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Kundali sanshodhan / horoscope verification Pt Bhooshan Priya

Teve ki durusti Every paddhati of Jyotish needs doing this exercise at times. There is an entire procedure of finding the correct lagna in the traditional astrology known as nashta-jatak. Apart from nashta-jatak, people use sudarshan chakramethod for it where the lagna, surya lagna and the Chandra lagna are studied collectively and also separately. The KP paddhati has developed the chart rectification into a very fine art. We all know that the Naadi paddhati uses a thumb impression to cast the entire horoscope with absolute accuracy. Like other paddhatis, Lal Kitab also has talked about the rectification/ verification though not in as much a rigorous form It is to be done for three extraneous situations: [ A ] When the exact time of birth is not known. Suppose a native approaches an astrologer who has a vague idea that he was born before noon some time, of course he knows the date of birth and the place of birth. In this situation the astrologer will have to prepare at least three horoscopes for him with three different Lagna. Since the birth is prior to the noon, the three horoscopes will have to be cast with the sun in the 10th, 11th and the 12th. The position of the Sun will determine the Lagna. The next step will be to tally some of the major events of the natives life based on the planetary positions in all the three horoscopes. This is what the Lal Kitab calls Lagna ko teen bar hila kar dekhna, shaking the lagna thrice. Suppose in our example horoscope, the Jupiter is placed in the 8th house and the Mars in the 5th house. The questions can be asked based on the results of these two planets. This is known as verifying thehoroscope with the help of Nishaniyan [ symptoms] in the context of the Lal Kitab. For Mars in the 5th house the questions can be : [ a ] Was any of your elders [ ancestors ] in the family doing sahukara , lending money etc.

[ b ] Was or is some one in your family associated with medicines, a doctor or a chemist. [ c ] Was there a neem tree either in the compound of the house you were born, or near that. Similarly verification questions can be asked for the Jupiter in the 8th house: [ a ] Does some one in your family has or had breathing problems ? [ b ] If not, does or did your father-in-law have this problem? [ c ] Was your grandfather alive till you were 8 years old, if so, did he live to be 80 or more? If most of the answers are affirmative, then you know this is the horoscope of the native. If the answers are in the negative, then take up the next horoscope and ask about the symptoms indicated by the planets in that horoscope. Keep on doing it till you strike the correct horoscope. This exercise needs both the time and the patience. These symptoms or nishaniyan can be collected and a list made for each planet in each house while reading the Lal Kitab or any other classics on astrology. The symptoms given in the Lal Kitab and other classics of Vedic astrology would be similar most of the time. It is always advisable to collect these symptoms from as many classics as possible. Just a word of warning, do not go by the symptoms given in cheap books on astrology sold on the pavements; stick to the classics only. [ B ] When the native doesnt know even the date of birth, let alone the time of birth. Such horoscopes have to be cast with the help of the palmistry [ samudrik sashtra ]. There is an elaborate procedure laid down in the Lal Kitab [ Arun Sanhita 1952, page 58 ]. Through out the Lal Kitab there has been given the companion kyafa of the palm for each planet in a house. A horoscope thus cast is verified through symptoms as in the example above. At times a cross check is also made through the help of the ancestral home. This is known as makan ki madad se durusti [ verification through the help of ancestral home ]. You can read the details in Arun sanhita 1952 edition page 64. This is a difficult procedure because not many astrologers, including me, are proficient in the art of palm reading. Anyway, the above verification is not required most of the time because all those who consult an astrologer come up with accurate time of birth and other details. This verification exercise still has to be done for the following.

[ C ] To find out which planet is acting malefic so that the upaya of that planet could be done. In most cases the native who comes to an astrologer will spell out his problems. While listening to his problems an experienced astrologer would immediately know which planet is acting malefic and which is not. Which planets can cause these problems, which dasha and antardasha can cause these problems would be clear within no time. But it is advisable that the less experienced should confirm through nishaniyan [ symptoms] whether the planet they assume is acting malefic is really malefic or not. The Lal Kitab enumerates the symptoms, both malefic and benefic, for a planet placed in a house. For example, if you have to find out whether the Mars in the 5th house [example above ] is acting malefic or not you will have to find out how are the significations of ketu. Mars malefic will manifest its malefic nature through ketu. [ a ] His sons could suffer, [ b ] he could have ear and knee trouble, [ c ] may not have much happiness from his sons, [ d ] his elder brother may not be well off , [ e ] even the progeny of the elder brother could be suffering. And so on. These symptoms are like the ones I had added to Jupiter in each house, when Jupiter was being discussed in the Lal Kitab discussion group. I had added these symptoms, both benefic and malefic, for Jupiter in each house. Go to the archives and go through them if you like While reading the Lal Kitab or any other classics on astrology, you should prepare a list of these symptoms. Such a list will be very handy and useful while verifying a horoscope. Bhooshan Priya

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