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functions have independent existence means they are defined outside of the class e.g.

in c main() is a function while methods do not have independent existence they are always defined inside class e.g. main() in Java is called method. ######## I've been studying OOP lately and had this question myself, so I will share my thoughts; I was taught that "A Function should do 1(one) thing and do it well." In specific Regards to PHP; The difference between a Method and a Function is that a Method is tied to a specific class. Hope this helps. What is the difference between Functions and Methods? What is the difference between Functions and Methods? Methods are calling using objects. FUNCTIONS ARE DIRECTLY CALLING methods are invoked using objects. where as in case of functions here is no question of objects. we can it directly The major difference between methods and functions is that methods called by the reference variables called objects where as the functions do not having any reference variables. Function have independent existence which means they are defined outside the class. Method do not have independent existence that means they are defined inside the class. The major difference between methods and functions is that methods called by the reference variables called objects where as the functions do not having any reference variables. It is where about return or not return value Method -> does not give return value, as subroutine or procedure Function -> gives return value The name methods are used in the language Java, in this language we called functions are the methods but in C language we simply called these are functions, because the Java contains class and objects. Methods are called by object variable. The major difference between methods and functions is that methods called by the reference variables called objects where as the functions do not having any reference variables. Method and function are the same thing but their are minor difference between them. these difference are : function return some value but method doesn't return anything . function have return type but method has no return type But we can use both the same things . Example : some books prefer that strlen() function And some books

Let me explain the difference between the method and function. Method is used to for doing the things especially in a systematic way implies an orderly logical arrangement. The function is a self-contained block of statements that perform a coherent task of some kind. both methods and functions are set of statements to perform certain tasks... when it places inside the class it is called as methods. methods are used to call by using objects and we can pass references as parameter.Ex. c++,java if it is placed inside main function called as functions. function is called directly by the main program and doesn't use references. Ex c language functions What a C/C++ programmers calls a function, we can call it as methods in Java. We can insert functions into methods, but we cannot insert methods into functions. I don't think so. Only the constructor do not have a return type. All other methods should have return type. And I believe that the functions inside a class is termed as method. I'm sorry if this is wrong methods is a calling procedure function is a small program Methods are functions only which have defined classes they are in JAVA and C#.. functions are in CLet's start with properties. Properties are characteristics of an object. Examples of objects? Textbox, label, form, RadioButtons, etc. Objects can also be defined through class definitions and are instantiated when called upon and used in a program. Methods are tasks that are tied directly to an object. They occur when an action takes place upon that object. They do not exist without the presence of that object. Sub Routines (otherwise known as Independent Sub Functions) are functions that are completely INDEPENDENT of OBJECTS. That means that they can be called from anywhere in the program. They do not have a "return value," though they can return information to the calling function via parameter passing by reference. Functions are code blocks thay create change on some variable or object. They are not necessarily tied to an object (though all methods are functions) and usually have a "return value" that is caught and used somehow in the calling function. Most often, this return value is stored in a variable, though the function call itself can be used in a subsequent function call (example: Dim sum as Integer = Add(getnumber() + 2) ) I hope that is a help to you A function returns a value. It typically has a parameter list (the variable(s) listed in the parentheses after the function's name). Sometimes it does an operation on a class' member variables (which are protected inside a class and are changed by Property setters and retrieved by property getters.

A subroutine is the same as a function except it doesn't return a value. It performs some kind of operation using a parameter list or the member variables, but it doesn't return a value. A method can be either a function or a subroutine. A property is a unit of data that's stored inside a class. It is an attribute of the class. Properties have getters and setters that allow for testing of values inputted and for conversion of values. A property get returns a value. A property set accepts a value. There are two dichotomies in the words you needed defined, they are (in one sense) opposites of the other. A class is made up of either methods or properties. A method can be either a function or a subroutine.

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