Qi Gong Kinesiology 2

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A fully accredited course with Renascent, The International College of Gem Essences and The International College of Intuitive Sciences. Accredited as part of the Diploma of Natural Health Sciences & recognised internationally as a professional practitioner. Educational, fun, informative Develop deeper skills & expand on those you already have in health, healing, KINESIOLOGY and Qi Gong studies with the Qi Gong Kinesiology Course. You have completed Levels 1-3 in Basic Kinesiology - now it's time for the Masters course! A facinating 4 day course (or by correspondence) that combines essential skills from both the Qi Gong Healing worlds and the Kinesiology worlds - a wonderful adjunct and truly powerful healing modality.

(Hours are accredited towards the Diploma of Natural Health Sciences with Renascent & The International College of Intuitive Sciences ) At the culmination of the course, submit the test papers to Renascent. Contact your instructor to arrange a personal meeting to receive your attunements - in person or over distance. A short video footage of yourself practicing is of assistance to assess your technique. Upon successful completion, your accreditation & certificate will be posted to you.

The cap stone after the 4 levels of Medical Qi Gong (Medical Qi Gong - 1,2, 3 & Masters) COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE ALLOWS YOU TO APPLY FOR THE MEDICAL QI GONG PRACTITIONER DIPLOMA

Purchase this course which contains approximately 32 hours of DVD footage (filmed in front of a live class), contact Mr Mitchell to receive your energy attunements (many of these will take place within the Qi Field that has been established for students when they are viewing this material), complete your test papers in your own time and return them for assessment. Upon successful completion your certificate will be posted to you. ***Please contact Daryll directly through Renascent to organise a time to receive your Qi Gong attunements - in person or by distance **** This course is a stand alone course which qualifies you as a Medical Qi Gong Kinesiology practitioner and will allow you to practice in a natural health modality. What makes these correspondence classes terrific is that as well as great material and time honoured practices and teaching that works, with a dedicated teacher, you also have access to 'real' people, you can contact your teacher by email, phone or in person to clarify any concerns that may pop up for you in the future. We are here for you and strive to assist you in becoming the best practitioner you can be............. We look forward to sharing with you in this fascinating, life changing course.


Study for fun, personal development or to work for yourself in a career you love. Study for skills for health maintenence & healing for yourself and your family or train to become a clinic practitioner or teacher. All classes are held in a comfortable Feng Shui aligned environment. You are free to ask questions, sit where you like & have a cuppa whilst you study, We provide high quality teachings (most classes conducted by Daryll Mitchell - the college principal himself). Mr Mitchell will liase with you personally to assist your studies, personal energy attunements & quality of work. Should you decide to study by correspondence you will find the courses easy to understand & work through. You determine the speed with which you complete the course(s) - there is no time limit. You will receive the appropriate certificates / diplomas as you continue through - just as if you had attended the courses personally. In person or by correspondence - you may begin your studies at any time of the year. Many are recognised in more than 1 certificate or Diploma so you may receive several accreditation credits for completing the 1 course. (refer to the Diploma Application pages for more information)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this course suitable for beginners or advanced students? Do I have homework?

Your homestudy activities are part of your training and designed to assist you to develop the necessary As you can choose whichever courses appeal to you qualities as a professional health practitioner (whether and have them build upon each other to provide for business or your own use). Certain classes will certificates & diplomas, you can commence study at require you to practice your new skills on another any stage you are at. person, however there are many activities which focus on self awareness, self healing and your own lifestyle From beginners to intermediate and advanced, even improvements. As you study you will discover that you just for your own personal interest. We are delighted to are becoming more centred, balanced and harmonious. offer you a varied structure of topics ,with a In some cases, you may be aligning your home / combination of theory and practical experiences which workplace into a more successful and harmonious allow beginners to adjust at a gradual and comfortable environment. Perfect skills to create a better space for pace whilst providing advanced students with yourself and others around you. innovative, stimulating activities, thought provoking discussion and the support and guidance to fine tune At the end of each course you will be required to return areas of previous study whilst gaining new skills. your test papers (see below). Why Study with us? Daryll & Lesley Mitchell have been teaching for over 26 years each. Unlike some companies where you are simply shipped some papers and never see a real person, they are dedicated to the work they do. Each year they teach, lecture and author books worldwide as well as offering spiritual & healing journeys, operate very busy private & public healing clinics & teach many in person classes. You are not simply purchasing a course, you are sharing a wealth of knowledge & healing experiences. If you get 'stuck' you have support & are dealing with 'real' people, not just an online business. We have trained 1000's of successful practitioners worldwide, most of whom started off just like you. We look forward to sharing with you. You can read more of Lesley & Darylls qualifications under the about us link on the home page. What if I need personal assistance? Should you need assistance - we are happy to chat with you via phone, email or in person by appointment. We are dedicated to making your learning beneficial and a personal growth experience. We are not interested in selling you a course and never hearing from you again. We are dedicated to excellent healing work being provided around the globe. We prefer to develop a long term relationship with you where we share your blossoming skills & see you develop many healing abilities & knowledge. * Gain skills in your own home *

Do I have a time frame to complete the course in? There is no time frame - you can complete them as you like, however we recommend you complete them as quickly as you can manage as the information will be fresher in your mind and you will find the study easier. Also you will stay excited and enthusiastic about the material you are learning the more efficiently you get into the course material. How do I demonstrate proficiency in practical work?

In some courses where the emphasis is on your personal practical skills such as Qi Gong cultivation, you may be required to take a short video / DVD of yourself and return it to your teacher to watch your form. This is a valuable tool as your teacher will be able to provide feedback, advice and suggestions on your All courses can be undertaken at any time, there is form to assist in your training. no time limit. How are my Courses Presented? How do I get my certificates? All correspondence courses come beautifully packaged in sturdy presentation boxes (book style). Course is presented on audio tapes/CD/DVD (depending on chosen course) with applicable products which may include: books, manuals, test papers, brochures, crystals, pendulums, dowsing rods (*Note - not all courses contain all these items). Full color photos and descriptions front & back Very easy to market, simply keep 1 of each in stock! * Add to your business services* Upon completion, what qualifications does the course provide me? Upon successful completion of your chosen course, you gain the qualification of a complementary therapist in the modality chosen. Complementary therapies is one of the most rapidly growing industries. It provides practitioners with a multitude of career options. How do I receive energy attunements such as for Reiki & Qi Gong?

At the culmination of any correspondence course(s), students are required to return their test papers, along with a security code number (found inside the kit). Your papers are marked and returned (via post or you are welcome to pick up if convenient) with your certificate and their results are recorded with Renascent, The International College of Intuitive Sciences and The International College of Gem Essences for accreditation.

During the course a Qi field is created each time the material is played. By sitting watching the course, you will also be included in this Qi field and can receive benefit from the material. In the cases of attunements being provided, you simply contact Renascent directly when you are ready to receive your attunements. Your Many of our students have gone on to work in health teacher will work out a convenient time with you where centres, private practices, clinics, aged care services, you are both present (& awake) at the same time no training, teaching, adult education, counselling and matter where in the world you are. You will sit peacefully and your attunements will be sent to you via many more exciting topics & life paths. distance attunements. You have the opportunity to chat (via phone or email) with your instructor (in most cases Many also begin their own successful business offering this is directly with Daryll Mitchell, the college principal) services including space clearing and feng shui & share your experience, feedback and any questions consultations for homes & businesses. personally. For students that are in Melbourne (or other locations when Mr Mitchell is on tour) these attunements can be provided in person by getting together at a convenient time. I am receiving benefits & unemployed at present, can centrelink pay for my courses? Are my certificates professional in appearance

The certificates are A4 or A 3 in size and are beautifully presented in color. We have been paid via centrelink and some new start programs for some of our courses (mainly in kinesiology). We have also had companies pay for courses for students who are being retrenched, retrained or getting back into the workforce. Please speak to your workplace or centrelink representative to see what may be available for your circumstances. We are more than happy to liaise with them and provide any receipts / paper work they may require to assist your studies. They are signed by your instructor &/or college principal and in many cases sealed with a gold seal. We do not see your certificates as just a piece of paper we see them as a sign of your dedication, your financial and energy investment in your training and a recognition of the skills you have acquired. We find that practitioners that display their certificates where their patients can see them have greater confidence entrusted to them and often more rapid healings with their clients as their trust is placed with their practitioner. We want you to proudly display them and ensure they look attractive as well as professional. Can I pay off my courses in instalments? Do some students study only for personal reasons? Absolutely, many of our students study for personal reasons. Many of these also discover that along the way the material has had such a profound effect on their life that they change direction and choose it as a career. Certainly, we are able to invoice you for your chosen course(s) and keep records of all your payments. Once your course payment is finalised we will ship to you. You can make payments as small as $10 per week Can I get a discount off multiple courses?

Certainly, we offer a 15% discount off the lower priced Written and practical homework is optional for students course when purchased together. that do not wish to receive a professional certificate upon completion of the course. However, our thoughts Can I get a discount on products related to my are you have come this far why not apply anyway, it course? is not difficult to do as you have the information anyway and you never know where your certificates will take Absolutely. In many courses related products / manuals you in the future. We always feel it is nice to receive are included FREE with the course, however additional something to recognise your efforts. products are often bundled up as a value pack. See individual course details on the website for more offers. What Qualifications are available to me? How are the courses accredited, Can I get Insurance & Health rebates?

Most classes are individually certifed, however these hours are also recognised towards higher accreditation. All of our in person and correspondence courses (with These are updated as new topics are developed, the exception of some practice DVD's) are individually however currently we offer certification in: certified as well as being accredited towards professional certificates and diplomas (if desired), many qualify you as an immediate practitioner REIKI: (depending on the modality chosen). Certificate of Reiki Professional Practitioner Certificate of Reiki 1 & 2 Teacher Certificate of Doujou Reiki Professional Practitioner They are recognised by "Renascent", "The International Diploma of Reiki College of Intuitive Sciences" (ICIS), "The International College of Gem Essences" (ICGE), "The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT), OAMPS HEALTH SCIENCES: Insurance Brokers & Insurance House (allowing you to

Certificate of Natural Health Sciences Diploma of Natural Health Sciences KINESIOLOGY: Certificate of Basic Kinesiology Certificate of Professional Kinesiology Consultant FENG SHUI & GEOMANCY: Certificate of Feng Shui & Geomancy Professional Feng Shui & Geomancy Consultant Diploma of Feng Shui & Geomancy Certificate of Professional Tien Ti Master QI GONG CULTIVATION: (Proficiency available in: Wuji, Dragon Gate, Seven Star, Zhineng, Guigen, Fragrant Gong, Tai Chi, Medical, Dong Yi Gong, Tian Ming Gong, Shaolin, Ba Duan Jin) Certificate of Qi Gong Cultivation Practitioner Diploma of Qi Gong Cultivation Practitioner MEDICAL QI GONG: Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner Level 1 Diploma of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner

purchase inexpensive practitioner insurance policies as part of a group buying power if desired). Many of the courses are also recognised by individual teachers and masters worldwide. In the case of Qi Gong - higher grading levels are available if required. With IICT membership (International Institute of Complementary therapists), you may also apply to The Australian Traditional Medical Society (ATMS) as a practitioner as a member of these societies you may be eligible to be supplied with a health provider number. With IICT registration, this will also allow you to purchase a bulk discounted OAMPS package if required (around $120 year). Insurance House (underwritten by Lloyds of London) will also allow you to receive a discounted price (as part of a bulk package) with any Renascent certificate that qualifies you as a practitioner of that modality. With your certification, (some companies may require a provider number) you will be able to provide a receipt for your patients, which will allow them to receive a rebate should they have private health cover that recognises the modalities you are qualified in (this varies from insurance companies).

As you undertake studies with Renascent you are welcome to complete individual classes/seminars / workshops with no further requirements. However, should you wish to build on your studies. Many classes are individually certified & all of these can culminate in advanced certificates & diplomas. Should you wish to complete an entire certificate / diploma. The below form will indicate what is required for each level. Some are available on correspondence, others in person. (We are constantly adding to the correspondence courses & aim to have them all available in the future) When all topics in 1 level are available on correspondence we will also offer these as a discounted group purchase. EG: Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner Level 1 requires:Medical Qi Gong Level 1, 2, 3 Each may be purchased individually at $285.00 per level or you may purchase Medical Qi Gong 1-3 as a package for $790, saving $65 Is the class you wish to undertake not listed here? It may be available on correspondence or we require a minimum of 4 students to complete most classes, get a few friends together - your place or ours and chat with us directly to work out some dates that suit YOU! Want to complete a level on your own - this is also possible - prices may vary, please chat with us to book it in with you. Have you completed most of your studies & are just missing 1 or 2 classes, please talk to us, we often conduct private classes for our dedicated students - We are dedicated to providing you the best study

experience we can and are here to support & assist you. Recognition of prior learning If you completed studies elsewhere, please contact us to see if we are able to grant a recognition of prior learning (no charge) or may pro rata some of the classes we would like you to refresh on, EG: Mr Mitchell, may determine you have completed 60% of what is covered in the Renascent Reiki 1 class and you will be invited to join us in a complete Reiki 1 class at 40% of the normal fee.

I hereby apply for the below indicated certificate (s) / Diploma (s). Please fill in date of each course completed & enclose photocopies of certificates achieved for each. Complete Correct Spelling of Your Name ....................................................................................... Address to be sent to ................................................................................................................. Phone ........................................ Email: ............................................................................... Please note: Complete form must be filled in & signed Renascent College of Intuitive Sciences


Certificate of Reiki Professional Practitioner
Reiki 1 Date: ............. Reiki 2 Date: ............. Reiki 3 Date: ............. Reiki Masters Date: ............. If completed prior to 2004 - Reiki Linking Seminar Date: ............. After 2004 (if completed with Renascent - includes both traditional & Usui Reiki. If completed elsewhere please chat with Mr Mitchell for recognition of prior learning)

Certificate of Reiki 1, 2 & 3 Teacher

Certificate of Reiki Professional Practitioner Date: ............. Usui Reiki Instructor Training (formerly Advanced) Date: ................

Certificate of Dou jou Reiki Professional Practitioner

Dou jou Reiki 1 Date: ............. Dou jou Reiki 2 Date: ............. Dou jou Reiki 3 Date: ............. Dou jou Reiki Masters Date: .............

Diploma of Reiki Professional Practitioner

Certificate of Reiki Professional Practitioner Date: ............. Certificate of Dou jou Reiki Professional Practitioner Date: ............. (*Please note bi yearly Update & Assessment required to maintain status in master classes)

Certificate of Natural Health Sciences

Reiki 1 Date: ................

Basic Kinesiology (BK) (TFH) 1 Date: ............. BK 2 Date: ............. BK 3 Date: ............. *Crystal Light Balancing Date: ................ *Medical Qi Gong 1 Date: ............. *Medical Qi Gong 2 Date: ............. *Geomancy Date: ................ *Stellar Essences Date: ................ *Houses of Life Date: ................ *EMF & Chi Products Date: ......... *Gem Essence Course Date: ......... *Crystal Workshop Date: ................

Diploma of Natural Health Sciences

Certificate of Natural Health Sciences Date: ................ *Qi Gong Awakening (there is no charge for this course, it will soon be able to be downloaded for FREE from our website or available now - to be watched on youtube.com) : Date: ............. *Medical Qi Gong 3 Date: ............. *Medical Qi Gong Masters Date: ............. Reiki 2 Date: ............. Reiki 3 Date: ........ Reiki Masters Date: ............. If completed prior to 2004 - Reiki Linking Seminar Date: ............. After 2004 (if completed with Renascent - includes both traditional & Usui Reiki. If completed elsewhere please chat with Mr Mitchell for recognition of prior learning) 40 hours optional study courses (choose from below options) - Please list classes and dates (*Please note 1 biyearly Update required to maintain status in master classes)

Certificate of Basic Kinesiology

Basic Kinesiology 1, 2, 3, (or TFH 1-4) Dates: .............../ .............../ .............../ .............../ 60 Hrs optional study courses (choose from below options) - Please list classes & Dates: (Maximum hours at this level = 10 from healing circle, 10 from in person Qi Gong Cultivation & 5 hrs from repeated classes as an assistant)

Optional study courses & hrs accredited per course:

*EMF & Chi products (4) Perceptive Vision (4) Food & Supplement Workshop (4) Practical Anatomy (16) *Stellar Essences (8) *Houses of Life (8) *Crystal Light Balancing (8) Esoteric Gemmology (8) Healing Circle (1hr per class up to 10hrs maximum) Tibetan Energy (4) Basic Anatomy (8) *Geomancy - Earth Energies (8) *Gem Essence Course (16) Practice Nights (2.5 per eve' - up to 5hrs maximum) *Qi Gong Cultivation/Practice Classes (1 hr per class - up to 10hrs maximum or 4 hours per proficiency level ) Repeats (50% of course hrs - Kinesiology classes = 10 hrs repeats per class, up to 10 hrs maximum)

ARC Course (32) *Qi Gong 1-3 (16hrs each level) *Qi Gong Awakening (1hr) *Interstate / Overseas students can achieve Qi Gong cultivation via instructional DVD's & discourse with Daryll Mitchell.

Certificate of Professional Kinesiology Consultant

Certificate of Basic Kinesiology Consultant Date: ................ Qi Gong Kinesiology Date: ................ Essences in Practice Date: ............... 120 Hrs optional study courses (Including 60 achieved at Certificate of Basic Kinesiology level) - Please list classes & Dates: Must Include: Practical Anatomy Date................ *An Essence Course Date: ........................ (Maximum hours at this level = 20 from healing circle or 20 from Qi Gong Cultivation & + 10 hrs from repeats)

Proficiency of Qi Gong Practitioner (Various Styles)

As you progress through each form of Qi Gong (in person or practice DVD's), you may apply for proficiency. You must complete at minimum of 8 hrs training in each form and then perform the form adequately (in person or send a video of your form to Mr Mitchell). Your form will be assessed and commented on with room for improvement or if adequate - a certificate of proficiency for that form will be presented. Proficiency is available in all forms of Qi Gong. * Various forms available on correspondence - with moe regularly added

Certificate of Qi Gong Cultivation Practitioner

*Demonstrated proficiency in 6 levels (Please list styles & proficiency below):

Diploma of Qi Gong Cultivation Practitioner

Demonstrated proficiency in 12 levels (Please list styles & proficiency below): *Wuji Date: ................ Wudang Date: ................ *Dragon Gate Date: ................ *Seven Star Date: ................ *Zhineng Date: ................ *Guigen Date: ................ *Fragrant Gong Date: ................ Tai Chi Date: ................ Medical Date: ................ Dong Yi Gong Date: ................ Tian Ming Gong Date: ................ Spiritual Date: ................ Shaolin Date: ................ Ba Duan Jin Date: ................

Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner Level 1

*Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Date: ................

*Medical Qi Gong Level 2 Date: ................ *Medical Qi Gong Level 3 Date: ................

Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner Level 2

*Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Date: ................ Medical Qi Gong Masters Date: ................

Diploma of Medical Qi Gong Practitioner

Certificate of Medical Qi Gong Level 1 Date: ................ Medical Qi Gong Masters Date: ................ Qi Gong Kinesiology Date: ................

Certificate of Feng Shui & Geomancy

*Feng Shui 1- The Beginning Date: ................ Feng Shui 2- Building On Date: ................ Level 1 Consultancy Date: ................ *EMF & Chi Products Date: ................ *Geomancy - Earth Energies Date: ................ *Houses of Life - FS Vibrational Medicine Date: ................ *2 Home & / or Business reports Date: ................

Professional Feng Shui & Geomancy Consultant

Certificate of Feng Shui & Geomancy Date: ................ Professional Feng Shui Date: ................ Advanced Geomancy - Earth Energies Date: ................ Chinese Astrology Date: ................ Level 2 Consultancy Date: ................ 2 Home & / or Business reports Date: ................

Diploma of Feng Shui & Geomancy

Certificate of Professional Feng Shui & Geomancy Consultant Date: ................ Destiny Analysis & Lopan Date: ................ Tien Ti Masters Date: ................ *Qi Gong 1 Date: ............. *Qi Gong 2 Date: ............. *Qi Gong 3 Date: ............. *Qi Gong Masters Date: ................ *2 Home & / or Business reports Date: ................ Please Note: Since you commenced studies, diploma /certificate levels may have changed. You can use the current specifications or those that were current in the year you commenced studies. As this is regularly updated - we suggest youtake a copy of the diploma appliation papers that are relevant at the commencement of your studies.

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