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Deutronomy 1:6-7 Jehovah our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying, you have had enough of dwelling i n this mountain;turn

and pull up stakes and go into the hills of the Amorites, a nd to all its neighboring places in the Arabah, in the hills, and in the low cou ntry, and in the Negeb, and in the shore of the sea, the land of the Canaanites and of Lebanon, to the great river, the Euphrates River. God spoke to the children of Israel and told them that they dwelt long enough in horeb and their time had come to proceed to the next destination that God had p lanned for them. There is a place that God will always move you from and take you to the next pla ce. Even back during the times of Abram, God took him from one place to the next . This did not end with Abram but we see it happening over and over in the word of God and now it has come to you. One of the things that I wanted to know when God gave me this scripture was to understand why God wanted them to move from H oreb to Euphrates and these are the two words that s I would like us to dwell much o n as this is where we get our message from. Let us look at the first word; Horeb is a Hebrew word that is translated; desolate and dry. Horeb is from the Hebrew word Horba which is translated: dry, desolate place, wa ste, dissolution, deserts, laid waste, decayed places, destruction, utterly wast e, lay in ruins, to kill, to dry up, to lay waste, devastate, cause to dry up. This is the kind of place that God wants to take you from. He is saying that you r time has come to come out of this dry and desolate situation that you find you rself in. Maybe things seem to be dry in different areas of your life but thank God for he has seen your struggles and hardships and he is telling you that you have been in this situation long enough and its time you move out. Maybe you hav e been in wastes or you felt like you are walking in the desert and decayed plac es. Rejoice for your time has come to move out of that situation. You are saying Lord am destructed, thirsty and I lay in ruins and he has come that you may hav e life in abundance. This marks the close of your night time as he says you dwel t on this mountain long enough and its time you come out. Saint your season is c hanging. What is your horeb? Euphrates; This word has both a Hebrew and a Greek translation. In Hebrew, this word means; 1.A place of abundance, overflowing, runneth over, wealthy 2.Drink to satisfaction, quench the thirst, come to refresh, fulfillment 3.Moisture, watery In Greek it s translated; 1.To cause to celebrate, make glad, to celebrate, rejoice, 2.Joy, gladness, cheerfulness This is where God is taking us, what a lovely place to be ation and aboundance just like he said in his word that he have life and life in aboundance. God is promoting us to a and fellowship. be merry. at. A place of celebr has come that we may new level of intimacy

Now compare Euphrates (where we are going) and Horeb (where we are coming from). With this comparison I think we can bring this subject to a close as you can cle arly get the picture. We really serve a good God and he surely care about us. To

bring us from such a horrible place to this wonderful and great place is surely an act of love towards us. Just like the children of Israel, God took them from Egypt to a place flowing wi th milk and honey and now it s your time to get to you Canaan. God wants us to rise up from horeb to a place of celebration, fulfillment, abundance, gladness, refre shment a place in which we will see God and experience him. stay blessed Thabo Motlhake

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