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Application Form (Clubs):

Name of Club: Contact Name: Phone: Email: Address: What Activity or Promotion do you intended for O-Day: Post Code: Mobile: Fax:

Other important things for us to know

Will you be supplying food or beverages?



If yes, please provide a description of the food or beverage.

What equipment will you be using?

Is power essential at your stall? (Bring your own extension leads) Do you want to play music at your stall? Do you have any additional requirements?

yes yes

no no

(please note we will do our best to fulfil your requirements however may not be able to fulfil all requests)

terms & conditions

1. Curtin Student Guild reserves the right to offer your stall space to other parties if a completed Confirmation of Booking form and payment is not received by 3rd February 2012. 2. Curtin Student Guild will not provide refunds for any stalls that are cancelled after Wednesday the 15th February 2012. 3. All stalls must comply with health and safety standards. If stall holders wish to have food at stall, they must request a copy of the Food Services Guidelines from the Guild and agree to abide by them on O-Day. 4. Stall holders must understand that they are solely accountable for resulting consequences from stall sales and distribution of food and beverages on O-Day. 5. Stall holders must inform the Guild of any intention to use electrical equipment and what equipment they may plan to use. Stall holders must also understand that all electrical equipment brought to the event will be tested and tagged for safety. If equipment does not comply with the safety standards set by the Curtin Student Guild then stall holders will not be permitted to use that equipment. 6. All stall holders must inform the Guild of any intention to sell or distribute food and/or beverages upon returning this form. The Curtin Student Guild reserves the right to prohibit the sale/production of food and/or beverages on O-Day. 7. Stall holders must understand that the Guild has the right to veto any promotional activity conducted on O-Day that may not be in the spirit of O-Day or conflict with the provision of other services. 8. Curtin Student Guild is to provide use of chairs and tables only, and marquees where specified. It is the responsibility of the stall owner to arrange any other requirements needed for the stall (i.e. noticeboards, extension cords, shade etc). 9. Any equipment provided to you by the Guild on O-Day should be given proper care at all times. Should equipment go missing or damaged in any way, the responsible parties will be invoiced at full retail cost.

I agree to the terms and conditions as set out above.

Signed: Date:

Please return this form to:

Membership Officer Curtin Student Guild Building 106F Curtin University Kent Street Bentley 6102

Booking Deadline:


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