagram below shows a straight line

4 RS which has gradient 3

What is the gradient of PQ? A -2 B 1



1 2

R(-12,0) 0

SPM 2006 J State the y-intercept of the straight line 3y2x-11=0 A 11

The y-intercept of RS is


A B C D 8

4 9 12 16

3 11 3 11 2 11 2


SPM 2005 Find the y-intercept of the straight line 3x-4y=24 A B C D

3 4 4 3

The straight line PQ has gradient of 2. The coordinates of P are (0,6). The x-intercept of PQ is A -3 B C D
1 3 1 3

-6 8

The Straight Line

12. SPM 2006 (N) The coordinates of point P(-1,1) and the gradient of the straight line PQ is 2. The coordinates of point Q could be A (3,3) B (3,9) C (3,-1) D (3, -7) 13. SPM 2006(N) In Diagram below, EF is a straight line with gradient
1 4

5 3 3 B. 5 3 C. 5 5 D. 3 A. 15. A straight line has a gradient

3 and 7 passes through the point (0,6). The x- intercept of the straight line is

E x

0 -3 F

A. B. C. D.

-14 -6 6 14

16. SPM 2008(J) Diagram 15 shows a straight line KL, on a Cartesian plane

Find the x-intercept of the straight line EF. A B C D

1 12 3 4

y L(6,h)

-3 -12

O K(-2,-1)
SPM 2007(J) 14. In Diagram 16, PQR is a straight line and O is the origin.

x Diagram 15
3 . Find the 2

The gradient of KL is Value of h 1 1 A. 3

y P

x R(3,-5) Diagram 16


1 3 3 7

D. 11 17. Find the y-intercept of the straight line 5y = 3x 6

The Straight Line


-6 6 B. 5 3 C. 5 D. 3 SPM 2008(N) 18.Diagram 16 shows a straight line PQ on a Cartesian plane.

y Q(5,4) P(-1,2) O Diagram 16

Find the gradient of PQ.

A. B. C. D.

3 2
1 2 1 3

19. State the x-intercept of the straight line 3x 4y + 24 = 0 A. B. C. D. -8 -6 6 8

The Straight Line

ANSWERS Chapter 12 I The Straight Line 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. A

The Straight Line

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