Recruitment and Selection Portfolio

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Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio

Section 1)


Recruitment and selection portfolio will provide information on hiring Administrative Assistant replacement going for maternity leave. This immediate and urgent replacement will require attracting potential candidates with effective recruitment techniques, methods and plans.

The contents discussion in professionally prepared portfolio will contain job analysis, job description, person specification, recruitment plan and selection process plan. By the end of the report, there will be conclusion drawn on portfolio developed.

The purpose recruitment and selection portfolio is to document recruitment and selection steps and activities taken to hire Administrative Assistant for Sharjah Trading Company. Therefore, portfolio is aiming at providing professional information on recruitment and selection process and steps while development of process and contents.

Section 2)


The process of recruitments have eight steps and they are hiring decision, verifying references, interviewing supervisionarily, previewing job in realistic terms, evaluation with medical, selection interview, testing for employment and hiring process. These steps adoption and application is possible by any type or size of company while recruiting and selecting potential candidates.

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Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio 2.1) Job Analysis

The process of job analysis is analyzing and identifying particular duties of a job in detailed information and requirements. There will be analysis of importance of these duties and responsibilities in a particular opening or job (Prien, E. P., Goodstein, D., Goodstein, J., and Gamble, L. 2009). The below diagram shows job analysis flow:

Figure (1): Job Analysis < >


Job Analysis Questionnaire

The below presents job analysis questionnaire for Administrative Assistant and their possible responses (HR Guide, 2001):

What is the purpose of Administrative Assistant?

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Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio

What are the training needs for Administrative Assistant? What will be the compensation and benefits package? What are selection procedures for application? How will the performance of Administrative Assistant reviewed?


Job Interview Results

The purpose of Administrative Assistant job analysis is to provide and to obtain employment job related information and procedure simplicity. The training contents will be administrative, computer, documenting, filing, assisting, sending faxes, working with technology and communications, time management, appointments and scheduling, etc.

The potential candidate for Administrative Assistant replacement will receive this training as on-the-job training by current Administrative Assistant. This should take 12 weeks from their starting date. The compensation and benefits package will be 80% similar because replaced Administrative Assistant will be backing up rather than completely replacing this position.

The details about the job will be in the advertisement and there should be determination of salary range for potential candidates. There will be information on minimum requirements and optional requirements during screening process of candidates applying for Administrative Assistant. Therefore, there will be Page 3 of 14

Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio development of interview questionnaire along with tests and instruments to test interviewee.

There will be use of applicant evaluation forms for evaluating and appraising them. There will be identification of goals and objectives along with performance standards during job analysis and this will include evaluation criteria and possible on-the-job probation period or training.


Administrative Assistant Job Details

The job that Administrative Assistant will conduct is similar to job position named. They will be assisting the department in administrative tasks and activities with good processing in computing forms and making use of technology. They will be performing various assisting tasks as per outlined in job description (PayScale, Inc., 2009).

The job details will be about clerical tasks in general form, project based activities and tasks, etc. (HR Village, 2009). Their job will be doing administrative support and manual office works for more than one person (International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), 2009).


Job Description

Job description is job outline documentation that is providing concise and expected roles from Administrative Assistant along with skills needs and requirements to

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio conduct specific job (Clark, M., 2008). The person gong to work as Administrative Assistant should be able to assist and follow instructions clearly.


Administrative Assistant Job Description

The below table shows Administrative Assistants job description as per elements of job description (Jobs Abu Dhabi, 2009; Jobs In Inc., 2009): Title Department Reporting to Responsibilities Sharjah Trading Company Administrative Assistant Administration and Personnel Management Administration Manager Providing administrative support Assisting Administration Manager Assisting other employees as directed by Administration Manager Performing daily administrative functions Improving work efficiency by using MS Office applications Maintaining accurate and proper form of record Performing clerical and secretarial activities Preparing faxes and letters Preparing internal memorandum and notices Rendering assistance to Administration Manager and departmental employees Arranging and organizing meetings Maintaining up-to-date filings of documentation Attending calls for absent / unavailable employees


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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio 2.3) Person Specification

The person should be pleasant and good appearance that will be able to work under pressure and stress with balance of appearance. Administrative Assistant should be around and multitasking while handling workload. The candidate should be possessing skills and abilities to handle office work while assisting department.



The qualifications that Administrative Assistant should posses are (, 2003): Bachelor in Business Administration or Business Communications Diploma in Office Management (optional) Certificates of training in secretarial/clerical work International Computer Driving License TOEFL / IELTS for nonnative English speakers Arabic and English language proficiency



The experience should be (, 2003): Minimum of 3 years in midcareer level Worked as Administrative Clerk or Administrative Assistant

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio 2.3.3. Skills

The skills differentiated as per soft and technical skills that Administrative Assistant should posses (Jobs In Inc., 2009; Jobs Abu Dhabi, 2009) shown in the below table: Soft Skills Communication Time management Presentation Stress management Recruitment Plan Technical Skills Faxing Troubleshooting basic pc errors or problems Filing Documenting


Figure (2): Recruitment Lifecycle <>

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio The below advertisement will be showing as immediate closing opening for Administrative Assistant urgent replacement. Method 1. Local Newspapers 2. Website 3. Internal Office 4. Online third party websites 5. *HR Source Classified Section Official website of Sharjah Trading Company Notice / Bulletin Board Forums and classifieds Past 3 months pool of applications
* This is not advertisement source of method but it is other form of obtaining applications from previously applied candidates. There are possibilities for obtaining potential applicants meeting similar requirements that might save time from waiting from pools of applicants and screening them.

Cost Free Free Free Free Free

Others 20 words / 3-7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days NA


Selection Process


Before Selection Process

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio The below list of tasks for pre-selection process and this is after selecting and screening potential candidates from pool of applications: Screening 50 CVs Short listing top best 10 CVs Scheduling interviewing meeting with concerned employees and candidates Informing to bring documents missing Preparing readiness for candidate to attend tests computer and paper Preparing interview file with: o Interview forms o Interview questionnaire

All the interview questions will be according to job description, requirements and CV.


During Selection Process

The below checklist is during interview with potential candidate: Candidate taking computer test within 15 minutes Candidate taking paper-based test within 15 minutes Obtaining documents missing Double-checking information in CV Reviewing certificates and official documents Checking appearance of candidate Analyzing language and communication Informing Administration Manager Page 9 of 14

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio Interviewing: o How did you hear about Sharjah Trading Company? o How did you know about Administrative Assistant opening? o Did you apply somewhere else? Where did you apply? o What are your strengths and weaknesses? o Where do you see yourself in 5 years? o Why did you leave your last job? o What is your expected salary? o Can we contact your previous employers and educational institutions? o Explain about Administrative Assistant responsibilities and duties. o What were your previous responsibilities and duties? o When can you join us?


After Selection Process

The selection process will be by Administration Manager Sending email to candidate that we will contact them and if they did not hear within 1 week then their application retained for future openings Evaluating and submitting candidate profile and interview results Comparing for suitable candidate and short listing 3 top candidates Closing advertisements after selecting and hiring potential candidate

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Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio

Section 3)


Recruitment and selection is the planning stage for obtaining potential candidate in Sharjah Trading Company. Administrative Assistant will be going for maternity leave and this is almost like emergency leave that is possible to take anytime. The reason is that dates are not always the same as informed by Doctors.

The locating of Administrative Assistant should be within 2-3 days of employee notifying that she will go on maternity leave. This is to ensure that candidate as replaced found and hired along with handover of tasks and activities by leaving Administrative Assistant. This is critical recruitment and selection challenge that most of the organizations will face.

The recruitment and selection portfolio will contain information and documentations for each position to hire. There are processes and steps that HR Professional or Assistant should follow along with understanding of recruiting within short period. They should be able to prepare accurate documentation and interview testing of candidate and due to lack of time there are possibilities for meeting recruitment and selecting needs to hire at the earliest. The checklist, process, steps and procedures will help HR people to remain in track and prepare recruitment and selection portfolio with accuracy similar to regular openings.

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Recruitment and Selection Portfolio

Section 4)


Clark, M. 2008. The Job Description Handbook. USA: NOLO.






<URL:> [Accessed 25 October 2009.]

HR Guide. 2001. HR Guide to the Internet: Job Analysis: Overview. [WWW] <URL: > [Accessed 25 October 2009.]






[WWW] [Accessed

<URL: 25> October 2009.]








Administrative Support Job Descriptions. [WWW] <URL:> 2009.] [Accessed 25 October

Jobs Abu Dhabi. 2009. Administrative Assistant: ALHOSN University. [WWW] <URL:> [Accessed 25 October 2009.]

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Jobs In Recruitment and Selection Portfolio Inc. 2009. Administrative Assistant. [WWW] <URL:> [Accessed 25 October 2009.]








<URL:> [Accessed 25 October 2009.]

PayScale, Inc. 2009. Administrative Assistant - Job Description. [WWW] <URL:,_Except_Legal,_Medic al,_and_Executive> [Accessed 25 October 2009.]

Prien, E. P., Goodstein, D., Goodstein, J., and Gamble, L. 2009. A Practical Guide to Job Analysis. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.

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Human Resource Management

Recruitment and Selection Portfolio Noora Al Shehhi, Miss Project (Writing Services / Projects or Assignments) For Students, Employees and Employers Salaam 3alaykoom, My Services for Employees/Employers: Presentation, Translation (English Arabic), Training Material / Courseware, CV Writing & Editing, CV Distribution within UAE, e-Books, TOEFL iBT Registration, Online Marketing or E-Marketing, Fax Marketing, Procedures, Policies, Manuals, Forms, Web Designing, Job Description, Job Specification, Business Plan, Feasibility Study, Project Management Documentation, Monthly or Yearly Tasks Report, Career Consultation, etc. anything that has to do for fulfilling your job/business needs My Services for Students: Project, Assignment, Essay / Homework, Graduation Project, PHD Proposal, Dissertation, Research, Presentation, Translation (English Arabic), CV Writing & Editing, CV Distribution within UAE, e-Books, TOEFL iBT Registration, Contents or Layout Editing and Correction of Reports, Plagiarism or Grammar Checking, Web Designing, Work Placement, Internship / Training Report, etc. anything that has to do with writing/typing I can help in projects: Management, Business, Marketing, HRM, Economics, OB, PM, Database, Networking, Quality, Accounting, Mathematics, Statistics, Finance, Science, Law/Legal, Engineering, Web Design (Html/FrontPage), IS, IT, and many others etc All the projects & work will be free from plagiarism. You will be getting free of charge plagiarism report from TURNITIN. It will not show 100% copy pastes or matching when you submit using your University ID information. I use TURNITIN database just to check/review plagiarism not to submit it. Payment method Al Ansari Exchange / Western Union / Banks and I will process from time of payment. The price is depending on requirements, details and submission duration. Please do not let this valuable information for help and support to end in your email and do share with your friends and relatives. Thanks! Noora Al Shehhi Writing Services I am your ultimate choice for plagiarism free and excellent writing services with report showing plagiarism low rate from TURNITIN. | Email: | Website: | Project Samples:

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