Resounding Success For Vinexpo's 30th Anniversary: Press Release

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Press Release Bordeaux, France 30 June 2011

Resounding success for Vinexpos 30th anniversary

A new record for attendance from non-French visitors has just been set at the 16th Vinexpo international wine and spirits exhibition. And one out of three of these no-French visitors were Asian. Excluding France, China has become the country that sends the largest number of visitors to Vinexpo. With high quality, interested visitors, energetic and motivated exhibitors, prestigious tastings and a composed, focussed atmosphere, all the ingredients were right for Vinexpo to strengthen its position as the world leading wine and spirits exhibition.

One no-French visitor out of three was Asian Vinexpo recorded 48,122 visitors from 148 countries, up 3.22% compared to 2009, but over and above this slight increase in numbers, it was the overall effectiveness and value of the contacts achieved that made this 16th Vinexpo so special. The large numbers of exhibitors, who expressed their satisfaction, were a measure of this overall feeling of a very worthwhile event. Vinexpo 2011 has certainly been a great vintage for Lanson International Diffusion. Our major partners and many other high quality visitors came to work on developing our brands, declared Philippe Baijot, CEO of Lanson International Diffusion (France). Its our first time at VINEXPO and weve made plenty of high quality contacts with knowledgeable buyers across a good range of markets commented Alex Henry, Managing Director of Slane Castle Whiskey from Ireland. The quality of visitors to Vinexpo this year is very good. We export to 71 countries and we exhibit to Vinexpo to meet potential customers from new markets. On the first day we did business with Sri Lanka. By day two we had paid for the stand with new business. reported Matteo Luxardo, Export Manager of the Italian company Girolamo Luxardo enthusiastically.

Although they easily formed the majority, representing 68% of all visitors, the French buyers were no more numerous than in 2009. The growth in the number of visitors was driven by attendees from all over the world. The 17,910 non-French professionals at Vinexpo accounted for 37.2% of the total, which is a new record, and the number of Asian participants was exceptionally high. One non-French visitor out of three was Asian! China demonstrated its economic muscle and its increasing interest in wine by sending 150% more participants. 2,974 Chinese professionals attended Vinexpo, which placed China at the top of the non-French visitors table. And after China, the whole of the rest of Asia followed: Taiwan, up 65% compared to 2009, Singapore, up 71%, India, up 26%, Vietnam, up 116%, Malaysia, up 74%. The major Japanese buyers, such as Toshiyuki Tanaka and Toru Yagi (Suntory Wine International Ltd) as well as Yasuhisa Hirose (Enoteca) also insisted on being present, despite the dreadful earthquake that hit the country last March; 363 Japanese professionals travelled to Vinexpo. We were very pleasantly surprised, not to say amazed, by the number of visitors on the first
day. They were of all nationalities with a large number from Asia. These were buyers with a serious interest commented Steve Watson, International Regional Manager,

CL Worldbrands from UK. After France and China, the other top 5 visiting nations were the U.S. with 1,403 visitors, UK with 1,342 and Belgium with 1,172. The number of non-French visitors, who came to Vinexpo, confirms the findings of our prospective studies on the world wine and spirits market. Between 2010 and 2014, the consumption of still light wines will grow by 72.9 million 9-litre cases, an increase of 2.98%. Nearly three quarters of this increase will take place in just three markets: the US, with 26.94 million cases more, China, with 20.76 million cases more and Russia with 5.53 million cases more, points out Robert Beynat, Chief Executive of Vinexpo. We met with over 200 producers and will be bringing in over 50 products, said Bethany Frick proudly, Senior Vice President of Merchandising of Total Wine & More in the US. Europe stood out because of strong representation from the importing countries. After UK and Belgium came Germany with 5.41% more visitors, the Netherlands, up 6% and Switzerland with 2.73% more visitors. The major producing countries in Europe, like Spain and Italy, were also well represented by their buyers, especially those from hyper- and supermarket networks. There were also significant increases in the numbers of visitors from Russia, up 27.2%, Ukraine, up 136%, the United Arab Emirates, up 77.5% and Turkey, up 20.9%.

Exhibitors from 47 countries One of Vinexpos strengths is clearly how uniquely representative it is. The exhibition puts the widest range of wines and spirits in the world on show. At this 16th Vinexpo, 40,000 sq. m of stand area was attributed to 2,400 exhibitors from 47 countries. Visitors were presented with wines from the major producing countries France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Chile, the U.S., Austria, Argentina and Portugal but they could also try wines from the Golan Heights and even a wine made in Thailand. Spirits companies accounted for 12% of the total stand area. Tastings by Vinexpo a great success The latest development at the exhibition was unanimously applauded. For the first time, tastings were organised within a new facility, branded Tastings by Vinexpo. This proved to be an enormous success, attracting a total of 13,250 professionals, who attended to find out more about a new product, to widen their knowledge or to prepare for negotiations that then took place on the stands. These tastings were complemented with conferences and presentations delivered by industry experts. Powerful media coverage 1,254 journalists from 54 countries also paced the Vinexpo aisles. The exhibitions press centre was a hub of intense activity and the international written press coverage, as well as the many radio and television features worldwide, gave full expression to the enthusiasm of the media. Vinexpo gives the unique opportunity of meeting the real decision-makers, the CEOs and owners, who are all actually present at the exhibition, commented Werner Engelhardt, Chief Editor of Wein+Markt from Germany. Impressive success: David Fleming, The Wine Spectator from US. Its the best exhibition I have taken part in for many years, said Adam Strum excitedly. Representing the American review Wine Enthusiast he was to be found in the press centre, still feverishly working in the very last hour the exhibition was open. Vinexpo Community The sheer speed with which information was exchanged, thanks in part to the new social networks Twitter and Facebook as well as the use of text messaging, also contributed to the ease with which contacts were made and interaction took place between the different industry players at the exhibition. Exhibition setting and decoration The amazing creativity demonstrated by exhibitors in decorating and fitting out their stands, was matched by the way the exhibition organisers made the setting as welcoming and relaxing as possible. The combination of Art with Wine, which had been initiated in 2009, was more massively illustrated this year to celebrate Vinexpos 30th anniversary. Around forty monumental sculptures by recognised artists were set in the exhibition gardens. The large, highly coloured sculptures by Rotraut sited all round the exhibition centre were of particular interest.

Pictures available on We look forward to seeing you at Vinexpo Asia-Pacific, in Hong Kong 29 - 30 - 31 May 2012

Press Contacts

Vinexpo Anne Cusson Press Department Director Juliette Demptos Press Attach Tel : +33 5 56 56 01 69

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