Research Issues in Travel & Tourism

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Research Issues in Travel & Tourism


As a representative of an international organization I am informed by my boss to provide information about the role of research and approaches related to it.

In the project report, the discussion and explanation will be provided in the form of information as per the primary and secondary research of the issue that is conducted with the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative methods.

The contemporary issue that is discussed will be bird flu in the world rather than just one destination as it is worldwide issue with focus on most affected destinations which showed panic by the tourists traveling to this destination. The report will be presented with data and statistical information for effectiveness of the situation and issue being faced towards the tourism downturn. The findings will be analyzed and summarized for reader having no tourism or disease background.

The information in this booklet is to highlight the importance of understanding the issues and losses that might happen for traveling into destinations facing issues and research benefits.

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Research Issues in Travel & Tourism

The recommendations will be made for same or different categories of issues affecting the proposed and researched destinations and their tourism industry. It will be based on research including personal point of view.

The purpose of research issues in travel and tourism project is to examine the research different strategies, investigate contemporary issue and justify tourism research selection. The research issues in travel and tourism project is aimed to continue examining, investigating and justifying research issues in the current situation.

The objectives of research issues in travel and tourism project are:

1) Identifying and analyzing different research strategies which will be employed in the research project with examples on travel and tourism. 2) Analyzing and justifying the research methods for finding and analyzing the issues as per the primary and secondary. 3) Identifying suitable issues which are in the current stage in the travel and tourism. 4) Analyzing the current issue and identifying the plans for findings for justification and evaluation with proposed recommendations of

research areas.

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Research Issues in Travel & Tourism


According to the definition from University of Aberdeen, research is a key feature of most university courses. Research involves collecting information about a subject from a variety of sources including books, journals and the Internet or by carrying out experiments or talking to people and analysis of this information1. According to the definition from Ohio State University Extension, research is a formal, systematic application of the scientific approach to the study of a problem to discover new information or expand and verify existing knowledge 2.

As understood from the definitions, by conducting research in the contemporary issue that is faced by travel and tourism we can analyze and conclude the issue for new information and destinations involved in the same issue which is worldwide crisis.

The major role of research is to help and support the research for effective and appropriate findings in the facts and information about the factual contemporary issue. Therefore, it is to provide alternatives as per the options that will be found3.

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The research strategies will be based on testing and analyzing the issue that is faced by the travel and tourism or any other industry affecting the economy of the country or an organization. The strategies are for description of the research or predicting and determining.

In the research strategy the processes involved are identifying issue, finding background of the issue through primary or secondary research, using information from reliable sources, using statistical data for presentation in figures, evaluating the findings and citing the findings in body and end of the report4.

The research approach contains various advancement in analyzing the issue and they are qualitative, quantitative subjective, situational, interpretive, and emergence of data5. The research approach includes four components and they are specifying the subject and theory contents, determining the design which the theory will be based on, implementing the theory writing and evaluating for further changes or improvement in the information6.

The two major research methods are primary and secondary which involves qualitative and quantitative approaches.

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The definition of primary research is, primary sources include the generation of evidence by you, the analysis of data such as survey data generated by others, and the examination of official governmental publication. The range and availability of primary sources will depend on the field of study.

In this report, the application of research method will be made which is cost effective and time suitability. The information required is available instantly according to this method rather than secondary research method which will cost money and time.

The below figure shows the primary research means of obtaining information:

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The definition of secondary research is, survey data generated by others. It is focused on academic sources materials written by political scientists, sociologists etc. It is making use of theories, concepts and case studies to support your arguments and in the final analysis, answer the hypothesis. The accessibility will be newspapers, periodicals, CD-ROMs, videos, on-line computerized data bases and the Internet 7.

The advantages of primary research methods are less costly for available information, applicability for all kinds of research, usability for the researcher and the reader, accuracy in the data, reliability for understanding the subject and up-to-date information. The

disadvantages of secondary research methods are expensive, not always available and difficult to access.

The advantages of secondary research methods are inexpensive, easily accessed and frequently available. The disadvantages of secondary research methods are outdated, unreliable and not applicable8.

The advantages and disadvantages related to both the research methods are depending upon research subjected and its complications. If the research subject is common then the disadvantages might be different.

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According to the quantitative and qualitative method differentiation is given below9:

The research selected is about contemporary issue which is impacting globally from one destination to another. The justification for selecting this research and particular method is because the contemporary issue affects travel and tourism industry. It also affects the economy of that destination and personal financial and health loss of the visitors and people living in that destination as per applicable research method that is adopted.

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The research selection process is shown in the below flowchart10:

In the range of different strategies during the research methods are11: 1) Developing the research plan that will be carried on. 2) Gathering the research background information. 3) Conducting in-depth analysis for the information that is gathered. 4) Determining the facts and data as per the information that is gathered and analyzed. 5) Obtaining information from news, opinions, comments, articles and media.

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In order to provide tourism examples the previous strategies during the research methods are analyzed as shown in the below points: 1) Developing the research plan that will be carried on. 2) Gathering the research background information. 3) Conducting in-depth analysis for the information that is gathered. 4) Determining the facts and data as per the information that is gathered and analyzed. 5) Obtaining information from news, opinions, comments, articles and media.

According to the Dr.Thomas Stuttaford, renowned doctor and chief medical commentator for The Times, he had commented that bird flu and other similar diseases are affecting the travel and tourism industry which is health hazard and whether there is medical and health responsibility of the travel and tourism12.

The bird flu which is also known as avian influenza, it is the cause by the nature forces and neither the industry nor the travelers are to be blamed for this issue but instead control and precautions are to be taken. If the actions and precautions are not taken which is suppose to be made sure by the travel and tourism industry in a particular destination then they are to be blamed.


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The aims and objectives of research and contemporary issues in travel and tourism report are: 1) Providing information about the issue and destination affected. 2) Detailing findings in information and statistical data. 3) Reasoning the selection of the issue and destination.

The destination that I have selected is Indonesia and the reason I have selected this destination is because due to high number of deaths and causes that has affected the destination and it is the largest area where bird flu is caused.

The bird flu in Indonesia was reported that it has affected very badly the travel and tourism as the number of people was decreasing as per the local media. The amazing fact about the situation is that due to precautions that were taken by the destination did not impact the tourism decline causing loss to the economy. This is due to the efforts by the government to cure and minimize the bird flue patients dying13.

As Indonesia is a destination which is depending upon travel and tourism which is essential part of their economy. Due to its nature and tourism attractions the travelers number was not decreased dramatically during 2002-2006 and the balance was during 2000, 2001 and 2007.


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The visitor arrivals to Indonesia 2000-2007 shown in below table14:
AVERAGE EXPENDITURE YEAR VISITOR ARRIVAL PER PERSON (US$) PER VISIT 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 5.064.217 5.153.620 5.033.400 4.467.021 5.321.165 5.002.101 4.871.351 5.505.759 1.135,18 1.053,36 893,26 903,74 901,66 904,00 913,09 970,98 PER DAYS 92,59 100,42 91,29 93,27 95,17 99,86 100,48 107,70 AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY 12,26 10,49 9,79 9,69 9,47 9,05 9,09 9,02 5,748.80 5,396,26 4,305,56 4,037,02 4,797,88 4,521,89 4,447,98 5,345,98 TOURISM

Indicators: grey highlighted (decrease in tourism) and yellow highlighted (increase in tourism)

In the below diagram we can observe that Indonesia is affected highly15:

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In the below table we can observe that Indonesia is affected highly with 102 causes and 81 deaths during 2007. However, the tourism did not decrease and will be evaluated by the end of 200816:

The bird flu in Indonesia affected financial and health status of the people working and living. The travelers visiting Indonesia are having high chances to get bird flu due to the high number of causes and deaths.


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The impact will be globally affecting the destinations and economy as it is contagious disease transmitted from diseased bird to human body and continuing to affect people around in the same community. As the economy of Indonesia is highly dependent on tourism this might have impact in downturn during the future.

At the same time, the airline industries having flights to Indonesia will suffer by declining in the business and holiday travel due to the ban form the government or the people hesitating to travel to Indonesia17.

Furthermore, even though if Indonesia improved in curing this disease this will not stop decline in the travel and tourism because of the reason that some countries might ban flights and travels to it. As a result, the travel and tourism issues will increase affecting the economy18.

In the research issue was that there was no information showing direct comparison as per the impacts of the bird flu on the tourism all were separate data for determining it. The Indonesian government did not issue data based upon before and after tourism statistical data when bird flu came into being.

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The research in the contemporary issues varies from one generation to another. The recommendations that will be made are for certain period of time as in the worldwide the actions are changing which is impacting in the travel and tourism creating issues.

The issues involved in a particular destination might not be the same in another destination and number of people affected might not be the same also. So, the research must be differentiated either related to a particular destination or international issue that will impact in all destinations.

The further researches that are recommended to conduct are in the health and environment issues.

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