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4 theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 4 2008

news without borders

Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

PAC finds no evidence of briefs

Lim wants assurance on Nuri safety
LIM KIT SIANG (DAP-Ipoh Timur) wants the Nuri helicopter

abuse in Eurocopter deal

THE Public Accounts Committee (PAC) did evaluate from the best tender. According to Azmi said PAC also proposed the govern-
manufacturer Sikorsky to make a professional submission
whether the helicopters are “flying coffins” because air force
personnel are exposed to constant danger.
Lim said he had received an e-mail from a former Nuri
pilot that the helicopters could be upgraded for only a few
hundred million ringgit instead of a billion ringgit for the
purchase of Eurocopter’s Cougars, which were first manu-
not find any evidence of abuse of power in the terms of tender, the tendered price of ment set up an independent review panel factured 40 years ago.
the tender process by the Defence Ministry RM1.604 billion from the Eurocopter will to monitor any expensive procurement. “This e-mail from a former Nuri pilot claimed that 85%
for the RM1.6 billion purchase of 12 Euro- only hold until February. “It is up to the government to determine of the Royal Malaysian Air Force Nuri crashes were due to
copter EC725 helicopters. “After that, it will have to depend on whether procurement involving RM100 mil- human error, 10% due to enemy aggression and only 5%
However, PAC chairman Datuk Seri whether the manufacturer is still willing to lion and above should be monitored by a technical problems,” he said.
Azmi Khalid expressed concern that the sell at the same price,” he added. panel but that will ensure that a purchase is
deal, now on hold, was struck without any However, Azmi said PAC was not satis- done in a more transparent manner. Symposium to discuss prices of goods
physical inspection. fied with the ministry for not having a physi- Azmi also explained that there was
“Although we did not find anything cal inspection before choosing Eurocopter. confusion in the price of the helicopters as THE Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry is organising
incriminating in the two-day inquiry, PAC He said the test flight pilots of the Royal different figures had been reported. a symposium in the middle of this month to identify the causes
members have expressed the need to Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) had tried the “All figures were incorrect as we had for the increase in the prices of goods, its deputy minister, Jelaing
continue monitoring the progress of the helicopter and thus opined that physical seven tenders and only three of them were Mersat, said.
deal because it is a high-profile case. inspection was not necessary. suitable. Of the three, the lowest tender was He said the symposium would involve manufacturers, whole-
“We will not hesitate to conduct inquiries “So we suggested to the RMAF to make RM1.262 billion, followed by RM1.604 billion salers, consumers, consumer associations and the government.
and call back witnesses or new witnesses physical inspection compulsory in future and RM2.442 billion, but the government “They will be given a day to identify, discuss and find out whether
if necessary. and a decision was made that a thorough had chosen the RM1.604 billion tender as it the cause of the price hikes is due to transportation problems or
“ We were unable to determine the cor- pre-delivery inspection will be conducted met the requirements set by the Air Force,” dishonest traders,” he said in reply to a supplementary question
rect price for the deal because we could only when the deal is done,” he said. he said. from Ahmad Maslan (BN-Pontian) on measures taken by the
Asked why the government did not ministry to raise consumer awareness of high prices despite fuel
choose the lowest tender, Azmi said only prices being revised downward four times. – Bernama
Eurocopter has managed to meet the
requirements set by the ministry. “The Project awarded through negotiation
requirements, I cannot reveal,” he said. THE Ipoh-Padang Besar electrified double-tracking project
“The Nuri helicopters are in the proc- was awarded to the MMC-Gamuda joint venture through
ess of being phased out although RMAF direct negotiation, Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Seri
has ensured that the helicopters are still Lajim Ukin said.
airworthy until 2015. A total of 95 persons “We considered the expertise of the companies bidding for
died in helicopter crashes involved Nuris the project,” he said when responding to a question from Sala-
and it is difficult to determine whether the huddin Ayub (PAS-Kubang Kerian) during question time.
crashes were due to human error. Lajim said it was better for the project to be awarded
“We are also worried about delaying the through direct negotiation than open tender as MMC-
replacement of the Nuri.” Gamuda has the expertise to carry out the RM12 billion
On the allegation by Lim Kit Siang project and meet the standards set by the government.
(DAP-Ipoh Timur) that the Nuris can still He said work on the project, which would be completed
function for another 20 years, Azmi said the in five years, started on Jan 8. – Bernama
Nuris did not have night flight capability and
Azmi and his deputy Tan were unable to perform auto-pilot rescue
Seng Giaw at the PAC in the air. “These can only be overcome by ‘No favouritism in issuing demo permits’
meeting yesterday. using new helicopters and it will cost more THERE is no double standard or favouritism in issuing permits
for the Nuris to be upgraded.” for gatherings or demonstrations, be it those organised by the
Barisan Nasional or the Opposition, Deputy Home Minister Datuk
Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh said.
Audit finding will be revealed tomorrow: Azalina “The criteria used to determine whether a permit should be
given or not is not whether it (gathering) is organised by Umno or
THE finding of independent audit firm was sought because of her past experience, she had announced was regulated by pro- PAS or anyone. The first criteria is whether it would affect national
PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) on Tour- adding her remuneration was the same as cedure whereby every constituency was security and public order,” he said in reply to a question from Lim
ism Malaysia’s subsidiary companies will be that received by her predecessor. informed about it in a letter and the MPs Guan Eng (DAP-Bagan).
revealed on Wednesday, Tourism Minister “The minister’s office has only eight offic- in turn will have to reply, and this will be Lim had said that no action was taken against Umno for
Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said said. ers. The others as mentioned by Lim was for a followed with the necessary forms later. organising an illegal demonstration in Komtar just after he was
This includes its audit on Pempena Sdn subsidiary company (Pempena) and they were This annoyed Anifah who asked why do appointed Penang chief minister.
Bhd – the driver of Malaysia Kitchen – and recruited based on procedures, including by the MPs have to ask for the forms as the “It was the same in the case of several demonstrations led
Tourism Malaysia’s official portal Malaysia going through interviews,” she added. ministry should just send it to them. by Rembau MP (Khairy Jamaluddin, who is the prime minister’s
My Destination, she said in her winding-up Lim said he was not questioning Chew’s Azalina said the ministry did not send the son-in-law). No action was taken by police,” he said.
speech on the 2009 Budget yesterday. job but the fact that Pempena had hired forms to everyone as not all were interested. “Therefore, it would be better for the government to allow
“The ministry has asked PwC to audit the some 20 people for political work and not for Anifah pressed on with his views on peaceful demonstrations as it is a basic human right.”
Malaysia Kitchen. If it was found to have mis- tourism-related jobs (as reported by theSun) the homestay and demanded to know if it
used power or wasted people’s money, action and this is a waste of people’s money. would end up like Azalina’s “mini stadium
will be taken against those responsible.” To this, Azalina said since the ministry has promise,” asking how many mini-stadiums
MP seeks explanation on Silterra’s losses
Earlier, she addressed Lim Kit Siang’s ordered the audit, they should all wait for the have been built to date. TONY Pua (DAP-Petaling Jaya Utara) wants the Finance
(DAP-Ipoh Timur) query about Pempena PwC to present its report tomorrow. Azalina replied that any decision on the Ministry and Khazanah Nasional, the government’s investment
executive director Datin Paduka Chew Mei Earlier, she was taken to task by Datuk mini-stadium would have to be determined arm, to explain the RM1 billion in losses incurred by its subsidiary,
Fun, who is former PJ Utara MP and Women, Anifah Aman (BN-Kimanis) over a promise by the Youth and Sports Ministry and the Silterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Family and Community Development Minis- made while helming the Youth and Sports Economic Planning Unit. Speaking to reporters in Parliament lobby , Pua said Silterra
try parliamentary secretary. Ministry – that a mini stadium will be built in She then raised the anger of the opposition had not only incurred losses as reported by Chua Tee Yong (BN-
Lim had asked why Chew was appointed every parliamentary constituency. when she told Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS- Labis) last week but the Companies Commission of Malaysia’s
to the post and paid RM10,000 monthly, “You made this promise but to date nothing Kota Raja), in the first phase, letters about the record had shown that the company also made losses of RM864
given a car and a driver and Pempena had came of it. How can we believe when you say homestay programme were only sent to the million and RM646 million in 2005 and 2006 respectively.
hired more staff than the number allowed you will set up a homestay in every parliamen- BN MPs, while the opposition MPs may be “The revenue generated by the company in these years were
by the government. tary constituency?” Anifah asked, suggesting included later under the next phase. only RM461 million and RM551 million, lower than the losses
Azalina said there was nothing wrong Azalina was just making false promises. Fong Po Kuan (DAP-Batu Gajah) said incurred. What is most fearful is the fact that the company is seek-
with Chew’s appointment and her service Azalina said the homestay programme the approach was wrong. ing additional RM8.5 billion to fund its expansion in operations
despite its shareholder capital being reduced from RM5 billion to
only RM798 million in 2006, possibly even lower in 2007.”

Guan Eng hopes Najib will be PM for all HDC to become statutory body
THE Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC) will
LIM Guan Eng (DAP-Bagan) congratulated so he must be a prime minister that cares on Sunday that: become a statutory body once the Halal Act, now being
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Ab- for all Malaysians,” he told a media confer- » RM6,000 annual oil bonus be given to all fami- evaluated, is passed by Parliament, Deputy Minister in the
dul Razak for winning the Umno president’s ence in Parliament lobby. lies earning less than RM6,000 a month, or RM Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
post uncontested and hoped that he will be Najib on Sunday garnered 138 nomina- 3,000 annual bonus to bachelors earning less said.
“the new prime minister for all races instead tions from 191 Umno divisions to win the than RM3,000 a month. The amount, Lim said, “After taking over the halal certification programme
of for Umno only”. top post uncontested. would cost RM35 billion or a third of Petronas’ from the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) on Oct
The Penang chief minister said he will Lim said he hoped Najib, who is also 2007 gross profits of RM107 billion; 15, HDC has approved 637 applications, including 10 at the
try to make an appointment with the prime finance minister, can announce some meas- » A progressive reduction of corporate tax international level.
minister-designate to discuss healthier and ures that benefit the people in his ministry’s rate from the present 25% to 17% which “HDC has also conducted training for 1,234 participamts
more appropriate cooperation between the wrap-up for Budget 2009 tomorrow. will cost RM13 billion; from 63 companies,” she told Datuk Sapawi Ahmad (BN-
state and the federal government. “So far, he (Najib) has announced RM5 » A daily revision of petrol prices to take Sipitang).
“We do not want to see Penangites billion to buy under-valued shares in the into account changes in the international Mashitah also told Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS-Kota
sidelined as they pay about RM5 billion in stock market and nothing for ordinary price of oil; and Raja) the company has enough manpower as it is also
income tax yearly, so they must also be Malaysians. So I reiterate DAP’s proposed » A reduction in electricity tariffs, earlier assisted by officers from Health and Domestic Trade and
taken care of. It is unacceptable if what we RM48 billion economic stimulus.” increased by 26% for businesses, to reflect Consumer Affairs Ministries.
get back is less than 20% of what we gave, The DAP proposed in its stimulus plan the latest change in the price of oil.

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