Franklin W. Olin College Engineering of Compartment Systems: Lab 4 - Closed-Loop Response of Op-Amp Circuits

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Franklin W.

Olin College Engineering of Compartment Systems

Lab 4 - Closed-Loop Response of Op-Amp Circuits
In this lab, you will be using the same op-amp, breadboard, power supply, signal generator, and oscilloscope as in Lab 31 , but now you will be investigating the closed-loop performance (with explicit feedback) of a circuit that uses the op-amp as a component. You will also be using Simulink to create a model of the circuits you build. You will compare the results of what you observe in the lab with what the Simulink model produces. At rst, you will tune the model to match the experimental results, but then you will change the conditions of the experiment and see if the model accurately predicts the experimental results. This is a fundamental technique of good science and engineering: 1. Observe behavior 2. Model the behavior 3. Verify the model using known behavior 4. Use the model to predict behavior

Resistance Information
Resistors are marked with bands of color to denote their resistance value. Each marking denotes a digit of scientic notation, in the form e , %. The last color band, which is often a metallic color, denotes the tolerance of the resistance value, how accurate it is. The actual resistance value can vary by some percentage of the desired value. The color system for this last band diers from the others. The second-to-last color band is an exponent (10 ), adding a number of zeros to the resistance value. The remaining bands (the rst to the third-to-last) are the signicant gures of the resistance value. The table in gure 1 shows the correspondence between colors and numbers. For example, the resistor in gure 2 is a 4.7 k (47e2, 5%) resistor.

Voltage Divider
This lab uses the following circuit construct, called a voltage divider. It is called that because the voltage dierence across the resistors is split up with a part across each.
In Lab 3 you did you feedback to remove the low frequency (DC) bias. In this lab will will look into this feedback in more detail.

Figure 1: Resistor color chart. Each marking denotes a digit of scientic notation, in the form e , %. The last color band, which is often a metallic color, denotes the tolerance of the resistance value, how accurate it is.

Figure 2: Example of a resistor - 4.7 k. The voltage across the resistors, combined, is V 1 V 2. This is divided such that the voltage across R2 R1 R1 is R1+R2 (V 1 V 2) and across R2 is R1+R2 (V 1 V 2) (that is, as a weighted average). So, the R2 voltage at V mid will be R1+R2 (V 1 V 2) + V 2. This will not be the case if V mid is hooked up to anything that draws current fortunately, op-amp inputs do not.

Setting Up the Experiments

Construct the following circuit, using the techniques you learned in the last labshown in gure 4. Use Simulink to create a model system that includes the model of the op-amp we have been using in lecture, and also a model of the feedback in the circuit above. Start with the assumption that R1 = 0 (i.e. a short-circuit). Your model should look like this: Many Simulink components have multiple parameters, which you can set by double clicking on the components picture in your diagram. The default parameters need to be adjusted for this model. It is suggested that you start with the op-amp model that you developed to study the open loop behavior. The only component that you will need to add is the feedback gain; the value of which is determined by the circuit. The use of the pulse generator in Simulink is to provide a square wave as input.

The Lab Experiments

1. With R1 = 0, set the signal generator V 1 to put out a 10 KHz, 1 Volt amplitude square wave centered around 0 Volts (i.e, no DC oset). Connect one channel of the scope to V 1, the

Figure 3: Schematic for a voltage divider.

Figure 4: Schematic of op-amp with feedback. Notice the similarity of this circuit with the circuit from Lab 3. 3

other to output. Now vary the amplitude of the input and explore circuit behavior. Use the horizontal scale control on the scope to investigate the output response immediately before and after the input voltage switches. How long does it take the bathtub to ll (drain)?. This circuit is called a voltage follower. Collect data from the scope showing representative behavior of the circuit during the transition. Run a Simulink simulation of a model of the circuit at the same conditions as the experimental data. Overlay on a single plot the results of both model and circuit. 2. Change R1 to 100k and repeat the prior experiment, but using a 0.1 Volt amplitude for V 1 whenever you used 1.0 Volt previously. Do not change any Simulink parameters except the feedback gain. Does your model correctly predict the behavior in all experiments? Provide a representative plot showing model and simulation comparison along with a brief explanation about what might be responsible for any discrepancies between model and circuit. You should test your circuit at dierent frequencies, but you need not to include all of these results. 3. Set the frequency to 1 KHz and the waveform time to a sine wave. Now raise the amplitude of V 1 until output is being clipped (i.e. the op-amp is saturating during part of the waveform). Change the amplitude of the source in your Simulink model to match that of V 1. Generate plots that overlay model and circuit results in order to compare them. Your nal report should consist of the few plots discussed above with a description or caption explaining what each plot is showing. The description should be brief, but provide enough information that the reader could understand what you have done and the point that you are trying to make. Concentrate on demonstrating your understanding rather than providing a step-by-step recount of what you have doen. On your plots make sure that you provide axis labels, legends, appropriate linestyles, annotation, etc. To overlay plots you should generate all your results in MATLAB. The scope data can be downloaded through the web interface. Directions on how to plot this type of data in MATLAB will be

Figure 5: Simulink model of an op-amp with feedback.

discussed in lab. You will also need to output the Simulink data to the MATLAB workspace as was discussed in the lab.

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