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Molino III, Bacoor Cavite

Logo of UPHSD Logo of COE

Logo of PCpEA


We, the Computer Engineering Students of the University of Perpetual Help Molino, imploring the aid of the almighty God and the Blessings of our Mother of Perpetual Help, in order to establish the Perpetualite Computer Engineering Association that shall embody the ideals of the UPHSD-M Engineering studentry of upholding and protecting their rights and welfare in promoting camaraderie and cooperation among Computer Engineering students, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

Article I NAME AND OFFICE Sec. 1 NAME a. This body shall be known as Perpetualite Computer Engineering Association. It shall adopt the acronym PCpEA to identify and distinguish it from other school organizations. Sec. 2 OFFICE a. The office of the PCpEA shall be located at Supreme Student Council Office, room 512 of UPH Molino, Molino 3, Bacoor Cavite. Article II GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1 This document shall be known and be hereby referred to as the CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS of the PERPETUALITE COMPUTER ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION or the PCpEA. Sec. 2 This Constitution shall govern the PCpEA and shall apply to all bonafide members of this organization. Article III DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND OBLECTIVES Sec. 1 The PCpEA shall serve as an access for student leadership training. Sec. 2 The PCpEA shall promulgate the ideals, objectives and policies of the college towards ensuring the foundations of intellectual, spiritual, socio cultural, political and physical well being of all Engineering Students to the fullest order to accomplish a just and humane society of students in the College of Engineering. Sec. 3 The PCpEA shall strive to develop social awareness and instill national consciousness among the students and shall inquire and relate with the various sectors of society in the pursuit of common interest. Sec. 4 The PCpEA shall strive to develop a responsible studentry who will put educational opportunity to optimal use and look after the unity and welfare of the whole engineering studentry.

Sec. 5 The PCpEA shall seek and engineer educational reforms along nationalistic, humanistic, and scientific methods for the full development of human potentials to respond to social realities and promote academic freedom and excellence. Article IV MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1 He/She must be a bonafide student of the University of Perpetual Help Molino Campus enrolled as a Computer Engineering Student. Article V ELECTION OF OFFICERS Sec. 1 The election of officers of Perpetualite Computer Engineering Association shall be presided over by the previous officer that is chosen by the faculty adviser. Sec. 2 Election shall be held within the first two weeks of the school year. Article VI DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERS Sec. 1 It shall be the responsibility of the students to support the PCpEA Constitution, obey its laws, as well as its rules and regulations, and to cooperate with the Supreme Student Council (SSC) and school authorities, in the attainment of an orderly academic community. Sec. 2 These rights of the students must be exercised responsibly with respect to the rights of others. Sec. 3 PCpEA shall support other engineering societies such as Engineering Student Council (ESC), Electronics and Communication Engineering Student Society (ECESS), Industrial Engineering Society (IES) and Electrical Engineering League of Student (EELS). Sec. 4 It shall exercise the rights responsibly. Sec. 5 It shall complement academic development with the extra curricular participation that may help promote the development of a holistic individual.

Article VII BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Sec.1 There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of nine (9) members elected at large among the members. Sec. 2 The elected and qualified members of the Board of Directors shall elect among themselves the following officers. a. President b. Vice President (Internal) Vice President (External) c. Secretary d. Treasurer e. Auditor f. Business Manager g. Sergeant at Arms Article Vlll QUALIFICATIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES Sec. 1 Composition The PCpEA shall be composed of the officers that are elected by the Computer Engineering Student body. Sec. 2 The officers of the PCpEA will be as follows: President, Vice President (Internal and External) , Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager and Sergeant at Arms. Sec. 3 Qualification all bonafide Engineering students who wish to have an elective position in: The PCpEA officers must have the following qualifications: a. He/She shall be a bonafide Computer Engineering student enrolled in the current semester who wishes to have an elective position. b. He/She shall not be under disciplinary/academic probation. c. He/She shall be a third year during the time of elections and fourth year during the term of office (for the President and Vice President), and should have established residence in the school for at least four (4) successive semesters. d. He/She shall have enrolled at least fifteen (15) units for the present semester, as certified by the school registrar. e. He/She shall be of good moral character as certified by the Guidance Counselor and Prefect of Discipline.

f. He/She shall be an officer of the PCpEA at least for a year. (for the President and Vice President), as certified by the Deans Office. Sec. 4 POWERS The PCpEA shall have the following: 4.A PRESIDENT The President Shall; 4. A.1 Be the Chief Executive of the PCpEA and preside over its meetings. 4. A.2 Have the power to call a special meeting of the PCpEA and its committees. 4. A.3 Sign all documents of PCpEA. 4. A.4 Be in charge of appointing different committees and their chairmen. 4. A.5 Distribute the organization assignments and responsibilities to the Vice President and to all concerned PCpEA officers. 4.B VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence. He/She shall assists the president and performs tasks and assignments given by the PCpEA. He/She shall also examines and audits the accuracy of the annual reports of the semesters financial report. 4.C SECRETARY The Secretary shall be the safe- keeper of all records, documents, and papers of PCpEA. He/She shall record the proceedings and record an accurate minutes of PCpEA meetings. 4.D TREASURER The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds and properties of the PCpEA. He/She shall submit a financial report at the end of each semester and assists the President in preparation of the budget. Disbursement of funds is in accordance to the standing policies of PCpEA. Sec.5 DUTIES The PCpEA shall have the following duties; a. Be the Computer Society among engineering students and shall function for the welfare of the studentry and improvement of the College. b. To appoint the chairman and members of the committees. c. To inform CpE Students about activities that involve the computer engineering studentry in the college. d. To promulgate its by- laws and the rules of procedure governing its meetings in consonance with this constitution. e. To improve its budget prepared and presented by the PCpEA Treasurer upon the recommendation of the PCpEA President. f. To implement policies, programs, and activities for the PCpEA students. g. To collect council fees and raise funds in support of its projects and activities. (Article XV, Sec2) h. To administer its own funds and have the control over its properties. i. To have the right to publish a newsletter or any other similar publication.

j. The exercise such other powers as it may deem necessary, upon the consultation with, and approval of the College Dean. Article IX COMMITTEES Sec. 1 The following committees shall be created by the President at the second meeting of each semester. a. Committee on Assessment, composed of five (5) members, and with jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to the academic performance and general conduct of each member. b. Committee on Rules, composed of five (5) members, and with the jurisdiction over all matters relative to the provisions of this constitution. c. Committee on Elections, composed of three (3) students and two (2) faculty advisers, and with the jurisdiction over all members regarding the election of the PCpEA. d. Committee on Projects, composed of five (5) members, and with jurisdiction over all matters regarding projects and activities of the PCpEA. e. Committee on Finance, composed of three (3) members, and with the jurisdiction over all financial matters of the PCpEA. Sec. 2 The President shall appoint the chairman of all the committees. Article X ACCOUNTABILITY OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS Sec. 1 All officers of the PCpEA shall serve the highest degree of responsibility, integrity and efficiency and shall be accountable to the members. Sec. 2 Any officer or member of the PCpEA may be removed from office by vote of two thirds of all its officers on any of the following grounds: a. Gross neglect on duty. b. Violation of any provisions of this constitution, the rules and regulations of the University, CHED policies and the laws of the Republic. c. Gross misconduct. d. Malversation of the organizational funds. Sec. 3 Resignation of an officer shall be presented in writing to the organization through the President. Sec. 4 Any member or officer voids his/her membership in cases of shifting or transferring of courses.

Article XI TERM OF THE OFFICER Sec. 1 The term of office of all elective officers of the PCpEA shall be for one school year. Article XII MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES Sec. 1 General meetings shall be held by the elected officers upon assumption of office, to plan the program and activities of the PCpEA for the school year. Sec. 2 Regular meetings shall be held once a month. Sec. 3 A majority of all the officers and/or members of the PCpEA must be present for the presiding officer to declare a quorum. Sec. 4 Special meetings may be declared by the President noted by the Advisers and upon approval by the Dean. Article XIII ADVISERS Sec. 1 The officers of the PCpEA shall choose one/two adviser(s) from among the CpE faculty of the College of Engineering approved by the Dean. Sec. 2 All former Presidents and Vice Presidents shall form the student advisers of the PCpEA. Article XIV TENURE AND VACANCIES Sec. 1 All officers of the PCpEA shall assume office two (2) days after proclamation and shall serve for a term of one school year.

Article XV FUNDS Sec. 1 The funds of the PCpEA shall come from the registration fees of the members collected during the registration period. Sec. 2 A membership fee of P 50.00 will be collected every semester to support the activities of the organization. Sec. 3 Disbursement of the PCpEA funds shall be made by the Chairman and approved by the President and noted by the Adviser. Article XVI AMENDMENTS Sec. 1 The PCpEA by a majority vote of its officers may propose amendments to this Constitution and By Laws. Sec. 2 Any amendments to this Constitution shall become valid and its parts thereof as approved by a majority vote of the members of the PCpEA cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose. Article XVII EFFECTIVITY Sec. 1 This constitution shall immediately take effect upon ratification by a majority vote, cast in a plebiscite, held for the said purpose.

Constitution & By Laws

Perpetualite Computer Engineering Association

University of Perpetual Help - Molino

Molino 3, Bacoor, Cavite

College of Engineering
For From Subject Date : : : : Dr. Reno R. Rayel School Director Mr. Mar Christian L. Herrera President, PCpEA As STATED July 09, 2010

Respectfully submitting to your office the Constitution and By Laws of Perpetualite Computer Engineering Association. Attached herewith are the details for your perusal. Thank you in anticipation of your approval. Respectfully yours, ____________________________ ______________________________ Mr. Mar Christian L. Herrera President, PCpEA Noted by:

Engr. Rolito L. Mahaguay Adviser, PCpEA

Recommending Approval: ____________________________ ______________________________ Engr. Junel P. Saut Asst. Dean, College of Engineering

Mrs. Myla Pilar Pamplona Dean, Student Affairs Office

Approved by: ____________________________

Dr. Reno R. Rayel School Director

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