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NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

What Is Microsoft.NET?

Microsoft .NET is a strategy developed by Microsoft to encourage communication between systems within organizations. The technologies that support .NET promote fast development of solutions that you can deploy and manage efficiently and effectively. The .NET Framework consists of components that modularize and simplify the development of distributed applications. The two main components promoted by the .NET Framework are the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library.

.NET Framework Components

Benefits of the .NET Framework

Based on Web standards and practices Functionality of .NET Framework classes is universally available Code is organized into hierarchical namespaces and classes Extensible and language independent

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

The .NET Framework has a predefined process for converting your high-level source code into managed modules that the CLR executes. Managed Execution Process The managed execution process consists of the following steps: 1. Compile your source code into a language that the run-time environment can understand. For example, the .NET compiler will translate your Microsoft Visual C# or Microsoft Visual Basic source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). 2. Translate the MSIL code into the machine language of the client on which it will run. To achieve this, the.NET Framework utilizes a process called just-in-time (JIT) compilation when you run the code. 3. Execute the machine language by using the infrastructure of the CLR. The CLR loader is responsible for loading and initializing code. Your code is loaded on demand so that unused sections of a program are never brought into memory.

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

What is Visual Studio 2008?

Visual Studio: The Tool for .NET Development

Visual Studio 2008 provides an IDE where you can build your .NET Framework applications using a language of your choice. The intuitive design enables developers to quickly become productive and maximize the use of the sophisticated underlying functionality. Visual Studio 2008 simplifies the process of creating and deploying distributed solutions.

Structure of Visual Studio 2008 Solutions and Projects

Visual Studio 2008 uses solutions and projects as conceptual containers to organize your source files during development. Categorizing your source files in this way simplifies the build and deployment process for your .NET Framework applications.

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

Windows Forms Applications provide a powerful way to create a Windows-based application. Visual Studio 2008 offers several application templates to support the development of various applications and components. The Windows Forms application template provides the tools, structure, and starter code to help you develop desktop applications that have a comprehensive user interface. Create a Windows Forms application project 1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project. 3. Define the new project: i. Select a project type, for example, Microsoft Visual C# or Visual Basic. ii. Click the required Windows application template. iii. Type a name for the Windows Forms application. iv. Define the location for the project files. 4. Click OK to create the Windows Forms application project. Save a Windows Forms application project In Visual Studio 2008, open the File menu. You can then either: Click Save All to save the entire project. OR Click Save <Object Name> to save the current item selected. Add a new item to a Windows Forms application project To add a new item to a Windows Forms application project, you can follow these steps. 1. In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, in Solution Explorer, right-click the project, point to Add, and then click New Item. 2. In the Add New Item dialog box, click the item that you want to add, for example, a new Windows Form. 3. In the Add New Item dialog box, click Add. Add an existing item to a Windows Forms application project To add an existing item to a Windows Forms application project, you can follow these steps. 1. In Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, in Solution Explorer, right-click the project, point to Add, and then click Existing Item. 2. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, browse to the item that you want to add. 3. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, click Add.

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

How to Output Information in a Message Box: MessageBox.Show("Hello world", "My MessageBox", _ MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk)

.NET Programming Module 1 & 2

Prepared by: Jun Navarra, Trainer

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