And Health. New York: Island Press

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Modern Cities 1 Modern Cities

Lejeune. (1997). Modern Cities (The New City). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

The author highlights important information on modernity and architectural developments in modern cities. There are some useful examples that one can use it for imagining moving or relocating to modern city. In cities, several projects, developments and improvements are attracting opportunities for people around the world. The reason that this book is useful because it provides detailed information on developments in architectural structure and similar developments forecasting is possible.

Pimentel, Westra, Noss. (2000). Ecological Integrity Integrating Environment, Conservation, and Health. New York: Island Press.

The authors are providing knowledge when one would like to make decision on moving to cities. There are problems and benefits of living city that the authors presented, which is showing global impact. It provides major impact on environment due to cities development and improvement that is threatening human life. The reason that this book is useful there is positive and negative information about cities and moving reasons.

Living and moving to cities attracts many people nowadays and everyone is looking for opportunity to move to any nearby city, which is the major reason. There are problems that people are facing but they are taking it as challenge and looking for opportunities to overcome some problems that not all people will succeed. The purpose of essay is to provide

Modern Cities 2 reasons that are attracting people to relocate to cities, problems that they might face and examples and suggestions. Therefore, essay aimed is to use variety of sources from wellknown books to support fundamental of essay.

The outline of essay includes providing information on reasons causing people attracted to move to cities, identifying possible problems and issues that people are taking as challenges, determining examples from United Arab Emirates for illustrating concept of modern cities and making suggestions for improving the way people are living.

The attractions that is dragging people to move or to relocate to modern cities are opportunities such as cost of living (Pimentel, Westra, Noss, 2000), employment, education, health and security services, or improved technology and facilities. These opportunities are available in modern cities only. Everyone is looking for better and improved living lifestyle filled with opportunities for themselves and their families. People around the world are moving to cities within their country or outside.

The possible problem that people might face depends on an individual. Due to improved and developed infrastructure, there are possibilities for people to face this challenge if they are highly educated and possess competencies that will enable them overcoming these problems. Some of the problems are getting less or zero opportunities, spending saving trying to survive and live in cities or adapting to living and working environment with multicultural.

For example, Dubai is one of the modern cities in United Arab Emirates and whereby Umm Al Quwain is not yet the same where there is big difference. The people from Umm Al

Modern Cities 3 Quwain will be moving to Dubai for better opportunities but due to difference in infrastructure and living style, this affects them completely.

The specific example is, the cost of living in Dubai is not the same. If house in Umm Al Quwain is AED 400000, it will be AED 1000000 or more in Dubai, which is more than double amount. This is due to slow development from ancient to modernity in Umm Al Quwain (Lejeune, 1997).

On the other hand, there are high-level education facilities in Dubai not similar to Umm Al Quwain. There is no University or College in Umm Al Quwain and this does not mean to educate one family member the whole family should move to Dubai. The living space of modern cities is limited. Therefore, unnecessary increase in population will affect other people actually seeking opportunities.

People should make wise decision as a family whether they should move to modern city. The decision of movement for obtaining opportunities could be as a family or only member of the family such as father, brother or husband. For example, the reason that men from India are moving to Dubai for working is that this decision was moving as member and not family to reduce cost of living and gaining opportunities. This will be as per their income and education status.

An individual cannot move to cities without any income, some college or limited experience because the environment in modern cities is competitive. People possessing less competitive will somewhat fail and this will affect themselves and their family depending on

Modern Cities 4 them. The higher population moving to cities will bring down opportunities and this will affect many lives living lifestyle creating more poor people.

The recommendation for cities to improve is that they should built infrastructure internally that is definitely providing opportunities for all along with supporting development of other cities. For example, Dubai is one of the modern cities and they should start improving other emirates by establishing similar projects rather than repeating it in the same infrastructure. This will help in developing more cities within United Arab Emirates. Therefore, the living and working environment of Dubai will not be complicated. It is about standardizing and planning improvement effectively where everyone will get equal opportunity and minimize problems or challenges of relocation. People should conduct SWOT analysis of a city before moving to. They should contribute to improve other cities in the country and this is possible with the cooperation among government bodies.

In conclusion, the people moving to cities should make wise decision that particular member will move or whole family. There are various opportunities but wrong decision will lead to challenges, problems, and possible failure from moving to cities creating financial loss that might influence whole family. The three essentials to move to cities are income, education and work experience to start living and working in competitive environment of the city. Dubai is one the modern cities in the United Arab Emirates and there are opportunities for everyone but most of the bachelors are moving from start because the cost of living is high.

Modern Cities 5 Works Cited

Lejeune. (1997). Modern Cities (The New City). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Pimentel, Westra, Noss. (2000). Ecological Integrity Integrating Environment, Conservation, and Health. New York: Island Press.

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