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Unit 1

Unit 1 Back to school. lion river photograph crocodile baby crocodile big x small farm farmer Wadi El Rayyan the Alexandria Library the Pyramids the High Dam angry Where? ( When? ( Who? ( What? ( ) Why? ( How? ( / late

Hello ! English

new x old friend on holiday photo from amazing / The Valley of th Kings near x far from post card This / That / These Those opposite / chair yesterday my name fish my family Last week

here x there thank you inside x outside under x above Temple of Karnak verbs thank (thanked) help (helped) visit (visited) like (liked) live (lived) look (looked) go (went) send (sent) am/is (was) are (were) buy (bought) see (saw) take (took) eat (ate)

) ) ) / ) )

V . to be

am is are

was was were

* Last year, I was in class five. * I am in class six . * Dina is twelve years old . * Last year, she was eleven years old. * Five years ago, they were poor. * They are rich now . * Are you from Egypt? - Yes, I'm. No, I am not. * Is Mona from Tanta? -Yes, she is. No, she isn't. *Are they from Giza? - Yes, they are. No, they aren't. * Where are you from? - I'm from Tanta. * Where is Huda from? - She's from Banha.

The Present Simple Tense

(" e s

s"+ .

) " es s" +
( es )

( I . We . They . You . Animals) drink milk.


( He . She . It . Soha ) drinks milk . ) ( He . She . It . Ali ) watches TV. watch > watches wash > washes cross > crosses go > goes

( c h . sh . ss . o
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

catch > .... brush > .... do > .. study > ....

2 .
8. 9.

I always go to school on foot. Ali plays football everyday.

always usually sometimes often never every(day/ week/ month..)
/ / ) .......... /

( d o e s n t / d o n t ) . I go to school on foot.  I ...................

( Yes /No ) ( Do / Does )

4 Dina plays tennis.  Dina....................

( .. )

A : Do you go to school on foot? B :................. :

1. 2.

A : Does Dina play tennis? B : ...........

don't doesn't > > Do Does

(I . We . They . You . The boys ) + (He . She . It . Ali ) + ( s / es +

> >


The Past Simple Tense

. .

He played football last Friday.


Ali went to the park yesterday. : : : ( ed )

+d ed
like  liked arrive arrived stop  stopped travel  travelled

( d)

.1 ( ied )
play stay

+ ed
watch  watched look  looked

+y ed
 played  stayed

study  studied cry  cried

have / has  had / had do / does  did / done am / is / are was.were / been meet  see  draw 

met / met saw / seen drew / drawn


take  took / taken go  went / gone drink  drank / drunk

yesterday ago last (week/month.... ) one day once in the past in 2002

... (d id n ot = did n t )



He played football. He..........................................................................................?

Ali went to the park. Ali...........................................................................................?

( d id

A : ....................................? .......................................?
B : Yes, I played football yesterday.

( .. ) A : N o / Y es

B : No, they didnt clean the car.

.1 .2 .3

+ ( + ( + (

don't doesn't didn't

Do Does Did

? ( go ) ) ? ( goes ) ) ? ( went )

s / es

Exercises on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ wheres whens holiday - name ]

Ahmed: Hello! Hesham. This is my new friend. Hesham: Whats his ----------( 1 )----------? Ahmed: Mustafa. Hesham: ----------( 2 )----------he from? Ahmed: Hes from Sharkia. Hesham: Hello, Mustafa. I went to Sharkia on ----------( 3 )----------. lives this sent - was ] Bakeer : Hi, Said. How are you? Said : Fine, thank you. Bakeer. What are you doing? Bakeer: Im looking at my holiday photos. We went to Alexandria. I ----------( 1 )---------- you a postcard. Said : Oh yes, thank you. Bakeer: look, this is me at the beach. --------( 2 )--------is my friend, Ali. Said : Wheres he from? Bakeer: Hes from Alex. His family----------( 3 )----------near the sea.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa Basma

: Where's Sara from ? : a) She's in Tanta. c) She's from Tanta.

b) He's from Tanta. b) Is he from Cairo?

2. Ahmed Ramy 3. Samy Hany

: a) Are you from Luxor? c) Is Seif from Luxor? : Yes, Seif is from Luxor.

: Did you go to Alexandria on holiday? : a) Yes, he did b) Yes, I can. c) Yes, I did. c) Good morning. c) Im fine.

4. Ahmed : Hello, this is my friend, Alaa. Alaa :a) Thank you. b) Hello. 5. Salma Rana

: I sent you a postcard. :a) Thank you. b) Hello.

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. We went to the Valley 2. Luxor was 3. I sent you 4. Wheres Zeina from? a) b) c) d) e) Shes from Port Said. a postcard. Hes from Alexandria. of the Kings. amazing. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. My school is not old. Its( small new big ) 2. Her family ( live living lives ) in Tanta. 3. We ( go goes went ) to Port Said last Friday. 4. ( This These Those ) is my new friend, Heba. 5. I ( am was were ) in Giza last month. 6. ( When What Where ) are you from? Im from Aswan. 7. Sara went on ( school holiday home ) to Luxor. 8. Shes ( from to on ) Luxor. 9. The Valley of the Kings is ( bad new amazing ) 10. MY friend sent me a ( postcard holiday statue ) 11. Where ( does do is ) your family live? 12. Where ( is did are ) you go yesterday?

5) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. is / Mona / my / This / friend, / new.

.. .
2. postcard / The / very / is / nice.

.. .
3. Hes / photos / looking / at / his.

.. .
4. went / holiday / We / on / Alexandria / to.

.. .
5. the Valley / Salma / of / lives / the Kings / near.

.. .
D ) Punctuations and handwriting
6) Punctuate the following sentence:

where is hussein from

.. .
7) Copy the following sentence:

Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise. . . ====================================================


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions. 1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ she her one - where ] Toka :Do you have any friends, Hend? Hend : Yes, Ive----------( 1 )----------. Toka : Whats ----------( 2 )---------- name? Hend :Mariam. Toka : ----------( 3 )----------is she from? Hend :She is from Tanta. did sent went - go ] Eman : Where did you go on holiday? Fatma : I ----------( 1 )----------to Aswan. Eman : What ----------( 2 )----------you do there? Fatma : I saw the High Dam. I ----------( 3 )---------- you a postcard.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : Where did the crocodile go? Nahla : a) It went to school. b) It bought a postcard. c) It went to the river. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) What did Hatem eat at Luxor? b) What did Hatem see at Luxor? c) What did Hatem buy at Luxor? : He saw the temple at Karnak. B ) Reading comprehension.
a) b) c) d) e) a postcard. My names Tarek. He went to Aswan. this photo at the zoo. I live in Tanta.

3) Read and match. 1. My father took 2. Where do you live? 3. What did Samy buy? 4. Where did Ali go on holiday?

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Hazem is my friend. He is twelve years old. His school is near his house. He is from Giza but he lives in Cairo with his grandfather. He visits his family on Fridays. His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. Yesterday, we went to the swimming pool because it was very hot. We are clever, so our teachers are very happy. 1. Whats Hazems father?.................................................

2. Where did Hazem and his friends go yesterday? .. 3. How does Hazem go to school?................................................ 4. Hazem lives with his ( parents uncle granfather ) in Cairo. 5. Hazem is in primary ( four five six ) 6. Hazem and his friends are ( clever hot bad ) C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. ( What Where Who ) did you go on holiday? 2. My book is ( new near big ). Its not old.
3. My house is ( big near far from) the school, so I go on foot. 4. He ( took sent bought ) this photo at the Valley of the Kings.

5. Where did Ali ( went go goes ) yesterday? 6. The cat ( eat ate eating ) a big fish. 7. Hany ( took sent went ) on holiday to Alexandria. 8. We ( went saw visited ) to Aswan, 9. I ate a big ( lion crocodile fish )
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. She visited her aunt yesterday. 2. Sara took this photograph in the morning. 3. Ramy went to the club. 4. Hala sent a postcard. 5. Her family saw the Valley of the kings at Luxor. 6. I went to luxor on holiday. 7. Yes, Bashir is from Luxor. 8. Seif is from Assuit.

[ When ] [ When ] [ Where ] [ What ] [ What ] [ Where ] [ Is ] [ Where ]

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. name / Hassan / My / is / brothers.

.. .
2. did / boy / go / Where / the?

.. .
3. Kings / of / amazing / is / The Valley / the.

.. .
4. the / to / The / went / river / crocodile.

.. .
5. two / did / do / the / What / boys?

.. .
6. zoo / in / I / a lion / the / saw.

.. .
7. sent / her / to / She / a postcard / friend.

.. .
8. Hassan / What / Ali / buy / did / for?

.. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each





Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ went visited did - where ]

Eman : ----------( 1 )----------did you go on holiday? Fatma : I went to Luxor and Aswan. Eman : What ----------( 2 )----------you do there? Fatma : I ----------( 3 )---------- the Valley of the Kings.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : What did your brother do in Aswan? Nahla : a) He visited the Alexandria Library. b) He visited Wadi El Rayyan. c) He visited the High Dam. 2. A B : a) When did Nabil play volleyball? b) What did Nabil play? c) Where did Nabil play? : Nabil played football. : a) Wheres my bag? b) Whats in the bag? c) When did you buy the bag? : Its there, under the chair. B ) Reading comprehension.
In Cairo. Yes, she did. Ali went to Luxor. Im ten years old. e) Sara. 4) Read the following, then answer the questions: 3) Read and match. 1. Who went to Luxor? 2. Where did Samy live last year? 3. Whats her name? 4. Did Dina eat an apple? a) b) c) d)

3. Ayman Sami

Im Huda. There are four rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen in our flat. It has two bedrooms. We watch TV in the sitting room in the evening. I go to bed at ten oclock. I always get up early. My mother cooks food in the kitchen. I walk to school every day. 1. Where does Huda sleep?.................................................... . 2. When does Huda go to bed?............................................. . 3. Hudas flat is ( far from near new ) her school. 4. Hudas mother cooks in the ( bathroom kitchen bedroom )

C ) Usage and writing:

5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. ( When Where What ) did you do in Luxor? 2. ( When Where What ) did Ahmed go yesterday? 3. ( When Where What ) did you go home? 4. ( When Where What ) is your name? 5. Hassan ( visit visited visits ) the library yesterday. 6. The High ( Museum Pyramid Dam ) is in Aswan. 7. Put your books ( in on under ) the bag?
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Seif visited the High Dam in Aswan. 2. I visited the Alexandria Library on holiday. 3. The baby crocodile is inside the bag. 4. The cat ate some fish. 5. Radwa goes to the zoo every Friday.

[ What ] [ When ] [ Where ] [ What ] [ Where ]

........................................................................................... . ........................................................................................... . ........................................................................................... . .......................................................................................... . .......................................................................................... .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. visited / High / Aswan / She / in / Dam / the.

.................................................................................... .
2. Alexandria / What / in / do / did / Hany?

.................................................................................... .
3. pen / under / My / is / table / the.

.................................................................................... .
4. did / go / Where / you / holiday / on?

.................................................................................... .
5. took / with / photos / She / camera / her.

.................................................................................... .
6. did / What / cat / eat / the ?

.................................................................................... .

8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:







D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. hussein visited the alexandria library 2. what did maher do last Sunday

.................................................................................... . .................................................................................... . If you sow, you will reap.


Test on Unit "1"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( Wadi El Rayyan Al Fayoum where what ) Sally : Where did you go? Bassant : I went to .. . Sally : .did you do there? Bassant : I visited . . [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: This is my friend Hany. [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Yes, he is. b) Goodbye. c) Hello, Hany.

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: He's from Tanta.

a) Where's he from? b) Where's he ? c) Where does he go?


[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

a)No, I don't. b) With my camera. c) Seif did. d) Yes, I am. e) I went to Alexandria.

1-Who visited Luxor? 2-How did you take these photos? 3-Where did you go on holiday? 4- Are you from Cairo?


[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- ....................... are amazing postcards. (This It These ). 2-She has lots of ... ( book photos bag )


3- The Egyptian Museum is in .( Luxor Aswan Cairo ) 4- What did Khalid at Luxor? ( saw see sees ) 5- Where ....she go yesterday? ( do did does ) 6- We went to the and saw a lion. ( farm temple zoo )


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


Laila's birthday was in April. Her mother bought her a camera to take photographs. On her holiday, Laila visited many places. She went to Luxor and took photos of the temple at Karnak and the Valley of the Kings. In Aswan, She took photos of the High Dam. It was an amazing holiday. A) Answer the following questions 1- When was Laila's birthday? . 2-Why did Laila's mother buy her a camera? B) Choose the correct answer 3-Laila took photos of . a) the Pyramids b) the High Dam c)Wadi El Rayyan. 4- Laila visited . a) Luxor and Tanta b) Luxor and Asawan c) Luxor and Cairo

1- friend, is new This Hala my. . 2-bought Huda for a postcard her mother. 3-took at She this the photograph zoo. ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

[6] Rearrange the following words to make neaningful sentences: [3m]

............................... ...............................

............................... ...............................

.......................... ..........................


[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

Seif is from qena
............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

My family lives near the Valley of the kings.


Unit 2


Hello ! English

rules everyone / on time school I'm late I'm sorry must mustn't early x late Here x there tidy x untidy come x go forget x remember cold x hot first x last quiet x noisy safely x dangerously right x left in the classroom do the homework always sign /

fire / fire exit diary / jacket coat / again soon / light litter / small canal / mobile phone hospital things gold goat / anywhere helmet goal certain time What about? take a photo verbs cross (crossed)

talk (ed) turn (turned) smoke (d) arrive (d) at stop (stopped) / score (d) / remember (ed) listen (ed) walk (ed) exit (ed) use (d) tidy (tidied) wake up(woke up) forget (forgot) throw (threw) run (ran) do (did) come (came) win (won) / mean (meant) wear (wore) swim (swam) get up (got up)

Grammar Points
Must - Mustn't

must + infinitive -:


You must get up early. You must come to school on time. You must work hard at school. You must answer questions in the class. You must put litter in the bin. -:


You mustn't come to school late. You mustn't be noisy. You mustn't play in the street. You mustn't watch too much TV. You mustn't throw litter in the river.

1- You must exit here when there's a fire.

2- You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike. 3- You mustn't smoke anywhere. 4- You must stop when the traffic light is red. 5- You mustn't use a mobile phone in the class. 6- You mustn't swim in a small canal. 7- You must be quiet in a hospital. 8- You must cross now. 9- You mustn't take photos here. 10- You must turn left. 11- You mustn't throw litter in the Nile.
....... do my homework. 2. I ....... watch too much TV. 3. You ....... be noisy. 4. I ....... come to school on time. 5. You ....... put litter in the bin. 6. You ....... play in the street. 7. You ....... help your Mum at home.
1. I


Exercises on Lesson 1

A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ far what near - when ]

Adel : Where do you live? Ahmed : I live in a town ----------( 1 )---------- the sea. Adel : ----------( 2 )---------- do you go to to the beach? Ahmed : On Friday. Adel : ----------( 3 )---------- do you usually do ? Ahmed : I usually swim in the sea or play at the bank. early late must mustn't ] Heba :Good morning, Mr Ahmed. I'm sorry, I'm-----( 1 )--------. Mr Ahmed : Heba, You must get up ----------( 2 )---------Heba : Yes, Mr Ahmed. Mr Ahmed : You ----------( 3 )----------come to school late. Heba : I'm sorry, Mr Ahmed.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Pupils : Hello, Miss Noura. Miss Noura : a) Hello, everyone. c) Thank you.

b) Fine, thanks.

2. Miss Noura : Pupil

a) You must come late. b) You mustn't come to school late. c) You must throw litter. : I'm sorry, Miss Noura.

3. A : Let's throw litter in the street. B : a) You should throw litter in the street. b) You must throw litter in the street. c) You mustn't throw litter in the street. B ) Reading comprehension.
3) Read and match.

1. You must 2. You mustn't 3. You must work 4. You mustn't throw

a) b) c) d) e)

hard at school. be tidy. I'm sorry. I'm late. litter. shout in the classroom.

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

You ( must mustn't to mustn't ) throw litter in the class. We always ( forget remember throw ) school rules. You must ( do make be ) your homework. I always go to school ( in on at ) time. You must ( went going go ) to school early. You ( mustn't must mustn't ) forget your books. You must come to school ( early late sorry )

5) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. your / room / You / tidy / must.

................................................................................ .
2. must / hard / She / work / school / at.

................................................................................ .
3. mustn't / walk / We / grass / on / the.

................................................................................ .
4. time / come / You / on / to / must / school.

................................................................................ .
5. the / mustn't / in / You / classroom / shout.

................................................................................ .
6. a boy / is / a girl / Who / or / late?

................................................................................ .
6) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2-... 3-.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

7) Punctuate the following sentence:

................................................................................ .
2. where s omar

1. i m sorry miss noura

................................................................................ .
8) Copy the following sentence:

A bird in the hand worth ten in the bush.

................................................................................ .

Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialogue with these words: 1- [ watch mustn't helmet - sign ]

Sama Heba Sama Heba

: What does this ----------( 1 )---------- mean? : It means you ----------( 2 )---------- smoke anywhere. : What about this sign? : It means you must wear a ----------( 3 )---------when you ride a bike.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : When must cars stop? Father : a) when the light is green. b) when the light is yellow. c) when the light is red. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) Where must I use a mobile phone? b) What does this sign mean? c) When must I use a mobile phone? : It means you mustn't use a mobile phone. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. You must come to 2. "Late" is the opposite of 3. We mustn't be noisy 4. What must you wear when you ride a bike? a) b) c) d) e) in class. A helmet. school on time. early. in small canals.

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Manal usually gets up at 6:30 everyday. Yesterday, she got up at 7. She usually walks to school. Yesterday, she took the bus because she was late. She usually has a cheese sandwich and some milk for breakfast. Yesterday she didn't have anything for breakfast. 1. When did Manal get up yesterday?............................ . 2. What did Manal have for breakfast yesterday? ...... . 3. Yesterday, Manal went to school ( early late on time ) 4. Manal usually goes to school ( by taxi on foot by bus )

5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. You mustn't ( using use to use ) a mobile phone in class. 2. You must wear a ( t-shirt watch helmet ) when you ride a bike. 3. What does this sign ( bean mean speak )? 4. The green light means you (must mustn't mustn't ) cross now. 5. You mustn't ( make take use ) a photo. 6. You mustn't smoke ( everywhere anywhere no one) 7. You ( must mustn't can't ) cross when the light is red. 8. You must be at school ( in on at ) 8 o'clock. [ What ] . . 2. You mustn't swim in a small canal. [ Where ] . . 3. You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike. [ When ] . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. This sign means you must be quiet.

6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. mustn't / canal / You / a small / in / swim.

. .
2. be / in / must / a hospital / You / quiet.

. .
3. in / throw / You / the / litter / mustn't / Nile.

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


3- 2-


5- 6-

7- 8- 9- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. you mustn t throw litter in the nile

. .
2. where mustn t i use a mobile phone

. .


Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:

right Egyptian can - what ] Tourist : Excuse me, do you speak English? Hala : Yes, very well. ----------( 1 )---------- I help you? Tourist : Yes, please. How can I go to the ---------( 2 )--------Museum? Hala :Turn ----------( 3 )----------then turn left. Its on the right. Tourist : Thank you, goodbye. Hala : Goodbye.
1- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : What must you do when you cross the street? Basma : a) I must run then look. b) I must listen left and then listen right. c) I must look left and then look right. 2. Ahmed :a)When do you wake up? b) Where do you wake up? c) Why do you wake up? Ramy : I wake up at seven o'clock. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. "Safely" is the opposite of 2. When there is a fire, 3. Where mustn't you be noisy? 4. What must you always remember? a) b) c) d) e) School rules. In a hospital. dangerously. a helmet when you ride a bike. You must exit from the fire exit.

There are seven days in a week. We go to school five days a week. We don't go to school on Friday and Saturday. We visit our grandfather on his farm on Friday. We always do our homework in the evening. We go to bed at nine o'clock and get up early. 1. How many days are there in a week?............................ . 2. When do you go to bed?................................................ . 3. We visit our ( father grandfather uncle ) on Friday. 4. We go to school on ( Saturday Friday Monday ) 5. My grandfather is a ( teacher farmer doctor )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

C ) Usage and writing: 1. You mustn't ( remember forget read ) your books. 2. "Early" is the opposite of ( young fat late ) 3. You ( must can mustn't ) throw litter in class. 4. "A" is the ( first second third ) letter of the alphabet. 5. The colour of ( glass wood gold ) is usually yellow. 6. The player ( score scored scoring ) a goal, so he was happy. 7. The ( crocodile goat coat ) ate some fish. 8. On the ( hospital road home ), you must look left and right. 9. Before you cross the road, you must ( see go look ) left and then look right. 10. It's ( gold cold old ), you must wear your jacket. 11. We mustn't swim in a small ( sea canal river ) 12. It's ( always never not ) cold in winter. 13. The ( crocodile goat goal ) gives us meat and milk.
6) Write questions using words from brackets: 5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

4. A farmer keeps goats.

[ Who ]

. .
[ Where ] . . 6. Hany must wake up at seven o'clock. [ When ] . . 7. I helped my mother at home. [ Where ] . . 8. This sign means stop. [ What ] . . 9. We went to Aswan by plane. [ How ] . . 10. I go to school in the morning. [ When ] . . 11. You must brush your teeth every day. [ What ] . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

5. Salwa forgot her books at home.

1. song / a / are / We / singing.

. . . .

2. you / shout / a hospital, / mustn't / In.

3. be / to / Heba / late / mustn't / school.

. .
4. mustn't / You / with / matches / play.

. .
5. help / friends / We / our / must.

. .
6. You / the / run / in / mustn't / street.

. .
7. put / in / litter / a bin / You / must.

. .
8. mustn't / walk / You / grass / on / the.

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. i m sorry ahmed

. .
2. no today is not saturday

. .
3. she s a teacher of english

. .


Test on Unit "2"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( must mustn't sorry forgot ) Teacher : You mustn't come to school late. Pupil :I am ., Miss Hala. Teacher : Where's your book? Pupil : Oh, I it. Teacher : You ..forget your book again. [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Miss Noura : You mustn't forget your book again. [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Good morning. b) Hello, Miss Noura.

c) I'm sorry.

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: It means you must cross now.

a) Must you cross now? c) When must we cross?

b) What does this sign mean?


[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

a) wake up early. b) when there's a fire. c) a goat. d) in hospitals. e) a coat.

1-You must exit 2-You must be quiet 3- You must 4-It's cold. Wear


[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- What this sign mean? ( do does is )


2-Amera must.. her jacket. It's very cold. ( wear wearing wears ) 3-We get milk from the. . 4- You must .your books. 6- Shahd must . quiet in class. ( coat goat gold ) ( remember forget throw ) ( is are be )

5- I always come early. I'm never . ( early on time late )


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


I like my school. I always get up at seven to arrive at school at eight. I mustn't be late. I never forget my books. I always do my homework. I listen to my teachers. I must be quiet in class. I mustn't use my mobile phone in class. A) Answer the following questions 1- When do you arrive at school? . 2- What mustn't you do in class? B) Choose the correct answer 3- I must in class. a) run b) throw litter c) be quiet 4- I my teachers. a) listen to b) shout at c) forget

1- You must wear a helmet when you ride a bike. [ When ] . 2- Shahd must help mum. [ Who ] 3- We must be quiet in hospitals. [ Where ] ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

[6] Write questions using the word(s) in brackets:


............................... ...............................

............................... ...............................
my name s tom

.......................... ..........................


[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

You mustn't shout when you are in hospitals.



Unit 3

Afternoon plans

Hello ! English

Thursday Let's park bike scoring goals ,too. tired / a rest / an-email road very much alphabetical order computer room July summer parents amazing speaking write about yourself age from beach egg fight coat date answer (ed) family also lots of = a lot of

the Mediterranean sea Egypt Siwa Cairo Alexandria sand very green the Temple of Amun grass palm tree mountain town the western desert kilometre about pure water hills tourists today donkey cart traditional houses pyramids olives desert dates famous for north = N south = S East = E West = W everyday

pure x impure beautiful x ugly healthy x unhealthy the zoo shout in class make a list of school rules pictures magazines living cheese verbs go (went) ride (rode) score (scored) buy (bought) eat (ate) read (read) send (sent) go back (went back) practice (d) write (wrote) visit (visited) play (ed) speak (spoke) fight (fought) see (saw) cut out (cut) / draw (drew) colour (ed) / borrow (ed)

/ /


Making Suggestions

1. Lets  

1. Ok 2. Good 3. Greet

1. Sorry.

go to the park. play tennis.

idea. idea.

2. I'm 3.

sorry, I can't.

No, lets ........

L t'



Lets go to the library. Lets play football. Ok. I'm sorry, I can't.
. :


3 ...................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ ..............................


3 ...................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................

3 ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................... ...............

.4 ................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................

. ( ing y eat  live  stop .

) @ eating @ living @ stopping


like go enjoy stop


( V + ing )


1. I

like reading. likes playing tennis.

2. Dina 3. We

don't like eating ice cream. enjoyed swimming in Alexandria.

4. They

Polite Request
. Can I Can you Can we

+ infinitive, please?

.................. Can I borrow your book, please? Can we have a rest, please? Can you help me, please?

Yes, you can. No, sorry.

Yes, of course. Sorry, I can't.

: Here you are. :

Exercises on Lesson 1

A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialogue with these words: 1- [ eating go buy play ]

Sama Heba Sama Heba Sama Heba

: Let's go to the club. We can -----------( 1 )-------games there. :I like playing tennis. I like playing basketball, too. :I don't like playing basketball. Let's play tennis. :I'm tired now, Sama. Can we have a rest? :Yes, let's --------------( 2 )--------- ice cream. :We like --------------( 3 )--------- ice cream.

playing play scoring ride ] Hatem :Let's go to the park. We can --------------( 1 )--------- our bikes. Tamer :So, what do you like --------------( 2 )--------- ? Hatem :I like playing football. I like --------------( 3 )--------- goals. Tamer :I like playing football, too.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A : Does your sister like riding bikes? B : a) Yes, she can. b) Yes, she is. c) Yes, she does. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) Where do you like playing? b) What do you like eating? c) What do you like playing? : I like playing football.

3. A : Let's play tennis. B : a) Yes, I do. b) Can we buy ice cream? c) Sorry, I don't like playing tennis. 4. Mariam : a) Let's ride our bikes in the street. b) Let's go to the zoo. c) Let's swim in a small canal. Nada : Good idea. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. I'm tired now; 2. What does he like doing? 3. I dont like swimming; 4. I don't like 5. "Dislikes" is the opposite of a) b) c) d) e) f) likes. let's play football. play tennis. let's have a rest. He likes playing basketball. riding bikes.

C ) Usage and writing:


4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. I like ( played play playing ) football with my friends. 2. Hala ( like likes liking ) playing basketball. 3. Abu Treika ( made played scored ) two goals yesterday. 4. ( Can Do Did ) I borrow your pen, Adel? 5. Let's ( buys buy buying ) some fresh fruit. 6. He can ride his ( kite bike hat ) in the afternoon. 7. I'm ( tall short tired ); let's have some rest.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. She's from Japan.

2. Tourists visit Egypt in winter. 3. English is my favourite subject. 4. They go to school by bus. 1. eating / What / the / like / do / girls? 2. playing / likes / tennis / ,too / He. [ When ] [ What ] [ How ]

[ Where ]

. . .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. . 3. our / can / bikes / We / ride. .

4. ice / like / I / cream / don't / eating.

7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- 2- 3- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. it s thursday . . 2. yes let s have a rest... . ==================================================


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ How old What's doing How ]

Adel : --------------( 1 )---------your name? Ahmed :My name's Ahmed. Adel : --------------( 2 )---------are you? Ahmed :Twelve. Adel :What do you like --------------( 3 )---------? Ahmed :I like playing tennis. 1. Alaa : Where did you go in June? Basma : a) I went to Alexandria. b) I'm fine, thank you. 2. Ahmed
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

c) Yes, I did.

: a) Where did you buy this book? b) When did you write to school? c) When did you go back to school? Ramy : We went back to school last week. B ) Reading comprehension
a) b) c) d) e) f) living in Cairo. sent me this e-mail. Twelve. I'm fine, thank you. to school last year. I went to Siwa.

3) Read and match. 1. How are you? 2. I like 3. Where did you go on holiday? 4. How old are you? 5. We went back

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

To : Walid From : Amr Subject : What do you like doing? Hi Walid, How are you? Where did you go on holiday? What did you do there? What do you like doing? I like living at luxor. I like visiting temples. I like sending e-mails. I am playing football at school. It's my favourite hobby. Send me an e-mail soon. 1. Where is Amr from?............................................................ . 2. What does Amr like doing?

. . 3. ( Amr Walid Ahmed ) sent this e-mail. 4. Walid and Amr are ( friends doctors brothers ) 2- My name's Hussam. We have our school holidays in the summr. My father took us to Siwa in July. We visited the Temple of Amun. It was great. My father took lots of photographs. I bought a postcard for my friend Hany. I sent an e-mail to Mustafa. We were very happy. 1. When did they go to Siwa?............................................... . 2. Who took lots of photographs?.......................................... . 3. I bought a postcard for ( Hany Mustafa Ashraf ) 4. The Temple of Amun is in ( Giza Siwa Qena ) C ) Usage and writing: 1. I like ( living live lived ) in Sharkia. 2. We use the computer ( teacher games room ) at school. 3. They ( goes go went ) back to school last month. 4. What do you ( like liked liking ) doing? 5. She left the shop and ( cross crossed crossing ) the road. 6. You must ( score do make ) your homework every day. 7. I went to Luxor ( at on from ) holiday. 8. I'm ( playing sending practicing ) the alphabetical order. 9. You can send ( letters e-mails postcards ) on the internet.
6) Write questions using words from brackets: 5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. I'm twelve years old. 2. My father is from Siwa. 3. My brother's name is Ayman.

[ How ] [ Where ] [ What ]

. . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. the / visit / Let's / temples / Aswan / in.

2. of / the / She / Amun / Temple / visited.

3. e-mail / me / an / soon / Send.

4. like / much / We / very / school / our.

5. go / holiday / did / on / Where / you?

6. working / like / hard / I / school / at.

D ) Punctuations and handwriting
8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. where was ali on monday . 2. miss maha is my new english teacher . 3. i m from cairo .
9) Copy the following sentence

Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. . . ================================================= Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialogue with these words: 1- [ dates went water palm ]

Salma Heba Salma Heba Salma Heba

:Where did you go on July? :I --------------( 1 )--------- to Siwa. :What did you see there? :I saw grass and lots of --------------( 2 )---------trees. :What did you eat there? :I ate olives and --------------( 3 )---------

what Temple where desert ] Hazem :Where did you go on holiday? Ali :I went to Siwa. Hazem :Where's Siwa? Ali :It's a small town in the western --------------( 1 )--------- . It's very green with grass and palm trees. Hazem : --------------( 2 )--------- did you see there? Ali :I saw the --------------( 3 )--------- of Amun.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : Where did you go on holiday? Basma :a)Yes, I did. b)I went to Alexandria. c) I ate olives and dates. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) Where did you see donkey carts? b) What did you see in Siwa? c) When did you see donkey carts? : We saw donkey carts and traditional houses.

3. A : Let's go to the cinema. B : a) No, you don't. b) Yes, you can. c) Sorry, I don't like going to the cinema. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. Siwa has pure 2. Siwa is about 800 3. Tourists like visiting 4. We saw traditional 5. We ate olives a) b) c) d) e) f) east of Cairo. houses in Siwa. water and sand. and dates in Siwa. kilometers west of Cairo. The temple of Amun.

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. It's ( good wrong bad ) to keep your class clean. 2. Let's ( play played playing ) in the afternoon. 3. Talk and write about ( your yourself you ) 4. ( Volleyball School English ) is my favourite sport. 5. I like ( rode riding ride ) horses very much. 6. Palm trees give us ( oranges dates figs ). 7. Siwa is famous ( to of for ) its traditional houses. 8. We ate olives and ( water sand dates ) in Siwa. 9. Last summer, we ( go went going ) on holiday to Siwa. 10. The ( park dessert farm ) is a place with no plants and water.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Siwa is famous for its pure water. 2. Siwa is in the western desert. 3. Mona went to Siwa on holiday.

[ What ] [ Where ] [ Who ]

. . .

4. Salma went to Tanta in May.

[ When ] & [ Where ]

. .
5. You can see lots of palm trees in Siwa. [ Where ]

. 6. They do their homework in the afternoon. [ When ] .

7. I visited my grandfather yesterday. 8. Ahmed goes to the beach every week. 1. Many / visiting / Siwa / tourists / like. 2. is / green / a very / Siwa / town. [ What ] [ Where ]

. .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. .
3. can / hills / You / and / see / mountains / many.

4. the / a beautiful / It / in / town / desert / is.

7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. where s siwa. .


Test on Unit "3"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: (do - practice go - went ) Sally : Let's the park. Bassant : No, I must my homework now. Sally : What can I do now? Bassant :You can ..the alphabetical order. [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: Do you like strawberries? [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Yes, I am. b) No, you don't. c) Yes, I do.

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: I'm fine, thanks.

a) Where are you from? b) How are you? c) How old are you?


[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

[4m] a) Al Arish. b) basketball. c) e-mails. d) ice cream. e) our bikes. [3m]

1-He doesn't like eating 2- I like sending 3-She likes living in 4 I don't like playing


[4] Choose the correct answer:

2- I like goals . ( scoring playing eating )

1- What does Yara like ? Dates. ( eating playing doing ) 3- you like apples? ( Do Does Are ) 4- I like eating . ( frogs strawberries goals ) 5- I went to LuxorJanuary. ( in on at ) 6- Let's tennis.

( play played playing )


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


Last week, I went to the park with my brother, Ali and my sister Hala. I played football with my brother. Hala played volleyball with her friend Mona. At one o'clock, we were tired, so we had a rest and bought ice cream. We went back home at two o'clock. It was amazing.

A) Answer the following questions 1- When did they go to the park? . 2- What did they do in the park? B) Choose the correct answer 3-They had a rest because a) they ate ice cream b) they were tired c) it was amazing 4- Ali is Hala's . a) mother b) sister c) brother

1- Siwa has lots of palm trees. [ What ] . 2- Our holiday was amazing. [ How ] 3- Yes, you can have a rest. [ Can ] ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

[6] Rearrange the following words to make neaningful sentences: [3m]

............................... ...............................

............................... ...............................

.......................... ..........................


[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

ashraf and amina like playing tennis too
............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

We went to the park to play football.


A ) Language functions.
XFinish the following dialougue with these words: [ sent visited went want ]

Adel :Where did you go on holiday? Hany :I -----------( 1 )---------to luxor. I ----------( 1 )-------- you a postcard. Adel : Oh, yes, thank you. What did you visit there? Hany : I ------------( 1 )----------- the temple of Karnak. Adel : Did you take photos? Hany :Yes, I did.
[ did see take saw ]

Hala Alaa Hala Alaa Hala Alaa

: What did you see in the zoo? : I ---------------( 1 )------------- the lion and the crocodile. :When ---------------( 1 )-------------you go there? : I went last Friday. : Did you --------------( 1 )------------- photographs? : Yes, I did. : You must come to school on time. : a) I am sorry. b) Fine, thanks. c) I must go out.

1. Mr Ahmed Pupil 2. Ahmed Ramy

YChoose the correct answer from a, b or c:

: a) Can you read books? b) Do you like reading books? c) Are you reading books? : Yes, I do.

3. Alaa : Let's go to the museum. Basma : a) Yes, good idea. b) Sorry, I can't help you. c) Sorry, Miss Mona, I'm late to school. 4. Ahmed Ramy

: a) Where is Siwa? b) What can you see in Siwa? c) What is Siwa famous for? : Its pure water and sand.

B ) Reading comprehension
ZRead and match. 1. Where is the Valley of the kings? 2. You must come 3. "First" is the opposite of 4. You must throw 1. ( 1. 2. 3. 4. ) 2. ( ) a) b) c) d) e) Sorry, I can't. to school on time. litter in the bin. last. In luxor. ) 4. ( ) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

3. ( a) b) c) d) e)

Where are you from? He went to Luxor? What does this sign mean? "Cold" is the opposite of 1. ( ) 2. ( )

You must turn right. Tomorrow. hot. on holiday. Cairo. 3. ( ) 4. ( )

[Read the following, then answer the questions: Siwa is a beautiful town in the western desert. It is about 700 kilometres from Alexandria and about 800 kilometres west of Cairo. Siwa has pure water and sand. It is very green, with grass and palm trees. You can see mountains and hills there. Many tourists go to Siwa. They like visiting the Temple of Amun.

1. Where is Siwa?............................................................ . 2. What does Siwa have? . 3. Siwa is about 700 kilometres from. . a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Tanta 4. Cairo is 800 kilometres of Siwa. a) north b) east c) west Our roads are dangerous. You must be careful when you cross the road. You must look left, right and left again. You must cross the road when the light is green. You mustn't go when the light is red. Don't walk with your back to the cars. You mustn't run or play across the road. 1. How are our roads?...................................................... . 2. What must you do when you cross our roads?

3. You mustn't run or .across the road. a) see b) do c) play 4. You must go when the light is .. . a) yellow b) green c) red

C ) Usage and writing:

\Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Ahmed likes playing ( football games tennis ) on his mobile phone. 2. Sara doesnt go to school ( at on in ) Friday. 3. I ( like likes liking ) eating fresh food. 4. You can take a photo with a ( pen camera bag ) 5. I went back home and ( eat eats ate ) dinner. 6. Thursdays and Fridays are ( months years days ) 7. She went to Port Said ( on at in ) holiday in July. 8. Let's ( make made making ) a list of rules. 9. You ( must aren't mustn't ) come to school on time. 10. I like ( rode riding ride ) my bike very much. 11. You ( mustn't must can ) throw litter in class.
12. There are many ( magazines mountains rivers ) and hills in Sinai. 13. Siwa is a beautiful town in the ( north east western ) desert. 14. Can you ( order ordering take ) these words alphabetically?

15. What did Noha ( did do doing ) in Luxor?

16. I ( send sending sent ) you a postcard when I was in Siwa.

17. I went to the ( zoo library museum ) to read books. 18. Maha ( saw seeing see ) a crocodile in the zoo. 19. I'm very ( happy sorry tired ) because I'm late. 20. You must wear your school ( form bag uniform ) 21. You must throw litter in the ( class school bin )
]Write questions using words from brackets:

1. I read books at home.

[ Where ] [ When ] & [ What ]

2. He likes visiting Aswan in winter.

. .
3. People go to the beach in summer. 4. Mona bought a new blouse. 5. I'm from Al Fayoum. 6. Magda went to Siwa on holiday.

[ When ] [ Who ] [ Where ] [ When ]

. . . .

]Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. What / at / you / zoo / did / see / the?

2. take / this / she / Where / photograph / did?

3. the / visit / Let's / Temple / Karnak / of.

4. went / the / Library / Ashraf / Alexandria / to.

5. Hesham / last / Did / to / summer / go / Matrouh?

6. Siwa / cousin / I / my / in / visited .

7. must / bin / put / You / the / in / it.

^Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

4- 5- 6-

7- 8- 9-

12- 10- 11- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

_Punctuate the following sentence:

1. yes i can ride a bike . 2. when does nadia study english . A stitch in time saves nine. .

`Copy the following sentence:


Unit 4

The Pyramids

Hello ! English

who today have got history high how high also learn about the Pyramids the pharaohs metre = m the Ancient Egyptians the Great Pyramid one hundred garden temples number great geography buy-bought sell-sold build-built learn-learnt/learned am/is was are - were eat ate do did say said spend spent pupil tourist Who

the Eiffel Tower Paris Tehran ) Toronto the CN Tower the Galata Tower Big Ben Istanbul London Where? the Sphinx height location 100 the Telecom Tower the Milad Tower plus bear pear paper animal write-wrote on paper with a pen put things fields animals melons ancient /modern beautiful/ugly high/low


) CN

( ( ) )

+/ /

/ / /

Grammar Points
 Who built the Pyramids ? - The Pharaohs built the Pyramids .

Question words

 Who sent you an e-mail ? - Ahmed sent me an e-mail . How high Where ( ) 

 Where are the Pyramids ? - The Pyramids are at Giza .  Where is Mona from ? - She is from Cairo . How high
( . . .

) High

 y  y

 How high is the Great Pyramid ? - It's 137 metres high .  How high is this building ? - It's 50 metres high . -

How high +

is a re

+ :



 Dina : How high is the ....? Soha : It's .... metres high.   Dina : How high is the Cairo Tower? Soha : It's 187 metres high.

n Mohamed : How high is the Eiffel Tower in Paris?


Ahmed : ...

Mona : How high is the Big Ben in London? Olaa : ...



Nabil : How high is the Sphinx at Giza? Heba : . Ramzi : . ? Hamdy : The Pyramids are 3000 metres high.


100 123 145 200 237 300 365 one hundred. one hundred and twenty three. one hundred and forty five. Two hundred . Two hundred and thirty seven . Three hundred. Three hundred and Sixty five. .(s) **

( hundred )


- Write these numbers in English: 454:------------------------------------------------------795:------------------------------------------------------615:------------------------------------------------------855:-------------------------------------------------------



What's .. plus ?

* 75 + 75 = 150 - Seventyfive plus seventyfive is one hundred and fifty . * What's seventyfive plus seventyfive? It's one hundred and fifty.
1. 2. 3. 4.


120 237 500 800

+ + + +

35 10 63 80

= It's.... = .. It's... = .. It's....... = . It's.......


 The present continuous tense  - We use the present continuous for something that is happening at the moment of

 Positive:Subject Subject +

am + is + verb + ing are

1- I'm playing tennis now. 2- She is opening her presents.  Negative:1- He is not eating now. 2- They aren't looking at the teacher.  Questions:Am

We add not ( n't ) after am / is / and are

Is + subject + v + ing? Are

1-Is Mona opening her presents? - Yes, she is. Or - No, she isn't. 2- Are you swimming in the pool? - Yes, I'm. Or - No, I'm not.

am Question word + is + subject + verb + ing? are 1- What is Mona doing?

2- What are you doing now?  Some remarks:-

- She is opening her presents. - I'm listening to music.

* Verbs which end in (e) drop it before adding" ing". ride riding use using make making *Verbs which end in a consonant after a vowel double the last consonant before adding "ing". run running swim swimming

 The keywords Now Look! Listen!


At the moment

At the present

Exercises on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ how high bought pharaohs built ]

Nada Father Nada Father

:Do you know who built the Pyramids, Dad? :Yes, the --------------( 1 )---------built them. :And --------------( 2 )---------is the Great Pyramid? :It's one hundred and thirty-seven metres high. The pharaohs also --------------( 3 )---------gardens and temples.

Egypt pharaohs England Pyramids ] Ahmed : Hello, where are you from? Tourist : I'm from--------------( 1 )--------- . Ahmed : What did you see in Egypt? Tourist : I saw the --------------( 2 )--------- . Ahmed : How do you like them? Tourist : Very much. They are great. Ahmed : The --------------( 3 )--------- also built beautiful temples.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Walid : Who built the Pyramids? Yasser :a) The teachers built the Pyramids. b) The pupils built the Pyramids. c) The Pharaohs built the Pyramids. 2. Ahmed : a) Where are the Pyramids? b) When did you visit the Pyramids? c) Who built the Pyramids? Ramy : The pharaohs built them. : How high is the Eiffel Tower? : a) Its 67 metres long. B) Its 67 metres old. c) Its 67 metres high. B ) Reading comprehension
a) b) c) d) e) plus forty? in geography. in history. is the great Pyramid? gardens and temples.

3. A B

3) Read and match. 1. How high 2. What's fifty 3. The pharaohs built 4. We're learning about temples

C ) Usage and writing: 1. Tourists ( liking likes like ) visiting the Pyramids. 2. The ( Pyramids Pyramid pharaohs ) are at Giza. 3. ( Last year Today Last month ), I've got history at school. 5. ( When Who How high ) is the Great Pyramid? 6. The Ancient Egyptians ( build built building ) beautiful gardens and temples. 7. The Pyramids are ( great new ugly ) 8. The pharaohs ( too else also ) built gardens and temples.
9. We are learning about the pharaohs in ( history geography Arabic ) 4. We're ( learning learn learned ) about the Ancient Egyptians. 4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

10. Our house is nineteen metres ( much high great ) 11. Who ( bought sent built ) the Pyramids at Giza? 12. ( What How When ) high is your school?
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. The pharaohs built the Pyramids at Giza. 2. The Great Pyramid is 137 metres high. 3. The pharaohs built gardens and temples. 1. Pyramid / is / high / Great / How / the?

[ Where ] [ How high ] [ Who ]

. . . . . .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. .

2. gardens / pharaohs / The / built / also / temples / and.

. .
3. Egyptians / Ancient / The / great / were.

. .
4. Egyptians / We're / the / about / learning / Ancient.

. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:




D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1- we are learning about ancient egyptians

. .
2- how high is the great pyramid

. .
9) Copy the following sentence

Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. . . : : . ==================================================== Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ How many high Where How high ]

Ayman : --------------( 1 )--------- is the Milad Tower? Teacher :It's 435 metres --------------( 2 )--------- . Ayman : --------------( 3 )--------- is it? Teacher : It's in Tehran.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Sama : How high is the Cairo Tower? Riham :a) It's very high. b) It's very old. c) It's one hundred and eighty-seven metres high. 2. Ahmed : a) Where is the Galata Tower? b)Where is the Eiffel Tower? c) Where is Big Ben? Ramy : It's in Istanbul. 3. A B : How high is the Eiffel Tower? : a) Its 67 metres long. b) Its 67 metres old. c) Its 67 metres high.


B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. What's the number? 2. Who built the temples? 3. Where is the CN Tower? 4. How high is the Great Pyramid? a) b) c) d) e) The Pharaohs. In Tornto. 137 metres high. 173 metres high. It's five hundred.

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Yesterday, Ali and his brother, Magdi went to the Pyramids. Their friend Hesham was waiting for them. They walked around the Great Pyramid and sat to rest. While they were eating sandwiches, they saw a small dog. It was hungry and thirsty. They gave it some food and water. They were very happy. 1. Who was waiting for the two brothers? .. . 2. What did the boys find? .. . 3. The boys were happy because . a)They found something to give to the dog. b) They didn't find anything to give to the dog. c) The dog found some water there. 4. The dog wanted .. . a) some rest b) a friend c) water and food. C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. The ( Cairo Galata Eiffel ) Tower is in Paris. 2. Big Ben is in ( London Cairo Paris ) 3. The CN Tower is 553 metres ( long height high ) 4. ( What Where How high ) is the Sphinx? It's in Giza. 5. The Telecom Tower is ( of in on ) London.
6. The ( Cairo Tower Sphinx Eiffel Tower ) is near the Pyramids. 6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. The Galata Tower is in Istanbul. 2. The Milad Tower is 435 metres high. 3. Yes, the Pyramids are in Giza.

[ Where ] [ How high ] [ Are ]

. . . . . .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. high / Milad / How / is / Tower / the?

. .
2. in / The / is / London / Tower / Telecom.

. .
3. high / twenty / Giza / The Shphinx / metres / at / is.

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting 1. the milad tower is in tehran............................................... 2. where is my pen ali............................................................. ================================================= Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ saw What Paris Where ] 9) Punctuate the following sentence:

Hoda :Where are you from? Tourist :Hello. I am from--------------( 1 )--------- . Hoda :What did you visit in Egypt? Tourist :I visited Giza and Aswan. Hoda : --------------( 2 )--------- did you see at Giza? Tourist :I --------------( 3 )--------- the Pyramids and the Shpinx. 1. Farid Hany

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

: What's the name of the Tower in Tornto, Hani? :a) The Galata Tower. b) Big Ben. c) The CN Tower.

2. Fatma : a) Where is the Eiffel Tower? b) What is the Eiffel Tower? c)How high is the Eiffel Tower? Tourist : It's three hundred and twenty-four metres high. 3. A B : Let's go to the Cairo Tower. : a) Sorry, I can't help you. b) Sorry, I'm late to school. c) Sorry, I can't. I'm very busy today.

4. Sara : What's one hundred and twenty plus thirty-five? Noha : .a) It's one hundred and fifty-five. b) It's one hundred and eighty-five. c) It's one hundred and fifty-eight. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Egypt is a famous country. Tourists come to Egypt and visit many places. They spend much money. They usually visit Egypt in winter. They visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. At Giza, they go to the Pyramids and the Sphinx. They also visit temples at Luxor. They like taking photographs of our great places. 1. What do tourists visit in Egypt? .. . 2. When do tourists usually visit Egypt? .. . 3. Tourists like photographs of Egyptian places. a) selling b) drawing c) taking 4. The Sphinx is at .. a) Cairo b) Alexandria c) Giza C ) Usage and writing: 1. What's seventy ( bus plus on ) eighty? 2. A ( bear pear pen ) is a fruit. 3. ( Where's What's When's ) one hundred plus twenty? 4. You can write on ( a pencil paper a pear ) 5. I put my things in a ( box paper pin ) 6. She goes to school on a ( box bus paper ) 7. A donkey, a monkey and a ( pear bear pair ) are animals. 8. Shahd is ( play played playing ) now.

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Eighty plus seventy is one hundred and fifty. 2. I'm eating a pear. 1. one / three / Whats / plus / hundred / hundred? 2. brother / a / My / eating / pear / is.

[ What ] [ What ]

. . . .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. . . .
3. a fruit / an / Is / or / animal / a pear?

. .
4. you / doing, / What / are / Nour?

. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting 1. we went to aswan last thursday......................................... 2. is your name ahmed ali...................................................
8) Punctuate the following sentence:


Test on Unit "4"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( said are say did ) Sally : What .you doing? Bassant : I am eating figs. Sally : What .you say? Bassant : I . I am eating figs. [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: Who built temples? [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Pupils b) Miss Noura c) The Pharaohs

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: It is in Paris.

a) What's the Eiffel Tower? c) Where's Big Ben? b) Where's the Eiffel Tower?


[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

a) It's 96 metres high. b) Dates. c) Paper. d) It's in Istanbul. e) It's in Cairo.

1- What are you eating? 2- What can we write on? 3- Where's the Galata Tower? 4- How high is Big Ben?


[4] Choose the correct answer:

2- How .is the Telecom Tower? ( tall high height )


1- The of the Sphinx is 20 metres high. ( high height long ) 3-The Pharaohs ..temples and buildings. ( forgot throw built ) 4- I saw a big and white .at the zoo. ( bear pear pair ) 5-We learn about the Ancient Egyptians in . .( maths science history ) 6- The Great Pyramid is 137 metres .( high tall small )


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


Today, I have got history. I like it very much. Miss Noura tells us about many famous places in Egypt such as Wadi El Rayyan in Al Fayoum, Siwa and its beautiful palm trees and pure water. We also learn about the Ancient Egyptians who built pyramids, temples and beautiful gardens. She also tells us about the Cairo Tower and the high Dam. A) Answer the following questions 1- Who built the Pyramids? . 2- What does Miss Noura teach? B) Choose the correct answer 3-The Cairo Tower is in .. . a) London b) Paris c) Egypt 4- Siwa is famous for . a) the pyramids b) palm trees c) Wadi El Rayyan

[6] Write questions using the word(s) in brackets::

1- The Eiffel Tower is 324 metres high. [ How ] . 2- The CN Tower is in Tornto. [ Where ] 3- I'm sending an e-mail. [ What ] ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]


............................... ...............................

............................... ...............................

.......................... ..........................


[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

how high is the milad tower
............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

The pharaohs built temples and pyramids.


Unit 5

Famous Egyptians

Hello ! English

please Egyptian was born were born talk about famous right / wrong Who..? When..? Where..? How..? thousand about writer swimmer summer holiday in the morning football footballer singer radio after before opposite Sharkia Dakahlia Egypt Chester Sinai England

Well done thing ( ) meal favourite ( ) cat kitten / library window .. That's right .. cinema .. - name 1000 place of birth date of birth town city country in a book on the internet a famous person sound voice open - opened / close closed speak spoke sing sang talk talked think thought clean cleaned two thousand and eight


The imperative . .
- Stand up. Stop writing. Write your name. Talk about a famous Egyptian .


V. to be in the past

(I) ( He . She . It . Ahmed ( We . They . You . My friends ) )

am = 'm is = 's are = 're

to b e

was were

I am a teacher. He

I was in class 5 last year. She



in Cairo 2 years ago.

They ... sisters. ( am . is . are . was . were )

They ... at the park yesterday.

( not )
 They  He

to b e


am not a pupil.

were not at school yesterday.


She is ... Mona. They are



in class 4 last year. 40 pupils in the class.






 is not

x isn't

was not x wasn't were not x weren't

 are not x aren't ( Yes / No )


( am . is . are . was . were )

Are you Egyptian?

3 Yes,

I am.

No, I am not. No, ,. No, ,. :

your my are you I am

2. Is

Dina a writer?

3 Yes,..

3. Were

you clever in class 5?

you I

you we

were you I was

were you we were

( am / is / are ) ( was / were )


today . now . this year. every )


yesterday . ago . last )

was born Was born in I he she it 

/ were born

Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo . y He was born in 1927 . y Umm Kulthum was born in Dakahlia . y Mohammed El-Zanaty was born in Giza . y Rania Elwani was born in Cairo . y Abu Heif was born in Alexandria . y Ahmed Orabi was born in Sharkia . y Michael Owen was born in Chester in England . y Taha Hussein was born in Minya . y Serena Williams was born in Michigan Were born in They we you 

Umm kulthum

Hossam Hassan

Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan were born in Cairo in 1966 . My father and mother were born in Alexandria .

Was / Were + subject + born ?
Was Abo Terrika born in Cairo? - Yes, he was. - No, he wasn't. Was Hani born in Giza? - Yes, he was. - No, he wasn't. Were your parents born in 1975? - Yes, they were. - No, they weren't.

Abu Treika

Who When Where Question word + was / were
When was Naguib Mahfouz born? - He was born in 1927. Where was he born? - He was born in Cairo. When were Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan born? - They were born in 1966. Where were they born? - They were born in Cairo. Who was born in 1841? - Ahmed Orabi was born in 1841. Who were born in 1972? - My parents were born in 1972.

+ subject + born ?

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: in - He was born in Cairo. - She was born in 1995. **

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------* 1995 * 1840 * 1943 * 2003


HOW TO READ THE DATES? . Nineteen ninetyfive. Eighteen forty. Nineteen forty three. 2000 Two thousand and three.

* 2009

Two thousand and nine. Exercises on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words:

writing born writer reading ] Hala : What are you doing? Nada :I am --------------( 1 )--------- a book. Hala :That's good. Who is the --------------( 2 )--------- ? Nada :Naguib Mahfouz. Hala :When was Naguib Mahfouz--------------( 3 )--------- ? Nada :In 1927. Hala : That's right, Nada. Thank you.
1- [

born writer doctor when ] Father : Do you know a famous Egyptian --------------( 1 )--------- . Son : Yes, Naguib Mahfouz. Father : Where was he --------------( 2 )--------- ? Son : In Cairo. Father : --------------( 2 )--------- was he born? Son : In nineteen twenty-seven.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Asmaa Basma

: When was your mother born? : a) She was Egyptian. b) She was born in 1965. c) She was born in Giza.

2. Teacher : a) Is Naguib Mahfouz a famous writer? b) Was Naguib Mahfouz a famous writer? c) Was Naguib Mahfouz born in Sharkia? Ramy : Yes, he was. That's right. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match.

1. My uncle was born 2. That's right. 3. Taha Hussein's books 4. He is


a) is Maher. b) a great writer. c) in Alexandria. d) Thank you, Nadia. e) are in the library.

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Ahmed Salah was born in Cairo in 1984. He lives happily with his family. He has a small car. Ahmed is a teacher of English. He helps all his pupils. He likes watching television and playing tennis. His favourite meal is fish and rice. 1. Where was Ahmed Salah born? .. . 2. What does Ahmed do? .. . 3. Ahmed works in a a) hospital b) club c) school 4. Fish and rice is Ahmed's favourite . a) family b) meal c) car C ) Usage and writing:

5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. ( Talked Talk Talking ) about a famous swimmer. 2. ( Who Where When ) was born in 1995? 3. I go to the ( hospital park library ) to read books. 4. (Where Who When) was Naguib Mahfouz born? In 1927. 5. Were you in primary five last year? Yes, I (am were was) 6. Yes, That's ( write right left) 7. My mother ( is born was born born ) in Tanta. 8. Naguib Mahfouz was a ( small famous pharaoh ) writer. 9. Nineteen twenty-five was fifteen years (before after in ) 1940. 10. He was born ( on in about ) 1889. 11. Nineteen sixty-eight was eight years (before after in ) 1960.
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. He was born in 1889. 2. Taha Hussein was born in Minya. 3. Taha Hussein was a wirter. 4. Naguib Mahfouz was born in 1927. 1. Mona / Where / was / born?

[ When ] [ Where ] [ What ] [ Who ]

. . . . . . . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:


. .
2. about / writer / a / famous / Talk.

. .
3. his / Are / books / the / in / library?

. .
4. Cairo / born / Naguib / was / in / Mahfouz.

. .
5. nineteen / was / in / I / ninety / nine / born. .. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:




5- 6-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

taha hussein was born in minya

. .
10) Copy the following sentence:

Do as you would be done by. .. .


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ when where swimmer writer ]

Dalia : Who is Rania Elwani? Sameh : She is a famous Egyptian --------------( 1 )--------- . Dalia : --------------( 2 )---------was she born? Sameh : She was born in 1977. Dalia : --------------( 3 )--------- was she born? Sameh : In Cairo.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Huda : Where was Umm Kulthum born? Noura : a) She was born in 1904. b) She was born in Dakahlia. c) She was born yesterday. 2. Maged : a) When were Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan born? b) Where were Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan born? c) When was Hossam Hassan born? Samy : They were born in 1966. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. El Zanaty 2. Umm Kulthum was 3. Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan 4. Naguib Mahfouz was a) b) c) d) e) born in Dakahlia. was born in 1984. a famous writer. were born in 1966. a famous teacher. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Hossam Hassan is a famous ( swimmer singer footballer ) 2. Umm Kulthum ( born was born were born ) in Dakahlia. 3. Rania Elwani is a famous ( swimmer footballer singer ) 4. Naguib Mahfouz wrote many ( stories songs games ) 5. I have one brother, ( he his her ) name is Ramy.
6. I was born ( on in at ) Monday ( on in at )1948 ( on in at ) Cairo. 7. Hossam and Ibrahim Hassan ( was born is born were born ) in Cairo.

5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Naguib Mahfouz was born in 1927. 2. Umm Kulthum was born in Dakahlia.. 3. Abu Heif was born in Alexandria.

[ When ] [ Where ] [ Who ]

. . . . . .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. mother / born / Aswan / was / My / in.

. .
2. a / was / Egyptian / Umm Kulthum / singer / famous.

. .
3. born / where / Rania Elwani / When / was / and?

. .
4. in / in / was / Alexandria / 1929 / born / Abu Heif.

. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


3- 2-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. was rania elwani born in cairo

. .
2. where was umm kulthum born

. .


Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ Egyptian when was were ]

Ahmed : Where --------------( 1 )--------- you born? Ali :I was born in Giza. Ahmed :So, you are --------------( 2 )--------- . Ali :Yes, that's right. Ahmed : --------------( 3 )--------- were you born? Ali : In 1998.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Huda : Where were you born? Noura : a) I was born in 1999. b) I was born in Port Said. c) I was born very small. 2. A :a)Was Ahmed Orabi a swimmer? b)Was Orabi a footballer? c) Was Ahmed Orabi born in Sharkia? B : Yes, that's right. 3.Rasha : a) When was he born? b) Who was born in 1977? c) Where was he born? Nada : Abu Treika. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. Ahmed Orabi was born 2. The kitten was born 3. Michael Owen was born 4. Umm Kulthum was born a) b) c) d) e) in Cairo. in Sharkia. in Dakahlia. in England. in the zoo. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

There are many famous Egyptians. Let's talk about some of the famous Egyptians. Naguib Mahfouz is one of them. He was a writer. His books are in the library. He was born in Cairo in 1927. He wrote lots of stories. Rania Elwani is a swimmer. She was born in Cairo in 1977. 1. When was Naguib Mahfouz born? .. . 2. What's Rania Elwani? .. . 3. Naguib Mahfouz was a ..writer. a) small b) famous c) high


4. Rania Elwani was born in nineteen . a) seventy-seven b) seventeen c) seventy

5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c: 1. ( Think Thank Thought ) carefully before answering the questions.

2. I can hear the ( voice thing sound ) of a radio. 3. Umm Kulthum was a famous ( writer singer swimmer ) 4. ( Where Were Was ) you born in Cairo? No, I wasn't. 5. ( Pupils Writers Swimmers ) go to the library to read. 6. I heard the ( sound sing thing ) of a lion. 7. Can you talk ( on about at ) a famous Egyptian writer?
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. My father was born in 1960. 2. No, I wasn't born in Tanta.

[ When ] [ Were ] [ Who ] [ What ]

. . . .
3. Serena Williams was born in Michigan in 1981. 4. His name is Taha Hussein. 1. she / in / Was / born / England?

. . . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. .
2. where / When / were / and / born / you?

. .
3. said / a swimmer / My / was / teacher / he.

. .
4. was / in / Ahmed / Sharkia / born / Orabi.

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

ahmed orabi is egyptian

. .

Test on Unit "5"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( swimmer When Are Do ) Sally : you know Rania Elwani? Bassant : Yes, she is a famous . . Sally :..was she born? Bassant : She was born in 1977. [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: Was Abu Heif a good swimmer. [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Yes, he did. b) Yes, he was. c) He was born in 1929.

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: Umm kulthum was born in Dakahlia.

a) Where was Umm Kulthum born? b) When was Umm Kulthum born? c) Was Umm Kulthum born in Dakahlia?


[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

a) a good footballer. b) swam well. c) is a singer. d) a famous writer. e) teaches us history.

1- Taha Hussein was 2- Abu Treika is 3- Abu Heif 4- Miss Noura


[4] Choose the correct answer:


1- Winter comes ..spring. ( after before in ) 2- We all .Abu Treika. He is a famous footballer. ( know don't know don't like ) 3- A footballer can .goals. ( do score put ) goals. 4- I ....that Amr is a good swimmer. ( think thing sing ) 5- Taha Hussein .. a great writer. ( are was were )
6- Ahmed Orabi was Egyptian and Taha Hussein was Egyptian ( to two too ).


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:

Umm Kulthum was a famous singer. She was born in 1898. She was born in Dakahlia. My fateher and mother don't like listening to her songs on the radio. I don't like listening to her songs because they are very long. I like listening to Mashari Rashed on TV.


A) Answer the following questions 1- Why was Umm Kulthum famous? . 2- How did father and mother listen to Mashari Rashed? B) Choose the correct answer 3- Umm Kulthum was born in . a) 1898 b) 1940 c) 1941 4- I don't like Umm Kulthum's songs because they are .. . a) long b) short c) tall

[6] Rearrange the following words to make neaningful sentences: [3m]

1- Ahmed Orabi Where born was? . 2- was famous Minia a from writer Taha Hussein. 3- sing can a I song beautiful . ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]


............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:
are you egyptian too

.......................... ..........................

............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

Saad Zaghloul was a famous and great Egyptian leader.


Unit 6

Travel in Egypt
temperature hotter than colder than Welcome to tiny = very small fishing village beautiful resort beside little islands visitors harbour sound and light show Sigala tourist information clear water cool water engineer tourist leaflets between south side Lake Nasser the Temple of Philae amazing the High Dam clear cool water the amazing High Dam beaches ST Catherine's Mount Sinai also arrive in in the morning in the afternoon in the evening the Saqqara Pyramid

Hello ! English

trip always degree friend on holiday diving in the water last week Hurghada good time today yesterday good / bad little / large east / west north / south here / there hotter / colder dirty / clean the Red Sea go- went swim-swam fly-flew see-saw has/have had build-built dive- dived visit- visited enjoy-enjoyed walk up-walked up Siwa Port Said Aswan How high..? cycling driving learn about


/ / /

/ /


India China

weather map Ancient Egypt

Comparing adjectives
: ( hot . cold . fast . tall . short . big . small . nice . late . young . old . easy )
.1 .2

 Its a hot day.  I draw a nice picture.

( am . is . are . was . were )

 My aunt is old.  The boys are tall.  a tall boy  a tall girl

to be


. - tall boys - tall girls : :



1. A

donkey is fast . was hot. ( er )

1. Yesterday

. ( than )
2. A

horse is faster than a donkey. 2. Today is hotter than yesterday.

+ er + tha n n

tall taller than short shorter than old older than young younger than small smaller than Ahmed is taller than Ali. The shop is smaller than the supermarket.
fast cold hot big nice easy

faster t ha n



( big / hot / fat )

( easy / heavy ) ( nice / late )

(i )

(y) (r)


.2 .3

 Long Adjective:more + long adjective + than beautiful more beautiful than expensive more expensive than exciting more exciting than - dangerous more dangerous than The car is more expensive than the bike. Heba is more beautiful than Amira.

 Irregular Adjectives  good better than bad worse than English is better than Science and maths. He is worse than his sister.  ENQUIRY WITH HOW  How Ex: @ - How is water in siwa ? It's pure. A - How was the film ? It was funny . B - How were the Ancient Egyptians? They were great. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Degree * It's 35 degrees in Cairo today. 





have fly see  STUDY THESE REMARKS: y Hurghada is a beautiful resort. y Sinai is in the east of Egypt. y Tourists visit St Catherine's . y Lake Nasser is South of the dam.

had flew saw

y The High Dam is one hundred and eleven metres high.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOME OPPOSITES

today x yesterday hot x cold big x small little x large beautiful x ugly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIRECTIONS 1- West 2- East 3- North 4- South


Exercises on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ go went diving trip ]

Hala : Where did you go on holiday? Merna :I --------------( 1 )--------- to Hurghada. Hala : How was your--------------( 2 )---------? Merna : I had a good time swimming and --------------( 3 )--------2- [ amazing hotter did colder ]

Amira : Where --------------( 1 )--------- you spend your holiday? Hadeer : I went to Hurghada. Amira : Is it --------------( 2 )---------than Cairo? Hadeer : Yes, it's always hotter than Cairo. Amira : How was your trip? Hadeer : It was --------------( 3 )---------.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A B

: Where did Heba go on her last trip? : a) She must go to Aswan. b) She goes to Aswan. c) She went to Aswan. : a) Is Aswan hotter than Alexandria? b) Is Alexandria colder than Aswan? c) Is Aswan colder than Alexandria? : No, it isn't. B ) Reading comprehension

2. Rana Sama

3) Read and match. 1. Where were you last week? 2. Is Aswan hotter than Cairo? 3. How was your trip? 4. Did you see the High Dam?

a) b) c) d) e)

It was good. Yes, I did. We can drive a bus. I was in Aswan. Yes, it's hotter than Cairo.

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Hi Sami,


I'm on holiday in Hurghada. I'm diving in the Red sea. The water is pure. The beach is beautiful. It's hotter than Cairo, but the water is cool. I wish you were here. See you soon. Adel. 1. What is Adel doing on holiday? .. . 2. Where does Adel live? .. . 3. He goes to Hurghada to the sea. a) dive b) drive c) ride 4. Cairo is than Hurghada. a) colder b) hot c) hotter C ) Usage and writing: 1. I ( go went goes ) to Aswan last mid-year holiday. 2. How was your trip, Ahmed? It was ( good well old) 3. Is Aswan ( hotter older nearer ) than Cairo? 4. Look. It's 30 ( minutes degrees signs ). It's hotter than Siwa. 5. My friend is in Port Said on ( sea beach holiday) 6. He's ( diving riding reading ) in the red sea. 7. ( Who Where When ) went to Aswan? 8. It (is was had) hotter today than it (is was had) yesterday. 9. Is Aswan ( hotter hotter than than hotter ) Cairo? 10. Siwa is always hotter ( the then than ) Suez. 11. ( Where When How ) was your trip? It was amazing.
6) Write questions using words from brackets: 5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Hesham is in Aswan.

[ Where ] [ Who ] [ What ] [ How ] [ Is ]

. .
2. Samy went to Hurghada. 3. He's diving in the Red Sea. 4. It was a very good trip. 5. Yes, Cairo is hotter than Alexandria. 1. in / Sea / I'm / the / diving / Red.

. . . . . . . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. .
2. Cairo / than / always / Aswan / hotter / is.

. .
3. than / today / Is / Alexandria / Hurghada / colder?

. .
D ) Punctuations and handwriting
8) Punctuate the following sentence:

is amr in hurghada . . Every why has a wherefore. . .

: 1591

9) Copy the following sentence:

Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [

Sara Hala Sara Hala Sara Hala Sara Hala

2- [

show go Aswan Alexandria ] : Where were you, Sara ? :I was in --------------( 1 )---------. : When did you --------------( 2 )---------? : On holiday. : What did you see there? : I saw the High Dam, Lake Nasser and the Temple of Philae. : Did you enjoy the sound and light--------------( 3 )---------? : Very much.

how high engineers in between ] Amira : When did the------------( 1 )-------- build the High Dam? Hadeer : They built it --------------( 2 )-------1960 and 1971. Amira : --------------( 3 )--------- is the Dam? Hadeer : It's 111 metres high.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- Alaa : How high is the High Dam? Adel : a) It's 111 metres high. b) It's 11 metres high. c) It's 211 metres high.


2- A : a) Where is the High Dam? b) Where is the Temple of Philae? c) When is the Sound and Light Show? B : On a beautiful island in Aswan. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Hurghada was a tiny fishing village. Now, it is a beautiful resort beside the Red sea. You can swim and dive in the clear water. Hurghada is hotter than Cairo in the summer. But the water is cool. Visitors can fly from Cairo or go by boat from Sinai to the harbour at Sigala. 1. What's Hurghada now? . . 2. When is Hurghada hot? . . 3. Visitors from Cairo can go to Hurghada by.. . a) bike b) boat c) plane 4. You can swim and .in the clear water. a) drive b) dive c) ride C ) Usage and writing:

1. Hurghada is a beautiful ( village resort harbour ). 2. Swim and ( ride drive dive ) in the clear water. 3. In summer, Cairo is ( smaller colder hotter ) than Alexandria. 4. Visitors go by boat from Sinai to the ( station harbour airport ) at Sigala. 5. The Temple of Philae is on a beautiful ( river sea island) 6. ( Teachers Pharaohs Engineers ) built the High Dam. 7. Tiny means very ( big small tall ) 8. ( Sea River Lake ) Nasser is north of the High Dam. 9. Aswan is ( big very big bigger ) than Hurghada.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Engineers built the High Dam in Aswan. 2. The dam is 111 metres high. 3. Siwa is famous for its clear water.

[ Who ] [ How high ] [ What ]

. . . . . .

4. The High Dam is 15 fifteen kilometers from Aswan. [ How far ]

. .
5. You can go to Hurghada by boat. [ How ]

. .
6. Every evening, there is the Sound and Light Show. [ How often ]

. .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. was / fishing / a / Hurghada / village / tiny.

. .
2. clear / diving / Tourists / the / in / water / like.

. .
3. in / and / water / Swim / the / dive / clear.

. .
4. and / the / Enjoy / show / Light / Sound.

. .
5. harbour / There / at / Sigala / is / a.

. .
6. little / in / islands / Hurghada / Visit / the.

. .
D ) Punctuations and handwriting
7) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. is hurghada hotter than cairo in the summer . . 2. enjoy the sound and light show every evening . . ==================================================== Lesson 3
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ diving the High Dam went St Catherine's ]

Heba Sara Heba Sara Heba Sara

: Where did you go on holiday, Sara ? : I --------------( 1 )--------- to Sinai. : What did you visit there? : I visited --------------( 2 )--------- . : What did you enjoy there? : I enjoyed swimming and --------------( 3 )---------. b) It's in the east of Egypt.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- A : Where is Sinai? B : a) It's in the west of Egypt. c) It's twenty metres high.

2- Salma : a) Where do tourists like to go in Egypt? b) When do tourists go to Sharm El Sheikh? c) What do tourists like doing in Sharm El Sheikh? Hend : They like swimming and diving in the clear water. 3- A : a) Where's Mount Sinai? b) How high is Mount Sinai? c) What is Mount Sinai? B : It's 2,285 metres high.
3) Read and match. 1. "Today" is the opposite of 2. The High Dam 3. The Temple of Philae is 4. Where is St Catherine's? a) b) c) d) It is in Sinai. yesterday. on a beautiful island. is fifteen kilometers from Aswan. e) In Sinai. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

B ) Reading comprehension
4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

I'm Amera Salem. I live with my family in Sharkia. I had an amazing holiday with my family last summer. We went to Sinai. Many tourists go to Sharm El Sheikh. They like swimming and diving in the clear water. Tourists also visit St Catherine's and walk up Mount Sinai. It's 2,285 metres high. 1. When did Amera go to Sinai? . . 2. How high is Mount Sinai? . . 3. . Like diving in the clear water. a) Amera b) Amera's family c) Tourists 4. Amera and her family live in . . a) Sinai b)Sharm El Sheikh c) Sharkia C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Sinai is in the ( south west east ) of Egypt. 2. There are beautiful ( dams towers beaches ) in Sinai. 3. Sharm El Sheikh is in ( Sinai Hurghada Siwa ) 4. Many tourists walk ( on up in ) Mount Sinai. 5. Tourists like swimming and ( cycling diving walking ) in the Red Sea.
6. The one who goes under the sea is called a ( swimmer tourist diver )

7. The opposite of east is ( south west north ) 8. You can read tourist ( information song lesson ) to learn about Hurghada.
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Visitors can fly from Cairo to Sinai. 2. Hurghada was a tiny fishing village. 3. Lake Nasser is south of the High Dam. 4. There is a harbour at Sigala.

[ Who ] [ What ] [ Where ] [ What ]

. . . . . . . .
5. We enjoyed the Sound and Light Show every evening. [ When ]

. .
6. I like swimming and diving in the Red Sea. 7. We go to Sharm El Sheikh to dive. [ What ] [ Why ]

. . . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. St / like / Tourists / visiting / Catherine's.

. .
2. Hurghada / little / are / islands / There / in.

. .
3. are / beaches / There / in / beautiful / Sinai.

. .
4. is / of / the / Sinai / Egypt / east / in.

. .
5. clear / diving / Tourists / the / in / water / like.

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

3- 1- 2- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. is sinai in the east of egypt.

. .

2. let s visit siwa.

. .


Test on Unit "6"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( how dived where cycled ) Sally : .did you spend your holiday? Bassant :I went to Sinai. Sally :.did you spend your time? Bassant : I swam and .in the clear water. [3m]


[2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: Is water cool in Hurghada? [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) No, it doesn't . b) Yes, it can. c) Yes, it is.

2) Sara: ............................................................? Sally: I had a good time in Sharm El Sheikh.

a) Where was your father? c) Where will you go? b) How was your holiday?


[3] Read and match:


a) In Sinai. b) Yes, I did. c) In Aswan. d) No, it isn't. e) Yes, it is.

1- Is Cairo hotter than Aswan? 2- Is Lake Nasser in Aswan? 3- Where's Sharm El Sheikh? 4- Did you visit Aswan?


[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- The cat is than the dog. ( small bigger smaller ) 2- London is ..than Cairo. ( colder hot cold )


3- They built the school between 1998 2005. ( and to at ) 4- Can we go .Cairo to Aswan by train? ( between from to ) 5- Hurghada is a beautiful . ( desert island resort ) 6- In Hurghada, you can in the Red Sea. ( drive ride dive)


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


When you go to Aswan, you must visit the amazing High Dam. It is 111 metres high. Engineers built it between. 1960 and 1971. You can see Lake Nasser on the south side of the High Dam. You can also visit the temple of Philae and enjoy the Sound and Light show every evening. A) Answer the following questions 1- Where is the High Dam? . 2-How many years did the engineers take to build the High Dam? B) Choose the correct answer 3-Philae is a a) a pyramid b) a temple c) an animal 4- There is the Sound and Light show every .. . a) day b) week c) month

1- You can go to Hurghada by boat. [ How ] . 2- Sharm El Sheikh is in Sinai. [ Where ] 3- I visited St Catherine's. [ What ] ********************************************************** [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

[6] Write questions using the word(s) in brackets:


............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:
did you visit the high dam

.......................... ..........................

............................................................................................................................................................ ******************************************************************************

[9] Copy the following sentence:

Tourists enjoy the Sound and Light Show every evening.


A ) Language functions.
XFinish the following dialougue with these words: [ built metres high kilos ]

Adel : How ---------------( 1 )------------- is the Sphinx? Hany : It's twenty ---------------( 2 )-------------high. Adel : Who ---------------( 3 )-------------the Sphinx? Hany : Egyptian pharaohs did. They built it at Giza.
[ What built where How high ]

Hala Alaa Hala Alaa Hala Alaa

: ---------------( 1 )------------- is the Sphinx? : It's twenty metres high. : ---------------( 1 )-------------is it? : It's in Giza. : Who ---------------( 1 )-------------it? : Egyptian Pharaohs did.

YChoose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A : When was Rania Elwany born? B : a) She was born in 1920. b) She was born in 1927. c) She was born in 1977. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) What can tourists do in Sharm El Sheikh? b) Can you swim in Sharm El Sheikh? c) Where is Sharm El Sheikh? : They can swim and dive in the clear water. b) No, he doesnt.

3. Alaa : What is your father? Basma : a) He's a footballer. c) His name is Adel. 4. Amany Rania 5. Alaa

: a) Let's play tennis. b) Do you play tennis? c) When do you play tennis? : Sorry, I can't . I'm busy today. b) Why were you born?

: a) When were you born? c) Where were you born? Sameh : I was born in Minya.


B ) Reading comprehension
ZRead and match. 1. What's fifty plus forty-four? 2. How high is the Great Pyramid? 3. When was your grandfather born? 4. Is Aswan hotter than Cairo? 1. ( 1. 2. 3. 4. ) 2. ( ) a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) d) e) Yes, it is. It's 49. It's 94. In 1938. It's 137 metres high. ) 4. ( ) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) In Siwa. there. Hurghada. were very famous. a famous singer. ) 4. ( ) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

3. (

Umm Kulthum was Where is the Temple of Amun? "Here" is the opposite of What did you visit? 1. ( ) 2. ( )

3. (

Look at the sky at night. We can see stars and the moon. We can see the sun by day. In Egypt, the weather is usually fine. It is sunny in the winter. Tourists visit Egypt in it. They like visiting the Pyramids, temples and museums. 1. When can you see the moon?.......................................... . 2. Where are the moon and the stars? . 3. It is usually in Egypt. a) hot b) cold c) fine 4. Tourists like visiting Egypt in .. . a) spring b) summer c) winter Aswan is in the south of Egypt. It's bigger than Hurghada. The High Dam is 15 kilometres from Aswan. Engineers built the High Dam between 1960 and 1971. It's 111 metres high. On the south side of the dam, visitors can see Lake Nasser. The Temple of Philae is in Aswan, too. It is on a beautiful island . You can enjoy the sound and light show every evening. 1. How high is the High Dam?.............................................. . 2. What can you see on the south side of the dam? . 3. Hurghada is ..than Aswan. a) smaller b) bigger c) higher 4. You can see the sound and light show in the. . a) evening b) afternoon c) morning

[Read the following, then answer the questions:

C ) Usage and writing: 1. You ( must mustn't should ) play football in the class. 2. ( Where When What ) time is it now? 3. I ride my ( bike train plane ) to school. 4. She left the school and ( went crossed walked ) the road. 5. Ali and his sister ( were was is ) born in Tanta. 6. Tourists like ( flying diving reading ) in the Red Sea. 7. Her brother ( were are was ) born in 1988. 8. A horse is ( faster slower bigger ) than an elephant. 9. ( Two Twelve Ten ) years ago, I was in class four. 10. The Pharaohs ( built building build ) the Pyramids. 11. ( What When Where ) is the CN Tower? In Tornto. 12. Aswan is ( hot hotter colder ) than Cairo. 13. ( What When How ) high is the Eiffel Tower?
14. Cairo is ( hot hotter very hot ) than Alexandria today. \Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

15. You ( mustn't must can ) come to school late. 16. The Cairo Tower is 327 metres ( long high height ) 17. Port Said is colder ( than then the ) Aswan. 18. Look at the (day water weather ) map. It's 28 degrees. 19. Where ( was were is ) Umm kulthum born? 20. Taha Hussein was a famous (doctor writer footballer ) 21. I must brush my ( mouth nose teeth ) everyday. 22. White is a ( place person colour ) 23. Jack is French . He is from ( Egypt France China ) 24. A is the ( first second third ) letter in the alphabet. 25. We can see ( boats cars planes ) in the sea. 26. Tiny means very ( big tall small )
]Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Ahmed is from a small village near Tanta. 2. The Cairo Tower is 187 metres high.

[ Where ] [ How high ]

. . . .
3. Ninety plus twenty-four is one hundred and fourteen. [ What ]

. .
4. They are eating sandwiches. 5. Mr Ali's children visited the museum.

[ What ] [ Who ]

. . . .

6. Naguib Mahfouz was born in 1927. 7. Visitors can swim and dive in the clear water.

[ When ] [ What ]

. . . .
]Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences: 1. mustn't / class / come / You / to / late.

. .
2. Ancient / was / in / Tutankhamun / Egypt / born.

. .
3. Tehran / Milad / in / The / is / tower.

. .
4. temples / gardens / built / and / The pharaohs / many.

. .
5. CN / How / the / Tower / is / high?

. .
6. grandfather / Tanta / Was / in / your / born?

. .
^Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-


5- 6-



8- 9-

10- 11- 12-

13- 14- 15- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

_Punctuate the following sentence:

1. is ismailia hotter than cairo today

. .
2. how high is the galata tower

. .
`Copy the following sentence:

Children mustn't play in the street. .


Unit 7

I want to be a pilot

Hello ! English

stadium want to be speaking English English teacher Why..? because match pilot footballer farmer carpenter doctor nurse diver scientist athlete vet engineer teacher flying teaching scoring being famous playing football sports I want to be +


helping the family making furniture growing vegetables want wanted play played like-liked speak - spoke fly-flew find-found grow-grew make-made help-helped save-saved saving running numbers people's lives amazing jewellery cans bottles Oh dear ! helping animals housewife

Grammar Points 
. -

- I want to be a doctor. - I want to be a pilot. - I want to be an engineer. I / they / We / you + want + to be


- He / she / It + wants to be

- They want to be teachers. - He wants to be a footballer. - Mona wants to be a nurse. 


Do + ( I / they / we / you ) + want to be ? Does + ( he she it ) + want to be ? * Do you want to be a doctor? - Yes, I do. - No, I don't. * Does Ahmed want to be a scientist? - Yes, he does. - No, he doesn't. 


What + do / does + subject + want to be ? * What do you want to be? - I want to be a teacher. * What does Ali want to be? - He wants to be a tennis player. * What do Kareem and Heba want to be? - They want to be vets.

 ( like / enjoy ) + verb + ing  I like reading English stories.  I like playing football.  He likes swimming in the river.  I enjoy helping animals.  He enjoys making furniture.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------What time is ? * * What time is the lesson? - It's at 7 o'clock. * What time is the match? - It's at 9 o'clock.

. ( to )

( Because ) ( Why )

Ali : Why is the boy running? Hani : Because he is late.

.( + )

Ali : Why do you go to school? Hani : To learn.



Because )
" is "
( to )

B e c a u se

" he " +




Why do you want to be a doctor? - Because I like helping people. Why do you want to be a carpenter? - Because I like making furniture. Why do you want to be a footballer? - Because I like scoring goals. Why do you want to be a farmer? - Because I like growing vegetables. Why do you want to be a vet? - Because I like helping animals. Why do you want to be a teacher? - Because I like helping children. Why do you want to be an athlete? - Because I like running. Why do you want to be a nurse? - Because I like helping sick people. Why do you want to be a diver?

- Because I like saving people's lives. Exercises on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ because football footballer why ]

Mustafa : Hello, What's your name? Hany : Hany. Mustafa : What do you want to be? Hany : I want to be a teacher. Mustafa : --------------( 1 )---------? Hany : --------------( 2 )--------- I like teaching pupils. Mustafa : Who is your favourite --------------( 3 )---------? Hany : Abu Treika. want flying Why When ] Toka : What do you --------------( 1 )---------to be? Yara : I want to be a pilot. Toka : --------------( 2 )---------? Yara : Because I like --------------( 3 )---------.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- A : What do you want to be? B : a) I went to school yesterday. c) I want to be an athelete. 2- Salma : a) What do you like doing? c) What do you want to be? Hend : I like reading books?
3) Read and match. 1. He wants to be a teacher 2. A tennis player 3. He wants to be a pilot 4. A footballer a) b) c) d)

b) I want to play football. b) What do you like eating?

because he likes flying. likes scoring goals. likes helping people. because he likes helping children. e) likes being famous.

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. What ( has do does ) Hazem want to be? 2. He wants to be ( an engineer an athlete a doctor ) because he likes running. 3. A swimmer likes ( swim swimmer swimming )

4. ( Where What Who ) do you want to be? A carpenter. 5. A pilot ( makes fly flies ) planes. 6. ( Where What Who ) time is the match? 7. She ( wants wants to want to ) be a doctor. 8. A tennis player likes ( be to being being ) famous. 9. She wants to be ( an athlete a doctor a teacher ) because she likes helping people. 10. What does Noura ( wants want wanting ) to be? 11. I want to be an ( pilot teacher engineer ) 12. We went to the ( cinema park stadium ) to watch a match. 13. Hazem wants to a ( athlete pilot engineer ) 14. We went to the (park cinema stadium) to watch a film. 15. ( What Why When ) do you want to be an English teacher? - Because I like speaking English.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. I want to be a pilot. 2. The match is at 7 o'clock. 3. He likes playing football in the club.

[ What ] [ What time ] [ Where ]

. . . . . .
6) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

7) Punctuate the following sentence:

what do amira and noha want to be

1) Copy the following sentence:

Four eyes see better than two. .. .


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ helping flying want engineer ]

Ali : Hello, What's your father? Sami: Hello, He is a computer--------------( 1 )--------- . Ali : What do you --------------( 2 )--------- to be, Sami? Sami: I want to be a pilot. Ali : A pilot! Why? Sami: I like --------------( 3 )--------- planes.
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A : Why does he want to be a carpenter? B : a) Because he likes making furniture. b) Because he likes running. c) Because he likes helping animals. 2. A : a) Why do you want to be a pilot? b) Why do you want to be an athlete? c) Why do you want to be an engineer? B : Because I like making new things.
3) Read and match. 1. What does a vet do? 2. A farmer grows 3. My favourite subject is 4. " Likes " is the opposite of 5. Does a carpenter make furniture? a) b) c) d) e) f) dislikes. Yes, he does. He helps sick people. maths. fruit and vegetables. He helps sick animals. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) )

B ) Reading comprehension
4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Ali, Samir and Hassan went to the same school. They left school in 1980 and they had different jobs. Ali is an engineer. He lives in Cairo with his wife and three children, two boys and a girl. Samir and Hassan are doctors. They help sick people get well. Hassan likes farming ,but Samir doesn't. 1. What is Samir's job? . . 2. What does Hassan like doing? . . 3. Ali has got . girl.


a) three b) two c) one 4. The three friends first met at . a) work b) school c) home C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. ( Where Why What ) time is the film? 2. He wants to be ( an engineer a doctor an athlete) because he likes helping sick people. 3. My sister wants to be a writer because she likes ( speaking writing swimming ) books. 4. A carpenter ( makes make grows ) furniture. 5. A teacher works in a ( hospital library school ) 6. ( Where Why What ) do you want to be a nurse? - Because I like helping sick people. 7. A ( farmer pilot vet ) likes growing food. 8. An athlete likes ( running animals English ) 9. He wants to be a ( science maths history ) teacher because he likes numbers. 10. My cat is sick. I'll send her to a ( doctor vet carpenter ) 11. Sara wants to be a teacher ( but because why ) she likes helping children. 12. A ( vet teacher housewife ) likes helping her family. 13. A carpenter likes making ( food vegetables furniture )
6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. A housewife helps her family. 2. A carpenter makes furniture.

[ Who ] [ What ]

. . . .
3. I want to be a teacher because I like teaching. [ Why ]

. .
4. I want to be a vet. 5. I bought twelve books. 1. do / want / What / be / to / you ? [ What ] [ How many ]

. . . .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

. .
2. want / teacher / be / to / an / I / English.

. .
3. always / her / A housewife / helping / family / likes.

. .
4. a vet / to / Why / want / be / Hassan / does ?

. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. does salwa want to be an english teacher . 2. my father s a doctor in benha . ==================================================== Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.
1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ football what tennis animals ]

Toka Salma Toka Salma Toka Salma Toka

: Do you want to be a footballer? : No, I dont. --------------( 1 )--------- is my favourite sport. : Oh, you're a tennis player. :That's right. --------------( 2 )---------do you want to be? : A vet. : A vet ! Why? : I like helping --------------( 3 )--------- .

2- [ because driver diver What

Nada : --------------( 1 )--------- do you want to be, Shady? Shady : I want to be a --------------( 2 )--------Nada : Why? Shady : --------------( 3 )--------- I like saving people's lives.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A : Why does he want to be a diver? B : a) Because he likes growing vegetables. b) Because he likes flying planes. c) Because he likes saving people's lives. 2. Amira a) Why does she want to be a vet? b) When does he want to be a vet? c) Why does he want to be a vet? Hadeer : Because he likes helping animals. : Why does your sister want to be a nurse? : a) Because she likes speaking to sick people. b) Because she likes helping sick people. c) Because she likes visiting sick people. : a) What does a farmer like doing? b) What does a vet like doing? c) What does a carpenter like doing? : He likes making furniture. B ) Reading comprehension :

3. Manar Nehal

4. Yosra Rana

3) Read and match. 1. He wants to be an athlete. 2. He wants to be a pilot. 3. He wants to be a diver. 4. She wants to be a vet. 5. She wants to be a housewife. 6. She wants to be a nurse.

a) She likes helping sick people. b) He likes running. c) She likes helping children. d) He likes saving people's lives. e) He likes flying planes. f) She likes helping animals. g) She likes helping her family.

( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Mr Ayman is an English teacher. He works in a big school. He likes helping children and he likes speaking English. His wife, Mrs Abeer, is a doctor. She likes helping sick people. They love their children Aya and Mona. On holiday, all the family go to Alexandria in the summer. 1. Where does Mrs Abeer work?


.. . 2. What does Mr Ayman like doing? .. . 3. Mr Ayman teaches.. . a) Arabic b) English c) science 4. They go to the .in Alexandria. a) school b) farm c) beach C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. The ( reader driver diver ) dives in the clear water. 2. A (carpenter pilot nurse) makes tables, beds and chairs. 3. Cats eat ( jewellery grass fish ) 4. I can drive a ( fan van fish )
5. We have ( supper lunch breakfast ) at one o'clock in the afternoon.

6. ( Where What Who ) do you want to be? A housewife. 7. A doctor works in a ( school hospital factory ) 8. A nurse likes helping ( sick happy hungry ) people. 9. A diver likes ( making growing saving ) people's lives. 10. Magdy likes ( fly to fly flying ) planes. 11. Nour wants ( being to be be ) a diver.
6) Write questions using words from brackets: 1. A doctor works in a hospital . 2. Sami wants to be a diver. 3. She wants to be a housewife because she

[ Where ] [ What ] [ Why ]

.. . .. .
likes helping her family. 1. job / your / mother's / What's ?

.. .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

.. .
2. to / jewellery / find / wants / amazing / He.

.. .
3. a bin / cans / the / old / Put / in.

.. .
4. jewellery / my / mother / Father / bought / some.

.. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- 2- 3- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

what do you want to be hussam

.. .


Test on Unit "7"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( scientist pilot do did ) [3m] Sally : What want to be? Ahmed : I want to be a ........................because I like flying planes. What about you? Sally :I want to be a ................................... . [2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: What time is the film? [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) It's on Friday. b) It's at six o'clock. c) It's at the cinema.

2) Sara: .........................................................? Sally: She wants to be a vet.

a) Why does she want to be a vet ? c) What does Laila want to be? b) What do you want to be?

[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

[4m] a) building dams. b) helping sick people. c) food. d) pictures. e) taking photos. [3m]

1- A photographer likes 2- A nurse likes 3- A farmer grows 4- An engineer likes

[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- Amany likesEnglish. ( speak speaks speaking ) 2- What your sister want to be? ( do does is )

3- My father is a maths teacher. He likes ( pictures numbers words ) 4- A likes making furniture. ( farmer carpenter athlete ) 5- do you want to be ? A pilot. ( Where When What ) 6- A ..likes helping the family. ( nurse driver housewife )


[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


My name is Karima. I'm in Grade 6. My father is a doctor. He likes helping sick people. My mother is an English teacher. She works in El Zahraa school . She likes speaking English. She goes to school at seven and comes back at three. I want to be a teacher, too. A) Answer the following questions 1- How old is Karima? . 2- What does Karima want to be? B) Choose the correct answer 3- Karima's mother comes back two o'clock. a) at b) before c) after 4- Her father works in a . . a) hospital b) school c) farm 1- Hamid likes growing vegetables. [ What ] . 2- I want to be an engineer. [ What ] 3- The match is at nine o'clock. [ What time ] [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

[6] Write questions using the following word(s) in brackets:


............................ ............................

............................ ............................

....................... .......................
[2m] [1m]

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

doctor galal likes saving people s lives

[9] Copy the following sentence:

Shady wants to be a pilot because he likes flying.


Unit 8

My body
shoe shirt shop ship sheep chicken chair hair car hospital parents careless about happen happened Wash washed bang banged look looked cut cut put put hurt hurt fall fell break broke keep kept close closed clean cleaned carry carried but first then

Hello ! English

body parts chin finger cheek shoulder elbow stomach chest wrist thumb knee toe arm head neck hand eye nose ear tooth teeth foot feet mouth plaster ice sling bandage

The Past Simple Tense -We use the past simple tense for an action that started and completed.  Positive :-

Subject + verb + d / ed / ied.

I fell off my bike yesterday. He played football last week. What happened to Mustafa?


Subject + didnt + verb infinitive

She didnt break her leg yesterday. He didnt see the match.  3 Questions

Did + subject + verb infinitive?

Did she hear her teacher advice last week? - Yes, she did. - No, she didnt. SOME IRREGULAR VERBS cut cut put put hurt hurt fall off fell off break broke go went

The imperative
Verb (infinitive) - .

- Put some ice on the cut. - Stand up and clean the board. - Give your book to the teacher.  NEGATIVE * Don't move your arm. * Don't talk to your friend. First & Then

Don't + infinitive

. * Ali cut his finger yesterday. - First, he washed it. Then he put a plaster on it. * The girl banged her head. - First, she put ice on it. Then, she put a bandage on it.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------( Who) : - Who broke his leg? * Ahmed did.


who )


* Ahmed broke his leg . (


Exercises on Lesson 1
A ) Language functions. 1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ fell off bang banged careful ]

Father : What happened, Moaz? Moaz : I--------------( 1 )--------- my bike. Father : Oh dear! Did you --------------( 2 )--------- your head? Moaz :Yes, I did. Father : You must be more--------------( 3 )--------- .
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A : What happened, Ahmed? B : a) I broke my arm. b) He rode his bike. c) You played football. 2. Ahmed Ramy : a) I must wash it. b) I must put ice on it. c) I fell off my bike. : You must be more careful.
B ) Reading comprehension 3) Read and match. 1. Maha cut 2. This sling because 3. I shouted because 4. You must wash the cut a) b) c) d) e) I banged my chin. and cut your finger. her finger. and put a plaster on it. he hurt his arm. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Nadia ( break broke breaks ) her arm yesterday. 2. What happened? I banged my ( chair chain chin ) 3. She ( falls fell fall ) off her bike yesterday.
4. What ( happen happens happened ) to Salma? She broke her leg.

5. Did you cut your arm? No, I ( mustn't dont didn't ) cut it. 6. I didn't ( break broke breaks ) my arm. 7. You must put ( a poster a plaster a hat ) on the cut. 8. You must be more ( lazy late careful ) 9. I was sad ( but because before ) I cut my chin.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. I fell and broke my leg.

[ What ] [ When ]

.. .
2. Mustafa fell off his bike yesterday.

.. .

3. I've got a sling because I hurt my arm. 4. Menna washed the cut. 1. my / yesterday / I / off / bike / fell.

[ Why ] [ Who ]

.. . .. .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

.. .
2. my arm / I've / a sling / because / got / I / hurt.

.. .
3. a plaster / must / the / You / on / cut / put.

.. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- 2- 3- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

what happened mustafa .. .

9) Copy the following sentence:

If you sing before breakfast, you will cry before dinner. ... .


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ finger sling bandage sit ]

Ahmed : Hello, doctor. Doctor : Hello, --------------( 1 )--------- down, please. Ahmed :Thank you. Doctor : What happened? Ahmed : I cut my --------------( 2 )--------- and hurt my arm. Doctor : Let me see. Wash the cut and put a plaster on it. Have a --------------( 3 )--------- ,too. chin first happened then ] Father : What --------------( 1 )---------, Hazem? Hazem : I banged my --------------( 2 )---------. Father : What did you do? Hazem : First, I washed it. -----------( 3 )---------, I put a plaster on it.
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A B

:What is the part under your mouth called? : a) It's my cheek. b) It's my chin. c) It's my knee.

2.Heba : a) Where are your eyes? b) What colour are your eyes? c) How many eyes have you got? Hoda: My eyes are brown. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. What happened, Mona? 2. "First" is the opposite of 3. What did she put on the cut? 4. She must be a) b) c) d) e) more careful. She put a plaster on it. I cut my thumb yesterday. last. He cut his chin. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Last Friday, Sameh was going home from his grandmother's house. In a street, he saw a boy under a tree. The boy fell off his bike and banged his knee. He also cut his finger and hurt his arm. Sameh ran to a shop and brought some ice. He put ice on the boy's arm and knee. He washed the boy's finger and put a plaster on it. He also brought a bandage for his knee and a sling for his arm.

1. Who helped the boy? .. . 2. Where did Sameh bring some ice? .. . 3. The boy fell off his . a) car b) horse c) bike 4. The sling is for the boy's . a) finger b) arm c) knee C ) Usage and writing:
5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. I cut my ( thing three thumb ), mum. 3. He broke his ( head stomach arm ) yesterday. 4. Did you bang your ( head hat bag ), Rami? No, I didn't. 5. There is an ( eye ear elbow ) in each arm. 6. My ( shoulders knees legs ) are under my head. 7. Everyone has four fingers and a ( shoulder chest thumb ) in every hand. 8. The nurse put a ( banged bang bandage ) on my knee. 9. ( First Then before ), Mustafa washed the cut. ( First Then After ), he put a plaster on it.
10. 11. 12. ( Washing Washed Wash ) your finger before you put the plaster. You must wash your ( head cheeks teeth ) before you go to bed. First, she put ice on it.(Than Then The ), she put a bandage on it. 2. You must ( bang wash watch ) the cut and put a plaster one it.

6) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Mustafa hurt his arm. 2. Mai has got a sling. 3. The boy broke his leg yesterday. 4. Mother put a bandage on my head. 5. My eyes are brown. 6. I fell off my bike.

[ Who ] [ What ] [ When ] [ Where ] [ What colour ] [ What ]

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. a plaster / must / the / You / on / cut / put.

.. .
2. Yesterday, / girl / her / the / chin / cut.

.. .
3. a plaster / finger / The / put / his / boy / on.

.. .
4. fell off / and / Mazen / bike / his knee / his / banged.

.. .
5. thumb / cut / The / yesterday / his / boy.

.. .
8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. the nurse put ice on emad s knee.. 2. what colour is sameh s hair


Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: [ put bandage then banged ]

Farah Zeina Farah Zeina Farah

: What happened, Zeina? : I --------------( 1 )--------- my knee. : First, --------------( 2 )--------- ice on it. : --------------( 3 )--------- put a bandage on it. :OK . Thank you, Farah.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Ahmed : How many toes have you got on one foot Ramy : a) I have got ten. b) I have got two. c) I have got five. 2. A : Who broke his leg? B : a) Mariam did. b) Mariam does. c) Mariam is. B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. What has Ali got? 2. What happened, Walid? 3. Who broke her thumb? 4. When did he hurt his arm? a) b) c) d) e) Last week. Sara did. Ahmed did. I cut my cheek. A white sling. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

4) Read the following, then answer the questions:

Tamer had a busy day yesterday. In the morning, he helped a young boy. The boy fell off his bike and broke his arm. Tamer left the hospital at five. He went home and had dinner. After dinner, he watched TV. He went to bed at eleven o'clock. 1. What did Tamer do yesterday? .. . 2. When did Tamer go to bed?......................................... . 3. Tamer is a . a) pilot b) swimmer c) doctor 4. Tamer ate dinner. . a) in hospital b) at home c) in bed


C ) Usage and writing:

5) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Who cut his finger? Maher ( does did can ) 2. Salma ( broke breaks is breaking ) her leg yesterday. 3. I have ten ( fingers toes noses ) on my feet.
4. He has got a sling because he ( washed cleaned hurt ) his arm.

5. You ( mustn't must didn't ) be more careful. 6. He fell ( from off of ) his bike and banged his head. 7. There is a ( knee cheek toe ) in each leg. 8. We can hear with our ( eyes ears elbows ) 9. I have five ( fingers ears toes ) on every hand. 10. ( What Where Who ) banged his cheek? "Yara did" 11. I ( bandage banged begin ) my arm yesterday. 12. Who broke his leg? ( Yesterday At school Amr ) 13. I have two ( heads noses legs )
14. 6) Write questions using words from brackets:

He went to the carpenter because he broke his ( leg chair nose )

1. She put a plaster on the cut. 2. I hurt my arm yesterday. 3. No, Mona didn't break her leg. 4. I have got two ears. 5. They went to the hospital by car.

[ What ] [ When ] [ Did ] [ How many ] [ How ]

.. . .. . .. . .. . .. .
7) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. eyes / beautiful / are / Her / very.

.. .
2. Are / toes / the / small / baby's?

.. .
3. banged / Zaki / knee / his / yesterday.

.. .
4. did / your / you / How / knee / bang?

.. .
5. a plaster / her / Salma / chin / on / put.

.. .

8) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


3- 2-

D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. close your eyes samir

.. .
2. samia is adel s sister

.. .


Test on Unit "8"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( off be do happened ) [3m] Sally : What .to Yara? Bassant : She fell.her bike. Sally : Yara must ..more careful. [2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Samy: I cut my finger. [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Put some ice on it. b) Put a plaster on it. c) Well done.

2) Sara: .........................................................? Sally: I bought a brown shirt.

a) Where did you go? b) What did you buy? c) Why did you buy a brown shirt?

[3] Read and match:

(A) (B)

a) and put some ice on it. b) and put a plaster on it. c) because I banged my head. d) because I hurt my arm. e) his bike.

1- Ahmed fell off 2- I've got a sling 3- I banged my chin 4- Ali cut his finger

[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- Yesterday, I .my leg. 3-You must ..the cut.

( break broke am breaking )

2- I've got a sling I hurt my arm. ( but because before ) ( wash washed are washing ) ( chin chick shirt ) 4- We have one .in every hand. ( finger thumb toe ) 5- I banged my . 6- Your knee is in your .. .( arm leg head )

[5] Read the following then answer the questions:



Last Friday, I went to the park with my family. I played football with my older brother Ahmed. Our sister Amina rode her bike. Then, she fell off her bike and broke her arm. My father took her to hospital. Now, she has got a sling. She must be more careful. A) Answer the following questions 1- What did Ahmed do in the park? . 2- Why did Amina go to hospital? B) Choose the correct answer 3- They went to the park on . a) Saturday b) Sunday c) Friday 4- Amina's father took her to a . a) teacher b) doctor c) farmer 1- He put a plaster on his finger because he cut it . [ Why ] . 2- Susan broke her leg. [ Who ] 3- I banged my knee. [ What ]

[6] Write questions using the following word(s) in brackets:


[7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

............................ ............................

............................ ............................

....................... .......................
[2m] [1m]

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

yesterday ahmed fell off his bike


[9] Copy the following sentence:

What colour are your eyes?


Unit 9

Be healthy and do well

Hello ! English

has got have got today mum good night go to bed tomorrow am pm healthy unhealthy always never good bad fit unfit advice healthy living lots of fruit vegetables litre night teeth after meals exercise minutes people Damietta about buffalo km = kilometre in July bang his nose good for

/ / /

get up-got up go-went wake up-woke up sleep-slept eat-ate do-did worry-worried need-needed brush-brushed walk-walked work-worked choose-chose drink-drank keep-kept see-saw buy-bought travel-travelled sail-sailed port hotel again lots of city centre Ras el-Bar lake Mansala (Manzala) birds clock quarter half to past good breakfast

months year January February March April May June July August September October November December cotton by train want to from furniture fields rice town in the fields in the winter boat far from minutes tomorrow different fireman animals one day

 Grammar Points   Necessity

To express about obligation. We can use:Must + infinitive I must go to bed early. I must get up early. You must come to school on time. You must keep your school clean. You must eat healthy food. You must do your best everyday. You must obey your parents.


Telling the time

: :


- Excuse me, whats the time, please? - Excuse me, what time is it, please?

It's ....

It's + + o'clock ( It's quarter past + ( It's half past + ( It's quarter to +
( ) ) ) )

" " 12 " "3" "6" "9"


.1 .2 .3 .4

.. o'clock

quarter to

: 00

1 2

9 8

: 45

: 30

: 15

3 4

quarter past

half past .


- What time ?

: What time + ( do does ) + + ?


What time do you get up? - I get up at six o'clock. What time does Eman have breakfast? - She has breakfast at half past seven.

The Present simple tense 

We use it for permanent states and repeated actions or daily routines. I 1- Positive You He We + verb( infinitive ) Or She + verb + s /es /ies . They It He eats a lot of chocolate. They play football in the club. 2- Negative I You We + do not (dont) + verb( infinitive ) They Or He She + does not (doesnt) + verb(infinitive) It He doesnt play tennis. They dont sleep much. Do Does + subject + verb (infinitive)? Do you play tennis? -Yes, I do. No, I dont. Does Ali go to club on Friday? - Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.

3- Questions

Study these remarks:Verbs which end in ( ss /sh /ch / o /x ) add ( es ) instead of ( s ). teach teaches wash washes go goes Verbs which end in ( y ) after a consonant, change ( y ) into ( i ) + (es). study studies carry carries This tense is often used with adverbs of frequency, such as:sometimes usually always often Never every( day week year ) - I sometimes play chess on Friday. - He usually comes to school late.

ADVICE FOR HEALTHY LIVING 1- Eat good food. Choose lots of fruit and vegetables. 2- Drink about 2 litres of water everyday. 3- Get lots of sleep everyday. 4- Brush your teeth after meals. 5- Get lots of exercise. Walk for 15 minutes everyday. 6- Work hard, but don't worry. 7- Walk to school to keep fit.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------STUDY THESE OPPOSITES healthy x unhealthy always x never good x bad fit x unfit near x far from bueautiful x ugly north x south east x west


1- Why do you eat fresh vegetables? - To be healthy.

2- Why do you get lots of exercises? see buy has / have get up wake up sleep eat do choose drink keep

- To keep fit.


SOME IRREGULAR VERBS saw bought had got up woke up slept ate did chose drank kept


 Remember: 1- Damietta is about 200 km from Cairo. 2- Visitors can buy furniture in Damietta. 3- The town of Damietta is about 15 km from the sea. 4- Damietta is a big port in the north of Egypt.


 in  at

- We don't go to school on Fridays. - I was born in 1995. - We get up at 7 o'clock everyday.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------: . ( ing )

( ed )

. (s )


eat good food. 2. drink a bout 2 litres of water everyday. . 1. Get lots of exercise and go to bed early.
1. Always 2. Always

( Always )


wash your hands before meals. brush your teeth after meals.

. 1. Dont go to bed late.




2. Don't

play in the street.

Exercise on Lesson 1 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ o'clock to breakfast past ]

Menna Shrouk Menna Shrouk

: What time do you get up? : I get up at six--------------( 1 )--------- . :When do you have --------------( 2 )---------? : At half --------------( 3 )--------- seven.

2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa : Goodnight, Basma. Basma : a) Hello. b) Good morning. 2. Sally Noha : a) What time is it now? b) When do you go to bed? c) What has Eman got today? : It's quarter past ten.

c) Goodnight.

B ) Reading comprehension
3) Read and match. 1. When is the match? 2. Don't throw 3. Sleep well 4. I must go a) b) c) d) e) to bed early. and eat good food. It is at quarter to eight. to bed late. litter in the street. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. We ( mustn't must doesn't ) go to school on time. 2. What has Mona ( get gets got ) today? 3. Eat ( healthy bad unhealthy ) food, Maha. 4. It's quarter ( too two to ) three now. 5. ( Dont Doesnt Didn't ) worry about the test. 6. The Arabic lesson is at half ( to past paste ) five. 7. ( Make Do Get ) your best in the test. 8. What ( many colour time ) do you have dinner? 9. I have breakfast ( in at on ) seven o'clock. 10. ( Walk Wake Woke ) up. It's seven o'clock. 11. I must ( get got getting ) up early. 12. Mona ( have has had ) breakfast at half past seven.

13. 14. 15. 16.


What ( does do is ) Sami have for breakfast? Mustafa ( get got gets ) up at seven o'clock. Eat good food to ( have be do ) healthy. He goes to bed ( at in on ) the evening.
The match is at quarter to eight. It's ( after before at ) 8 o'clock.

5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. He goes to work at half past nine.

[ When ] [ What time ]

.. . .. .
3. The film is at quarter to twelve. 4. Omar has breakfast at home. 1. nine / now / quarter / It's / past. 2. We went to the zoo at quarter past ten. [ When ] [ Where ]

.. . .. .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

.. .
2. past / half / goes / at / school / Dalia / to / seven.

.. .
3. time / up / does / get / What / Enas?

.. .
4. your / the / Do / test / best / in.

.. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

2- 3-

1. wake up muhammed

.. .
2. my friend basher goes to bed at twelve o clock

.. .


Lesson 2 A ) Language functions.

1) Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ test half quarter must ]

Menna : What time is it? Shrouk : It's --------------( 1 )---------to eleven. Mena :Oh, I --------------( 2 )--------- go to bed now. Shrouk : Why? Mena : I have a --------------( 3 )--------- tomorrow. go walk fit because ] Hussam : Why do you eat lots of fruit and vegetables? Ahmed : --------------( 1 )--------- fruit is good for me. Hussam : And why do you --------------( 2 )--------- to school? Ahmed :Because I want to keep --------------( 3 )--------- .
2- [ 2) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. A B

: What do you have for lunch? : a) Temples and museums. b) Meat, vegetables and rice. c) Cheese and eggs. : Why do you walk to school? : a) Because I want to keep fit. b) Because I want to keep late. c) Because I want to go to school late. B ) Reading comprehension
a) b) c) d) e) litres of water everyday. vegetables and fruit. minutes everyday. hours of sleep every night. but don't worry. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) )

5. Menna Roaa

3) Read and match. 1. People need about eight 2. Drink about two 3. Walk for fifteen 4. Choose lots of

C ) Usage and writing:

4) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. ( Sleeping Slept Sleep ) eight hours every night. 2. Work hard, but ( didn't don't doesn't ) worry.
3. They have ( lunch dinner breakfast ) at home before going to school.

4. We get lots of Exercise to ( keep do make ) fit. 5. Vegetables and fruit are ( good bad worry ) for you. 6. Do you want to be ( health healthy unhealthy )? 7. When do you ( watch bang brush ) your teeth?

8. Always drink two ( litre glasses litres ) of water. 9. Brush your teeth after every ( meat eat meal )
10. People need about eight hours of ( walk exercise sleep ) every night.

11. There are sixty ( days nights minutes ) in an hour. 12. Look left then ( right night write ) to cross the road.
5) Write questions using words from brackets:

1. He goes to work at 7.45.

[ What time ] [ Why ]

.. . .. .
3. We always eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. [ What ] 2. I go to bed early to keep fit.

.. .
4. I eat lots of fruit because fruit is good for me. [ Why ]

.. .
5. Ramy walks for 25 minutes everyday. 6. I bush my teeth after meals. 7. We have three meals everyday. 1. eight / every / Sleep / hours / night / for. [ How long ] [ When ] [ How many ]

.. . .. . .. .
6) Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

.. .
2. meals / Always / after / your / brush / teeth.

.. .
3. fruit / vegetables / Eat / lots / and / of.

.. .
7) Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- 2- 3- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

8) Punctuate the following sentence:

1. why do you eat lots of fruit heba. 2. work hard but don t worry


Lesson 3 A ) Language functions.

1. Finish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ go went sailed by train ]

Sara Maha Sara Maha Sara Maha 1. A B

: Where did you --------------( 1 )--------- last summer? : We went to Damietta. : How did you travel? : We travelled --------------( 2 )--------- . : What did you see there? : We saw the port and ------------( 3 )------ in a small boat. : What is Damietta? : a) It's a village. b) It's a small port. c) It's a big port in the north of Egypt.

2. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

2. Ahmed : a) What is Lake Mansala? b) Where is Lake Mansala? c) Where is Lake Nasser? Adel : It's in Damietta. B ) Reading comprehension
3. Read and match. 1. I can see a buffalo 2. Damietta is about 3. The opposite of "fit'' 4. You can travel 5. Visitors can buy a) b) c) d) e) f) to Damietta by train. in the field. beautiful furniture in Damietta. 200 kilometres from Cairo. Is unfit. at the school. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) )

4. Read the following, then answer the questions:

We visited Damietta last winter. It's a big port in the north of Egypt. We went there by bus from Cairo. We arrived at quarter past eight. Our hotel was near the beach In Ras ElBar. One day, we visited Lake Manzala. We sailed in a small boat. Visitors can see lots of birds in Lake Manzala in the winter. 1. Where is Damietta? . 2. What did we do in Lake Manzala? .

3. We traveled to Damietta .. a) by bus b) on foot c) by train 4. We live in . . a) Damietta b) Ras El-Bar c) Cairo C ) Usage and writing:
5. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Last summer, we ( visit visiting visited ) Damietta. 2. We traveled ( at by- in ) train. 3. You can see ( furniture train buffalo ) in the field. 4. We ( sailed walked visited ) in a small boat. 5. We ( visited sailed traveled ) to Damietta by train. 6. Damietta is a big ( part port pot ) in Egypt. 7. Tourists stay in ( homes hotels shops ) [ What ] [ When ] [ How ] [ What ]

6. Write questions using words from brackets:

1. They bought beautiful furniture.

.. .
2. Mustafa visited Damietta in July. 3. We traveled to Suez by bus. 4. We saw lots of birds in the lake.

.. . .. . .. .
7. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. is / Damietta / a / town / Egypt / in.

.. .
2. Damietta / How / you / can / travel / to?

.. .
3. famous / Damietta / for / is / furniture / beautiful.

.. .
4. mother / his / a / Is / teacher?

.. .
5. has / watch / She / got / a / new.

.. .
6. can / furniture / Visitors / Damietta / buy / in / beautiful.

.. .

7. seven / quarter / breakfast / She / at / past / has.

.. .
8. Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:

1- 2- 3- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

9. Punctuate the following sentence:

1. lake mansala is in damietta

.. .
2. did Mustafa go to damietta last summer

.. .


Test on Unit "9"

1-Finish the following dialogue with these words: ( health healthy time early ) [3m] Sally : What .do you get up? Bassant : I get up at ten. Sally : You must get up . Bassant :Why, mum? Sally : To be . . [2] Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues: 1) Mum : Sleep well, Ali. [2m] Ali: ----------------------------------a) Good morning, Mum. b) Goodnight, Mum. c) Hello, Mum.

2) Sara: .......................................................... Sally: That's great.

a) I walk 15 minutes every day. b) I come to school late. c) I always forget my English book.

[3] Read and match:


a) At nine o'clock. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, I do. d) Yes, they are. e) It's good for her.

1- Do you walk 15 minutes every day? 2- Are vegetables good for you? 3- What time do you go to bed? 4- Why does she eat lots of fruit?

[4] Choose the correct answer:

1- Do your in the test. 3- ..good food. 4- Brush your after meals. 5- Fruit is good me. 6- I my breakfast at seven. ( good bad best ) ( Eat Is eating -Ate ) ( feet teeth hands ) ( for at by ) ( have is has ) 2- I walk to school to keep.. .( fit fat hat )



[5] Read the following then answer the questions:


Karima is from Damietta, but she works in Cairo. Every summer, Karima goes to Damietta to visit her family. In August, her friend Mona traveled with her to Damietta because she wanted to buy beautiful furniture for her flat. They went from Cairo to Damietta by train. Mona visited karima's family who helped her to buy the furniture. A) Answer the following questions 1- Where does Karima work? . 2- Why did Mona go to Damietta? B) Choose the correct answer 3- Karima and Mona went to Damietta by . a) car b) plane c) train 4- Karima and Mona went to Damietta in . a) summer b) winter c) spring

[6] Write questions using the following word(s) in brackets:


1- I get lots of exercise to keep fit. [ Why ] . 2- Eman has got a test tomorrow. [ When ] 3- I eat good food to be healthy. [ Why ] [7] Look at the following pictures, and then write a sentence on each:[ 3m ]

............................ ............................

............................ ............................

....................... .......................
[2m] [1m]

[8] Punctuate the following sentence:

what time does hala s father get up

[9] Copy the following sentence:

Always brush your teeth before meals.

A ) Language functions.
XFinish the following dialougue with these words: [ sugar hurt cut ice ]

Mother : What happened? Son : I fell off my bike. I --------------( 1 )--------- my cheek. Mother :Oh dear! Put some --------------( 2)--------- on it. Did you bang your head? Son : No, but I cut my thumb and --------------( 3 )--------- my leg. Mother : You must wash the cut and put a plaster on it.
YChoose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Alaa :What month comes after June? Basma : a) July b) April c) August 2. A :a) What time is the match? c) How do you go to school? B : It's at quarter past ten. b) What time is it now?

1. Father Dalia 2. Ahmed Ramy

: Do your best in the Test, Dalia. : a) Thank you, Dad. b) Good morning, Dad. c) Goodnight, Dad. : a) Why does he want to be a carpenter? b) Why does he want to be a pilot? c) Why does he want to be a firefighter? : Because he likes saving people's lives? B ) Reading comprehension

ZRead and match. 1. The opposite of "quiet" 2. I want to be a pilot 3. Who broke her arm? 4. Wash your hands 1. ( ) 2. (

a) b) c) d) e) )

Amany did. Ahmed did. is noisy. before and after meals. because I like flying planes. 3. ( ) 4. ( )

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )


[Read the following, then answer the questions:

Tasneem is a good pupil. She gets up at quarter past six everyday. She bushes her teeth. She has her breakfast with her family. At seven, She puts on her school uniform and walks to school. At three o'clock, she goes home and has her lunch with her family. 1. When does Tasneem come back home?........................... . 2. What does her refer to?................................................... . 3. Tasneem's school is her house. a) far from b) in c) near 4. Tasneem has lunch at . a) school b) home c) zoo C ) Usage and writing:

1. Study hard, but ( dont didn't doesn't ) worry. 2. ( Open Opened Opening ) the window, please. 3. They have ( breakfast lunch breakfast ) at home before going to school. 4. I always go to the school library ( at in on ) Monday. 5. I can't go shopping ( so because but ) I'm busy. 6. His sister was born ( of on in ) 1996. 7. I ( like likes liking ) watching football matches. 8. The elephant is ( faster bigger smaller) than the horse. 9. My father's father is my ( uncle grandfather brother ) 10. The ( giraffe goat elephant ) has got a long neck. 11. You ( must to mustn't must ) eat lots of fresh fruit. 12. Let's ( drank drinking drink ) some juice. 13. Dina's hair is ( long longer shorter ) 14. There are 24 hours in ( a day a week an hour ) 15. Naguib Mahfouz ( born is born was born ) in Cairo. 16. Eating fruit is good ( at for of ) me. 17. She wants to be a nurse because she likes helping ( sick people animals children ) 18. You must be ( sick careless careful ) 19. Hany ( fall fell falls ) off his bike yesterday.
]Write questions using words from brackets:

\Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. She lives near a big park.

[ Where ]

.. .

2. They went to Aswan by plane. 3. He started work at quarter past nine. 4. The weather is fine in Alexandria. 5. I want to be an engineer.

[ How ] [ What time ] [ How ] [ What ]

.. . .. . .. . .. .
6. I want to be a vet because I like helping animals. [ Why ]

.. .
]Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:

1. time / test / English / It's / our / for.

.. .
2. every day / two / I / of / drink / water / litres.

.. .
3. do / to / What / want / be / you?

.. .
^Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


2- 3-


5- 6-



8- 9-

10- 11- 12-

13- 14- 15- D ) Punctuations and handwriting

_Punctuate the following sentence:

1. is damietta about 200 kilometres from cairo . 2. what s the tim maha . Do your best , but don't worry. .

`Copy the following sentence:


Primary 6 Final Revision 2008 / 2009 A ) Language functions.

XFinish the following dialougue with these words: 1- [ visited sent went - took ]

Tarek :Where did you go on holiday? Hossam : I ..( 1 )to Siwa. I ( 2 ) you a postcard. Tarek :Did you see the Temple of Amun. Hossam :Yes, I did. It was a mazing. I also ( 3 ).my cousin. 2- [ banged happened broke played ] Said : What did you do on Friday? Shafee : I .( 1 ) Said : What .( 2 ) ?Youve got a big bandage. Shafee :I ..( 3 ) my head. Said :You must be more careful. How What When Where ] Salma : I'm from Siwa. ... (1).. were you born ?
3- [

Maha : In Cairo. ..... (2).. old are you ? Salina : I'm 10. .... ...(3) were you born ? Maha : In 1999.
4- [ fit fruit and meal ]

Galal : What did you have for lunch? Ahmed : I had vegetables, meat and rice. Galal : Did you have any..( 1 ) ..? Ahmed : Yes, I did. Galal : I see you had a good..( 2 ) .. . Do you eat between meals? Ahmed : No, I don't. Galal :That's why you keep..( 3 ) .. .
5- [ late time When - early ]

Fatma : Good morning. ..( 1 ) ..did you get up this morning? Heba : I got up at quarter past six. Fatma : What ..( 1 ) ..did you go to school? Heba : I went to school at eight. Fatma : Were you ..( 1 ) .. to school today? Heba : No, I was on time.

1. Alaa :Do you like reading books? Basma : a) Yes, I can. b) Yes, I do. 2. Ahmed Ramy

YChoose the correct answer from a, b or c:

c) Yes, I am.

: a) How are you? b)Where are you from ? c) Where do you live? : Im from Sharkia.

3. Alaa :What does this sign mean? Basma : a)I went to Luxor. b) Hes a teacher. c) You must stop. 4. Ahmed Ramy :a)Where is Hurghada? b) Can you swim in Hurghada? c) What can visitors do in Hurghada? :They can swim and dive in the clear water.

5. Alaa : When was Ahmed Orabi born? Basma : a)He was born in Cairo. b) He was born in 1981. c) He was born in Sharkia. 6. Ahmed Ramy : a) Who visited you last week? b) What did you do last week? c) Did you visit your grandmother last week? : I visited my grandfather.

7. Alaa :Did you bang your head, Ahmed? Basma : a)Yes, I do. b)No, but I cut my cheek. c) No, I cant. 8. Ahmed Ramy : a) Why do you eat lots of fruit? b) Do you eat lots of fruit? c) Why dont you eat lots of fruit? :Because fruit is good for me.

9. Alaa : Why does Hazem want to be a vet? Basma : a)Because she likes helping animals. b)Because he likes helping people. c) Because he likes helping animals.

10. Ahmed :What did you do in Cairo? Ramy :a) I like visiting museums. b) I must go to the museum. c) I visited the museum. 11. A : a)Does Dina like football? b)Do the children like apples? c) Does Yasser like football? B :Yes, she does. 12. Ramy : Why do you walk to school? Ahmed : a) Because they are good for me. b) Because I like playing football. c)Because exercise is good for me. B ) Reading comprehension
ZRead and match. 1. We ate olives 2. I must 3. I like 4. You mustnt a) b) c) d) e) bought postcards. and dates in Siwa. shout in the classroom. scoring goals. do my homework. Its 94. In 1949. Its 50 metres high. Yes, its 28 in cairo. Yes, Aswan is always hotter. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

1. Is Cairo hotter than Alexandria today? 2. When was your father born? 3. How high is the Saqqara Pyramid?

4. Whats sixty plus thirty-four?

a) b) c) d) e)

1- Mr Hassan is a doctor. He works in a big hospital. He likes helping sick people. His wife, Mrs Reda, teaches English at a primary school. They love their children Heba and Hala. Every year, all the family go on holiday in Alexandria in the summer. 1. Where does Dr Hassan work ? . 2. What does he like doing ?

[Read the following, then answer the questions:

3. Mrs Huda is a ......... a) doctor b) nurse c) teacher 4. They spend the holiday on the in Alexandria. a) farm b) beach c) moon

2- The ancient Egyptians were very clever. They made statues and

gold jewellery. They built the Pyramids at Giza . They built many temples at Luxor and Aswan. They also built canals and roads. They were good engineers. People come from many countries to see these amazing buildings. 1. Why do many people visit Egypt ? . 2. Who were good engineers ? . 3. The ancient Egyptians were very clever.. . a) fishermen b) engineers c) athletes 4. The pyramids are ........... a) in Luxor b) in Aswan c) at Giza 3- Mustafa visited Damietta in July. He travelled by train from Cairo. He saw cotton and rice in the fields. One day, he visited Lake Manzala. He sailed in a boat and saw lots of birds. Next year, he wants to visit Lake Manzala in the winter. 1. Did Mustafa go to Damietta in the summer? . 2. How did he travel to Damietta? . 3. He saw the lake. a) cotton b) birds c) rice 4. Mustafa wants to visit Lake Manzala again in the .. a) summer b) spring c) winter 4- There are famous Egyptians. Taha Hussein is one of them. He was born in 1889 in Minya. He was a writer. He is my favourite writer. I read about him. He wrote Al-Ayyam. His books are in the library. 1. Where was Taha Hussein born? . 2. What did Taha Hussein write? . 3. Taha Hussein was born in. .
a) eighty eighty-nine b) eighteen eighty-nine c) eighty-nine eighteen.

4. Taha Hussein was a famous . a) docor b) writer c) teacher


5- I'm Mona. I live with my family in Cairo. Last summer, we went to Hurghada. It was hotter than Cairo. It was 38 degrees. Hurghada was a tiny fishing village. Now, it is a big town. My father was born there in 1975. 1. Is Hurghada a small village ? . 2. Where was Mona's father born ? . 3. Mona lives in . . a) Hurghada b) Cairo c) a fishing village 4. Cairo was. than Hurghada. a) cold b) hotter c) colder C ) Usage and writing:
\Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. The temple of Philae is on a beautiful (village island pyramid ) 10. My friend is ( dive dived diving ) in the Red Sea. 11. I

Tody weve got ( history geography maths ). We are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. The pharaohs ( built bought sent ) the Pyramids at Giza. The Pharaohs ( but also too ) built gardens and temples. Its a fruit. Its a ( bear pear paper ) You can write with ( paper a pen a box ) You can put things in ( paper a pen a box ) 1997 was two years ( before after under ) 1995. ( Who Where What ) is Big Ben? Is it in London?

like ( maths history English ) because l like numbers. 12. A ( nurse teacher vet ) likes helping children. 13. A doctor works in a ( school home hospital ) 14. He ( cut broke banged ) his head. 15. Mona ( get got gets ) early every day.
16. At school, you mustnt ( remember forget bring ) your books. 17. Tourists can go to the ( harbour high diver ) at Sigala.

half ( to past oclock ) eleven. 19. I read amazing books in the ( library park zoo ) 20. Naguib Mahfouz wrote many ( songs games stories ) 21. My family ( lives visits goes ) in Aswan. 22. Dina ( see sees saw ) a lion at the zoo last week. 23. ( How Where When ) high is the sphinx? 24. You mustnt ( use used using ) your mobile phone in class. 25. Did Sara ( buy bought buys ) a bag yesterday ?

18. Its

sent you a ( crocodile photo postcard ) 27. Where ( are was were ) your father born? 28. I wrote the answers ( after before then ) I read the questions. 29. Who ( went did go goes ) to Siwa last summer? 30. Zeinab ( lives live living ) in Cairo. 31. ( Do Is Does ) Seif from Luxor? 32. I went to Paris by ( bus plane kite ) 33. My favourite subject is ( swimming tennis maths ) 34. Eat lots of ( fruit sweets milk ).Its good for you. 35. Aswan is ( hot hotter colder ) than Cairo.
38. Is

26. I

Cairo ( hot cold colder ) than Aswan? 39. The doctor likes ( help helping helped ) sick people.
42. My

36. Siwa is famous for its ( pure unhealthy black ) water and sand. 37. Im Egyptian and Sara is Egyptian, ( two to too )

bag is ( under between from ) the chair. 43. ( What Where When ) is she from? 44. My brother likes flying ( boats kites bikes ) 45. To be healthy, you must eat lots of ( fruit bread sweets ) 46. Where did Huda ( do take go ) yesterday? 47. I ( sent took bought ) a photograph with my camera. 48. Who ( visit visits visited ) the Pyramids yesterday? 49. Im ( in on by ) holiday in Hurghada. 50. Tourists go to the Red Sea to ( drive dive run ) 51. The ( high height long ) of the Milad Tower is 435m. 52. I went to the ( school temple club ) at Karnak. 53. ( Who When Where ) helped the teacher yesterday? 54. You must wear a ( jacket shirt helmet ) when you ride a bike. 55. This ( is are were ) my friend. 56. I ( buy buys bought ) a mug yesterday. 57. He likes ( playing play played ) football. 58. She is ( to of from ) Luxor. 59. He ( sent took saw ) a postcard to fatin. 60. Im ( eating eat ate ) a pear. 61. Umm Kulthum was born ( in on at ) 1904. 62. The crocodile ( ate bought took ) a big fish. 63. You ( can mustnt must ) shout in class. 64. Lets ( go goes going ) to the park. 65. What ( do did does ) you see yesterday? 66. You ( was are were ) born in Giza.

40. I ( practise practised am practising ) the alphabetical order now. 41. When did ( doctors engineers teachers ) build the High Dam?

67. I like ( speaking playing eating ) English. 68. We learn about the Ancient Egyptians in ( science history maths ) 69. You mustnt ( remember forget use ) books.

( go went goes ) on holiday to Luxor last week. 71. You can see lots of ( islands palm trees elephants ) in Siwa. 72. Its 30 ( degrees marks pounds ) in Cairo today. 73. Tiny means very ( big small fat ) 74. ( Do Did Does ) you go to school yesterday? 75. He ( is was can ) born in Cairo. 76. A ( scientist carpenter farmer ) likes making furniture. 77. ( Brush Make Bang ) your teeth after meals. 78. 1990 was two years ( next to after before ) 1992. 79. He didnt ( break broke breaking ) his arm. 80. ( When Where What ) did the crocodile eat? A big fish. 81. Shahd ( coming come comes ) from Cairo. 82. The pharaohs ( built build building ) the Pyramids. 83. The Cairo Tower is 187 metres ( small tall high ) 84. Amany always ( go goes going ) to school by car. 85. I cut ( my his her ) finger. 86. You mustnt come to school ( late early on time ) 87. First look left ( and but then ) look right. 88. I want to be a ( van fan vet ) 89. Im ( hungry tired slow ) now. Can I have a rest? 90. I ( took take is taking ) a photograph yesterday. 91. Did you ( go went goes ) to the stadium? 92. You must come to school ( late on time yesterday ) 93. ( Tea and coffee Vegetables sweets ) are good for me. 94. I go to bed ( at in on ) ten oclock. 95. Hurghada is ( beside under inside ) the Red Sea. are seven days in a ( year week month ) 99. The lion is a very ( quiet dangerous safe ) animal. 100. Why ( wasnt didnt werent ) Heba at school yesterday? 101. Damietta is a big ( village port lake ) in the north of Egypt. 102. Thirty years ago, my father ( was is were ) in class six. 103. The ( elephant goat giraffe ) has got a long neck. 104. You must come to school ( at on for ) time. 105. I have ( lunch dinner breakfast ) at seven in the morning. 106. I can hear with my ( toes ears eyes ) 107. I ( do cut make ) my homework everyday.
139 96. We went to ( Al Fayoum Sinai Luxor ) and visited ST Catherines. 97. ( Who What How ) do you go to school? 98. There

70. I

108. There

are ( many much lots ) of cars in the street. 109. Do you ( thank remember think ) your first day in school? 110. You ( must must to mustnt ) come to school late. 111. Big Ben is in ( Paris Tornto London ) 112. Always ( watch wash wear ) your hands before meals. 113. A ( farmer doctor - vet ) likes helping animals. 114. ( What Where Who ) do you want to be? A fireman. 115. ( Eat Eats Eating ) good food, Mona. 116. I work hard, ( and also but ) I dont worry. 117. Always brush your ( teeth toes ears ) after meals. 118. A carpenter makes ( bread furniture clothes ) 119. Luxor is a town ( north south east ) of Aswan. 120. Do your ( good better best ) in the test. 121. ( Must Can Are ) you tell me the time, please? 122. Playing football in the street is not ( safe dangerous fast ) 123. She likes numbers, so she wants to be a teacher of ( maths geography Arabic ) 124. A plane is ( smaller faster slower ) than a bus. 125. My fathers brother is my ( aunt grandfather uncle ) 126. There are twelve ( hands hours months ) in a year. 127. Today ( was is are ) my birthday. 128. A doctor likes helping ( short tall sick ) people. 129. How ( much many high ) people are there in your family?
130. The ( lake water weather ) was fine so we went to Alexandria. 131. ( What When Where ) time is it, please? 132. I can hear the ( voice thing sound ) of a radio. 133. The boy couldnt walk because he ( broke break breaks ) his leg. 134. I saw buffalos, cotton in the ( house field club ) 135. My

house is ( near small large ), its not big. 136. Egypt is famous ( of for at ) its great pyramids. 137. Drink two ( litres litre lots ) of water every day. 138. He fell and ( broke break breaks ) his arm. 139. They grow olives and ( dates water sand ) in Siwa. 140. You ( must mustnt to mustnt ) throw litter in class. 141. She goes to bed at ( half oclock quarter ) to nine.

142. Before you cross the road, you must ( see go look ) left and right. 143. I want to be a diver because I like ( saving making getting

peoples lives. 144. I have four fingers and a ( a knee an elbow a thumb ) 145. What time ( do does did ) Enas go to bed every day? 146. We ( sailed walked listened ) in a small boat on the lake.

147. First, she put ice on it. ( Than Then The ), she put a bandage on it. 148. Hany ( go went goes ) to Alexandria yesterday. 149. Look

at the ( day water weather ) map. Its38 degrees. 150. Suez is colder ( then than than Assiut.
151. Ahmed fell off his bike and ( began bandage banged ) his knee. 152. Who banged his head? - Hossam ( do does did ) 153. I

didnt ( broke break breaking ) my leg. 154. You mustnt smoke ( in class anywhere at home) 155. The Alexandria ( Dam Library Pyramid ) is amazing. 156. Where did Mustafa ( go went goes ) in August? 157. You must wear your ( helmet uniform t-shirt ) at school. 158. You must put litter in the ( book bin pen ) 159. We ( ate eating eat ) dates when we visited Siwa. 160. Umm Kulthum was a ( famous small young ) singer. 161. A ( farmer carpenter footballer ) likes scoring goals. 162. ( Washing Washed Wash ) the cut and put a plaster on it.
]Write questions using words from brackets:

1. Esraa gets up at quarter past seven.

[ What ] [ When ] [ What ] [ Why ]

2. Toka has breakfast at half past seven. 3. I want to be an engineer. 4. Because eating fruit is good for me. 5. She was born in Michigan, USA. 6. She wants to be a scientist. 7. The Cairo Tower is 300 metres high. 8. I was born in nineteen ninety-seven. 9. Because he likes making furniture. 10. The Ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids 11. I bought three postcards.

. . .
[ Where ] [ What ] [ How ] [ When ] [ Why ] [ Who ] [ How many ]

. . . . . . .

12. A doctor works in a hospital. 13. I want to be a vet. 14. Bashir is from Shrikia. 15. My family lives in Port Said. 16. Shahd drew this picture. 17. Radwa banged her chin. 18. No, I didnt bang my head. 19. She was born in Tanta. 20. She wants to be an Engineer. 21. I went to the zoo yesterday. 22. Because eating sweets is bad for me. 23. I went to the zoo by bus. 24. The building is twenty metres high. 25. We must put litter in the bin. 26. The pharaohs built gardens and temples.

[ Where ] [ What ] [ Where ] [ Where ] [ Who ] [ What ] [ Did ] [ Where ] [ What ] [ What ] [ Why ] [ How ] [ How ] [ Where ] [ What ]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27. I want to be a vet because I like helping animals. [ Why ]

28. Sara likes helping her family. 29. We ate dates and olives in Siwa. 30. Yes, I want to be a pilot.

[ What ] [ What ] [ Do ]

. . .

31. Im sending e-mails. 32. Yes, Mustafa likes playing football. 33. Dina went to Luxor last week. 34. His name is Yasser. 35. Yes, he was a writer. 36. She has breakfast at seven oclock. 37. Siwa is about 800 km from Cairo. 38. Mona broke her arm. 39. I was born in 1998. 40. This sign means you mustnt smoke. 41. The Galata Tower is in Istanbul. 42. Mun washes my clothes. 43. My fathers name is Ali. 44. We get up at six oclock every day. 45. The boys like eating fruit. 46. We can see traditional houses at Siwa.

[ What ] [ Does ] [ When ] [ What ] [ Was ] [ When ] [ How far ] [ What ] [ When ] [ What ] [ Where ] [ Who ] [ What ] [ What time ] [ What ] [ Where ]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
47. I cant play because I must do my homework. [ Why ]

48. We visited our aunt last holiday. 49. Im writing a letter now.

[ When ] [ What ]

. .

50. My friend got up at seven oclock.

[ What time ]

51. Seif visited the Temple of Philae in Aswan. [ What ]

52. I like sending e-mails. 53. You must stop when the light is red. [ What ] [ When ] .
]Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

. .
a / mobile / mustnt / You / use / a hospital / in.

the / a crocodile / saw / zoo / I / at. this / photograph / She / Luxor / in / took. sphinx / Giza / The / 20 metres / at / high / is. Orabi / was / Sharkia / Ahmed / in / born. famous / Egyptian / Umm Kulthum / was / singer / a. eight / hours / Sleep / night / for / every. go / late / bed / Dont / to. to / you / be / Do / healthy / want? / from / friend / Alexandria / My. / dont / football / They / playing. / hotter / Alexandria / today / is / Cairo.

. . . . . . . .
10. is

11. like

12. than 13. you

/ at / see / What / can / Luxor? Dam / of / is / Aswan / The / south.

14. High


15. has

/ of / palm / lots / Siwa / trees. / in / You / class / shout.

16. mustnt 17. wants 18. brush 19. is

/ Walid / English / be / an / teacher / to. / you / your / do / When / teeth?

. .
/ time / What / match / the ? / like / the / I / in / Red Sea. / got / You / have / a test.

20. diving

21. tomorrow 22. visited 23. school 24. does

/ Luxor / Who / at / the temple? / come / You / to / time / on / must.

. .
/ sign / this / What / mean? / Last / visited / we / summer.

25. Damietta 26. than 27. Sea 28. is

/ today / hotter / Cairo / Alexandria / Is?

/ diving / Hesham / Red / in / the / is.

/ Fourteen / sixteen / and / thirty. / hard / You / work / school / at.

29. must 30. My

/ photo / took / father / a beautiful. / visit / Samir / Sinai / last / Did? / be / My / to / a scientist / wants.

31. winter 32. friend 33. and

. .
/ fell / He / his / broke / arm.


34. fish 35. a

/ ate / yesterday / The / a big / crocodile.

bandage / Magdi / on / has / head / got / his. / is / Sinai / east / Egypt / the / of. / Istanbul / is / The / in / Galata.

36. in

37. Tower 38. stop

/ Sigala / the / at / at / Ships / harbour.

^Look at the following pictures, then write a sentence describing each:


3- 2-... ..

4-. .

5-. .

6-.. .

7-. .


9-.. ..


10-. .

12-. . D ) Punctuations and handwriting

11-. .

_Punctuate the following sentence:

1. let s play fottball on friday . 2. the eiffel tower is in paris . 3. his mothers a doctor in cairo . 4. monas mother is from siwa . 5. weve got arabic test next week . 6. did mona go to aswan last winter .

`Copy the following sentence:

I have got two brothers and three sisters. .


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