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Formal Proposal

Title of magazine:
I have decided to name my magazine MIXER; this is because it represents my target audiences mixed personalities and the RnB genre. It can also refer to modern youth and represent fresh new music. The connotation of the name is very mixed and the magazine has more to offer other than a set genre.

Choice of genre:
The genre of my music magazine is RnB, this is because its a popular genre and well known. I also have a lot of background knowledge of this genre as it is the type of music I enjoy. It also reflects my personality and style therefore I would know what is expected in an RnB magazine.

My target audience:
My magazine is aimed at females between the ages of 16-21. This is because its what a lot of RnB magazines are aiming for and I want to challenge the fact that music magazines are mainly aimed at males. I want to also make my magazine just for females as there arent a lot of magazines for mainly females. Also, this genre is very popular amongst many females between the ages of 16-24 therefore they have an opportunity to have a magazine just aimed at their interests.

Initial ideas for my front cover:

For my front cover, I am planning to have the main image of a female wearing a hoodie with the hood up, holding an I-pod with earphones and shaking her head so her hair flicks out, this is to represent the name of my magazine and to show that the music she is listening to is up-beat and shows the personality RnB music delivers. I have chosen the colours black and gold with white text to be consistent throughout my magazine, this is because Its a unique colour scheme and it also represents the majority of RnB artists personalities for the ages my magazine is aimed at.

Initial ideas for my contents page:

For my contents page, I am planning to use the rule of thirds to keep it organised. I intend to use roughly 3 images overlapping each other with page numbers on them, the masthead will be on the top of the page along with the date of issue. There will be categorised headlines for the different topics included in my magazine such as latest music, concerts and interviews.

Initial ideas for photographs:

The front cover photography, I have decided to use a medium shot of my female artist. For the contents I will use the dominant image of an MCU shot of the artist. However I have also chosen to have 3 other images, these will be close ups of different features of the magazine on the contents page. On the double page spread there will be one main image that will take up half the page, this will be a medium shot of a male to attract the female audience and also to keep it mixed with male and female artists. I have decided this for the double page spread because then the reader is able to take that page out and use it as a poster.

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