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January/February 2012

Weve opened the door to a new year. Im certain weve all heard the saying, When God closes a door, He opens a window. Back in Advent of 2011, we sang Fling Wide the Door each Sunday in worship, one verse added each week.
Fling wide the door, unbar the gate; The King of glory comes in state; The Lord of lords and King of kings, The Savior of the world who brings His great salvation to the earth. So raise a shout of holy mirth And praise our God and Lord, Creator, Spirit, Word. (vs. 1)

Door, door, door. Youre thinking to yourself, where in the world is this going? Doors?! Go with me on this one. We use this figurative language of doors a lot. In the cottage conversations I held this past fall, I heard many times, We want to keep our doors open at Red Oak Grove. We dont want to close our doors. [More about the cottage meetings to come. Check your annual reports!] The doors are how we come into church. We walk through the doors to worship on Sunday mornings. We open the door to fellowship and community at Red Oak Grove. We walk out of the doors, commissioned to share the love of Christ. We walk through the doors and into our everyday life, called to care for all of Gods creation. In this new year, as a congregation, lets pray and listen for continued guidance. What doors is God opening to us? In what ways can we as a congregation serve both in and out of our doors? How do we welcome people in through our doors? In what ways is God speaking to us and what kind of ministry is God calling us to?
Come, Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ; Our hearts are open wide in trust. Oh, show us now your lovely grace, Upon our sorrows shine your face, And let your Holy Spirit guide Our journey in your grace so wide. We praise your holy name, From age to age the same. (vs. 4)

May the Holy Spirit continue to guide us yesterday, today, and tomorrow. - Pastor Lindsay -

Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church Council Meeting


December 18, 2011

Members present: President Brent Ingvalson, Dan Sistek, Nancy Schwartz, Tom Harber, Karen Johnson, Pastor Lindsay, Don Carlson, Dennis Magnuson, Linda Christianson and Katie Zipse. President Brent Ingvalson called the meeting to order. Pastor Lindsay opened with devotion. Pastors Report: Pastor has led two worship services so far, one at Prairie Manor and one at St. Marks, 1 funeral, 16 visits, 2 at home communions and ne hospital visit this past month. About 12 people attended the Friday night family pizza night, everyone had a good time. Some upcoming events are bowling night, second annual Chili Cook-off, the Confirmation kids will be going to the movies and others are invited to come, New Member Sunday is also coming up. The January 1st Sunday service will be led by Carolyn Zipse and Jessica Ferguson while Pastor is on vacation. Communion in January will be on the second and third Sundays. Secretarys Report: Approved as read. Financial Report: Bob was out sick but had given the numbers to Brent. Beginning Balance 11-1-11 Deposits Expenses Ending Balance $ 1,383.26 $13,878.24 $12,243.82 $ 1,634.42

WELCA Report: For 2012, Ardell Swenson and Marilyn Helleck will be co-presidents. December will be a potluck meeting. WELCA is donating $50 to the Marie Sandvik Center. Quilting starts up again in March. Next year there are plans to have more meetings after the Sunday service. Deacons Report: The kids did a wonderful job at the Christmas program! Thanks to all who helped! Trustees Report: The bulbs in the narthex have been switched to a lower wattage. Still working on adjusting the temperature throughout the church. Katie has made up the snow plowing schedule and will be bringing carpet samples to next months meeting. Old Business: None New Business: Discussion was held on finances and what we can do to improve and bring in more revenue to keep up with general expenses. Next meeting will be January 9th at 7 p.m. Katie Zipse is the Eucharist Assistant for January. Following the Lords Prayer, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Katie Zipse, Red Oak Grove Council Secretary

Women of the ELCA Report December 7, 2011


The Women of Red Oak Grove WELCA met on December 7th with a potluck Christmas luncheon at 12:30 p.m. The Circle Secretaries and Treasurers were hostesses. Linda opened the meeting in the church proper in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The opening hymn was O Come, O come, Emanuel. Devotional readers were Pat, Vi, Judy and Linda. The Secretarys Report was read and approved. Correspondence was a thank you from Kathleen Ulland-Klinkner for receiving a quilt for her ordination. She will treasure it always. An invitation to Trinity Lutheran Church of Hayfield to their Guest Day on Saturday, December 10th at 1:30 p.m. was read and discussed. A thank you from the Marie Sandvik Center for all the donations given them. They are in need of toys for Christmas. It was voted upon to send them $50 for their needs. Lavonne gave the Treasurers Report. It was accepted as read and placed on file. Christmas cards and gifts were presented to Pastor Lindsay along with her birthday greetings and thank you gifts to Marilyn Blume and to Mark and Carolyn were given. Judy gave her report on the quilts that have been made and the needs of Rachels Hope. The Mitten Trees are up and donations are being put on the branches. Norma gave her report from Prairie Manor stating they are working in the black. Chuck Nelson is the new director of nursing coming from Albert Lea. Linda announced that we will be needing a Certified Food Manager. This will be checked into with further details. The piano is in need of a floor lamp with an arm if possible. Pat will donate hers to see if there is enough light. Installation of the 2012 Officers of Red Oak Grove WELCA was well presented. Co-Presidents are Ardell Swenson and Marilyn Helleck, Vice Presidents are Dorothy Peterson and Doris Draayer, Mission Growth will be Vi Christianson and Marlys Peterson, Mission Action is Judy Wambeam and Pat Hanson, Treasurer is Lavonne Smith and Secretary is Eunice Doocy. Joy to the World was sung by all as the offering was taken. An All Saints Prayer in remembrance of those named was given: Elva Mae Goodmanson, Helen Margaret Christianson, Signe Esther Ingvalson, Avis Wood, Charley Hamersma and Loyd Sasser. The 2012 Co-Presidents talked on the new year and definitely got a round of applause as did all who accepted their offices for the new year. The next meeting will be January 8th after the Sunday service at 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. The meeting closed with singing Silent Night. Eunice Doocy, Secretary


I would like to thank everyone for the prayers while I was in the hospital and since I came home. Thank you to WELCA and Dorcas Circle for the cards and to everyone else for the prayers, cards and visits. A special thank you to Pastor Lindsay Stolen for her prayers, calls and visit. Christmas Blessings to everyone, Karen Johnson My family and I would like to thank everyone for all their thoughts, prayer and cards during my cancer treatments and surgery. I am done with my treatments and am doing really good. Thank you again. Nancy, Al, Sara and Sandy Wesely THANK YOU for the Christmas greetings, cards, and gifts given to me in the past weeks. I appreciate the thought and the care that you give to me! Pastor Lindsay

UH OH. The mosquitoes are coming

Even though it is winter, pesky mosquitoes have invaded Red Oak Grove have you seen them hanging out in our building? [Kids challenge: Count how many mosquitoes there are in the building and tell Pastor Lindsay your final answer. Get the number right for a prize!] The bad news is that the mosquitoes wont leave until mosquito nets are purchased. But thats also good news for each mosquito net we buy, a family in Africa will be safe from a deadly disease! The next couple weeks we will focus on the disease malaria and what WE can do to save peoples lives. One child dies every 45 seconds from malaria and we can stop that from happening! The Sunday School children are all over this cause and collecting money for nets. WELCA is in on it too! Keep this initiative in your prayers, check out the bed net hanging in the Sunday School wing, and watch the bulletins for more ways that you can help! Check out and for more information!


Strike. Turkey. Gutter. What do those three words have in common? Red Oak Grove, you are invited to take the Hayfield Bowling Alley by storm with your fashionable bowling shoes! Sunday, January 22nd from 2 4 p.m. $6/person includes bowling, pizza, and pop. Meet at the church at 1:15 p.m. if you need a ride/want to carpool! ------------------------------------------------------Second Annual ROG Chili Cook-Off Have you found that perfect chili recipe? Prepare a batch for the judges at the ROG Chili Cook-Off on February 5th! Watch the bulletin for more information as the date approaches!

Austin Bruins Hockey Faith Night Join us at the Riverside Arena in Austin for a night of hockey, a speaker, and other faith-based activities! Tickets are $7/adult and $5/student in advance. If you want to attend, money must be turned into the church office by Sunday, January 15th so tickets can be purchased. Make checks out to Red Oak Grove. Wednesday, January 18th Puck drop at 7:05 p.m. Meet at the church at 6pm if you need a ride/want to carpool! ------------------------------------------------------New year! New members! We will welcome new members to Red Oak Grove during worship on February 19th. If you are interested in becoming a member or if you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact Pastor Lindsay!

Please take note:

All reports to be included in the Annual Report should be in the church office by January 15, 2012. The 2012 offering envelopes are available for you to pick up in the narthex. Thank you to those who committed to a $100 pledge in the $100 Challenge last year! If you pledged but have not yet fulfilled your promise, we sincerely ask that you meet your commitment at this time.


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