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GRADUATE SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT We are a Catholic institution dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the theoretical and

applied fields through quality graduate education that is comprehensive and responsive to the needs of society. We are committed to the formation of scholars and high level professionals who are ethical, competent, compassionate and committed to the service of the Church, the Nation and the Global Community. GRADUATE SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT We envision a Graduate School that stands for excellence and innovation and that will be globally identified for the distinction of its programs and quality of its research. GRADUATE SCHOOL GOALS To realize this mission-vision, the Graduate School commits itself within the next five (5) years: To develop the intellect and creativity through excellence in instruction, research, and extension work. To form scholars and high level professionals in the arts and humanities, the natural and allied health sciences, the social and management sciences who are ethical and who demonstrate competencies functional in both the local and global workplace. To hone the professional and social skills, and critical capabilities of students enabling them to become responsible leaders in their careers and community. To provide students opportunities to serve the larger community through extension work and community service. To produce quality research in the various fields of knowledge that is internationally recognized. To recruit Faculty who are acknowledged experts in the field and to complement the teaching staff by inviting international scholars in the various disciplines. To build partnerships and linkages between the Graduate School and academic institutions, industry and government entities at the local and international level.

To enhance the image and visibility of the Graduate School and its work in both the local and global community. APPLICATION PROCEDURES

The main feature of the program is its emphasis on contextualized practicum training in counseling and research, case analyses as well as personal and professional growth and reflections. CURRICULUM MASTER OF ARTS MAJOR IN GUIDANCE & COUNSELING


Application for admission to the UST Graduate School is until October 15 for October enrollees, April 5 for Summer enrollees and May 25 for June enrollees. Application forms for Admission are available at the UST Graduate School, UST Admissions Office & at the UST Graduate School Web Site


REQUIREMENTS: Certified true copy of Transcript of Records, one (1) colored passport size, recent photo (if any) document(s) attesting to passing a Bar/Board Exam, or being a scholar of any agency. Two (2) Referral Forms: One(1) for the current (immediate) superior (or Dean, in the case of a school); and the other, for the professor in one specialization (major) subject. For Foreigners: All of the above and; TOEFL English Proficiency Requirements. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. 2.

PRE-REQUISITE SUBJECTS: 6 UNITS GS 500 - St. Thomas on Critical Thinking ST. THOMAS ON CRITICAL THINKING is a course on Aristotelian and Symbolic Logic that focuses on the fundamental laws of thought. It provides guiding principles in order to enhance critical and reflective skills that would facilitate correct and responsible judgment and reasoning. It g e a o p r n yt b i cnrl fo e ti i i s n p ot i o e n o t o n h k g v ut o s nn activities. GS 501 - Research Methodology A competency-oriented course which emphasizes both the theoretical and the practical aspects of designing a research and implementing the research proposal. Examines and analyses the nature, scope, uses and the process and design of research as applied to business. Provide concepts, techniques, rules and tools needed in undertaking a good research. CORE SUBJECTS: 9 UNITS GC 601 - Statistics for Education and Psychology Behavioral Statistics is a course that attempt to equip students with statistical tools especially needed in research. It covers descriptive statistics and inferential statistics used for hypothesis testing. It is designed for graduate students in psychology and in other related fields who need to understand statistical tools used in theses and publications in their respective specializations. This course also prepares the graduate students in the analysis of data required in their research papers and theses. GC 602 - Philosophical, Psychological & Sociological Foundations in Guidance and Counseling This course on guidance and counseling provides an overview of the application of the philosophical, psychological and sociological foundations of guidance as profession including its nature, scope, functions and services. Emphasis is placed in contextualizing the origin and development of guidance based on the indigenous practices of guiding/helping and the contemporary worldviews of the Filipinos. A discussion of the code of conduct and standards of practice of guidance is also emphasized. As a newly professionalized profession, a discussion of the implementation and implication of RA 9258 becomes an essential component of the course.


Bce r D ge i G i ne& C u slgo ahl ere n u ac os d o nen r i related courses with a general average of at least 2.0/85% or B. Complete accomplished application and referral forms.

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The Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling is a knowledge and competency-oriented program designed to meet exceedingly the requirements for licensure of counselors and counseling psychologists and aimed at the formation of generalists and specialists counselors doing their specialized course and research work in guidance, and counseling psychology leading to the fulfillment of the requirements for a higher degree (Doctoral) in Counseling Psychology. As such, it further aims to develop highly competent guidance counselors in the public and private academic institutions in all levels, rehabilitation centers or therapeutic communities and family counseling centers

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GC 603 - Organization and Administration of Guidance Services This three-unit course focuses on the basic philosophy and nature of guidance services; practical treatment of the elements essential to the establishment and effective operation of school guidance programs and relevance of the services to the total curricular programs. GC 604 - Principles and Techniques of Guidance

Application of guidance principles and analysis of various techniques used in the school guidance program for all educational levels, with the aim of understanding the individual student. It includes techniques of obtaining and providing personal, social, educational, and occupational information.
GC 605 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling

A course designed to study the nature, principles, techniques of individual counseling such as the directive, non-directive or client-centered, eclectic, and other known approaches.
GC 606 - Theories of Personality This 3-unit subject deals with the study of major personality theories from the standpoint of thois ert s personalities, dimensions for a concept of humanity, growth, development, dynamics, psychopathology, behavior change, research strategies and criteria for evaluation. MAJOR SUBJECTS: 15 UNITS GC 700 - Human Development and Behavior This course will provide students with broader comprehension of the human experience and the factors that mold the total life cycle. The human development and behavior will assist students to enhance their analytical and observational skills. It covers biological, cognitive and socioemotional processes from prenatal up to senescent retirement, death and bereavement. GC 701 - Career Development and Counseling This a three-unit course that addresses the foundations of career development, practices and development of career programs in school, business and industry. It emphasizes the evolution of vocational guidance to career guidance and highlights the theories, principles and the applications of several career counseling approaches in school, in preparation for the world of work in the future. Lectures, discussions report, sharing of insights and experiences in class seek to demonstrate the knowledge and skills for a specialty in career counseling apart from becoming a generalist counselor. Generally, the course seeks to enhance the minimum competencies required of a


licensed and registered professional engaged in career counseling. GC 702 - Psychology of Personal Growth and Adjustment A competency oriented course, which focuses on various perspective of life particularly on personal adjustment and health. GC 703 - Test and Measurement This course is the first course of testing and appraisal in counseling. It is divided into two sections: Section 1 focuses on the technical aspects of tests and measurement such as basic assessment concepts, foundations of assessment including historical, legal, ethical and diversity perspectives, reliability, validity, selecting, administering, scoring and interpreting assessment instrument and techniques and how tests are constructed. Knowledge of this content area will assist professionals in making viable test selection and use decisions, as well as evaluating the quality of tests. Section 2 of this course will focus on the applied aspects of tests and measurement in counseling and provide exposure to selected tests in the areas of Achievement, Intelligence, Aptitude, Interest, Personality and other tests. GC 704 - Individual Testing and Counseling This course focuses on providing assistance to referred persons with specific problems. Emphasis is on the proper selection and administration of diagnostic tests prior to oneto-one counseling sessions. GC 705 - Group Testing and Counseling Emphasis in this course is laid on giving assistance to groups with similar problems and to whom group testing is given for diagnostic purposes. The test results are used as basis for group counseling. GC 706 - Group Process This course covers systematic analysis of group behavior and various types of group interaction. It is an experiential course that focuses on learning how to apply the various theories and techniques of group process, and the skills in designing and facilitating group program/activities for human growth. GC 707 - Group Techniques in Counseling Group Counseling has been popularly used as powerful method or form intervention in a variety of settings. The coverage of these course focuses on the theory, principles and practice of group counseling, multicultural work, ethical guidelines, various group work models and the roles and structures of group participants. The overall aim of this subject is to develop expertise and skills of graduate students in psychology and guidance and counseling on

techniques and practices in the delivery of human services through group counseling. GC 708 - Guidance and Counseling for Special Groups The course is designed to bring together the goals, basic principles, theories, techniques, methods and therapeutic approaches for special behavior. It also deals with the management of various client groups bordering on less acceptable behavior. The course deals specifically with diverse groups previously categorized as needing the service o gi ne gnrlt ad seiis. fu ac eeas n pc lt d is as GC 709 - Mental Health and Mental Hygiene A competency oriented course, which focus on both theoretical and practical aspects of the nature, cause and prevention of mental illness. Analyze various strategic interventions in maintaining and enhancing mental health. It explains adjustments of development. Discuss current trends on mental health intervention and legal implications. GC 710 - Psycho-Trauma Management This highly-specialized course is designed exclusively for counselors, psychotherapists, social workers and other trained mental health practitioners. It is a solid, comprehensive and terminal course in trauma work involving the three (3) major areas of study: traumatology, assessment of post-traumatic stress disorder and treatment/intervention models. Practicum facility (UST Graduate School Psycho-trauma Clinic) within the campus is made available for graduate students in order to maximize learning opportunities in their clinical practice in trauma work. GC 711 - Guidance Practicum Supervised practice or actual work experience in a school guidance office or community agency for 200 hours or 10 weeks at 20 hours a week, involving accomplishment of guidance forms, interviewing, individual and group testing, counseling, group dynamics, and providing information related to occupational and decision-making. GC 712 - Special Topics


LILIAN J. SISON, Ph.D. Dean JOS ANTONIO E. AUREADA, O.P., S.Th.D. Regent MARY CAROLINE N. CASTAO, Ph.D. Faculty Secretary CARLOS P. GARCIA, Ph.D. Director for Graduate Research

ENGR. DELFIN R. JACOB, PIE MS Director, Center for Continuing Professional Education & Development

COGNATE SUBJECTS: 3 UNITS Any related course that has substantial bearing on Thesis. OTHER REQUIREMENTS Written Comprehensive Examinations (WCE) TW I - 3 units (Thesis Proposal) TW II - 3 units (Research Colloquium) TW III - 3 units (Thesis Defense) Total = 42 Units

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SUSAN F. BALDIA, Ph.D Supervising Scientist, Science Laboratories

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University of Santo Tomas GRADUATE SCHOOL


AY 2006 2011 AY


Master of Arts major in Guidance Counseling

Espaa, Manila

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