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James L Bradley Kanook January 2012

People who write about history (historians, which I am not) tend to treat their writing based on dates in doing so most always look beyond the people who created that history they are studying. Ordinary people marching across time that had families, these members of antiquity struggled to survive and died 99.9% of them lost to time. Keeping this in the back of your mind, as you skim through my ramblings that the events that unfold had ordinary folks like you and I, with husbands, wives, and most importantly children, all together living in the ancient world.
All noted history speaks to the brave souls that sailed the Ocean Blue in search of adventure and new lands. Our history is full of myths, legends, and accounts of these ancient men and women, leaving the comfort of land and crossing unknown waters, some encircled by land and others with the land far off in the distance. It is not my intent to present any new information on the paths that these ancient brave sailors took as they circumnavigated the globe, but to satisfy my curiosity and further my knowledge based on the stories and excursions supposedly supporting our history.

Much has been noted about the actual discovery of that ice bound continent we label Antarctica, whereas in modern history it is noted as being discovered by a Russian Navy expedition under the command of Faddei Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev on January 28 th, 1820albeit mainstream scholars accept this date there are a few brave souls who point to the Oronteus Finaeus and Pire Reis maps, both drawn in the 1500s that are reported to be copied from ancient sources drawn by unknown cartographers.

Both maps (charts) showing the existence of Antarctica well before January 28th, 1820, authors such as Graham Hancock state that the sources for this maps were drawn during the Ice Age, which by all accounts ended some 12,000 years ago Hancocks account is loaded with controversy mainly because traditional history states that sailing vessels for such voyages are not known to have been constructed until around 4,000 years ago (2000 BC),

my remark to this is how do we explain the Cedar ship buried near the Great Pyramid that is dated some 4,500 years ago a Lebanese Cedar and Egyptian Acacia wood are believed to have been buried with the Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) to make his journey to his afterlife more accommodating one of the ships that has been reconstructed is over 140 in length.

Although it is a ceremonial burial ship, the ship building techniques employed well demonstrate the Egyptians knew a thing or two about ship construction. The snapshot above is of the stern of the ship. Regardless of the dispute, mainstream science has yet to acknowledge nor do they have an explanation of how the ancient mariners mapped with such accuracy the southern Continent. There are some in the New Age crowd that are happy to place their explanation with extraterrestrials and leave it at that, I disagree. These ancient charts, some compiled by Hapgood, have puzzled our mainstream historians for decades, whereby they are supposed to originate from very old source maps leaving the impression that global navigators were sailing the Ocean Blue shortly after or during the Ice Age. Take the Piri Reis chart which is showing the eastern shoreline of South America and a portion of Antarctica in some remarkable detail this fact showing that someone sailed into the South Atlantic in antiquity for an extended amount of time permitting them to draw the maps the question becomes who were these ancient mariners. Naturally there is a crowd who points at the story retold by Plato about Atlantis, maintaining that it was their sailors who charted the planet stating that these bold sailors later became the Phoenicians, you know those master merchants who hailed from the western shores of the Levant or Lebanon as named today.

The inhabitants of the Federated States of Micronesia have legends that related that their ancient ancestors arrived their from the southeast, from the Land of Eir Ireland, and from some other islands in the mid-Pacific and the eastern-Pacific, such as the Cook Islands (Hawaii) and Easter Island whereas there are some that have the names of Rarotonga, Rapaiti, Ravavae, and Rapanui (Easter Island) all names that start with Ra the Egyptian Sun God. It is also noted that the Formorians (a mythical race of giants in Ireland) and the Moors/Formoriachi of Morocco along with their neighbors in Mauretania and Libya were excellent navigators, all being remnants of the Ice Age civilization Atlantis that had inherited superior navigational capabilities. With this skill they determined, that the earth was not flat, that the shortest route between the eastern Pacific and Egypt (lets say) was a circum-polar route along the east coast of Africa thereby leaving the shores of the Mediterranean they would travel through the Straits of Gibraltar south towards the tip of south Africa, around the Cape of Good Hope, through the southern portion of the Indian Ocean eventually ending up in Pacific Islands. This route further enforced by the fact that by doing so they would have evaded the fleets of Rama/Dwaraka (Hindu Navy), Kumari Kandam (today a sunken land mass off the southern tip of India), and Bali (today an Indonesian Island in the westernmost end of the Lesser Sundra Islands) all three locations having in ancient times advanced societies that have since sank beneath the waves, and all three today have been found to contain submerged ruins in their shallow seafloors. As these ancient sailors from Mauri, Morocco, and Ireland sailed down through the South Atlantic they mapped their journeys extensively their seed being spread as they went along with their culture and names and tribal designations, such as the Mori (Mauretania and Morocco). Around five years ago I compiled a piece about the Phoenicians whereas a rock carving in New Zealand depicted a Phoenician sailing vessel, along with evidence that they has surfaced of their numerous visits to North America. It is easy to assume that our first seafarers kept in sight of land following the coastline as they ventured further and further away from the home ports, they sailed in both directions up and down the coast, with very few of them stepping off sailing toward a horizon that did not have a land form showing in the distance. Island travel was mastered early on when they determined that clouds usually formed over an island, where although the land mass beneath the clouds could not be seen their accumulated knowledge told them that an island or land mass was at the location. The supposed mythical story of Atlantis has been beat to death, so much so that most of our civilization has really put aside the other mythical story of Lemuria (Mu) another hypothetical continent that existed, so it is said in the South Pacific, disappearing at the dawn of human history

as we know and understand today. Mu was a concept that was proposed by Augustus Le Plongeon a 19th Century traveler and writer, who claimed that several ancient societies, such as Egypt and Mesoamerica were created by refugees from the hypothetical land he located Mu in the Atlantic Ocean. James Churchward later maintained that Mu was located in the Pacific, mostly the result of Le Plongeons theory being widely disputed modern scholars dismiss both Atlantis and Lemuria with scorn and bodacious laughter whereas they state that continents like Atlantis and Lemuria cannot sink beneath the waves in the noted time frames. Whereas Atlantis is supposed to have been destroyed some 5 or 6 thousand years ago and Lemuria was a thriving society around 10,000 years ago. Now whether or not you believe in Atlantis or Lemuria is of no importance, but what the mythology does suggest is that there have been thinking people prior to our existence today, people who did their research digging up a few stories and basing their beliefs on some of the tales past down from antiquity. Our society and our technology today shrug off these tales spun around an ancient campfire as easy as water off a ducks back. Why this is so is not a mystery, our society today has grown up with some pretty terrific advances in our science, this being the case the members of our western culture have adjusted to science solving all our problems, in doing this we have drifted further away from our mythology and religions. Although some believe that religion teaches you to be satisfied with non-answers, I believe it has a strong place in our society whereas at times no-answer is better than a wrong conclusion, in other words one that sends you rushing after a conclusion that will bring you harm. In this, some in science today strongly believe we humans and some in our animal kingdom are part of what they label progressive evolution, whereas 1000s of years ago the gazelle and the cheetah could not run as fast as they do today. Today the human has had to adapt to soaring thousands of feet in the sky moving from place to place, and somehow survive the junk food we all consume on some days. But, in some aspects the fanatical followers of their religious faith have created more death and destruction than lets say fishermen or the everyday merchant. One could say that it is a very good idea that we, in our Western society, have embraced science as we have, in hopes that we put our religious differences aside and work together towards a better world. A goal that is chased especially since our planets population has surpassed the seven billion mark and our major cities are being pushed to their limit in housing and feeding this mass of humanity. Much to the dismay of some of us earthlings it appears that even in our modern society today religious differences are driving us further and further apart,

especially when it comes to the three religions that were a product of another almost mythical figure Abraham of Ur. Europe today is in our daily headlines suffering from an economic crisis our world has never experienced or seen in such magnitude. Talk is always made of the indigenous people of the Americas lacking in a written history, the same can be said about Europe when it comes to ancient history here again a land fully of campfire stories and myths dredged from the past. There still is today scholarly differences about the age of the rock painting in Lascaux, France, the age of Stonehenge, the megalithic stone grave sites (Dolmen or Hunebeds) in Western Europe, the age of the Cro-Magnon humanoids and countless other finds or phenomena scattered across Europe.

20,000 year old spotted Hyena in Lascaux

European records reveal a partial history from about 2,000 BC, and then in this from only the regions located around the Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey and parts of Italy), whereas our scholars run into a black hole when it comes to the rest of Europe before 500 BC. More than likely, unless some discoveries change the picture, is the way it will remain as there is no written history other than a few rock inscriptions found in France and Germany. Our scientific and historical experts surmise that Europe was already inhabited for ten thousand years before civilized communities made contact with its natives I marvel at the use of civilize meaning in my book that Europe was inhabited by non-thinking, man-eating, homo erectus individuals who didnt have or really care about time or the way of things. By skimming through the writings of Homer, Herodotus and other early Greek writers from the 5th and 4th Century BC we get a partial snapshot of Europe, their writings of stories retold by travelers who journeyed into this cold and dark region one gets the impression they only

traveled in the Winter Time. In defense of war it isnt until the Romans, in conquering the known world, do we get another snapshot left by Suetorius, Jordanes, Tacitus and other newspaper guys. But, there is one other record that is heavily disputed as being a real record, The Oera Linda Book a volume that was assembled between (it is said) 803 AD and 1256 AD, along with some Celtic stories that relate some history about the British Islands and parts of France. The Oera Linda Book is a very old Frisian (Germanic ethnic group that resided in the coastal regions of the Netherlands and German) manuscript or diary that was assembled over a period of 2000 years mostly between 560-558 BC, its authenticity has not been proved nor disapproved. Parts of the record can be found in the writings and retelling of the scripts of Homer, Strabo, Tachitus and parts of the Celtic and German histories, in my opinion giving it some validity. Whether or not it is authentic makes no real never-mind, and in reading the writings one imagines it could be an important recollection of European history from about 3000 BC to at least 500 BC, whereas at least it makes interesting reading. One interesting note in the book is the recording of the breakup of Atland (not to be confused with Atlantis) which is noted as happening in 2194 BC, whereas modern scholars associate this event with the arrival of one large piece of the Taurid meteor shower (which was left over after the breakup of comet Encke), where this Tunguska like event took place over the middle or northern part of the North Sea which has been noted as a land bridge in antiquity that connected the lands of the British Islands and Europe. Couple this note with other events that took place in the Middle East (mainly Egypt and Mesopotamia) and it makes the story related in the Book sort of hard to deny. In the present day Iraq region during the above mentioned period of time (around 2200 BC) is when the huge empire built by Sargon the Great (Akkadian) began its fall into obscurity, and it is also the time when Upper and Lower Egypt for some unknown reason became Egypt, further east the great Indus nation with its towns of Mohenjo-daro (began 2600 BC) and Harappa (build 2600 BC) began their demise that eventually saw the Indus Valley early societies drifting from historical records around 1600 BC, and in China when Emperor Yu ruled his court astronomers noted that a Super Nova was observed and huge stones fell from the heavens. Around 2200 BC it is stated that over a period of several centuries all over the ancient civilized world, including China, India and even North-Western Europe advances in our civilized societies ground to a halt. In addition, according to tree rings and ice cores from Greenland the climate change from warm and wet to cold and dry. There have been some impact craters that were found around this date in Argentina and Estonia. Stories (myths) from around

the planet mention a global disaster with stones falling from the heavens, to later produce copious amounts of dust along with creating large fire storms accepted reports note the global catastrophe that took place on our Blue Marbles surface in and around 2200 BC and before dating back 3200 BC. In addition to Argentina and Estonia recent examination of satellite images of southern Iraq show a two-mile-wide circular depression that resembles an impact crater created around 2200 BC. If as analyzed this impact would have a violence equivalent equal to 100 medium yield nuclear bombs, on top of this scholars suspect that the crater sits in the middle of what would have been a shallow sea, whereas such an impact would have caused flooding accompanied by huge fires in the surrounding region. This explanation goes a bit further is dating the demise of the Akkad culture in central Iraq, the end of the 5th dynasty in Egypts old kingdom, the disappearance of hundreds of early settlements in the Levant, the legend of Gilgamesh (remember the Seven Judges of Hell, who lifted their torches lighting the land with flame, and the event that turned day into night [dust expulsion] smashing the land like a cup and flooding the area). This impact coupled with the impacts in Argentina (which is estimated to have had a total mass between 20 to 80 metric tonnes (2,204 lbs to a metric ton), breaking up in the upper atmosphere one of its largest pieces produced a crater 360 feet in diameter with a depth of 72 feet, all in all the impact region has 8 smaller craters associated with the incoming rocks, all within .63 miles of the primary crater), must have created some kind of shake up of our planet, whereas at least a dramatic temporary shift in our weather patterns. The Sargon empire was very prosperous between 2334 BC to 2279 BC having run roughshod over Turkey and a greater part of the Levant, even up to and during the rule of Naram-Sin between 2254 BC to 2218 BC, normal as it could be whereas Akkadia Sumer was primarily a welfare state in that period, a major geological event in Turkey (Anatolia) in 2345 BC explains the reason why Sargon hordes were able to conquer the land raping and pillaging the land removing some of its most valuable possessions subjugating its population. Albeit the forces were pretty successful in the North, Akkadian holdings in Southern Mesopotamia were a mess creating a real strain on the status of the welfare state. Unfortunately its population increased whether from natural birth or immigration of other nations in a hurry to clamp onto a weekly welfare check. Regardless the soon stressed food supply in the upheavals in the North and in the now Southern Mesopotamian region drove people further south towards Egypt, albeit sections of Sumer prospered in some manners. One-hundred-and fifty years later this all came to a crashing end in 2193 BC, and the reign of Shar-Kali-Sharri became one chaotic mess. By the way I havent forgot my original story line on our ancient sailors! Just filling you in with some stuff that so many of our mainstream scholars think is so much fluff!

Although the Egyptians are known for establishing some fairly accurate records, the end of the Old Kingdom remains in the shadows, where our modern Egyptologists believe that the last king was Pepi II, whose reign began around 2250 BC, and having a calculated reign of some 90years. But today they have added two more kings, Intiemsaef II and Neithkeret, now if we accept that Pepi II was the last Old Kingdom ruler, and we accept the tentative theory that the catastrophe also effected Egypt in 2193 BC, Pepis rule would still have been for some 60-years. In this experts believe that the 2350 BC catastrophe was a local event tied to the Anatolian region, while the 2200 BC event was a global catastrophe this established by records from Iberia and China. When you study the impact craters at Rio Cuarto in Argentina (which some link to the 2200 BC event) you learn that the object(s) struck the planet at an angle of no more that 15 from the horizontal, with an impact having 10X more explosive energy than the Barringer Crater in Arizona and 30X more powerful than the Tunguska event. Although the age of the crates has not yet been determined precisely some believe they are approximately 10,000 years old which would place them at the beginning of the Holocene era. In addition to not being able to date them precisely there is in mainstream science a debate on whether or not they are really extraterrestrial craters and not some natural land formations. If they were impact events the power must have been sufficient (and there are 11 such craters or earth disturbances) to cause a global effect on the climate, whether or not they could have caused a world wide or at least an Atlantic flood is another matter outside of debate. Nevertheless Greek mythology tells us of three flood events with the Ogyges and the Deucalion legends the most famous, whereas some tie the Ogyges to the Anatolian event of 2345 BC and the Deucalion event to the global event of 2193-2194 BC timeframe, the 3 rd flood would be the Atrahasis and Gilgams (a pre-event to Noahs flood). Now we close this little circle. Immanuel Velikovsky who has spent time with a shovel and pen in the Middle East and wrote Comparative Analysis of Late Holocene Upheavel found floodplain deposits of up to 3 meters (9.8 feet) thick and stretching up to 9-miles inland between Tirys and Mycenae dating to 2200-2300 BC. Taking a walk back to the old Frisian manuscript The Oera Linda Book, which was condemned as a forgery in 1871, the manuscript claims the destruction of Atland in 2194 BC, whereas the book describes the land was previously a paradise and then the bad days came, and the population packed their bags and eventually settled on the island of Crete where they founded the Minoan Culture. And then there are the two cities in the Bible (which contains a brief history of our beginnings), Sodom and Gomorrah where in and around 2200 BC (date established by excavations on the Lisan Peninusua) excavations demonstrate the Dead Sea dropped quite suddenly by over 300 feet,

scholars today remark that if you take the story of Genesis literally another meteor caused the disaster of Sodom and Gomorrah another piece of the 2200 BC disaster? There are other events during the Holocene that are shrouded in mystery, other than an extraterrestrial impact such as the 1st labeled Dark Age which came along about the 3100 BC to 3000 BC period, one that is sited quite often is information from the site at Jemdet Nasr which is in Mesopotamia (central Iraq) that was occupied during the Ubaid, Uruk and early Dynastic I period. Evidence unearthed shows that around 3100 BC there was a shift backwards in lifestyle compared to the preceding Uruk period, the excavations revealing that there was a decrease in their numerical token system, yet in 3000 BC there appeared to be a remarkable recovery. The recovery period is known as the Early Dynasty a period that some describe as a well documented culture that showed signs of some method or kind of centralized governing system whereas not only did the tokens re-surface but a basis for writing began. Couple with this downturn in central Iraq around this time frame we find that the Mayans year 0 (zero) began their calendar which has been shown to have started at year 3114 BC. Scholars in some circles believe that Earth stumbled through a huge meteorite swarm, an event that caused damage on land, created huge tsunamis and blanketed us with a heavy layer of dust in our atmosphere. Speculation is that a large comet broke up in the inner parts of our solar system, and many of its section slammed into Planet Earth can you imagine the panic and confusion this event caused to the Earths population for 100 years it seems that civilization stepped back into the stone age after 100 years or so had passed civilization on our Blue Marble exploded, a literal boom-time that eventually led to the rise of the first great societies in the beginning of the 3rd Millennium BC. Accepted history shows us that it was during this boom-time that Egypt was unified, albeit were not really clear on how it all came about, where some point to the fact that the northern culture won over the southern, yet all the new kings came from the south. Artifacts hint that the first King of the unified Egypt was Menes and that the unification took place between 3150 and 3110 BC again accepted history tells us that 3100 BC was the mark between Pre-Dynastic and Early Dynastic time frame in Egypt, still it took over 400 years until in morphed into the Old Kingdom in 2700 BC. The time frame of all the activity in Egypt and the Middle East seems to pivot around the Mayans and their zero date in 3114 BC, whereas the Mesopotamians created many variations in their pre-writing that finally led to their writing skill between 3000 BC and 2600 BC. In addition the wheel first makes its appearance, and the city states of Ur and Uruk pop into existence where around 2600 BC they began to join a much larger political union in the region. It is also noted the Gilgamesh (the flood king) is said to have lived during this period, the Pre-Minoan (people

from the flooded Western Europe) culture surfaces on the island of Crete. Some believe that other Neolithic settlements spring into being, such as Stonehenge (large stone monuments), Newgrange (Boyne Valley Ireland, albeit is reported to be older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid, being constructed around 3200 BC), Skara Brae (a large stone constructed settlement located on the Bay of Skaill on the west coast of Mainland, Orkney, Scotland that is estimated to have been occupied from 3180 BC to 2500 BC actually Europes most complete Neolithic village), all regions carrying marks of the advance of civilization after a period of vast dormant cultures across the globe. This dates listed, so-to-speak, are supported by ice-cores from Greenland that shows a methane peak and the testing of pine bristlecone unearthed in Britain which showed a very cold climate. The suspected short time crunch of these discoveries (some maintain less than 100 years) leads some of our scholars to believe that something unusual was happening, when you look at the overall data we possess it appears that the societies hanging around went through at least 1000 years of up and down cycles in other words a restless timeframe. In a text produced by the Oxford press in 1998, Bruce Masse speaks of a pretty large extraterrestrial impact in 2807 BC, whereas he hints at the fact that this could have been the Great Flood comet which goes a bit towards explaining the Sumerian story of the Flood on which the Biblical Deluge is based on where when studied we find that the Sumerian and Biblical Deluge bares remarkable resemblance to the Gilgamesh epic down to the snake represented in the Story of Adam and Eve. Remember Gilgamesh, as far as we can calculate, was bumping around in the 27th Century BC, 300 to 450 years before the two great cataclysms in the late 3rd millennium BC today there is a question on whether or not the large impact in the Atlantic around 2807 BC was the tail end of the pieces from the breakup of a terrestrial body that ran from 3114 BC to 2807 BC ending with a giant splash in the ocean. Megalithic sites (such as Stonehenge and one at Newgrange, Ireland and other various sites in Europe) became the rage around 3000 BC, it would be stupid to believe they were only constructed to observe the Sun, Moon or other planets in our solar system. Why were the people in antiquity so interested in the sky during this period and for such a short time span, whereas the megalith-construction phase seems to have sprung up and then receded, where they tracking the precession of meteoroid streams that had a relatively short time period of a few centuries might be well never know. The 2nd Dark Age lasted from 2200 BC to 1900 BC, where the 3 rd Dark Age follows the tree ring event, where the tree rings were very narrow around 1159 BC and the events created around this time bringing on the demise of the Mycenean culture.

Another event could be tied to an extraterrestrial invasion of solar rocks whereas around 14,500 years ago the planet records show an increase in temperature as the ice slowly retreated to its polar regions, but around 12,900 to 11,500 years ago the Northern Hemisphere saw a rapid return to glacial conditions where the ice cores in Greenland show a drop of some 27F in a decade or two, in the UK evidence gathered from fossils (mainly beetles) suggest that the mean annual temperature dropped to approximately 41F and pre-glacial conditions prevailed in the lowland areas, while ice-fields and glaciers formed in the uplands. It should be noted that nothing of the size, extent, or the rapid change of climate has been experienced since the cold snap ended as it began, whereas around 11,500 years ago (9700 BC) the temperatures rose some 18F in Greenland over one decade. Outside of mainstream science the belief is firmly tied to some kind of extraterrestrial explanation. The 4th Dark Age begin in 536 Anno Domini (AD), where it has been found that in America reduced growth of trees, in China the stars vanished and they experience a large famine, along with the failure of bread in Ireland. It is recorded that a dry fog hovered globally and that the Mediterranean famine began in 537 as food in storage was consumed. Because of the shortage of food large amount of grain were imported from Constantinople (Istanbul) where it was believed the bubonic plague was transferred to the grain shipment (via rats and fleas-from eastern Asia) to feed the people of Rome the disease became known as the Plague of Justinian in AD 541-542 - it is recorded that at its peak it was killing 10,000 people per day in Constantinople and at the end of its outbreak had killed over 40% of the population along the Mediterranean. Some associated the Fall of the Roman Empire to the plague while others site an outside event that could have been extraterrestrial. In addition to the countries in Europe and the Middle East suffering during this time period, studies of ice cores drilled from glaciers in the Andes (South America) show a sudden shift in climate that began in 536 to 594 AD that demonstrate over 30years of intense rain which caused massive flooding eventually bringing to an end the Moche culture in Peru.


Up until this point my writings have dipped into the Middle East, Southwest Asia, Europe and a small section of Northern Africa, while other than a brief mention of parts of the South Pacific our planets largest single body of water. I now want to dip into pre-historic (recorded) times in the North and American continents. In the early 1990s Anna Curtenius Roosevelt, an American archaeologist discovered in a cave in the heart of the Amazon jungle, the remains of a people that has been dated to be over 11,200 years old (9200 BC), along with their ancient bones, discovered the oldest art ever found in the Americas. This discovery really change the way pre-historians view the early migrations into the Americas whereas the find being the east side of the mountain range in South America one can only suspect that ancient sailors and their crews walked among the jungles of the Amazon long before the established dating of the Clovis culture (8500 BC). In addition to establishing a pre-historic date, the find shows that whoever this mysterious race was or where they were from, the fact that they were living and surviving successfully in an equatorial rain forest. Leading to the fact that vast tracts of forest in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America were more than likely inhabited long before mainstream academia preaches, and in reality extends the timeframe of our human race inhabiting this planet by some 15%. Outside of the dating of the human remains, scholars have since successfully dated the cave painting at the site, La Caverna da Pedri Pintada (Painted Rock) near the town of Santarem in a series of sandstone ridges several hundred feet high reach down from the north, halting almost at the waters edge of the east side of the Amazon river, at around 14,000 years ago (12,000 BC). Many of the caves at this location contain typical ancient petroglyph type impressions, such as prints of hands, finger paintings or stars, frogs and human figures, in overlapping colors of red, yellow and brown. The findings at Pedra Pintada are of particular interest because of the established date of some of the drawings, in this the scholars marvel at its location and its physical description. It has an entrance some 20-feet-high which is lined with rock paintings and at its entrance is fairly large sunny patio, edged or encircled by a few large rocks. The fact that people lived here more than 11,000 years ago or 14,000 years ago has drastically changed the academic worlds view on other finds in the Americas.

Unless the rotation of the earth has changed or even its tilt the prevailing trade winds blow from Africa to South American, shown as the Southeasterly Trade Winds. Making a journey from Africa via the wind in earlier crafts, now the reason for such a migration must be buried deep within the cultures existing on the West Coast of the Dark Continent. Consider that according to our beliefs and findings that there was no agriculture in the world up to this time, whereas the population survived on fish, the natural vegetation and according the impressions left in the rock in perfect harmony with their surroundings. The paintings depict, with some remarkable reproductions of fish, birds, deer and the human occupants with some showing the humans masquerading as insects, stars and comets. One painting shows a figure with an insect-like head and body with human limbs, while another bizarre creature is shown falling from the sky which has a human torso, a giant eye, and rays radiating from its head common everyday painting show hunters with spears and spear throwers, and women having babies. Stretching up and down the Amazon for over 30-miles are found similar paintings, all located in some form of cave or the other, and the prevailing opinion today is that the vast

number of other rock paintings located throughout Brazil will most likely date from this early period. Located approximately 450 miles directly east of the Atlantic is Serra da Capivara National Park in the northeast region of Brazil, a park that has an abundance of prehistoric artifacts along with well preserved rock paintings, so abundant are the prehistoric findings that the park became a World Heritage Site in 1991 its best known archaeological site is Pedra Furada which as in all prehistoric sites where their tested dates pre-date the Clovis Culture in the Americas are contested by mainstream academia. The region around Pedra Furada has the largest concentration of prehistoric small farms in the Americas, and other scientific studies have confirmed that the Capivara mountain range (directly south) were densely populated in prehistoric times. The site at Pedra Furada is a stratified rock shelter with a very early (contested) date, demonstrating a Paleoindian occupation, along with cave art that has been dated between 5000 and 11000 years BP (3000 to 9000 BC), the cave itself is 230 feet wide, 60 feet deep and contains 16 feet of sandy deposits, which are made up of sandstone slabs and reddish quartz pebbles that are associated with charcoal fragmentspart of the contested dating is due to the fact that at the east and west ends of the shelter the earth continues to drop quartz pebbles into the cave, whereas the contention is that natural fires may have produced the intermixture of pebbles and burnt charcoal. The original excavations reported two phases, one with several stacked layers that were dated between 46,000 BC and 12,300 BC, with the later phase showing a date of 8,400 BC it is these that some scholars believe represent natural fire events as the flaked pebbles are geofacts, being quartz pebbles that have dropped into the cave over time. The original archaeologists who discovered and dated (C14-Calibrated) maintain that the stacked layers represent man-made hearths, and that the deliberate flaking of the pebbles only supports their evidence. Recently tests were done using the acid-base wet oxidation dating of some of the charcoal samples that have increased the age of the lower limits to 54,000 BC or even earlier, whereas the charcoal is old the tests didnt confirm or dispute the site as being occupied by humans continued testing using thermoluminescence dating on the burnt quartz pebble gave up dates of 28,000 BC and 98,000 BC again giving no proof of human activity. The cave paintings set the human activity around 4,000 BC and 8,400 BC which according to mainstream academia gave the Bering Land Crossing Mongolians at least 1000 years to reach the jungle of the Amazon. Which is beyond my comprehension because supposedly these people trekked across thousands of miles of land, down the western coast of Middle America and South

America and then over the densely packed Andes Mountains, packing their gear, technology and marched to families to within 450 miles of the Atlantic Ocean think about it? Simply put, why push such a migration when the land they were walking across was full of game and enjoyed mild weather? Between this plateau and the Atlantic additional discoveries dating far back in antiquity, this from the Rio Grande (Grande Basin) in the south as far as Espirito Santo one particular economy was discovered, an economy characterized by piles of waste known from the Colonial period as sambaquis or piles of shells. The technology found revealed finelyworked stones (pointed projectiles used for hunting) that were the abundant findings, whereas these utensils were found in the north of the Mato Grosso and from Rodonia, and as mentioned in the State of Para what this all translates into is that there were different and varied cultures that moved freely around in the Amazon region, after arriving there from wherever, long before the invasion of the Europeans. For almost twenty-years the mainstream archaeological community has hung onto the belief that it is still the Clovis People who are the benchmark in Americas population, around 8200 BC. Albeit evidence surfaced in 1977 with the discovery of artifacts at Monte Verde, at the tip of South America revealing that humans were walking about some 2000 years before the Clovis, whereby the Monte Verde inhabitants were some 10,000 miles from the Bering Land Bridge crossing. Over the past decades other sites older than Clovis have been unearthed both in North and South America one site near Sequim, Washington gave up the remains of an American mastodon on August 8th, 1977, with what later proved to be a human made projectile made of antler material was found embedded in its rib the site dated to 12,000 BC. Additional preClovis material was found a few miles north of the Manis Mastodon on Orcas Island at Ayer Pond, that clearly showed evidence of human butchered mastodon its date said to be around 9990 BC.

In Wisconsin there have been found four sites, Fenski, Mud Lake, Schaefer and Hebior that all have pre-Clovis dates, all sites showing human activity that demonstrate mammoth hunting and butcheringall sites in Wisconsin date back to 9230 BC and 9,220 BC (+/- 45 years). On the coastal plain of the Nottaway River in Sussex County, Virginia is another site that remains partially behind the shadow of the Clovis crowd of believers, whereas at Cactus Hill the artifacts found their have CT dates that go back to 13,070 BC and 16,250 BC (both dates calibrated), and Luminescence dating supports the dating by radiocarbon methods, although as always the Clovis crowd doubts the validity of the findings. The Miller evidence found at Meadowcroft in Pennsylvania shows a sophisticated stone tool technology with unfluted bifacial points dating back to around 12,000 BC and then we have the Paisley Caves complex about 200 miles east of the Pacific where one of the caves contained archaeological evidence of the oldest definitively-date human presence in North America. The evidence, fossilized human feces that contained genetic signatures of Hg A and Hg B, which has been recognized as part of the Native American mtDNA haplogroups radio carbon dating of the feces showed the poop to have been dropped around 10,300 BC or about 1000 years before any accepted Clovis date. Of course this paper would not be complete without mentioning the enigma of the Kennewick Man, a story that was first reported on a 60-Minute program in 1998, whereas the 12-minute TV slot told the facts behind the July 28th, 1996 discovery of a 9000 year-old (7000 BCE calibrated scans give a date between 7300 and 7600 BC) skeleton found near Kennewick, Washington on the banks of the Columbia River during a hydroplane race being held on the river. At the endoff-the so called history of this skeleton, which was determined was of a man in his 30s, albeit he had no cavities his teeth were ground down which signifies to some that his diet had no sugar, but over time had digested his share of grit. In addition to ground down teeth a projectile point was found embedded in his right pelvis, as a matter of record, a Cascade point, that is normally dated between 3000 BC and 7000 BC. He was wounded yet recovered as the lesion in the bone had partially healed the person in charge of the skeleton at the time Dr. James C Chatters an American archaeologist and paleontologist, sent the a piece of the pelvic region in for dating, whereas it was returned with a calibrated data somewhere between 7300 and 7600 BC, needless to say he was a bit taken back. The process at this point would seem simple, but when Chatters informed the Army Corp of Engineers the government immediately took possession of the skeleton and the on-going

controversy surround the Kennewick Man continues today.

Five Native American tribes

indigenous to the region claim ownership with each requesting the remains and to bury them in a secret location, while scientists, scholars and even congressmen request that the remains be studied further to determine their origin. Why the fuss? Well for one thing, the remains do not resemble a typical Native American and according to the study done on one of the bone fragments which resulted in a negative response that said, available technology and protocols do not allow the analysis of ancient DNA from these remains. Using craniometric data obtained by anthropologist William White Howell of Harvard, anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico arrived at conclusions that are very contradictory to the above statement. The data obtained from Howell and another Tsunehiko Harihara of the Japanese anthropologist

University Saga included comprehensive information from Asian and North American populations. From the cranial measurements and the available date Powell drew the conclusion that the Kennewick Man was not European but mostly resembled the Ainu of northern Japan along with some Polynesians. Powell noted in his study that the Ainu more than likely descended from the Jomon culture who are said to be an east Asian population with a close biological affinity with southeast Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples. He went on-step further and said that his dental analysis showed the skull had a 94% chance of being a Sundadont group like the Ainu and Polynesians and only a 48% chance of being part of the Sinodont group of northern Asia (Mongols) in nearing the closure of his paper said that the skull is unlike American Indians and Europeans, it is clearly not a Caucasoid, that is unless the Ainu and the Polynesians are to be considered Caucasoid. Take a small journey back in time, albeit spans many years, the basis for its foundation are still evident today in many Native American societies. Back when time was young there existed in the Middle East a society that respected the Mother Goddess as the protector of their land, its fertility and the birth and care of their children. One name she carried was the Bear, whether someone had taken notice how a mother bear protects her off spring and keeps them at her side for at least two-years is not know. As society developed there grew a movement to make the male gods the predominate gods of society, and as religion grew up it almost discarded all

references to the female god, with a few exceptions such as the Virgin Mary, although the Virgin Mary is not classified today as a God she shares a position pretty close to the modern God. Back in antiquity there was a group, tribe, clan or what-have-you living in the Middle East who didnt buy into the concept of giving up their Bear, after many years of being spit-upon (so-tospeak) this clan of master ship builders packed their bags and headed east on the Indian Ocean. After many years they made their way up the east coast of Asia finally settling among the numerous islands of Japan there they continued their ship building utilizing the huge stands of tall trees. They continued this art for centuries that is until they ran out of large animals from which they had used the skins for sails. One day a group of bold sailors/hunters returned from the west coast of the North American continent, most likely Alaska, and reported the abundance of large game. Sail problem solved. Over the centuries they sent their hunters and sail makers east, eventually making their way down the coast of the North American continent their hunting trips were long extending many months/years, but most always being very fruitful whereas ship after ship returned its decks full of furs. The hunters sometimes took their families, or as guessed started families along the coast line to drive away those long cold nights during the winter months, as a matter of note it is suggested that the Ainu (The First People) were a well established race in the Japanese islands, and it may be true that it was these Ainu who were master hunters made up the bulk of those adventurous sailors that went hunting in North America. Just a myth, or is it? After all local legend tells us they were masters of deep sea fishing. Academia today teaches that the Bering Land Bridge was the main highway into the America back around 10,000 BC, which brings us back to the Kennewick Man, whereas today archaeologists toss and turn over the problem he represents. The taught 3-waves of migration from separate parts of the world is in jeopardy within mainstream academia as evidence being found today is constructing a more complicated settlement pattern. In this pattern were finding that there has been a steady influx of small groups from different parts of the world. Although some groups have survived it is also very possible that some did not survive their linage disappearing beneath the sand or the waves. Albeit with the continued finding of additional preclovis sites in North and South America the old arguments holding to the Clovis culture being the first have become less compelling and more than a little anal. Consider that it might be okay to take some stock in the writings of Plato when he went on and on about Atlantis, whereas even some fanatical believers in all the books in the Christian Bible strongly believe it is the last word, but catch yourself, they also believe all this previous history

took place sometime after 4000 BC no sooner, no later which in my opinion is hard to swallow. And please dont forget those ancient sailors who crossed the oceans, some staying close to the shorelines in antiquity dragging their cultures with themevidence is slowly proving that a lot of our land mass was populated because of these hardy few who had the courage to leave home and sail off into the sun rise or sunset. Hooray for them! James L Bradley

Note: For what it is worth, some of the oldest temples in the world contain beautiful and accurate boat-models, some having full-sized boats. Whatever this symbolism may represent, they are always real boats or scale models. Our scholars today from time-to-time tickle the idea that they must have represented some great primal migration and with this boat theme the ancients were free to add any ritual or mythological tales that caught their interest or fancy - in other words, without the boat and the crew that controlled its oars and sails the world would be a lot different today.

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