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He harbored (i)______________ for his wifes sense of dressing because she wore jeans, and wearing jeans is considered O.K now a days, the husband was a(ii) ______________ Blank (i) Blank (ii) A loathe D Bigot B abhorrence E hypocrite F fiend C Adulation

The correct answers are options B and D. As per the statement the words abhorrence and bigot suit the sentence as compared to the other options provided. Abhorrence means hatred, & it is obvious from the context of the sentence that the husband harbored hatred. Thus, the above also makes it obvious that the husband was a narrow minded fellow & hence Bigot. Thus, options B & D are correct options.

2. The explanation of the first teacher was so gruff &(i) _________________, it made the simplest of context (ii)____________________ while at the same time that of the second teacher was so thoughtful & indulging that the whole class was(iii)__________ about her.

Blank (i) A terse B brusque C laconic

Blank (ii) D abstruse E arcane F oracular

Blank (iii) G cryptic H knotty I obscure

The correct answers are options C, D & G. As per the statement the words laconic, abstruse & cryptic suit the sentence as compared to the other options provided. Laconic is synonymous with gruff, abstruse would describe the difficulty in understanding with such kind of explanation whereas cryptic explains the classs enigma after the second teachers explaining. 3. The fat woman in the office ignored comments made on her by the(i) __________________ fellow because there were many fights happening & she didnt want to be a (ii)_____________________ & spoil the(iii) ______________________ of the office

A pompous B bombast C malarkey

D Polemical E cantankerous F captious

G decorum H restraint I modesty

The correct answers options B, D & G. as per the statement the words bombast, polemical & decorum suit the sentence as compared to other options provided. Bombast describes someone who isnt good intentioned, the first half of the sentence says there were fights happening which meant the woman didnt want to cause fights & hence polemical. Since the woman was polemical she meant to keep the office etiquette which means decorum. Hence, B, D & G are correct answers. 4. He looked at the huge 1000 year old & (i)________________ statue of the goddess with complete awe, admiration &(ii) ________________________

A Hoary B obsolete C decrepit

D glorification E denigration F adulation

The correct answers are options A & F. As per the statement the words Hoary & Adulation suit the statement better as compared to other options provided. The first blanks answer would be something synonymous to both old & ancient hence, hoary is apt. whereas, in the second blank the answer is supposed to be synonymous with awe, admiration & worship. Hence, adulation. Thus options A & F are correct answers. 5. The writings by our ancestors which are now(i) _________________ have helped us a whole lot in (ii)_______________ which is the study of word origin.

A extinct B defunct C deceased

D entomology E etymology F eschatology

The correct answers are options B & E. As per the statement the words defunct & Etymology suit the sentence as compared to the other options. Defunct means they arent of use any longer but they do exist & have helped in the cause of the study of word origin which is termed as etymology. Hence options B & E are correct answers.

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