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Culture/Civilization: China Time Period: Classical Period (Qin Dynasty 221 B.C.E.-207 B.C.E.; Han Dynasty 202 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) Factual Information Qin Empire Shi huangdi Bureaucracy Legalismenhance state power and wealth; enact strict laws creating social harmony Han Empire Liu Bang-former peasant and village headman; held coalition of forces together Wudi-Han expansion Wang Mang (ruled from 9 C.E.-23 C.E.) bureaucracy Quote CCOT

POLITICAL Leaders, Elites Structure--Laws Role of Religion Conflict Diplomacy, Treaties Judicial

Qin ECONOMIC Philosophy Focus Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Role of merchants


Xian (large, walled

town) Towns normally had mining, manufacturing, and trade Conquest in the wets and south led to more trade routes Long distance trade was expanded to the borders Trade with other civilizations were controlled by large companies Merchants became wealthy but were at the bottom of the social structure because of Confucianism

Qin RELIGIOUS Origins Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Holy Books Influence on Society


Han Confucianism; attraction to Daoism Confucian hierarchy- agriculturists were placed over artisans Civil service exams based off of Confucian teachings Confucianism put merchants on the lowest social class

Qin SOCIAL Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities coercive labor Life Styles Han

Peasants made up the army

Knowledge of Confucian teachings allowed one to gain royal power Only wealthy could afford to take civil service exams Three groups-the literate shi, the ordinary but free subjects, and the underclass Women subordinate to men but had rights. i.e. participation in family rituals, literacy, education, and ability to remarry after husbands death. Women had status based on their ability to produce male children. Peasants had to devote some days to public working Artisans had a higher status than peasants Merchants were the bottom class

Qin INTELLECTUAL, ARTS Art, Music Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education Technology Han Civil service exams were established at the first century B.C.E. Brush pen and paper, water mills, rudders, compasses, porcelain ceramics Silk making and new mining techniques China To the North: Gobi Desert To the East: Pacific ocean Huang he and Yangzi rivers To the West/Southwest: Tien Shan/ Himalayan mountains, deserts To the Southeast: thick jungles

Developed standardized scripts, coinage, weights, and measures Construction of Great Wall of China Began construction on many canals and roads Advanced military technology

NEAR: GEOGRAPHY Location Physical Movement Human/Environ ment Region Notes:

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