5.17 Across The Universe, Part 2

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Note: I suggest you have the SEASON 5 REFERENCE GUIDE handy.

Ignore the numbers in the

end. They are for timing a full 60 minute episode.

Season 5 Episode 17 Part 2

"Across The Universe, part 2"
Previously On Lost:

Sayid finding the Door Station in the Decoy Village in 2.23.

Kaname and Daniel showing Sun the new DI Door Station in 5.15.
Daniel and Kaname telling Sun about Pierre's Video in 5.16
The returnee's walking into the Machine at the Door Station in 5.17.1.
The volcano erupting in 5.17.1.
Miles being crushed to death in 5.17.1.
Juliet seeing Goodwin in 5.17.1.
Claire walking out of the jungle in 5.17.1.


The camera is pointing out over the ocean from the beach as birds fly overhead and the
water is as crystal blue as ever. The waves rush in as the camera slowly pans to the right
and reveals that there are hundreds of people up and down the shoreline playing in the
water and flying kites on the beach. This is when we see Shannon, just 16, laying out on the
beach as Boone, 18, comes running up from the water with a bucket of ocean-water and
dumps it over Shannon. Shannon turns around and retaliates by screaming and running
after Boone along the beach. As she is running she runs directly into someone, but doesn't
bother looking to see who it is as she continues to chase Boone down the beach. The
camera watches Shannon run then turns to reveal the person she ran into was Hurley!
Hurley turns to look at who just ran into him, but only sees Shannon from the back as she
runs away. Hurley turns to Johnny, who is standing beside him, with a look of indifference.
Johnny watches Shannon run off as he says:


That's right!!! You better run, you.... stick bitch!

Hurley turns to Johnny:


Dude, it was an accident... cool it....

Hurley turns back around and looks inland. Hurley has a look of worry on his face
and Johnny follows suit. The camera turns to reveal what they are looking at: They are
looking at a beach-house with people all over the place drinking and acting foolish. The
camera gives a close up to the house and we see there are a bunch of people
outside partying it up. Hurley turns to Johnny.


You sure this is a good idea... I mean... we weren't even invited...


Dude, how do you expect to get in with the beach crowd if you don't give yourself a chance
to meet them?


I never said I wanted to be part of the "beach crowd".... come on, let's just go to the
boardwalk arcade...

Hurley turns to walk off, but Johnny grabs his arm and spins him around.


Nope, come on... we're gonna go get our party on... let's go... you won't regret it... I

Hurley reluctantly turns back around and he looks like he really doesn't want to do this.
The two walk towards the beach house as the camera cuts to:


The camera works its way over the crowd of people drinking, playing beer games and
random people making out on the couch. The music is unbearably loud. It's a real mess of a
party. Finally, the camera stops on a guy holding up a funnel with a tube connected at the
bottom (a beer bong) as he pours beer into the top of the funnel. The camera pans down,
and sure enough, it's Hurley on the receiving end of the opposite side of the tube as he
chugs the beer. A blonde surfer-dude type watches and his expression shows that he has
came up with an idea. He screams:

Surfer Dude:

Bro, Hugo, I totally got your surfer name!!... Hurley!!

As Hurley is chugging he flashes a thumbs up at the guy. Everyone around him starts
chanting "HURLEY, HURLEY, HURLEY" as he finishes the last drop and stands up throwing
his hands up in the air, he says:


I'm the beer bong king!!!!

Hurley turns and sees Johnny on the other side of the party standing against the wall.
Hurley notices this and makes his way towards Johnny, who looks like he's having no fun at
all. On the way, Hurley trips over some things and it's rather apparent he's drunk. He finally
reaches Johnny and throws his arm around him and says:


This is... the breast idea..... (laughs hysterically)... I said breast!!!

Johnny doesn't find this amusing as he turns to Hurley and says:

Come on, "Hurley", you're right... this was a waste of time.


Are you kidding?! I'm have the best time of my life, man!!


Well, I want to go... this party sucks.


Oh... fine... let me go say bye to the dudes....

Johnny nods and throws his arms up towards the party like "fine, go" and Hurley walks
back in towards the party. The camera follows closely behind Hurley as he makes his way to
a set of glass sliding doors. He pulls the doors open and outside we see the surfer dude and
he does the "awesome" hand gesture towards Hurley and says:

Surfer Dude:

Hurley, dude!! Come on out... do another bong!!

The surfer holds up the beer bong and Hurley turns around to look in to see Johnny, but
shrugs, and he takes a step out onto the deck. The second Hurley hits the deck, it buckles,
and the camera cuts to the warning sign on the deck rail that says "Maximum Capacity: 8"
the camera pans back up and there are exactly 23 people on the deck. As Hurley puts his
other foot down on the deck, it buckles and we hear a CRACK!!! The deck drops about 4
inches and everyone screams!! Just then, the deck starts to fall over and Hurley tries to
gain his balance, but begins to fall until an arm reaches out the door and pulls him back
inside!! Hurley falls backwards into the house as the deck outside falls, crashing to the
ground, CRASH!!! People are screaming as Hurley, on the ground, turns to see who had
grabbed him, but he can't make it out because there are too many people running inside
around him. Hurley looks back outside to see the deck has completely ripped off the side of
the beach-house as the flash sound begins....


The camera is focused on the faces of Sawyer, Harper, Jin and Charlotte as they step
closer to the once thought dead Claire. Sawyer’s face says it all:


You're your alive?!

Claire, looking absolutely ravaged, tilts her head up at Sawyer and says:



He's gone... Kate's got him...


He's supposed to be here, with me!!!


Claire... where the hell've you been?!

Claire looks up at Sawyer and her expression is a sad and sorrowful one. She is about to
say something, but something catches her eye. Sawyer, Charlotte, Jin and Harper notice
this. They turn around slowly and behind them, standing 10 feet outside the door in the
stream of white light that’s pouring out of it, is Hurley!!! He waves as Sawyer and the
others stand there in shock. The camera backs up and we see Kate and Jack, holding Aaron,
Sun, Sayid, Daniel, Kaname and Ben. Ben isn't looking towards Sawyer's group, though, he
is looking out around the island and up into the sky. He then turns back to the door as the
light simply vanishes. This is when Desmond destroyed the machine in Tokyo. The camera
holds steady on the group of returnees. The camera pans on Sun who sees Jin and she
is flashing a bittersweet smile. Daniel is looking around as if he is trying to make sense of
what has just happened, then he spots Charlotte out of the corner of his eye. The camera
shows Charlotte, all smiles. Lastly it shows Jack, Kate and Aaron. Jack sits Aaron down and
the camera pans back to Claire, who looks confused. Jack makes eye contact with Claire as
she storms towards him pushing Sawyer out of the way. She reaches Jack and she grabs
him and says:


Where the hell is my babay?!!?

Without a word, Jack looks down at Aaron, now a little over 4 years old. Kate looks at
Claire a bit concerned as Claire looks down at Aaron with a look of disbelief in her eye as
she says:





Outside the Arrow station, we see Rose leaning up against a tree with some random
Redshirt giving her some water from a DI water bottle. We then see Amelia come out of
what's left of the Arrow station and walk over to Rose. On the walk there, Amelia forces a
tear to stream down her face as she puts her hand on Roses shoulder. Rose spins around,
looking like she is in some serious bad shape, and looks at Amelia. Amelia just shakes her
head "no".

He... he didn't make it. The roof gave in and he... he pulled it off of me, but then... the floor
gave out and....


He's dead?


I'm afraid so...

Rose looks down a little upset, but darts a look back up at Amelia as if she doesn't buy
the story.


You old... what did you do to him?!


I told you... he... he saved me.


I don't buy that for one second...

Rose turns towards the Redshirt and says:


Come on... let's go...

The volcano rumbles again and they all look up towards it. Amelia meekly says:


Harper said that we should go to the Temple if something were to happen to the Number


And I should listen to you, why?


Rose, please, trust me on this... I wouldn't go there if it weren't safe...

Rose thinks for a minute, then without saying anything she gestures for Amelia to take
the lead. Amelia walks to the front of the group and leads the way to the Temple.


Juliet is on the ground looking up at the giant leg of the statue. She looks extremely
puzzled by it, kind of like she never knew it existed. She stands up and brushes herself off
as she looks up at the gigantic structure. She pauses for a minute then looks around her.
For a moment, she forgot the reason why she was there in the first place.


Goodwin?! ...... I know you're here.... where are you?!

Juliet turns around in circles looking for Goodwin, but she can't find him. In the
background we can hear what sounds like a foghorn, but Juliet doesn't take note in it
because she sees something much more interesting. In the distance near a tall bush is
someone just standing there.



The figure doesn't move. Juliet moves closer to get a better look. Then, out of the
shadows, walks Walt.



Juliet seems very unsettled that the figure is Walt. A look of uncertain terror crosses her


Sawyer, Charlotte, Jin and Harper are standing there looking at the returnees with mixed
emotions. Harper notices something in the tree line across the clearing and strains to look
as she says to herself:



The camera pans over, and again we see Goodwin, but he is dressed differently than
when Juliet saw him. Harper, fixated on Goodwin, takes off running across the clearing as
Ben watches. Goodwin turns, and walks into the dark jungle. Ben looks at where Harper is
looking and Vincent barks at the trees where Goodwin is, but from Ben's
perspective Goodwin isn't there. Ben watches Harper run past him as the camera cuts to
Claire looking at Aaron. She has a mixed look of joy and sadness as she kneels down in
front of him and grabs him by the arms. She then breaks down crying and pulls him in close
and gives him a big hug.


I don't understand it, but... Aaron... it's you!

Aaron, unsure of who this crazy looking woman is, looks up at Kate as Claire lets go of
him. Aaron dashes over to Kate and throws his arms around her legs. Claire sees this and
you can tell she feels a bit hurt. She stands up and walks over to Kate. She looks like she is
going to massacre Kate as Claire says:

Thank you... thank you for taking care of him.

Kate, a bit shocked at the statement, sincerely looks at Claire and says:


Of course... (Kate begins to cry)... of course I did!

The two hug and the camera cuts to Sun slowly walking towards Jin. She screams, with
tears of joy:



She then runs to Jin and jumps into his arms as he lifts her and spins her in the air. He
slowly lowers her and the passionately kiss. Jin stares Sun in the eyes as she says:


난 정말 당신 이라니 믿을 수 없다. 정말 오랜만... 난 네가 죽은 줄 알았는데...

ST: I can't believe it's really you. It's been so long... I thought you were dead...


그것은 정말로 날, 일요일.

ST: It's really me, Sun.

He kisses her again, but this time, he slowly backs away and stares her in the eyes as he


그녀는 어디 있지? 우리 딸은 어디있어?

ST: Where is she? Where's our daughter?

Sun looks down as a tear falls from her face. She looks back up at Jin and says in the
most regretful way:


내가 그녀를 뒤에 남겨두고 갈 생각했다.

ST: I had to leave her behind.

Jin's expression turns to sadness as he looks away saddened by the news. Sun sees his
pain in not meeting his daughter as she says:


나는 선택의 여지가 없었다 ... 리처드 만약 그녀가 여기에 온 그녀는 죽을 수도있다 ...
ST: I had no choice... Richard said she could die if she came here...

나는 이해합니다.
ST: I understand...

Jin's expression turns back to sincere happiness that Sun has returned. The hug again as
the camera cuts to Charlotte slowly walking up to Daniel and Kaname. Kaname says:


Go get 'er tiger.

Kaname slaps Daniel on the back as if shoving Daniel towards Charlotte. The two walk
closer to each other as Charlotte puts her hands out and Daniel takes them.


Thank you.


For what?


For watching the tape...


Well, thank you...


For what?


For what you said on the tape...

Charlotte smiles at Daniel as he does his usual nervous twitch and he blushes. He turns
away as he says:


Well, its just tha....

Charlotte doesn't let him finish as she grabs his head and plants her lips on his mouth to
shut him up before he says something stupid. In the background we see Kaname smiling as
the camera cuts to Sawyer slowly walking up to Jack and Kate as Claire is kneeling down
looking at Aaron. Sawyer isn't smiling. In fact, he looks rather pissed as he looks at Jack
and says:

What the hell did you come back here for?

Kate looks at Sawyer like he's a jerk.


It's good to see you too, James...


Why the hell'd you bring her back here?!

Kate interjects and puts her hand on Sawyer's chest.


To save you, Sawyer.


I don't need savin'...

Sayid walks up to Sawyer and says:


Yes, you do.


You all do.

Sawyer swings his body around angrily and says:



...he says as he points to the volcano on top of the mountain spewing out lava.


And just how the hell do ya plan to save us all from that?!

Jack and Kate turn around to see the volcano in the distance. Kate's mouth drops as Jack
has an unbelievable insane smile and angrily rubs his face as he says:


You've got to be kidding me!!

He spins around to Ben and screams:


Well, you said we needed you here! What do we do now?!

Ben stands there with an unsettling look. He gazes up at the volcano, speechless, as he
turns to Jack and throws his hands up and shakes his head like "I don't know." Jack sigh/
laughs and rolls his eyes upwards and says:


So much for always having a plan, huh?

Kaname steps forward and interjects.


Well, what about the Temple?

Ben shoots a look at Kaname with his eyes scrunched in question:


... and how do you know about that?


Well, uh... I spent a good portion of, well, your 80's here with you...


He's right, you know... the Temple would be a good spot...

Ben looks really pissed off that everyone is taking command. He walks up to Kaname and


I'll suggest where we go and what we do, all right?

Kaname just nods subordinately. Ben continues:


All right... everyone get to the Temple...

Kaname rolls his eyes as everyone starts to get their things. Ben makes his way to
Charlotte and says:


Where's your uncle... where's Widmore?

With my mother... you remember her, I'm sure... Annie?!

Charlotte smacks Ben across the face. Ben grabs her hand angrily as he says through his


Now that you've got that out of your system...where are they?!


He's tied up at the Orchid.

Ben looks very unhappy with the answer.


You better hope to God that he didn't get free....

Ben turns around to Richard and says:


You get them to the Temple, I'm going to go handle Widmore...


I should go... you aren't exactly in the right state of mind to deal with him...


Richard, get them to the Temple...

Richard turns around, but Ben grabs him real fast.


...and Richard, we have a few things to catch up on... so when I meet you guys there...
make yourself available for some quality Q&A time...

Richard pulls away from Ben with a look of defiance and says:


All right, everyone! Follow me, let's go!

Ben takes off towards a different direction as Charlotte runs after him.


I'm coming too!

Daniel follows, but she turns to him, puts up her hand and says:

Go with them... I'll meet you there...


You sure? You promise?


I promise...

Jack notices Ben going off in the other direction and screams:


Hey! Where you going?!


I'm going to right Locke's wrongs...

The groups split and go their separate ways. Claire watches as Kate grabs Aaron's hand
as if Kate doesn't even realize that Claire is there or that Aaron isn't really her son. Claire
swallows as she watches the group head into the jungle and the flash sound begins...


The camera focuses on a darker haired Claire as she sits at a small table at a cafe. She is
looking down at a piece of paper that says "Christian ?" and has a phone number
"555-1516" at the bottom of the page. Just then, in the background we see Thomas,
Claire's boyfriend, walking towards her with two cups of coffee in his hands. At the counter
in the background, we see Desmond and Libby's scene that we saw in "Live Together, Die
Alone" when Libby pays for Desmond's coffee. Thomas was in line in front of Desmond. This
means the year is 2001. Claire is sitting at the table as Thomas sits down and sees her
looking at Christian's phone number. He gives Claire an endearing look as he says:


Claire... you don't have to do this, you know....


Yeah, but... we came all the way to LA and...


And nothing. Just because we're here doesn't mean you have to see him. If it doesn't feel
right, then... we can just... enjoy a vacation!

With my mother in the coma, Thomas, I feel a need to connect with him. After all, he is my
father... and I did manage to get his name and address, well... first name out of my aunt's
phone book... Christian.


Yeah, and if she finds out you're doing this...


I don't care... she already hates me. That's why I have to do this... I need some sort of
connection to my family.

Claire looks down upset. Thomas sees this and says:


I have an idea... why don't we just enjoy today... come on, let's go to my friend's party. It
will take our mind off of it.


I don't want to drink, Thomas... I want to... I don't know what I want.


Come on, it will take your mind off of things...

Thomas gets up and he puts his hand out to Claire. She reluctantly takes it and Thomas
pulls her up into a kiss.


You won't regret it... I promise.

Claire sighs and turns as her and Thomas walk out of the coffee shop. On the walk to the
door, Claire bumps Desmond and Libby's table spilling Libby's coffee. Desmond looks up at
who did it, but he only sees Claire from the back. He says:


That was a bit rude, eh?


It was an accident... so, tell me about this boat race...

The camera cuts to:


The camera is panned on Hurley from the scene before when he is talking to Johnny.
Claire walks into the party with Thomas through a door behind Hurley. Thomas looks around
and says:

I wonder where Tink is.


His name's Tink? How do you know these people again?


Surfing competition in Sydney last year... they are cool guys.

Claire looks around the party at the debauchery as she rolls her eyes and says:


Yeah, real "cool." (the music gets louder) Look, I'm gonna go outside... the smoke in here is
killing me!

Thomas nods and he waves Claire off and she makes her way towards the sliding glass
doors. She is directly behind Hurley as he is making the same trip. Hurley gets to the door,
slides it open and steps out. Claire, right behind him says:


Come on! Move it!

Hurley doesn't hear her because at the same time she screams, the surfer dude

Surfer Dude:

Hurley, dude!! Come on out... do another bong!!

Hurley puts his other foot down and the deck buckles and drops 4 inches. Claire notices
this and sees the deck is giving way as she grabs the back of Hurley's shirt and pulls with all
her might!! She pulls with all her might as he falls backwards and she loses her footing,
falling down into a group of people. The deck falls, CRASH!!! Claire looks up towards who
she had just saved, but there are people all around her and she can't see Hurley. Just
then, Thomas runs over and helps Claire up. He scream:


Come on! Let's get out of here!!

Thomas pulls Claire up and the two head towards the door as we see Hurley in the
background get up and look around to find who had just saved him as the flash sound


Claire snaps out of her flash and she catches up to Hurley who is trailing Sawyer, Jack,
Kate, Aaron, Kaname, Sayid, Daniel, Jin, Sun and Richard. Just then, behind Claire we hear
it: The Smoke Monster!!! Claire turns around and there it is! Right behind her coming full
force! She picks up the pace and begins to run towards Hurley.


Hurley!!! RUN!!!

Hurley turns and sees what is going on. His face drops and as he turns back to run he
falls and trips. Claire rushes up to him and grabs him to help him up. Queue "Doom
Music." She gets him to his feet and now the entire group ahead of them has paused and
turned around. The monster, towering 50 feet in the air, taller than ever, is coming straight
for them with lighting-like flashing inside and making the loudest noise we've heard thus
far. The entire group, all 12 of them turn and begin running faster towards the Temple as
the Smoke Monster gains on them. The music reaches it's peak and abruptly cuts to black!!



The camera is focused on the quad in the middle of the campus, which is in the middle of
NYC and tall skyscrapers all around the outskirts of the campus. The camera is focused on
the medical building as we watch a much younger Jack walk out. Jack, 26 with longer hair,
walks out of the building with his bag slung around his arm and he seems to be in a hurry
for something. Jack races across the quad, but hes stopped by a man who is handing out
pamphlets. Without looking up at the man, Jack grabs one and continues on his way. Jack,
still in a hurry, is walking out of the main gates of Columbia U. and heads towards the 116th
Street Subway Station. He is making his way down the stairs and he drops the pamphlet.
He goes to pick it up and the camera pans on it. It is for "Mittelos
Bioscience Research!" Jack looks a bit interested as he looks down and puts a token into the
turnstile. Above Jack is a digital clock that has the date and time: 12/4/93 1:08 p.m. Jack,
with his head in the pamphlet, walks towards the subway platform and looks down the
tunnel to see if there is a train coming. In the distance down the tube we can see the
headlights of the train. The camera cuts back down to the pamphlet and we see Jack
reading it. The pamphlet says "Mittelos is looking out for YOUR future! ... Currently seeking
medical students in the fields of neurosurgery, spinal surgery and prenatal surgery... Join
Mittelos as it ushers in the new Millenium!"



In the background, we see two guys getting into it, screaming about something, but it's
unclear what they are fighting about. Jack turns to look, but before he sees who it is, the
train is pulling into the station and it sounds its horn really loudly. This catches Jack's
attention as he turns back around to the train, one of the guys throws a punch at the other
guy. The camera cuts to the guy who got hit as he gets up with a look of rage in his eye and
he lunges towards the other guy who punched him. The two men fly through the air towards
where Jack is standing and the flash sound begins....

11) --END OF FLASH--

The camera is focused on Jack as he snatches up Aaron and grabs Kate's hand and starts
to sprint away from the smoke monster. Behind him is Richard and Daniel as Daniel turns
and screams:

What the hell?!!? I though... I thought I fixed that back in '84!!!


Apparently not!!

The camera cuts back to Claire and Hurley as the monster draws really near to them!
The Smoke Monster uproots a tree and hurls it at the two of them and as the tree flies down
towards Sun, Daniel looks up! He sees the impending impact and shoves Sun as hard as he
can as she hits the ground and the tree lands right beside her narrowly crushing her! Jin
hurriedly runs towards her and grabs her arm as a tentacle of smoke rushes past him and
knocks him out of the way sending him flying across the Jungle and landing in a bush. The
Smoke Monster bears down overtop of Kate, who has fallen behind and just as it is about to
grab her, Sawyer turns and begins to fire rounds into it from his rifle!! The Smoke Monster
halts for a moment right overtop of Kate as she crouches down with her head in her hands!!
The Smoke Monster turns towards Sawyer and Sawyer's face changes from rage to extreme
panic. He turns and begins running as he screams:


Son of a bitchhh!!!!!

The Smoke Monster grabs Sawyer by the leg and flings him into the air grabbing him by
the arms on one side and the legs on the other side. Jack turns around and screams:


Damn it!!! Sawyer!!!

Sun gets up and runs towards Jin in the bushes and she helps him up. Hurley turns
around and stops dead right in front of the Smoke Monster as it towers over him. The
camera focuses from the back of Hurley as he looks into the massive could of black smoke
with flashes of electricity inside it and sharp metallic clanking noises!! He looks fed up and
tired of running and he screams:


Put my friend down you giant piece of shh...!!!

Before Hurley can finish his sentence the Smoke Monster reaches out with another
tentacle of smoke and knocks Hurley backwards!!!


Hurley!!!! No!!

Hurley is sent careening into Kaname landing on top of him. Sayid looks upwards and
charges towards the Smoke Monster and runs right into its smoke! There is a bright FLASH
inside the Smoke Monster and Sayid is sent flying back out with black soot on his face. He
lands right beside Sun as she gasps. Sayid isn't moving! As Hurley lays on top of Kaname,
Kaname manages to get out:


Get... off!!

The camera focuses back up to the Smoke Monster with Sawyer in it's grasp as it appears
to pull on Sawyer in both directions. The camera pans around to everyone else and Kate is
screaming bloody murder. Just as the Smoke Monster begins to really pull and Sawyer
screams out in pain, Vincent comes out of the jungle and runs up to the Smoke Monster
barking his ass off and growling ferociously!!!! Vincent runs up to the monster and is
showing his teeth with tons of drool flying out of his mouth as the Smoke Monster lets out a
loud HOWL!!!! The Monster flings out another pillar of smoke towards Vincent, but Vincent
doesn't seem phased by it as he snaps at the Smoke Monster!!! The Smoke Monster lets out
a series of clicking noises and backs off! Vincent lunges towards the Smoke Monster again
looking absolutely rabid and it's obvious the Smoke Monster doesn't like this assault. The
Smoke Monster drops Sawyer and he falls about 20 feet to the ground where he lands with
a great THUD!!! Everyone else is just looking on in amazement as they watch the Smoke
Monster and Vincent battle it out. The Smoke Monster continuously uproots trees and the
earth and with it's pillars of smoke SLAM then down trying to crush Vincent, but the dog is
just too damn fast for the Smoke Monster!!! Vincent continues to gain ground on the Smoke
Monster until the Smoke Monster begins to retreat back into the jungle as it howls and
screams almost as if it is in pain. The camera turns to the rest of the group, scattered
around the small clearing in the jungle. They all turn to each other with looks of awe and
are completely speechless. Sun turns to Jin and says:


Are you all right?


I... I think so... Sayid!

Sun turns to Sayid, who isn't breathing or moving. Sun turns to Jack and screams:



Jack turns to run towards Sayid, but the camera focuses on Claire who is overtop of
Sawyer who also appears lifeless. Claire turns to Jack and screams:



Jack, torn, doesn't know which way to go as the camera focuses on Jack standing next
to Richard and the flash sound begins...


The camera focuses on someone walking down the subway stairs holding a stack of
Mittelos brochures. The camera pans up and it's Richard!!! He carefully looks downwards
towards the platform through the railing as the fight scene we saw in Jack's flash plays out
behind Jack. Just then, someone runs down the stairs past Richard in a major hurry slightly
pushing him out of the way. As she turns back to quickly glance at Richard, we see that it is
Rose! She gives Richard a wink as she rushes through the turnstiles and up to the two men
fighting just as the first man lunges towards the other and they fly through the air!!! Rose
makes it just in time as the men are about to slam into Jack knocking him right into the
path of the oncoming subway car!!! Rose quickly interjects as she runs towards the men as
fast as she can right into them knocking them out of the path of Jack!! The train arrives just
as Jack is about to turn around and the camera cuts back to Richard on the stairway with
his mouth hanging open as the flash sound begins...


Amelia and Rose make their way through the jungle towards the Temple as Rose begins
to fall back and she topples over. Amelia sees this and it looks like she is genuinely
concerned about Rose, she rushes up to her and Rose has a lot of blood coming out of her
nose and ears and even out of her left eye. Rose looks up at Amelia and says in a very sad
and pathetic way with a tear coming down her face:


What's ha.. happening to me??


Come on Rose! We're gonna get you some help!

Amelia turns to the other Redshirts and screams:


Don't just stand there you goons!!! Get her up!! Come on!!

The Redshirts go to help Rose as Amelia looks on with concern. Amelia runs up to Rose
and asks:


Rose, where are you going?!


I.. keep.. going back to lunch with my daughter... I can't...

Rose passes out. Amelia looks concerned as she says:


Come on boys!! We got to get her to the Temple!!

The camera watches as they move on and pans up to the volcano as it spits out smoke
and ash. The camera cuts to:

The camera stays on the same scene of the volcano erupting on the island, but from the
perspective of the Hydra Island. There is a loud BOOM from the volcano as the camera pans
down to Christine and Frank reaching a clearing. They are looking back at the main island as
Frank gets a worried look on his face and says:


We should go back... they may need our help, Christine...


What could we possibly do?


Maybe they're hurt.


Well, maybe there is communication to the outside here somewhere... on this island!!


I hope you're right... if you aren't... well... their blood's on our hands...

Christine looks down and appears to feel a little guilty as she shines her flash/spotlight
she got from Giovanni's boat down at the ground. The ground is paved and Christine looks
at it a bit confused. She turns to Frank.


Is this... cement?


Yeah... it looks like it... what is this? Some sort of road?


I don't know...

She shines the flashlight further down the cement path and she continues shining it
further and further down until the light doesn't reach any further... it seems to be endless.
Christine turns to Frank a bit confused and says:


What the heck is this?

If I didn't know any better, I'd say it's some kind of.... of runway....

The camera pans back from above and zooms out to reveal that it is, indeed, a very long
runway and the music builds as the camera cuts to:


Charlotte and Ben reach the Orchid Station and stand outside to catch their breath from
the long and fast hike. Charlotte bends down, she doesn't look too good. Ben turns to her
and opens his bag. He throws a bottle of water to her as he says:


How long have you guys been here... since the island moved...


About a week... why?


When's the last time you ate anything?


...why do you care?


Because, Charlotte, you're Annie's daughter. You're very important.

Charlotte looks a bit weirded out as she turns to him and says:


Miles said something similar.... why... why did Miles say he had to kill me?


He said what?


He said... he said that my mother and I had to die... so things happen the way they're
supposed to...


How... what else did he say?


He said the monster... the monster made of smoke, showed him all it's memories or
something... I don't know... he wasn't making any sense...
Ben looks a bit worried by Charlotte's statement. He turns to her and says:


I'll need to speak with him as soon as we're done here...


What exactly are we doing here, Ben?


We're here to make sure Charles doesn't make a huge mistake...


...one more thing... why did Daniel, in the video, say that they had to come back?


They all have a very integral part to play... to make sure everything happens the way it has
to... They will each play a significant part in how this all ends... how it should end. I think
you too, Charlotte, are very important.


All right, you're starting to sound like Miles...


That's exactly why I need to speak with him... but first... your uncle...

Ben stands up and he moves the flower to pull the lever for the elevator. He turns back
to Charlotte and very inquisitively says:


You say he said both of you must die?



The elevator arrives and Ben pries the doors open. He steps on and begins to close the
doors as Charlotte puts her hand in-between them and says:


What do you think you're doing?!


I'm sorry, but this trip is for single occupancy only.

Charlotte tilts her head and gives Ben a dirty look as Ben violently shoves Charlotte
backwards and she falls back on her ass. Ben quickly closes the doors. The elevator begins
to descend as Charlotte rushes to get up and screams:


You bloody bastard!!! I swear... if you touch my mother!!!

Ben just looks up at her as the elevator disappears down the chute.


The elevator reaches the bottom of the shaft and Ben pries the doors open. He steps out
into the complete darkness of the station. The scene is very reminiscent of Keamy's
infiltration of the Orchid in 4.13 when he was there searching for Ben. Ben steps out and
begins walking down the hall towards the main room. Ben says:


I know you're down here, Charles. Hiding in the dark, just waiting to take a swing at me...

In the background we hear muffled moaning.


But before you take your shot, Charles, let me tell you about something.

Ben turns the corner quickly and swings his beating baton around it. No one is there.


Remember when I told you that I'd get even with you for what your... henchman, Keamy
did to my Alex? I took out a bit of an insurance policy, Charles. When we were in Antarctica,
I thought I needed Desmond to come along to the island... Well, he didn't want to
cooperate, so to give him some incentive... I shot Penny's ex-fiancé. Then... when that
didn't work... I had Sayid shoot your daughter, Charles.... Penelope....

The camera cuts to Charles, hiding in the same spot that Ben hid in from Keamy. His face
turns to immediate sorrow then quickly switches to rage as Ben continues....


If you think I'm bluffing, need I have Sayid prove it to you, to tell you how your daughter
looked as she bled out? Face-down on the cold Antarctic floor!?

With that, Charles leaps out of his hiding spot and lunges towards Ben, but Ben is ready
for him and he turns with his beating baton out and swings at Charles as he approaches!!
Ben hits Charles in the chest with the baton and Charles falls to the floor where Ben puts his
foot on Charles' neck. He smugly smiles as he says:


It's so good to see you again, Charles....

The music builds as the camera focuses on Charles' face and the camera abruptly cuts to



Jack stands looking back and forth between Sayid and Sawyer trying to figure out who to
help as both Claire and Sun scream at the same time:



Sun and Claire look at each other then Sun turns to Jack and says:


Jack, we need Sayid!!

Kaname turns to Jack and says:


Help that guy, I got Sayid... I'm a nurse...


Where the hell were you when I needed a nurse after the crash!?

Kaname looks away, like he is hiding something, then says:



Jack rushes over to Sawyer and Kaname rushes over to Sayid. The camera cuts to Jack
with Sawyer as Jack leans down over him. Jack checks Sawyer's pulse then puts his ear to
Sawyer's nose to see if he is breathing.


He's not breathing...

The camera cuts to Kaname who does the same thing Jack just did and it's apparent that
Sayid isn't breathing either. Kaname begins CPR and he looks up at Sun.


Can you hold his head up when I tell you?!

Sun shakes her head "yes." Kaname begins CPR and he pinches Sayid's nose and begins
breathing into his mouth.


Sun lifts up Sayid's head as Kaname pumps Sayid's chest. The camera cuts to Jack as
Kate rushes over. Jack looks up to Kate, who looks extremely worried. Jack senses that
Kate must still have some sort of feelings for him. He bends down and presses his lips to
Sawyer's and blows. He does this several more times as the camera cuts back to Kaname
doing the same. It seems like Kaname is getting very nervous as Sayid isn't coming to.


Damn it!

The camera cuts back to Jack as he once again blows into Sawyer's mouth. Finally,
Sawyer coughs as Jack has his lips on his mouth. Sawyer opens his eyes and looks up at
Jack who is less than an inch away. Sawyer sarcastically says:


Back off Jack, you're cute... but not that cute...

Jack backs off and lets out a relieved sign and laughs.


You aren't exactly my type, Sawyer.

Just then, Vincent runs out of the jungle and runs up to Sawyer and licks him in the face.
Sawyer gladly lets the dog lick his face as he says:


I'm more into blondes anyway, like this guy...

Sawyer pets Vincent and leans down and whispers in his ear:


Thanks buddy...

Just then Kaname looks up at the affectionate display as he screams over:


Uh, Jack!!! He's not responding!!

Jack jumps up and runs over to Sayid and bends down over him. Jack tilts Sayid's head
to the right and pumps Sayid's chest. Jack violently hits Sayid's chest a few times as
nothing happens. The camera pans up to Hurley as he says:

Dude... come on...


Damn it... come on Sayid!!

Jack hits his chest a few more times and Sun looks down and grabs onto Jin. Jack
continues to hit Sayid's chest harder and harder, but nothing. Nothing happens. The camera
pans around to everyone's faces as they realize that Sayid's not coming back. Jack stands
up and looks at everyone.


He's gone...

Sun begins to cry and Kate looks at Jack in disbelief. She says:


I thought... I thought he had purpose to be here... Jack... Locke said he had to come


Maybe he...

Jack shakes his head like he doesn't believe himself.


Maybe he served his purpose...

Just then, Richard walks up behind Jack.


Jack, there's something you need to know...


What now, Richard!?


We've got to find Rose... or you're next...

The camera pans on Jacks face as the camera cuts to:


Charles is on the floor with Ben's foot on his neck as Ben looks down at him and says:

This looks familiar, looking down on a helpless man about to die... this is just how Keamy
looked after I stabbed him in the neck...


(struggling for a breath) Ahhh... but you can't... (cough) kill me, can you Benjamin?


How come, Charles, you survived here for the past week without me being here?


I guess you aren't my constant, Benjamin... but... I'm yours, aren't I?

Ben looks down, a little uneasy at the situation he's in. Just then, Ben hears it again...
the muffled screams of someone. As Ben hears this he lifts his head and smiles. He looks
back down at Widmore and says:


Unless... you can have more than one constant... Say, Charles, where is Annie?

Ben kicks Charles in the chest and walks over to the wall where he flicks the lights on. He
turns to the little room and sees Annie strapped in the chair again with a gag in her mouth.
Ben looks at her and his expression turns to actual care and sadness. He turns back to
Widmore and marches up to him kicking him again.


What were you planning, Charles?! You know... I bet... I just bet that my feelings for Annie
are a hell of a lot deeper than they are for you... though... I do hate you about as much as I
love her...


What's your point, Linus?!


If I have two constants here, I can easily dispose of one... And sorry Charlie, you're on the
short end of that stick...

Ben lifts up his beating baton over his head as if he's about to smash Widmore's brains
out with it, but then we see Annie manage to get the handkerchief out of her mouth and she
screams just in time:


Ben!! Stop!!

Ben turns to her and the two stare at each other. She says:

Ben, don't kill him!


Any why not?!


Because Ben... you'll need him...




Once I'm gone... you'll need him...


What are you saying, Annie?


I have to move the island, Ben... it's the only way...

Ben looks at Annie as he is still holding the baton over his head to swing at Widmore. He
looks a bit confused then he looks down at Widmore who smiles and says:


She's right, Benjamin... you need me...

The camera cuts to Ben looking at Annie as he lowers the baton. The music builds and
the camera cuts to:


Jack and the others are all starting to walk off, leaving Sayid behind as Richard leads the
way to the Temple.


It's just over here... through the bushes.

Kaname turns back and looks at Sayid. He shakes his head as if this isn't right. He turns
back and runs towards Sayid and with all his might, he hits Sayid in the chest. Sayid then
coughs!! As he coughs a small amount of black smokes comes out of his mouth and it wisps
away into the jungle. Kaname's face turns to surprise and joy!!


I did it!!
Sayid looks up at Kaname as if he doesn't know what happened.


You... you saved me?


Damn straight I did!!

Kaname helps Sayid up as the camera cuts to:


The group finally makes it to the Temple as the volcano explodes and spews large
amounts of lava out the top and down the side of the mountain. They look over towards the
entrance of the Temple and there is a mass amount of hot air and some smoke pouring out
of it. Richard looks up and says:


This definitely wasn't a good idea...




The tunnels... they're old magma vents... they lead right into the Temple!!


Then why did you lead us here?!


It didn't... I didn't think of it...


That's why the Smoke Monster's so... angry... It travels in those vents...


Yeah... yeah it does...

Just then, out of the other side of the clearing comes Amelia and the Redshirts carrying
Rose. Jack rushes over to Rose and looks at Amelia.


How long has she been out?!


About twenty minutes this time...

Richard runs over.


Jack... you need to get her conscious. You need her to go back and save you!

Jack looks at Richard like he kind of understands, but not fully.


Jack, if you don't save her... then... well... the outcome won't be in your favor. You'll die.

Jack thinks for a minute. Then it dawns on him.


That's what my dad meant... if I come back, I'll die...

Richard grabs Jack and looks him in the eye.


Jack, you need to wake her up.

The camera pans on Rose's face as she time trips. The Redshirts sit Rose on the ground
and Jack bends down over her.


Come on Rose... you need to wake up... come on!!

Jack lightly slaps Rose on the face as the flash sound starts...


Rose is sitting at a table, she looks a bit younger, as she patiently taps her fingers on the
table. She looks down at her watch. The waiter walks over and says:


Are you ready to order yet?


My daughter's in the bathroom... just a few more minutes please...

The waiter rolls his eyes and walks off. Rose looks at her watch again. As she is looking
at her watch, she notices there is blood dripping down onto the face of it. She wipes her
nose and looks at her hand. It is covered in blood. She says to herself:

Come on... I don't have much time...

Fed up with waiting, Rose gets up from the table and starts towards the side hallway. On
the way down the hall to the bathrooms, she gets rather dizzy and she falls up against the
wall. Quick flash sound...


Jack is leaning over Rose as she starts to go into convulsions. He says:


Rose.... stay with me, Rose!!

Kate and Hurley look on as Hurley turns to Kate and quietly says:


Dude... she's gonna die...


How can you say that?!


Because, she told me so... back at the hideout house in the bathroom... she came to me...
she's gonna die...

Kate looks at Hurley and a concerned look pours over her face as she looks back at Rose.
Quick flash sound...


Rose pushes open the bathroom door and gets a tissue. She wipes away the blood from
her nose. In the background we can hear someone throwing up in one of the stalls. Rose
walks over to the stall and pushes the door open. There is a woman huddled over the toilet.
Rose says:


Honey, you all right?

Roses daughter shakes her head "yes" and there is a quick flash sound...


Jack, getting impatient, screams in Rose's face.

Rose!! Wake up!!

Kate bends down and with a quick flick of the hand, slaps Rose across the face really
hard. Somehow, it works and Rose wakes up briefly.


Jack, look!!


Oh, thank God...


Rose, can you hear me?!

Rose doesn't seem too with it, but she shakes her head "yes."


Rose, listen to me! You need to go!! You need to leave wherever you are and you need to
get to the downtown side of the 116th Street Subway station in Manhattan!! You need to
save Jack from being pushed into a subway train!!!

Jack shoots a look up at Richard with his eyes extremely wide and he says:


That was Rose?! She saved me that day?! How do you...


I was there... Rose!! You have to go save Jack!!!

Jack looks back down at Rose as the quick flash sound starts...


Rose snaps back into it as she looks down at her daughter. She now has a look of
urgency on her face as she says:


Honey, I have to go...

Rose's Daughter:

Mom, wait...


What is it baby?
Rose's daughter turns around as she says:

Rose's Daughter:

I'm pregnant.


I know baby, I know...

The camera shows Rose smiling as she looks down at her daughter. The camera pans
down and we see that her daughter is, in fact, Susan Lloyd!!!! The quick flash sound


Walt is standing there, as ominous as ever, as he looks back at Juliet. Juliet looks at Walt
eerily as she says:


Walt... what are you doing out here?

Walt doesn't say anything. He just does the "come here" gesture with his fingers and
turns to walk back behind the base of the 4 Toed Statue. Juliet looks around unsure of what
to do, but she decides to follow him. As she walks behind him she says:


Walt... where's Goodwin?


Harper is rushing through the jungle after what she thinks is Goodwin. She finally spots
him again and she runs towards him.


Goodwin?! Is that you?!

Harper comes to a dark clearing as Goodwin stops. He looks up at Harper and says:


I'm so sorry, Harper... this wasn't my idea...

Harper looks confused and Goodwin vanishes before her eyes. Behind him is a cliff
overlooking the ocean. Harper walks to the edge and looks out over it. She spots something
and her expression changes to "oh crap."


I have to warn them!

Harper turns around and begins running towards where she came. As she runs she looks
up and right there, in front of her, is the Smoke Monster!! It lifts Harper up without
warning, SCREACHES and slams her up against a tree several times!!! Finally the Smoke
Monster drops her to the ground where she lay completely bloody and her arm twisted
backwards. The camera cuts to:


Queue dramatic running music. Rose rushes out of the restaurant and she makes her
way to the corner where she starts to look faint. She looks up at the street sign and it says
"115 & Broadway." She looks across the street and a block away she sees the Downtown
116th Street Subway station as Jack is walking down the stairs dropping the brochure. Rose
starts off across the street and a car screeches to a halt almost hitting her. Rose slams her
fist down on the car as she continues across the street. She continues running down
the block as best she can passing the Columbia University entrance. She looks up and sees
Richard walking down the subway stairs. Rose pushes some people out of the way and
makes her way down the stairs to the station. She rushes past Richard, turns and winks at
him as she continues running through the turnstile just as the first man lunges towards the
second. Rose begins to fall as she her face begins to twitch. The camera shows the train
coming full force into the station as Jack is about to get smashed into and pushed onto the
tracks!!! The quick flash sound begins...


Jack, Kate and the others watch on as Rose begins to violently shake. Jack swallows hard
as he turns to Richard and says:


What's happening?!


I don't know...


Do you think she made it?!


Well, Jack's still here, isn't he?!

The camera shows Rose's face as the quick flash sound begins...


Rose starts to fall right before she reaches the two men. She looks defeated, but she
then looks up at Jack, standing there completely unaware of what's happening around him.
Rose turns to the two men as the quick flash sound starts...


Everyone looks at Rose, who has stopped her convulsions. Kate and Hurley look at Jack
who is looking at Rose as she opens her eyes and quietly, with a small, but warm smile


I owed you one, doctor...

Rose smiles at Jack as her eyes twitch, then roll back in her head. Rose is dead. Jack,
teary eyed and broken, looks down at Rose as tears stream down his face and he says:


Thank you, Rose.

The camera pans on Rose's face as the camera slowly fades to black.



Ben is in the room where Annie is strapped in the chair. Widmore is standing in the
doorway watching as Ben, a bit heartbroken, says:


Are you sure you want to do this... moving the whole island... the pure magnitude of it... it
will kill you....


No...(she gives a nervous chuckle as a tear falls down her face) ... but it's what has to be

Just then, the station shakes violently. Annie looks up at Ben with urgency. Ben looks
back down at her teary eyed and nods his head "ok." Widmore walks in and says:


You know when and where... right?

Ben turns to Widmore and rushes up to him pushing him against the wall with his hand
on his throat.


Of course she knows, we've been over it a hundred damn times!! I swear to you, Charles, if
I didn't need you... I would have killed you already...

Just then, the elevator begins to ascend up the shaft. Ben turns to Annie.


You sure you don't want to say goodbye to your daughter?


It's better this way... please, before she gets down here.

Ben rushes up to Annie and kneels down in front of her. He softly says:


I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through... I love you.

Annie warmly says this without much feeling towards Ben, but feeling towards the others
on the island:


I know.

Ben bends over and kisses Annie on the lips. She doesn't kiss back, but she allows it. Ben
then stands up, looks at her, then walks out of the room shutting the door behind him. Ben
walks over to the controls and Widmore follows. He looks up at Ben, somewhat sincere, as
he says:


You know... this is the only way... we have to move the island off of this fault line...

Ben shoots a look up at Charles and hatefully says:


No... it's not... but it's the only logical way...


Well, as much as I hate to put all my bets on Desmond, that son of a bitch better pull
through for us...

The camera focuses on Ben as he stares at Annie through the window.


Desmond, holding hands with Ji Yeon, walks across the street a good bit away from the
building where the Door Station is situated below. He turns and looks at it. He looks down at
Ji Yeon and says in a sad, but assured tone:


I'm sorry, little Ji Yeon... but I've got to do this... to make sure no one can come or go to
the island anymore after Ben moves it.... Your mother and her friends need to... vanish...
so that no one can ever find them again... it's the only way...

Ji Yeon:

Desmond looks down at her and sweetly says:


That's right... no one can ever hurt your mum again...

With that, Desmond picks up Ji Yeon and pulls the remote control device that Hanso
threatened to use in the previous episode. Desmond holds Ji Yeon real close and puts his
free hand over her ear. He presses the button and KABLAM!!!! The building begins to
implode against the Tokyo backdrop just as the New Year's Day fireworks are being set off
in the background over the harbor. All 15 stories of the deserted building, along with the
hundreds of DI employees inside, collapses upon itself and the dust and debris beings to
cloud out over the street. The camera focuses on Desmond and Ji Yeon as they turn and
walk away, but towards the camera, from the building as it collapses behind them and
fireworks explode in the sky above.


Everyone is standing in the clearing in front of the Temple around Rose as the volcano
massively erupts. There is a red glow coming from inside the Temple as the magma makes
it's way out of the Cerebus Vents. Everyone looks around then finally at Jack as if they are
waiting for guidance of what to do. Jack looks tired and really broken down. He looks down
at Rose then he looks up at Kate.


Locke said you're the true leader, Kate... I'm done... this is your job now...

Sawyer looks at Jack like he is insane. He says:


Locke said what now!?


Ask Kate, here...

Kate looks down and shakes her head. She shoots a look up at Jack as if she resents him
for what he had just said. She turns and says:


Locke said... I'm the leader that the island's been waiting for... I'm the one that will lead us
to safety.


It's the prophecy.

Daniel looks at Richard a bit pissed off.


You never said anything about a prophecy to me...


Well, Locke didn't tell me what he found in there (Richard points to the Temple). But now it
makes sense why he left the island in such a hurry... he finally accepted his fate.


Well, Kate... lead us.

Sayid looks at Hurley then something catches his attention out of the corner of his eye.
Someone is running out of the jungle. Sawyer notices this and raises his gun and aims. The
camera focuses on the jungle as we see who comes running out: It's Harper!! Barely alive,
but alive enough to make it to the Temple.


They're coming...


Who's coming?!

Breathing heavily with her head down, she slowly lifts it to show her bloodied and bruised
face, and with a certain rage and urgency she deeply says through her teeth:


The Dharma Initiative!

Just then, we hear loud gunshots, and Harpers eyes widen. She then falls to her knees,
then falls flat on her stomach. Behind her are a group of people wearing the infamous DI
yellow Biohazard suits and holding fully loaded automatic weapons. The begin to open fire
on the group as they all run to the edges and into the jungle!!! Sayid and Kaname look at
each other in horror as Kaname dives on top of Sayid and the flash sound starts:


The camera focuses on Republican Guard combat jeeps as they rush down the street with
their sirens blasting as the camera slowly turns to Kaname coming out of the Basra
University Oncology Department. He looks around at all the commotion around him as he
turns to his friend and says:


What's this?! What's going on?!

His friend turns and says:

Kaname's Friend:
You really should read the papers...

His friend slams a newspaper into Kaname's chest and Kaname grabs it. He reads it
and the only thing not in Arabic is the date: "17 June 1999." Kaname turns back to his
friend and says:


Uh, sorry, but my Arabic is a little rusty still...

Kaname's Friend:

The people are revolting... the government assassinated Ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq al-


Who's that?

Kaname's Friend:

He's only a direct descendant of Muhammad... do you know anything about Muslim?


No... not really...

Kaname's friend hands him a leaflet.

Kaname's Friend:

I suggest you go to this rally... you'll learn all you need to know...

The camera focuses on Kaname and cuts to:


Sayid and a group of Republican Guard troops pull up to the front of a mosque where
there is a mass protest happening. Sayid turns to his men and says:


‫ يكفي لقد أريق الدم‬.‫ريد التعامل مع هذا بصورة سلمية‬.

ST: I want this handled peacefully. Enough blood has been shed.

Sayid's men salute him and break away from the jeep and run into the crowd. Just then,
we see Kaname walk into the square and glance over towards Sayid's jeep. The camera
pans around the crowd as they scream in protest of the presence of the Republic Guard. The
troops start to beat people and are throwing tear gas into the square. Kaname's eyes widen
as he watches what is going on around him. He turns back to Sayid's jeep and he sees a
man walk up behind it. Kaname watches as the man sneakily places something in the
tailpipe of the jeep. Kaname realizes that the man has put a pipe bomb on the jeep and he
looks over and sees Sayid as Sayid turns his back to him. Kaname, without thinking, springs
into action and runs towards the jeep screaming:


Bomb!! Get away from there!! There's a bomb!!!

Sayid begins to turn around as Kaname runs up behind him and grabs Sayid. Without
looking back, Kaname forces Sayid to run away from the jeep and just then, the jeep
explodes BOOOOM!!! Sayid and Kaname go flying through the air landing on their stomachs.
As the dust clears the sound goes to a loud humming noise due to the shock of the
explosion. Kaname looks up as a group of Republican Guard troops rush up and pick up
Sayid and pull him away. Sayid looks around unsure of what had just happened to him and
the troops pick up Kaname screaming in his face, but the humming noise is too loud to hear
them. Kaname screams:


Wait!!! I... I saved him!!!

The troops don't understand him and as he pleads for his life, a gunman knocks him out
with a club. The camera goes to black.


The camera is focused on Sayid as a soldier walks over to him and says:


‫هل أنت متأكد من انك طيب يا سيدي؟ لم يكن لديك لوجودي هنا لهذا‬.
ST: Are you sure you are Ok, sir? You don't have to be here for this.


‫اريد ان اكون هنا عندما يكون الناس الذين حاولوا قتلي يموت‬...
ST: I want to be here when the people who tried to kill me die...

Sayid turns and the camera shows what is behind him. There is a line of men and
women, all wearing hoods, and across from them is a group of soldiers with their guns
drawn at them. Sayid turns and says:


‫ ستعالنار‬...‫ ستع‬...‫!االستعداد‬

With that, the troops fire. The camera pans away from them as the shots are fired and it
focuses on Sayid's face. His face is one of revenge, but it slowly changes, gradually his lip
begins to quiver and he his eyes widen in disbelief of what he had just down. He swallows
hard, then he starts to heave. He quickly turns around and he vomits. The camera shows
his face as tears form and he gasps for air. Behind him, another line of people are brought
out. One of those people is Kaname. Kaname looks terrrified as he frantically looks around
him with tears streaming down his face. The soldiers put a hood over his face just as Sayid
turns around. Kaname is shaking and you can hear him sobbing as Sayid regains his
composure and says:


... ‫ ستعالنار‬...‫ستع‬
ST: READY... AIM........

The camera shows Kaname with the hood on his face then back to Sayid, who looks
disgusted with himself. He turns to the soldiers and says:


‫!انخفاض اسلحتكم!! لقد تعلموا الدرس‬

ST: Lower your weapons!!!! They've learned their lesson!


‫ يا سيدي‬، ...‫ولكن‬....
ST: But... sir...


‫قلت انخفاض اسلحتكم‬...

ST: I said lower your weapons...

The soldiers lower their weapons and they take the hoods off of the people in the
execution line. Sayid looks back at the line and he looks them over. He looks down the line
until he reaches Kaname. He takes note in Kaname because he is the only Asian in the line
and he stands out. Kaname doesn't notice Sayid staring at him, but as Sayid looks at
Kaname the flash sound begins...


Sayid lay there looking up at Kaname on top of him and it hits him:


It's you... from Basra... I let you go...

Kaname looks down at Sayid and says:


That was you... the one that let us go?! That saved me?!

Sayid nods his head "yes" and just then a DI member walks over to the two of them and
looks down. The DI points his gun at the two of them as Sayid looks up, grabs onto
Kaname, and rolls them both over leaving Sayid on top of Kaname looking down at him as
the DI member shoots!!! Sayid looks down at Kaname and opens his mouth in shock. Sayid
manages to get out:

Save them... save them...

Sayid takes his final breath as Kaname looks up at him. The camera's POV is of Kaname
as he looks up at Sayid. In the sky above Sayid we see the massively bright white light we
saw in the season 4 finale light up the sky to a blinding degree. The camera cuts to the
ocean view of the island as the light, once again, engulfs the entire island then vanishes as
the island itself vanishes. Widmore and Ben must have thrown the switch and Annie moved
the island, leaving her dead. The camera cuts to the 4-Toed Statue and shows Juliet shield
her eyes as the light engulfs her and the statue. The camera then cuts to Frank and
Christine on the Hydra Island as they turn and the light engulfs them. Suddenly, nothing
but silence and open ocean. A few moments pass and then, suddenly, the island reappears
in the ocean and the light disappears as waves form and flow away from the island. The
camera cuts back to the Temple and focuses on Sun and Jin as Jin holds a limp bloody Sun
in his arms screaming. The camera then cuts to Jack and Hurley being held at gunpoint by
the DI. The camera then shows Sawyer laying on the ground looking over at Sayid, who is
now dead. Richard, looking more pissed than upset watches as Claire, who has Aaron, is
running into the jungle. The camera finally cuts to Kate and Daniel as they run into the
jungle in a different direction. Lastly, the camera shows the head DI member that lead the
assault as they take their biohazard helmet off. It is revealed that the leader who
commissioned the whole attack is a woman, heavy-set and dark hair in her 50's. She says:

DI Woman:

Just gas them.

She turns and puts her helmet back on as several DI members throw gas canisters at the
Losties. The smoke escapes them and slowly, one by one, the group passes out. The
camera shows from above as all our friends lay in the clearing completely passed out and
the DI members begin walking to their bodies. Off to the side of the screen you can see
Claire, Aaron, Kate and Daniel making their way into the jungle away from the madness.


The camera shows Walt with Juliet following him. Walt suddenly stops and turns around
towards Juliet. She stands there and looks at him until Walt finally points behind the statue.
Juliet, with a wary expression, walks towards him and turns the corner of the massive base
of the statue to see what Walt is pointing at. She turns the corner and looks. Her face shows
pure shock as her mouth drops. After a moment she says:


Are... are you Jacob?!

The camera pans around to what Juliet is looking at as the music builds and we finally
see who she is looking at: There, sitting on a broken off finger from the original statue is
John Locke!!!


Hello, Juliet.

The camera shows Juliet's face as she doesn't believe her eyes. John is there, in the
flesh!! The camera cuts back to John and it begins to pull back. There is a person standing
on each side of Locke. As the camera pulls back further we see who they are: To Locke's left
is Mr. Eko!!!! To Locke's right is Boone!!!! The camera cuts back to Juliet as she stares on,
with Walt standing behind her, speechless. The camera cuts back to Locke and the other
two as Locke says:


Juliet, we've got work to do.

The camera cuts to:


The camera shows Christine and Frank as they turn away from the main island and look
at each other. In the distance we can see the volcano has stopped erupting. Christine turns
to Frank and with a "holy crap" look on her face she says:


What the hell was that?!


I think they moved the island...

Christine looks at Frank like "moved the island?" in disbelief and just then, out of the
jungle runs Vera and Beth (the two women on the raft with Daniel, Kaname and Steve when
the island vanished in the season 4 finale). The two of them, looking absolutely horrible and
beaten up, run towards Christine and Frank screaming:


Run!!! They're right behind us, run!!!!


Go!! Go!!

Christine and Frank look at each other stunned as Christine pulls the gun out of her
waistband and aims it at the women. Just then, before Christine can fire, there are several
gunshots!!! BANG BANG BANG!!! Beth and Vera are stopped dead in their tracks and they
fall over right in front of Christine and Frank. Christine has a look of panic as she looks
down at the two woman and see that the back of Beth's head has been shaved and there
are frayed wires sticking out of it!! The camera shows Vera and we see that she has an
implant of some sort on the back of her neck. Christine looks up at Frank completely
horrified as she says:


Frank. Where are we?!

With that, from an above angle looking down on Frank and Christine and the bodies of
Vera and Beth, the camera pulls back to reveal the Hydra Island from above. The camera
continues to pull back and we can see the runway as a plane, with the DI logo on the
tail, comes in for a landing. The camera pulls back further to show the Hydra Station, but it
has been completely revamped and all the buildings are new and there are 10s more of
them. The camera pulls back further and we see many, many DI workers and a network of
roads connecting the structures. The camera pulls back further to reveal the waterscape
between the two islands. There are a fleet of several boats with the DI logos on the tops of
them moving out of dock at a new marina. The camera pulls back further to reveal even
more boats already reaching the main island. The DI was already there... before the recent
move. The camera begins to quickly pull back as we learn that the island has moved and is
now somewhere in the South Indian Ocean with the closest landmass being the western
coast of Australia. The camera finally stops as the world slowly turns and finally... it cuts

VO: Lost Returns in 2 Weeks. The Second Week of November.

Cast in Order of Appearance:

Shannon Rutherford....Maggie Grace

Boone Carlyle............Ian Somerhalder
Hurley Reyes.............Jorge Garcia
Johnny………………………..DJ Qualls
Surfer Dude………………..???
James "Sawyer" Ford...Josh Holloway
Claire Littleton............Emilie de Ravin
Charlotte Lewis...........Rebecca Mader
Jin Kwon....................Daniel Dae Kim
Harper Stanhope…………Andrea Roth
Kate Austen...............Evangeline Lilly
Daniel Faraday............Jeremy Davies
Kaname Tanizaki.........Steve Tanizaki
Sun Kwon..................Yunjin Kim
Richard Alpert............Nestor Carbonell
Ben Linus..................Michael Emerson
Sayid Jarrah..............Naveen Andrews
Aaron Littleton..........???
Jack Shephard...........Matthew Fox
Rose Nadler................L. Scott Caldwell
Ameilia.....................Julie Adams
Juliet Burke……………….. Elizabeth Mitchell
Goodwin Stanhope.....Brett Cullen
Walter Lloyd..............Malcolm David Kelley
Desmond Hume.........Henry Ian Cusick
Libby………………………….Cynthia Watros
Thomas……………………..Keir O’Donnell
Christine DeVries.......Jody Thompson
Frank Lapidus...........Jeff Fahey
Charles Widmore........Alan Dale
Jeanette "Annie" Lewis.Brenda Strong
Susan Lloyd………………..Tamara Taylor
Ji Yeon Kwon.............???
DI Woman………………….Kathy Bates
Mr. Eko………………………Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Vera……………………………Vera H.
Beth……………………………Beth C.

Questions Answered:

1) Miles, Rose, Sayid, Annie, Harper and possibly Sun & Redshirts John, Reuben, Vera, and
Beth died.
2) The DI have been on the Hydra Island since the last move.
3) Susan is Rose’s daughter and Walt is her grandson.
4) Daniel apparently worked on the smoke monster before.
5) Smokey doesn’t like Vincent.
6) It’s possible to have more than one constant.

Questions Asked:

1) What’s the deal with Locke, Boone, Eko and Walt?

2) Why is Claire normal now?
3) How as the DI been on the Hydra?
4) What is the New DI up to?

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