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Physics 301 Energy and Society Fall 2011 Instructor: Dr.

Barbara Hoeling
Office: 8 - 222 Phone: 909-869-2374 E-mail: Lecture hours: MW 2:00 3:50pm (room 8-4) Office hours: MWF 12:00pm 1:00pm or by appointment Textbook: Energy and the Environment by Robert A. Ristinen and Jack J. Kraushaar, 2nd edition, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-471-73989-0 Course description and goals: Phy301 covers many important aspects of energy - what it is, how it is produced and consumed, and ways in which it impacts society and the environment. Our principal aim is to develop a quantitative physical understanding of many issues and problems involved with the generation, storage, transport, transformation, and usage of various forms of energy in our technological society. We will cover fossil fuels and hydroelectric, nuclear, solar, and wind energy, and issues related to energy conservation in everyday life. We will also consider the effects of waste products associated with energy generation and usage on global warming and on the pollution of the environment. Some of the goals of this course are: to help you learn to apply quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills to complex and often controversial issues to understand the underlying physical principles involved to answer questions about energy conservation in your own lives (appliance choices, automobiles, insulation, and so on) to allow you to make informed decisions about policies, regulations, and legislation regarding energy and the environment to increase your skills and confidence in quantitative estimation and scientific argumentation to enjoy the course!! Course management: I will be using the course management system Blackboard for posting announcements, important information, etc. You have to use your bronco ID and your bronco password to log on. I will also frequently email you announcements, reminders, etc. to your Cal Poly email. It is your responsibility to make sure that your Cal Poly email account is checked regularly and not overflowing. Course structure: You are expected to read the chapter of your textbook that is assigned for each week before the beginning of the Monday lecture. During the class meetings, we will review and discuss the material. I will ask a number of conceptual multiple choice questions that you have to answer using flash cards. The purpose of these questions is to make you an active participant in the lecture, rather than a passive listener. We will talk about

homework problems, have group and whole class discussions, and do some fun physics demos. I have also planned for three guest speakers and a couple of field trips! Grading: 2 Midterms Reading Quizzes Project In-class participation Carbon Footprint Paper Total 20 % each 40 % 10 % 25 % 5% 20 % 100 %

Reading Quizzes: In the schedule below, you will find the chapters of your textbook that cover the material of the lectures for each week. Please read the indicated chapter carefully, then take a short online quiz on Bb before coming to class on Monday. Note that the reading quiz closes at 1:00 pm. After that time, the quiz disappears from Bb, and you can no longer access it. Each of these reading quizzes consists of three multiple choice questions. Part of the credit for the reading quizzes will be given for participation, the other for correctness of the answers. I will adjust the score upward for students who show excellent participation in class or make effective use of my office hours. Homework: I will assign weekly homework problems, mostly calculations. Their purpose is to give you an idea of the questions you have to expect in the exams. The homework problems are not for credit. I will post solutions after the due date. However, I strongly recommend that you spend time working on the problems by yourself or in a study group before looking at the solutions! Exams: There will be two midterms. All will be open notes, and will have the same format: calculations and short answer/essay questions. Instead of a final exam, you will calculate your personal carbon footprint and write a paper about it. Detailed instructions will be given at a later time. Project: You will work in teams of three or four on a project based on your own independent research on any issue you choose, directly related to energy and the environment. For the due dates of the different stages of the project, see the schedule below. You will also make a short presentation of your research to the class. More detailed instructions will be available on Bb in a separate document. Academic Integrity: Every student is expected to be familiar with the university policy on academic integrity. Copying and cheating are considered serious offenses and will be dealt with accordingly. If you feel that you may need special accommodations due to a disability, please contact me privately to discuss your specific needs.

Phy 301, Fall 2011 Instructor: Barbara Hoeling Tentative Schedule of Events Date
M Sep.26 W Sep.28 M Oct. 3 W Oct. 5 M Oct. 10 W Oct. 12 M Oct. 17 W Oct. 19 M Oct. 24 W Oct. 26 M Oct. 31 W Nov. 2 M Nov. 7 W Nov. 9 M Nov.14 W Nov.16 M Nov.21 W Nov.23 M Nov.28 W Nov.30 M Dec. 5
Carbon Footprint Paper due

CH 1 Energy Fundamentals CH 3 Heat Engines CH 4 Renewables I: Solar Energy CH 5 Renewables II: Alternatives CH 6 Nuclear Energy CH 2 Fossil Fuels The End of Oil CH 7 Energy Conservation CH 8 Transportation CH 9 Air Pollution CH10 Global Effects


Reading Quizzes 1&2 due at 1:00pm

Choice of topic for project due

Reading Quiz 3 due at 1:00pm Field Trip to Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies Reading Quiz 4 due at 1:00pm

Abstract/Outline of project due 1st MIDTERM (Chapters 1, 3, 4)

Reading Quiz 5 due at 1:00pm Guest Speaker: Ky Nguyen (SONGS)

(optional) first draft of project due

Reading Quiz 6 due at 1:00pm

Reading Quiz 7 due at 1:00pm Guest Speaker: Dr. Hofu Wu (Cal Poly, Architecture)

Project due
Reading Quiz 8 due at 1:00pm

2nd MIDTERM (Chapters 5, 6, 2, 7)

Reading Quiz 9 due at 1:00pm Field Trip to SoCal Edison's Energy Education Center

Reading Quiz 10 due at 1:00pm

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